Life 1984

Chapter 255 Explodes in Silence!

Chapter 255 Explodes in Silence!

When Li Yunhai and others saw the oncoming car stopping on the front lawn, they all stepped forward to greet it.

Lin Zhi shouted in surprise and ran over: "Dad, Mom! Why are you here?"

It was Lin Zhenbang and Tang Yuxia who came!
Accompanying them were Lin Xiaofeng and her daughter.

This was the first time that Lin Zhenbang and his wife came to Li's house after Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi got engaged.

Now that the two families are married, Li Deming and his wife have been to the Lin family for a long time, so it is appropriate for the Lin family to come to the Li family for a return visit.

Lin Zhenbang's driver brought Lin Zhi to Li's house last year, so he drove the car over directly.

Lin Zhi was really overjoyed, hugged her mother, and giggled: "Mom! You are coming and you didn't tell us?"

Tang Yuxia gently stroked her daughter's head and said with a smile: "When we come to see our daughter, do we need to ask for instructions and report in advance?"

One sentence made everyone laugh.

Commissioner Zhao and others were surprised and came forward to meet and shake hands with Lin Zhenbang.

After seeing the ceremony with them, Lin Zhenbang looked around and said, "This is really a good place with beautiful mountains and clear waters! The air is exceptionally fresh and comfortable! No wonder my Xiaozhi always wants to come here to celebrate the New Year!"

Li Deming smiled from ear to ear and invited everyone to come in and sit down.

Lin Zhenbang and the others spent the Chinese New Year with their parents in Xizhou and set off early this morning for the Li family.

For a time, Li Yunhai's house was bustling with activity.

After lunch, Commissioner Zhao, Li Yunhai, Lin Zhi and others accompanied Lin Zhenbang for a walk around the village.

Lin Zhenbang wears a military coat. No matter who he meets on the road, he can chat with him and ask the fellow villagers how the harvest was last year and how their life was.

Li Yunhai knew that leaders must understand the sentiments of the people.

Lin Zhenbang said in a deep voice: "Ten years after the reform, the material living standards of farmers have still not been significantly improved!"

Commissioner Zhao lowered his hands and said respectfully: "It's our fault. We didn't think of more ways for farmers to get rich."

Lin Zhenbang waved his hand vigorously: "It's not just your city! The development of our province as a whole is lagging behind."

Li Yunhai said: "The lives of people in the village have actually improved a lot. Now at least there are more ways to make money. But most villagers still guard the fields to eat."

Lin Zhenbang said: "Even if they are willing to go out to work, there must be so much work for them, right? Coastal areas have been the first to open up, but the number of factories is still limited. We cannot just be a province that exports talents. Our province We also need to be able to retain talent.”

This is a big game, and Lin Zhenbang still has a long way to go if he wants to play this game well.

Lin Zhenbang and others did not stay overnight in Shiban Village and returned to the city that afternoon.

Amy liked the scenery here very much and wanted to play in the snow, so she stayed.

Li Yunhai and the others stayed at home until the eighth day of the Lunar New Year before returning to the city.

On Monday, the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, Sihai Group started construction.

The time is already May 2.

The company held a dealer meeting two years ago and received 7.6 million orders, of which the largest sales volume was the second-generation computer typewriter.

Years ago, Li Yunhai cooperated with CCTV and won the advertising time for TV series throughout 1986, as well as the advertising time period before the weather forecast.

In addition, Li Yunhai also bought sponsorship for the ending credits of two TV series, "Journey to the West" and "Dream of Red Mansions". The famous names of Sihai Group appeared in the ending credits of these two dramas.

During the Spring Festival of 1986, the first 11 episodes of "Journey to the West" were officially broadcast continuously on CCTV, and all 25 episodes would have to wait until 1988.

At that time, the biggest challenge our country faced when producing this kind of fantasy TV series was the production of special effects. There were no computer special effects at that time, and all special effects were completed with props.

The play caused a sensation as soon as it was aired.From the elderly to women and children, it can be said that almost everyone knows about it.

With the support of advertising, Sihai Group's computer typewriter sales have been good.

Last year, 16 first-generation typewriters were sold, earning Li Yunhai a lot of money.

Therefore, the product he is promoting this year is the second-generation typewriter.

At the dealer conference two years ago, the number of reservations reached more than 5 units, and the ex-factory price of each unit was 1.2 yuan.

However, this is a reservation, and the payment will not be counted until the payment is credited to the company's account.

At the end of the New Year, Shen Xiulan counted the payment received, and a total of 6 million was received!

There are still 1.6 million orders, maybe the payment has not been received, maybe they have given up.

Li Yunhai and Zhao Jinping discussed that based on the list left by the dealers, they would find those who had not paid and call them one by one to make return visits and urge them to pay as soon as possible. Those who could not be contacted were left alone.

Shen Xiulan also made classified statistics on the purchased products.

Among the payment received, there were only 3 second-generation typewriters, each worth 1.2 yuan, and the total price was 3.6 million.

For each machine, Li Yunhai can earn 6500 yuan, a total of 1.95 million yuan, and has to pay more than 2500 million yuan in taxes, with a net profit of 1.7 million yuan.

The other 2.4 million in payments are for assembly machines, Guangcai toner, and second-hand copiers. The overall profit is also about 50%.

The dealer conference brought Li Yunhai a net profit of 2.9 million!
The data compiled by Shen Xiulan are generally correct.

This is considered a good sales performance for Sihai Group.

What puzzles Li Yunhai the most is why so many people give up paying?

And most of these people are dealers who purchase second-generation typewriters.

Zhao Jinping contacted these dealers and quickly received feedback.

It turns out that Lianxiang Company has come up with another trick!
They give dealers rebates!
Sales of 100 million yuan, rebate 5%.

Sales of more than 1000 million yuan, 10% rebate!

This is a discount in disguise!

I have to say that this trick is very effective and is much more affordable than the car reward given by Li Yunhai.Only one person can get the grand prize, but everyone can get the rebate.

So Lianxiang Company snatched away Li Yunhai’s order of [-] units!
Although the Sihai typewriter has obvious advantages, the Lianxiang typewriter also performs well.

For dealers, as long as it can type and has complete functions, it is a good typewriter.

What's more, the retail price of Sihai typewriter is 16800 yuan, which is several thousand yuan higher than that of Lianxiang typewriter. With this price difference, many consumers will choose low-priced products.

After Li Yunhai found out the reason, he decided to fight back.

He had wanted to hold a typing contest before, and now he could do it.

Li Yunhai originally wanted to hold this competition in the name of Sihai Group.

But then he thought about it, if he was the organizer and his product was the winner in the end, it would inevitably be true.

So he thought of asking a third-party organization to host the competition.

The location of the competition should not be in Xizhou or Beijin. The best location is Shanghai.

Li Yunhai contacted newspapers and magazines such as "Electronic World", "Journal of Computer Science", "Children's Computer World", "Electronics and Computers", "Shanghai Science Illustrated", "Knowledge is Power" and other newspapers and magazines, and also cooperated with Shanghai Typewriter Factory to jointly organize the first national A Chinese typing contest.

This Chinese typing contest is sponsored and named by Sihai Group.

The competition is divided into three groups.

Children's group, youth group, adult group.

Children's group is for ages 6 to 12.

12 to 18 years old is the youth group.

Ages 18 and above are in the adult category.

The registration, organization and holding of this competition will all be held at the Shanghai International Hotel.

The competition is open to all people of appropriate age in all provinces, cities and regions across the country.

The registration period starts on February 2th and ends on February 20th.Applicants must provide the contestant’s ID card or household registration booklet.

In order to expand the influence of this competition and let more people know about and participate in this competition, Li Yunhai published advertisements on CCTV and major mainstream media.

The three groups competed separately, each with one first prize, five second prizes and 10 third prizes.

In order to increase the active participation of the general public, prizes are set in the competition.

The first prize is a Sihai brand advanced assembly computer worth 35000 yuan!
The second prize is a Sihai second-generation computer typewriter worth 16800 yuan.

The third prize is a Sihai generation computer typewriter worth 9800 yuan.

Such a reward would definitely be considered a high reward in 1986!
Although they are physical rewards, these items can be sold for cash.

As soon as the advertisement for the first Sihai Cup Chinese Typing Contest was published, tens of thousands of people registered!
The organizers were unexpected by the large number of applicants.

This competition does not include food and accommodation, and does not reimburse round-trip transportation. All expenses are paid by yourself.

There are still so many people signing up, which shows the enthusiasm of the people for typing.

In order to be fair and just, the organizer of the competition will provide all types of typewriters on the market for contestants to freely choose.

It doesn't matter which typewriter you use, as long as you can win.

The competition will start with the first round of auditions on March 3, and the top 1 contestants from each group will be selected to advance to the finals.

Li Yunhai contacted Gong Jie and asked her not to report to Sihai Group for the time being, but to stay in Shanghai and be responsible for the organization and management of this typing contest.

In such a competition, cheating is not allowed, because it is timed uniformly. How many words the contestants can type within the specified time are displayed in black and white.

Li Yunhai provided a fee of 20 yuan for the competition and handed it over to Gong Jie for management.

It was the first time for Gong Jie to help Li Yunhai, and it was such a large-scale event, so he helped to complete it conscientiously.

By the end of February, registration for the typing competition ended, with more than 2 people signing up to participate.

On March 3, Li Yunhai came to Shanghai with his secretary Su Hong.

Starting at eight o'clock this morning, the audition for the typing competition will be held in the large conference room of the International Hotel.

The Shanghai Typewriter Factory and various magazines, as well as the Sihai Group, each sent one person to serve as a judge.

The judge on Sihai Group's side is Su Hong.

The audition is a knockout round, and everyone has 3 minutes.Those whose typing speed is less than 120 words per minute will basically be eliminated on the spot.

100 Sihai typewriters and 20 Lianxiang typewriters were prepared on site.

Because there are really not many people who choose Lianxiang typewriters.

Each competition can be played by 120 players.

Up to 20 elimination rounds can be played in an hour.

Most people who sign up to participate focus on participation, while some people seriously overestimate their typing speed. They really steal the show in their workplace and their typing speed is considered top-notch.But when I got here, I realized that there is a world outside the world, and there are people outside the world. My hand speed can only be regarded as poor.

Gong Jie sat next to Li Yunhai and supervised the game on the spot.

"Mr. Li," Gong Jie turned her head and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that even a primary school student of a few years old could type so fast. There was an 11-year-old kid just now who could type 150 words per minute. This is too fast. Isn’t it awesome?”

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Typing is a skill, and practice makes perfect. Children have sharp minds and nimble fingers, and they are very good at typing. You went to the United States and came back. What did your family say about you?"

Gong Jie said with a smile: "They were so happy! They even bought a cake for me to eat! They said they were celebrating my new life! You are right, they still hope that I can stay in China and develop. So, I also decided to stay Developed in the country!”

Li Yunhai was also happy for her and asked: "So, have you made up your mind? Should you continue to pursue film and television acting? Or join my company?" Gong Jie said with a smile: "I want to join your company. Do you want to continue performing again?”

Li Yunhai said: "Of course! I said, I invested in a TV series, can you play a role?"

Gong Jie is now at the top of the domestic film and television industry.

If she joins the cast, the sitcom invested by Li Yunhai will definitely get more attention.

Gong Jie thought for a moment and said, "I am yours now. You can arrange whatever you want."

Li Yunhai looked at her in surprise.

Only then did Gong Jie realize that she had spoken too quickly. She covered her mouth and said with a smile, "I'm not wrong! I am yours! Employees are human beings too! Don't you want me?"

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Okay! When the typing competition is over, you and I will go to the Flower City."

After the New Year, Guo Wanhua took her daughter back to Xiangjiang, arranged for her to go to school, and handled the affairs of the Xiangjiang branch.

At the same time, the Huacheng branch will also be formally established, and this part of the work will also be left to Guo Wanhua.

Lin Zhi and Lin Xiaofeng were stationed in Xizhou, guarding the headquarters of Sihai Group.

What Li Yunhai is best at is opening up new territories and constantly developing global markets, focusing on the group's grand strategy and development.

There were more than 2 contestants, each of whom only had 3 minutes. The vast majority of them had only this chance and were eliminated.

By noon in the competition, more than 150 people in each group had a typing speed of 50 words per minute.This also means that the next contestants whose speed is lower than 150 words will be directly eliminated.

The elimination round will not stop at noon, and the judges will take turns to take a break.

Li Yunhai invited Gong Jie to dinner.

Because the International Hotel hosted such an important event, the restaurant was full.

Gong Jie smiled and said, "Why don't you come to my house for dinner?"

"Your home?" Li Yunhai hesitated, "Is this appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate about this? I mentioned you to my family, and they all thanked you! They said you saved their daughter."

"You can't say that. If you can't enlighten yourself, no one can enlighten you. It's better not to disturb your family, right? Let's find a restaurant nearby."

At this time, a table of people in the restaurant had just sat down. After looking at the menu, they stood up and left silently.

Li Yunhai and Gong Jie were standing nearby and sat down immediately.

The International Hotel has been one of the best hotels in Shanghai since its opening in 1930. Nanjing Road, People's Square, museums and People's Park are all within easy reach.

The Chinese restaurant here is richly decorated and managed by famous chefs, cooking original and unique Beijing dishes.

Gong Jie looked at the menu and smiled: "I know why the people at that table left just now, because the food here is really expensive."

Li Yunhai said: "You live in Shanghai, you should come here to eat often, right?"

"I come here occasionally. My parents took me here to eat a few times when I was a kid. When I grow up, I often go out to film, but I eat less here. What kind of food do you like?"


"I looked through the menu and couldn't find a dish called casual."

"Haha! Beef or shrimp are both fine."

"Then let's order a salt and pepper shrimp and a spicy beef. Then we'll order a braised lion's head and a vegetable. Okay?"

"it is good."

"Mr. Li, what is the specific plot of the TV series you are talking about?"

Li Yunhai then explained the general content of the sitcom being prepared.

Gong Jie became interested as soon as she heard this and said she could give it a try. She smiled and asked, "My sister is also an actor. She hasn't had any filming recently. Can you help arrange for her to come in?"
Li Yunhai said yes, you can join the crew and see if there are any roles suitable for her.

After dinner, the two came to the large conference room.

Li Yunhai asked Su Hong to eat, and he sat down instead of her.

Su Hong smiled and said: "Mr. Li, I didn't expect that there are so many typing masters. Some people type so fast. You didn't see it just now. There was a woman who typed 1 words in one minute!"

"Is it so powerful?" Li Yunhai was surprised.

He knows that the fastest Chinese typist can type 316 Chinese characters per minute.With an average of 10 key presses per second, this hand speed is almost blurry.

Using Wubi input method, inputting more than 120 Chinese characters per minute is considered a relatively good result.If you can reach more than 200 words per minute, your hand speed is amazing.

Su Hong said: "Really, I guess that person will definitely win the first prize."

Li Yunhai said: "There are many capable people and strangers in this world. Go and eat quickly!"

Su Hong responded and left.

Gong Jie stood next to Li Yunhai and watched more than 100 people typing together.

The only sound heard at the scene was the crackling sound of a typewriter.

Typewriters use mechanical keyboards that make a crisp clicking sound.

The elimination round ended at six o'clock in the afternoon, and more than 2 people competed in one day.

In this round of auditions, the fastest one was 260 words per minute.

Those who can enter the top 50 have reached more than 150 words per minute.

The finals will start at [-]am tomorrow morning.

50 players from each group participate in the competition at the same time, and the competition lasts 10 minutes.

Whoever types the most words and makes the fewest mistakes within 10 minutes will win.

After the audition, Li Yunhai invited all the judges to have a meal.

Li Yunhai stayed at the International Hotel in Room 605.

After dinner, Li Yunhai and Gong Jie came to the room to talk about work.

Gong Jie reported to Li Yunhai the expenses of this typing competition.

She expressed her opinion: "Mr. Li, the purpose of our competition is to determine who has the best typewriter on the market. But this comparison does not seem to have achieved the goal."

Li Yunhai nodded calmly: "Yes, so we will have another evaluation event later."

"How to evaluate?"

"After the three groups decide the winner, there will be a total of 16 winners in each group. These people will use Sihai typewriters and Lianxiang typewriters to type for 10 minutes respectively to see which typewriter is faster. Faster. We will publish this review in various domestic computer and science-related magazines."

"Oh, that's better! More convincing."


"Mr. Li, do you have any plans for tonight?"

"No arrangement."

"Would you like to go for a walk outside? There are many places to visit around here. You have come to Shanghai. This is my home court. I have to fulfill my duties as a landlord, right?"

"Haha! That's fine."

The two went downstairs and went shopping on nearby Nanjing Road.

Nanjing Road is the most prosperous main road in Shanghai. Anyone who comes to Shanghai will come here to take a stroll.

The two walked for a while and arrived in front of the Daguangming Cinema.

Gong Jie stopped and looked at the various posters posted on the wall of the cinema.

This cinema, built in 1928, was once the largest screening venue in the Far East for the eight major American film companies, and was also the cinema with the highest box office in the country. In 1939, it was the first to introduce the "Yiyi Feng" simultaneous translation headset equipment.At that time, a small square box was installed behind each seat, with wires inside connected to the pronunciation machine.For an extra [-] cents, the audience can rent headphones and connect them to the small square box to hear the pure simultaneous translation of the "Yi Yi Feng" ladies.

Li Yunhai looked at the screening schedule and asked with a smile: "Watch a movie? The one that will be shown soon is "Blue Water, Two Souls", let's check it out?"

Gong Jie smiled and nodded.

Li Yunhai knew in her heart that Gong Jie still couldn't let go of her most beloved acting career.

He bought two tickets and walked into the theater with Gong Jie.

This is a large screening hall with two floors, which can seat 2000 people.

Li Yunhai and Gong Jie found a seat and sat down.

The movie hadn't started yet, so there were many people and it was very noisy.

Gong Jie is so popular with the audience. As soon as she walked in, someone immediately recognized her.

"Isn't that Gong Jie? It's really her! Look, Gong Jie is here to watch a movie!"

"Where? Where?"

"Gong Jie? It's really Gong Jie!"

More and more people recognized her and pointed at her.

Li Yunhai and Gong Jie walked to the back row and sat down.

The audience all knew that Gong Jie was coming, so they stood up and looked around.

Someone shouted: "Didn't Gong Jie go abroad? Haven't you heard about her? She couldn't survive at home, so she went abroad!"

Some people also said: "Don't talk nonsense, Gong Jie is a good actor, our whole family loves to watch her plays! She has not committed any crime, why did she run away?"

"It seems you really don't understand? I advise you to understand first before speaking! Gong Jie has been banned for engaging in inappropriate relationships between men and women long ago!"

"You are talking nonsense! You are not allowed to slander Gong Jie!"

"If it's a rumor, why did she go abroad? Why haven't I seen her acting recently?"

Gong Jie couldn't help but lower her head when she listened to other people's comments. She stood up and wanted to leave, but Li Yunhai held her hand.

"Do you want to run away again? The more you run away, the deeper the world's misunderstanding of you will be."

"I can't stand their comments!" Gong Jie covered her face with her hands because many people were looking at her.

Li Yunhai said in a deep voice: "You are a public figure. The more people know you, the more popular you are. You only hear people slandering you? Don't you see people defending you?"

Gong Jie was startled for a moment, then hummed: "I heard it."

Li Yunhai said: "This shows that you are very popular among domestic audiences. Everyone knows that you were wronged, and only a few people still misunderstand you. The silence effect is: if you don't break out in silence, you will die in silence. !”

Gong Jie's mood slowly calmed down.

Li Yunhai stood up and said loudly: "Comrades, Gong Jie has not run away, she has always been in China. She has not made a movie during this period because she is preparing for a new TV series. As for what TV series it is, you will Of course you will see it! Someone made rumors and slandered Gong Jie before, but the case has been pronounced and the principal culprit was shot! The accomplices are also in jail. If something really happened to Gong Jie, would she still show up here? "

His voice was clear and loud, and everyone in the room could hear it.

Gong Jie was surprised!
She didn't expect that Li Yunhai would actually say these words in front of everyone in the audience!

For a moment, she was panicked and didn't know how to face it.

(End of this chapter)

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