Life 1984

Chapter 346 Forced Marriage

Chapter 346 Forced Marriage
Beidaihe Hotel, the room is warm as spring, and snow is falling outside.

What a windy and snowy night!

As a song goes: You are the wind and I am the snow, lingering to the horizon.

The wind embraces the snowflakes, and the snowflakes embrace the wind.

They lingered in the air, wreaking havoc and devouring each other, turning the sky and the earth into a blanket of snow-white.

Snowflakes are like white elves, dancing in the air, so pure and light.

Two snowflakes rolled and jumped in the air, sometimes floating in the wind, sometimes spinning in the air.Every time they fly, they interpret unique shapes and postures, leaving beautiful traces in each other's lives.

The branches trembled in the cold wind, and white snowflakes fell from their bodies.

The wind stopped and the snow became gentle, covering the earth quietly.

The lights in the room were not turned off until five o'clock in the morning.

At this time, Beidaihe is the darkest time before dawn.

It snowed most of the night, and the sky and earth were completely white. It was as if you could hear the sound of snowflakes humming softly.

Li Yunhai didn't wake up until twelve o'clock in the morning.

Zhu Lin was still sleeping peacefully, his beautiful face as white and delicate as snowflakes.

Li Yunhai touched her innocent face.

Zhu Lin's long eyelashes blinked slightly and he woke up.

Li Yunhai smiled gently: "Are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry." Zhu Lin hugged him shyly and said in his ear, "That's great!"

"Where is it?"

"It's all good! Only now do I know how happy it is to be a woman! If I had such happiness and enjoyment, I would have wanted a child."

Li Yunhai thought to herself, before she got divorced, she often lived apart in two places. Could it be because her ex-husband was incompetent?
Zhu Lin nestled in his arms with great attachment.

The two lingered for more than an hour before getting up.

There is snow outside the window, and the sky and earth are pure white.

"After dinner, let's go to the beach! I want to see the sea ice!"

"Aren't you afraid of the cold?"

"You won't feel cold if you exercise."

"Okay, let's go see the sea ice."

After dinner, the two of them bundled up tightly and went to the beach.

The bay of Beidaihe belongs to the Bohai Sea, which is the nearest inland sea in my country.

There are quite a lot of tourists at the beach after snow.

Of course, Beidaihe's winter seaside will not let down the affection of tourists, and always presents it with beautiful scenery.

The sea ice stretching along the coastline is like a jade belt inlaid on the beach, contrasting with the sea and beach in winter.

Like a child, Zhu Lin ran to the piece of sea ice, squatted down, took a large piece of it with his hands, raised his hands, and looked at the sun.

Li Yunhai regretted not bringing a camera with him. He said to Zhuang Yong who was following him: "Go rent a camera on the street and buy two more rolls of film."

Zhuang Yong agreed and quickly turned around to handle it.

"Hai Yun, come and take a look!" Zhu Lin shouted, "Looking at the sun through this ice block is like looking through a crystal ball, and the sun has become softer."

She handed the ice cubes to Li Yunhai and asked him to try it too.

Li Yunhai put the ice in front of his eyes.There are many air bubbles in the ice cubes, with different shapes and shining colors, some like crowns and some like thrones.It's like a beautiful and dreamy paradise on earth.

He moved the ice cube down and looked at Zhu Lin in front of him through the ice cube.

Zhu Lin's smiling face transformed into a beautiful shadow in front of him.

Tourists built snowmen on the beach.

Li Yunhai and Zhu Lin also played the game of building a snowman.

Zhuang Yong rented a camera from a photo studio on the beach and handed it to Li Yunhai.

Li Yunhai and Zhu Lin each took some photos.

They played happily at the beach all afternoon, until the warm sun set, the weather became mild and soft, and the sunset and sunset reflected on the sea were magnificent.

A group of seabirds don't know the cold and fly around on the beach. They are not afraid of people and sometimes land at the feet of tourists to look for food.

Li Yunhai and Zhu Lin returned to the hotel for dinner.

After eating, the two of them didn't go anywhere and returned to their room to rest.

Zhu Lin seemed to have truly found the spring in her life.

She is so dependent on and loves Li Yunhai.

When the two of them were alone, she wished she could spend all the time in bed.

Her past life was too unsatisfactory, or that marriage did not bring her much happiness.

At the beginning, she chose her first love without hesitation, not caring that the other person was just an ordinary worker.

But this choice finally made her suffer the consequences.

When the building of her marriage collapsed, she realized how absurd her original decision was.

After meeting Li Yunhai, she was completely fascinated by this sunny, handsome, elegant and steady man, and could no longer struggle out of his strong arms.

As for later?

Zhu Lin never thought about it.

Even a ten-year marriage cannot last forever. Is there any need to care about eternity?

I like today, I love today!
She just wants to enjoy Li Yunhai's love and give her own love to him.

Don't worry about restraining each other, just care about what you had.

Just like the wind and snow last night, after the lingering, the wind returned to heaven and the snow returned to dust. They loved each other but did not disturb each other.

In this strange tourist city, no one will bother them, and they can play and be in love as much as they want.

Li Yunhai also enjoys this sweet happiness.

He even felt a little reluctant to miss Shu.

Because the city was closed due to heavy snow, Li Yunhai found a good excuse to stay here for three days, and also spent three days and three nights with Zhu Lin.

Beijin’s Sihai Plaza project involves a large amount of relocation work.

Li Yunhai didn't want to touch the early relocation project. He knew it was a hot potato and anyone who touched it would be burned.

Li Yunhai reached an agreement with the city, and after the relocation was over, he would arrange to break ground.

Zhu Lin hasn't received any good scripts recently and wants to take a break.

Li Yunhai handed over the renovation of the courtyard and the supervision of Sihai Square to Zhu Lin.

Zhu Lin only needs to learn to complete the tasks assigned by Li Yunhai.

She is so smart, she can definitely do the job.

No one is born to do business. Even farmers can do well when they go out to do business.Many artists have become very successful after switching careers.

Sihai Plaza has huge investment, and Li Yunhai will form a dedicated team to take charge of this matter.

Li Yunhai visited the Beijin branch for another day.

That night, Li Yunhai and Zhu Lin were playing a game of face-to-face in the courtyard.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Li Yunhai was stunned: "It's so late, who will come over?"

He deliberately arranged for Zhuang Yong and others to live in a nearby hotel to prevent them from disturbing his and Zhu Lin's loving life.In the world of two people, there is no need for other people's attention and gaze.

If something happens to Zhuang Yong, his pager will definitely ring.

The knocking on the door continued and became louder and louder, and there was a tendency to refuse to leave without opening the door.

Zhu Lin suddenly thought of something and said with a smile: "It's not my parents who are here, right? Last time I called them, they asked me where I lived, and I told them."

Li Yunhai groaned and quickly got out of bed to get dressed.

Zhu Lin was also a little confused and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect them to come here so late at night."

Li Yunhai made the bed and said, "Is there anything delicious at home? Shall I go out and buy some?"

"Don't buy it yet, they might just sit down and leave." Zhu Lin straightened his temples and combed his hair in front of the mirror.

The two walked out and opened the courtyard door.

"You guys are at home!" Dad Zhu looked at them with a strange expression on his face, "Why did it take so long to open the door? If it were a little later, we would have gone back!"

Zhu Lin smiled and said: "I was watching TV and didn't pay attention to the knock on the door outside. Dad, why are you here?"

"Can't we come over and see our daughter?" Dad Zhu put his hands behind his back.

"You can come! Please come in!" Zhu Lin said with a smile, "Be careful of the threshold."

Zhu's parents walked in and exclaimed: "What a big yard! How many families live there?"

Zhu Lin said: "Mom, Yunhai and I live together."

Zhu's mother said, "Last time you went home, you called him Mr. Li, but you changed your name this time?" Zhu Lin smiled shyly.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the yard: "Hello! Hello!"

Mother Zhu was surprised and said, "Who is talking?"

Li Yunhai turned on the courtyard lamp and said, "It's a parrot."

The Zhu family's parents walked around the corridor and praised: "What a big house! You live in such luxury!"

They asked their daughter again: "Is this house rented or bought?"

Zhu Lin said: "Of course I bought it. Who rents such a big house?"

Mother Zhu asked: "How much did it cost?"

Zhu Lin said: "80."

Zhu's mother took a breath: "Did you buy it with a loan? How many years will it take to pay back such a large amount of money?"

Zhu Lin smiled and said, "Mom, this is the house Yunhai bought. I only live here temporarily."

Li Yunhai invited them to sit in the room, took out the fire and placed it in front of them.

Mother Zhu looked at Li Yunhai and asked, "Do you sleep here at night?"

Li Yunhai said: "Yes, I sleep here too."

Mother Zhu's expression changed slightly and she said, "You just set up a bed here? Do you two sleep together?"

Li Yunhai didn't expect Zhu's mother to be so shrewd. She just made a circle and found out the situation clearly!

He could only bite the bullet and answer: "Yes, Zhu Lin and I live together."

Father Zhu coughed, obviously feeling that this topic was too embarrassing, and hoped that you would not continue.

Zhu's mother ignored her and asked, "Then when do you plan to get married?"

Li Yunhai was shocked!

He really never thought about marrying Zhu Lin!

Zhu Lin knew that he had a fiancée, but he still stayed with him. Apparently he didn't care about getting married.

But this cannot be said by Li Yunhai.

Zhu Lin smiled and said: "Mom, we haven't even decided yet! He and I are just friends now. Besides, I just got divorced and I'm getting married? This is not appropriate. I want to play for a few years before we talk about it."

Mother Zhu said: "How many more years are you going to play? Don't you think about how old you are anymore? That's enough! Do you still think you are a young girl? You still have to choose a good day and a big sedan to marry you? Can't we two?" As long as one person pulls out the marriage certificate and two relatives drink wine, isn't this big thing done?"

Zhu Lin said: "Mom, do you think marriage is a child's play? I don't agree with being so hasty! I have my own opinion on this matter, so don't worry about me."

In order to avoid embarrassment, Li Yunhai turned on the TV and started watching.

By coincidence, the news about Comrade Xixian's meeting with Li Yunhai in Beidaihe was showing on TV.

Were any photographers present?

Li Yunhai only focused on coping and didn't really pay attention to his surroundings. At that time, the room was full of people, including cadres at all levels.

Unexpectedly, this meeting was recorded and even appeared on TV!

"Hey! Aren't these you two?" Zhu's father pointed at the TV and shouted excitedly, "Why, how come you are on TV? Comrade Xixian met you?"

Li Yunhai knew that he couldn't hide it. He actually didn't think about hiding it. He was just used to keeping a low profile. At this moment, he said truthfully: "Yes. Zhu Lin and I just returned from Beidaihe."

Zhu's father and Zhu's mother were shocked, as if they had discovered a big monster. They looked at Li Yunhai with incredible eyes: "You, who are you? You are not a self-employed person!"

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "I'm not a big shot, I'm just a self-employed person."

Zhu Lin smiled and said: "Dad, Mom, don't be surprised. He is the boss of Sihai Group, and he is indeed self-employed, but he is the king of self-employed people!"

As soon as he heard the words Sihai Group, Dad Zhu suddenly realized: "Sihai Group! I know! You have independently developed the Longteng PC and the Sihai typewriter!"

Li Yunhai said: "Yes, these products are all produced by our company."

Dad Zhu exclaimed: "I didn't expect that you are Mr. Li of Sihai Group! Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you! Our school now uses typewriters produced by your company, which are very convenient and easy to use."

He actually stretched out his hand, held Li Yunhai's hand as if meeting an idol, and laughed loudly: "I didn't expect you to be so young and promising!"

Mother Zhu asked her daughter in a low voice: "How did you get received?"

Zhu Lin said: "Sihai Group is going to invest a billion US dollars in a large project in Beijin. When the higher-ups found out, they wanted to meet with Yunhai. I followed them and made up for it."

"One billion U.S. dollars?" Mother Zhu couldn't help but asked calmly, "Then how much money does he have?"

Zhu Lin signaled his mother not to be so loud and said, "I don't know either. He has a listed company in Xiangjiang, with assets worth tens of billions at least."

"Oh my God! How did you find such a rich man?"

"Mom, let me say it again, he and I are really just friends. We are not talking about marriage yet!"

"You said last time that he might not like you, but now? Does he like you? Otherwise, how can we live together?"

"Mom, the ideas of us young people are different from what you think. He and I are just good friends and have never thought of marrying him."

"Then what are you planning?"

"I don't want anything. You said I got divorced after ten years of marriage. What do I want?"


"Mom, he and I are best friends. Just understand it in your heart. Don't shout about it everywhere! It's not certain whether he and I will be able to achieve positive results! By then, the trouble will be known to everyone in the neighborhood, and nothing will happen. Isn’t it even more of a big joke?”

"I know. Why didn't you tell me earlier? I didn't treat him well last time he came to my house."

"He's very easy-going and doesn't need any entertainment."

Li Yunhai chatted with Dad Zhu.

Dad Zhu is engaged in scientific research and is extremely interested in the scientific research projects of Sihai Group.

Li Yunhai talked to him about several research projects being carried out by his company, and said that if you are interested, I can outsource some scientific research projects to your school, and the remuneration is negotiable.

Dad Zhu said of course that’s good. Although our BIT is not as good as Qingbei, it is still a good university and its scientific research strength ranks among the top 20 in the country!
The more the two chatted, the more speculative they became.

Li Yunhai said to Zhu Lin: "Go and get some food, and bring a bottle of good wine."

Dad Zhu shook his hand and said, "It's too late today, forget it. We'll come over early tomorrow and have a good chat about this matter with you."

Li Yunhai originally planned to go home tomorrow, but after hearing this, he had to postpone it for another day.

Zhu's father and Zhu's mother stood up to say goodbye.

Li Yunhai and Zhu Lin walked them outside and said, "I'll drive you back."

Dad Zhu pushed a bicycle out from the wall and said, "No need, we rode here on bicycles and will be home soon!"

Zhu's mother sat on Zhu's father's [-]th bar. The two of them waved to Li Yunhai and the others and rode away.

"Her dad, what do you think this is?" Zhu's mother held her husband's waist and said with a smile, "Why did Xiaolin find such a big shot?"

"I've known for a long time that this guy Li Yunhai is extraordinary! I just didn't expect him to be so powerful! He's actually the boss of Sihai Group."

"Xiao Lin just told me that Li Yunhai invested in a project in Beijin, worth 10 billion US dollars!"

"How much? One billion U.S. dollars?" Dad Zhu almost lost his grip on the bike. The bike made several turns. Fortunately, there were no cars on the road, so he quickly turned the corner.

"It's absolutely true. I heard it from her own mouth."

"That's incredible! No wonder Comrade Xixian met him."

"This man is good, but I'm afraid he won't be sincere to my Xiao Lin."

"Well, he's too young! I'm afraid this relationship won't last long!"

"We'll come over tomorrow. We have to help Xiao Lin."

"How to do?"

"I think they have already cooked the rice. Let's force them to get married!"

"Is this appropriate? No, no, how could our family do such a thing? It would make people laugh to death if word spread."

"No outsiders know, it's just a few of us. If we push him first, maybe he will agree? Right?"

"This? Let's take a look! Don't say too much! Li Yunhai is not an ordinary person. The emotional life between him and Xiao Lin can be left to their own development."

"Don't worry, I'm sensible! I'm a doctor, specializing in treating diseases and saving people. Now my daughter's marriage is sick, and I want to cure it too!"

"Don't get the wrong needle, just don't kill your daughter's feelings with one needle!"

"Go, go, you don't have any confidence in me?"

"Our daughter is different from others. She doesn't listen to us! I hope she can find a good home this time."

"There is no destination, there is only one destination for human beings, and that is nothingness! It is death!"

"There's nothing to talk about with a medical student like you!"

"There is nothing to talk about with a scientific researcher like you!"

The couple bickered and drifted away.

Li Yunhai and Zhu Lin stood at the door and watched them until they could no longer see anyone, then turned around and went home.

"Sister Zhu, your parents already know about us. I guess they will come over tomorrow for more than just talking about work with us!" Li Yunhai is so smart. He knew that the other party had an agenda when he saw Mother Zhu's face. of.

Zhu Lin said: "How about this? You go back to Xizhou tomorrow and say there are important things to deal with there. When they come over, I will have a way to deal with them."

Li Yunhai stretched out his hand, caressed her pretty face, and said, "Sister Zhu, I have wronged you."

Zhu Lin snuggled into his arms and said, "I am not wronged. Everything is of my own free will. Tonight, if you love me a few more times, I will be satisfied."

(End of this chapter)

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