Life 1984

Chapter 320 I want to return a room [Please subscribe]

"I knew that when you brought me out, you definitely wanted to repeat the love in the woods with me."

Shen Xiulan neither agreed nor refused. She smiled lightly, rested her head on her hands, and looked at the Rhine River in the night outside.At this time, the sky began to drizzle, making the whole city covered with water vapor.At this time, the Rhine River became a little more misty and mysterious because of the drizzle, just like her pretty and unpredictable face at this moment.

There was soft piano music echoing in the cafe, and an exotic couple kissed outside the glass window as if no one else was around. The rain wet their hair, and they ignored it and swallowed the rain together.

This was the first time Shen Xiulan saw such a passionate kiss. The kiss she used to understand was just a touch of lips.

She looked away shyly and said, "I know why you have turned bad. You have been abroad too much and have been corrupted by capitalism. Look at these people outside, they are not ashamed."

Li Yunhai stood up and sat on her booth, held her hand and kissed her lips.

Shen Xiulan trembled slightly and suddenly bit Li Yunhai's lips.

Li Yunhai groaned: "It hurts!"

Shen Xiulan burst into laughter and saw that his lip was broken and bleeding a little, then she panicked: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Does it hurt?"

Li Yunhai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Of course it hurts! If you don't believe me, why don't you let me take a bite?"

Shen Xiulan gently touched his wound with her fingertips, and said coquettishly: "Who makes you so bold? Even Lin Zhi, she can't accept being intimate with you in such a public place, right?"

Li Yunhai smiled sarcastically: "You are different. You are my lover. Lovers are for romance."

Shen Xiulan said seriously: "I don't want to be your lover, I just want to be your wife."

Li Yunhai said melancholy: "We were husband and wife in our previous life, so we can only be lovers in this life."

Shen Xiulan slapped his arm: "Nonsense! Death is like a lamp going out. Where does the past life come from?"

Li Yunhai said: "It's true. I dreamed about it. We gave birth to a daughter together, and later divorced. Then, I didn't remarry, and you didn't remarry either. Maybe we could just be lovers, but we could How about a lifetime?"

Shen Xiulan said: "If I marry you, I will definitely stay with you for life. How can I divorce you? It shows that you are just daydreaming!"

She wouldn't believe anything Li Yunhai said.

After the two of them finished their coffee, the rain outside became heavier and heavier, so they had to sit in the cafe and wait for the rain to stop.

Li Yunhai stretched out his hand to hold her waist.

Shen Xiulan did not refuse, but gently leaned over and lay in his arms.

In this foreign country, no one knows them.

This is an open and tolerant country, and no one cares about where they come from or what they are doing.

The two just cuddled together, enjoying the rare moment of attachment.

The rain stopped, the night got late, and they were the only two people left in the cafe.

Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan got up and left, returning to the hotel.

The corridor was quiet and empty.

Li Yunhai took her hand and wanted her to come to his room.

Shen Xiulan whispered: "Yunhai, don't be like this. I'm very tired and I want to rest."

After saying that, she gently took away Li Yunhai's hand and said, "You should also have a good sleep and don't think about it."

Li Yunhai returned to the room and took a shower to calm down his restless mood.

The next day, Li Yunhai and others came to the exhibition hall and continued business.

Hannover is known as the city of exhibitions. There are many exhibitions of various kinds. This electronic technology trade fair lasts for ten days.

This is the world's highest-level exhibition venue for electronic products, and it also faces global buyers and consumers.

The number of people who come here to visit the exhibition every year comes from dozens of countries, and at the most, it reaches millions of people.

This year, IBM, which was the first to enter the microcomputer market, was at its peak. Their executives were dazzled by their long-term victory. They were not willing to have the market divided by other manufacturers, so they actually came up with a stupid trick and decided to monopolize the entire market. Launched new "P/S" series of microcomputers.

This machine is completely based on its own operating system and self-made chips, and is incompatible with other users' software systems. IBM is trying to dominate the microcomputer market through this monopolistic strategy.This closed strategy was the most serious mistake IBM made in the 20s. It directly led to many companies producing compatible machines taking advantage of the opportunity.

IBM's strategy makes all Chinese character input systems, including Sihai Hanka, incompatible with it.

Under such a situation, Intel, which was already on its last legs, immediately announced an open system platform to support global compatible machine manufacturers.

Li Yunhai had long seen the decline of IBM and was engaged in the production of Sihai microcomputers.

Nowadays, the most popular products sold in Sihai stores are compatible machines produced by Sihai Group itself.

Companies and organizations around the world are looking for a high-quality and low-priced PC product.

Compaq's first new computer is priced at $6499.

Products from other companies are similar. Computers with the same configuration all cost more than $5000.

The Longteng PC launched by Sihai Group has faster computing speed, but the price is more than 1000 US dollars cheaper.

Li Yunhai priced this computer at US$3999 abroad.

The $4 computer has been favored by many buyers.

At that time, the official exchange rate of USD/CNY was around 3.8.

But the U.S. dollar exchange rate on the black market has been stable at around 8.5.

Calculated at an exchange rate of 8.5, Longteng PC is equivalent to 3.4 yuan.

This computer only sells for 2.8 yuan in China.

This pricing is relatively reasonable.

For foreigners, a computer worth US$4 is considered very cheap.

After the foreign businessmen walked around, many returned to Sihai Group's booth to place orders.

Because it is my first time to contact a Chinese PC company, I don’t know the quality yet, so they won’t place too many orders, usually 100 or 200 units.

As long as the order is more than 100 units, Li Yunhai will take it.

If Sihai Group wants to go global, it must first open up the situation and let foreign dealers realize the benefits of Longteng PC, so that they will purchase more computers.

In 1987, my country's computer sales were less than 10 units.

IBM, a company, has an annual turnover of US$280 billion!
How big is the global PC market?
Such a big cake is worth fighting for for Li Yunhai.

The English name of Longteng uses the first letter of Pinyin: LT.

The first generation computer was called LT286PC.

In addition to computers, Sihai Group's typewriters are also very popular.

This kind of exhibition is different from the Canton Fair. The Canton Fair is where Xiangjiang Huarun Company invites friendly buyers from all over the world, and all kinds of people come here.

In other words, Li Yunhai puts his products in front of global buyers.

The third-generation Sihai typewriter, priced at US$3500, is equivalent to a foldable laptop and has printing functions, and is favored by many foreign businessmen.

The US$450 inkjet printer is also loved by foreign businessmen.

The next day, Li Yunhai and the others received a lot of orders.

In the evening, Li Yunhai held a short meeting with everyone to discuss solutions to some problems at the exhibition.

Many foreign businessmen are willing to purchase, but are worried about quality issues.

In this regard, Li Yunhai proposed that in order to allow foreigners to purchase with confidence, we can provide more optimized after-sales services.

Professor Ni asked: "How to optimize?"

Li Yunhai said: "Replacement is guaranteed in three months! The whole machine is guaranteed to be repaired in one year."

Everyone was taken aback.

Three months replacement guarantee?
This is an international order!
The shipping fee alone is enough to drink a bottle!

Li Yunhai said: "If quality problems do occur, we will replace them with new ones every three months! This can solve the worries of foreign buyers. To be honest, this is the first time for everyone to deal with each other, and it is normal to not trust each other. If we are purchasing from others, products, they must have the same concerns.”

Neither Shen Xiulan nor Ji Wenshu had any objections.

Li Yunhai said: "The purpose of our participation in the exhibition is to get more orders. If we want to open up global sales, we must make more changes."

Professor Ni is a scientific researcher and is not good at business management. He said: "You are the boss, you make the decision!"

Li Yunhai said: "One more thing, our global headquarters is located in Xiangjiang, and our products can be labeled as products of Xiangjiang Company. Our factories are all in the mainland, which is equivalent to processing plants."

At that time, Hong Kong was indeed more convenient than the mainland to connect countries around the world.

For foreign businessmen, a company in Hong Kong has a greater sense of trust than a company in the mainland.

Everyone has unified their tone, and when promoting their own products to foreign businessmen in the future, they will say that they are products of the Xiangjiang Sihai Group.

After changing the strategy, foreign businessmen indeed gained more trust.

Starting from the third day, the order volume increased significantly.

After the 10-day exhibition, Sihai Group sold a total of 5000 Longteng computers, with a total revenue of 2000 million US dollars.

Sihai typewriters sold 4000 units, totaling $1400 million.

Inkjet printer sales were 8000 units, totaling $360 million.

There are also many buyers who only order Longteng motherboards.

Sihai Group received a total of almost US$4000 million in orders at this exhibition.

On the contrary, CCA has little sales volume. After all, this is an electronic technology exhibition, and CCA belongs to the category of consumables.

Li Yunhai is very satisfied with the order revenue of US$4000 million.

These orders belong to hundreds of different buyers from more than 20 countries and regions around the world.

As long as the first business is done well, Li Yunhai believes there will be follow-up orders.

On the last day of the exhibition, Li Yunhai disposed of the samples for the exhibition at a low price so as not to take them home again.

After successfully completing the exhibition task, Li Yunhai invited everyone to a local restaurant for a good meal and beer.

After eating and drinking, Li Yunhai said to everyone: "I'll give you three days off. Each of you will be given $1 in travel expenses. You can go wherever you want and spend whatever you want."

The people who followed him to Hannover to participate in the exhibition were all top leaders in the company, and giving them bonuses and holidays was also an encouragement.

Naturally everyone applauded.

Professor Ni chuckled: "Mr. Li, you should have given me these ten thousand dollars earlier. I saw several advanced products at the electronics exhibition, and I originally planned to buy them back for research, but I didn't have them." Money just didn’t buy it.”

Li Yunhai said: "Professor Ni, why didn't you tell me earlier? In the future, if you buy products like this for scientific research, you can be reimbursed directly without having to pay out of your own pocket." When Professor Ni was at the scientific research institute, no matter what electronics he wanted to buy, Product research is done out of his own pocket, and basically all the money he earns is invested in scientific research.

Li Yunhai gave him greater financial autonomy, which flattered him.

"Mr. Li is such a good leader!" Professor Ni exclaimed, "If we follow Mr. Li, why should we worry about success? Next, we will study the motherboard of the 386 computer and strive to launch it in the first half of next year!"

Ji Wenshu said she wanted to travel to Berlin, and asked where Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan were going.

Shen Xiulan said there was no place she particularly wanted to go.

Li Yunhai said that you should follow me and let's go shopping around. He also told everyone to pay attention to safety no matter where they travel.

The next day, everyone dispersed and traveled to their own destinations.

Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan first went to Hanover for a tour.

They came to the royal palace garden, which has beautiful fountains and flower beds, suitable for strolling and leisure, and also has the highest fountain in Germany.

In the afternoon, they visited Hannover's City Hall, which has a spectacular clock tower and beautiful town square.Climb up to the clock tower and get a bird's eye view of the entire city.

They visited the Lao Shiman daily chemical supermarket and brought some German gifts to their families.

The next day, the two also visited Berlin and visited the local museum.

When passing a commercial plaza, Shen Xiulan was attracted by some colorful little dolls.

"Yunhai, look, what are these? Such cute dolls."

"It's called The Nutcracker."


The Nutcracker is a traditional German handicraft, which is actually a puppet made of characters from fairy tales.By turning the handle on the back of the villain, you can use its mouth to crush walnuts.

The so-called walnuts are walnuts.

Shen Xiulan picked up a puppet and said with a smile, "How do you play this?"

Li Yunhai pointed to the back of the puppet and said, "There is a handle here. You can try to pull it."

Shen Xiulan tried playing with it and said with a smile: "It's so fun. I want to buy a few to take home."

Li Yunhai said then buy it!

Shen Xiulan picked around and picked out seven or eight, all of which she thought were beautiful.

Li Yunhai bought them all.

Shen Xiulan giggled, playing with a puppet, and said: "Yunhai, look at the mouth of this puppet, it's so cute! Where can I buy walnuts? I want to give it a try!"

They bought a bag of walnuts and sat on a bench on the street.

Shen Xiulan seemed to have found the most fun toy in the world. She stuffed a walnut into the puppet's mouth and pulled the handle on the back of the toy.

The walnuts broke into pieces.

"Wow! It's really good!" Shen Xiulan took out the walnuts, peeled out the meat inside, and handed it to Li Yunhai to eat, "You eat it!"

Li Yunhai ate with her hand.

Looking at her innocent smile, Li Yunhai couldn't help but think of his past life.

They used to live together, and Shen Xiulan also gave him walnuts to eat, feeding them with her hands in the same way.

"Xiulan!" Li Yunhai called her.

Shen Xiulan smiled sweetly and said: "Huh? I'll give it to you to eat, it's fun!"

She enjoyed the process of picking walnuts very much, and then stuffed all the walnuts into Li Yunhai's mouth.

At this time, Shen Xiulan's innocent side was fully revealed.

"Xiulan!" Li Yunhai stretched out his hand to caress Shen Xiulan's hair and said, "Eat it yourself, I've had enough."

Shen Xiulan smiled sweetly and said: "I can peel it for you every day from now on!"

She suddenly darkened, put away the nutcrackers, and said, "She should have peeled them for you to eat! There are eight crackers, four for you and four for me."

After saying that, she got up and walked forward.

Li Yunhai followed forward silently.

Shen Xiulan was attracted by a clock seller. She pointed to a small wooden box and asked, "What kind of clock is this? I thought I saw a bird jumping out just now?"

Li Yunhai said: "This is called a cuckoo clock, also called a cuckoo clock. Every half o'clock and hour, the small wooden door above the clock will automatically open, and a cuckoo will appear that tells the time and makes a pleasant cooing sound."

"Really? That's fun! Buy two and take them home? One for each person! By the way, buy one for my mom too."

"it is good!"

They walked around, trying something delicious when they saw it, and buying something interesting when they saw it.

Shen Xiulan saw a store selling Xim dolls, took Li Yunhai's hand and walked in. She said with a wow, "Yunhai, look at these dolls, they are so beautiful!"

She picked up one to look at, then another, loving each one.

"Yunhai, haven't you dreamed about our daughter? What does she look like? Is she among these dolls?" Shen Xiulan asked with a smile.

Li Yunhai looked at these dolls carefully, pointed at one of them, and said, "This one."

Shen Xiulan exclaimed: "Why are you so fat? Neither of us is fat, but the daughter we gave birth to is so fat?"

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "She was very delicious when she was a child, and you spoiled her, so she is a little fat, but very cute. When she grows up, she will become as slim and beautiful as you."

Shen Xiulan heard what he said seriously and looked at him with a strange look: "Really?"

Li Yunhai nodded.

Xim dolls are rural children's porcelain dolls made of special clay, creating a warm and simple texture that easily captures the softest part of people's hearts.

Shen Xiulan selected a dozen Himmu dolls and went to the cashier to pay.

The cashier calculated the price and said: "3 marks."

In February 1987, the United States once again called its brothers together to make a Paris Agreement after the Plaza Accord.This is another conference where developed countries join forces to manipulate exchange rates.

At the meeting, the United States set a central exchange rate. 1 U.S. dollar is worth 153 yen, and 1 U.S. dollar is worth 1.8 marks.

3.5 marks, which is equivalent to about 2 US dollars!
Shen Xiulan has been in Germany for more than ten days, and of course she has learned the calculation of these exchange rates. She was immediately shocked: "Why is it so expensive? We bought so many nutcrackers, but they are not so expensive. These little dolls are too expensive. Alright?"

Li Yunhai chatted with the cashier in English.

The cashier said that making these Him dolls is very time-consuming. It takes three years for each Him porcelain doll to be transformed from a flat draft into a three-dimensional porcelain doll.The dolls are made by hand in more than 3 processes, and the output is very small.Each porcelain doll is hand-painted, and sometimes it even takes a whole day to complete the coloring of a Him porcelain doll.Coloring is the vitality of the entire doll, so it is particularly valuable.The most expensive masterpieces cost tens of thousands of marks each.

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Xiulan, if you like it, buy it. This is called art, not an ordinary clay doll."

Shen Xiulan shook her head: "2 US dollars! It's too expensive! You can buy many houses in China."

No matter how much she liked it, she would never spend so much money on a bunch of little dolls.

Shen Xiulan put all the dolls back on the original cabinet and said reluctantly: "Forget it, I won't buy it! Let's go!"

Seeing that Li Yunhai was still looking, she took his hand and walked out: "Don't look! Such a small baby is not as big as my hand, and it costs the price of a house!"

Li Yunhai laughed and said, "You can't say that! In addition to the house, we must also have spiritual pursuits, right? So what if a bag sells for tens of thousands of dollars and a piece of clothing sells for thousands of dollars?"

Shen Xiulan said: "I won't buy it either!"

They walked into a leather goods store called BREE.

These leather goods are beautiful.

Shen Xiulan learned the lesson and asked the price first before deciding whether to buy it or not.

This is a long-established leather goods brand in Germany. The cheapest bag costs RMB 3000 to [-] per bag. It is not considered a luxury product, but it is not cheap either.

A bag that Shen Xiulan likes costs more than 5000 marks, equivalent to 3000 US dollars.

As soon as she asked the price, she put down the bag in her hand and took Li Yunhai away without saying a word.

"I find that I am very poor! I can't afford anything in Germany!" Shen Xiulan smiled helplessly, "We'd better not go shopping in these high-end stores! I'm so hungry, shall we find a place to eat?"

Of course Li Yunhai followed her and found a restaurant nearby to eat.

This is the most prosperous neighborhood in Berlin, and the food is also very expensive, but it is a necessity, so Shen Xiulan doesn't say anything.

After dinner, the two came to a hotel to check in.

Li Yunhai asked Shen Xiulan, "Why don't we just rent one room? We can save money on one room. The money saved on the house can be used to buy our daughter, I mean the Hime doll."

Shen Xiulan blushed and said, "We can't save this money. I have money. I will pay for my own room."

Li Yunhai reluctantly opened two rooms.

After settling in, Shen Xiulan took a shower, found a hair dryer and dried her hair.

She bought a German-English dictionary and took it out to study.

This habit of learning wherever she goes has greatly improved Shen Xiulan's foreign language speaking.

She was reading a book when she heard a knock on the door.

Shen Xiulan was still quite alert. Although she knew it was probably Li Yunhai knocking on the door, she still asked, "Who is it?"

Li Yunhai smiled outside and said, "It's me! Xiulan, open the door."

Shen Xiulan opened the door and said with a smile: "Aren't you going to rest yet? Do you still want to ask me to go shopping?"

Li Yunhai handed her the two bags and said, "I'll give you a little gift."

"A gift? It's neither a new year nor a holiday. What can you give me?" Shen Xiulan took the bag and invited Li Yunhai to come in.

Li Yunchuan came to the door, picked up her dictionary and looked at it.

Shen Xiulan opened the bag and made two wow sounds!
It turned out that Li Yunhai bought the Hime doll and the BREE bag that she had just taken a fancy to but was reluctant to buy!
Shen Xiulan turned around and looked at Li Yunhai and said, "Twenty-three thousand US dollars! You are really willing to give it up!"

Li Yunhai smiled gently: "It's hard to buy a beautiful smile! If you smile, I will see that the money is well spent."

Shen Xiulan smiled sweetly, walked up to him, looked at him intently, and said, "Yunhai, can I still check out now?"

Li Yunhai said in confusion: "Ah? Why do you want to check out?"

Shen Xiulan smiled shyly: "Because I don't want to waste a room." (End of Chapter)

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