Life 1984

Chapter 239 The soft meal given by Sister Guo

Chapter 239 The soft meal given by Sister Guo
When Li Yunhai got up at night, he saw Wu Wenfang curled up sleeping on the sofa, holding her chest with her hands, looking cold.

He went back to the room, found a thin blanket on the bed, covered Wu Wenfang's body, and said, "Damn it, you have to leave early tomorrow morning!"

Wu Wenfang was sleeping soundly and did not reply to his questions.

Li Yunhai woke up and walked to the living room and saw no one on the sofa.

"Nasty? Nasty?" Li Yunhai shouted twice.

He searched around the house and couldn't find that annoying Wu Wenfang, so he was sure that she had left.

Li Yunhai let out a long breath, this annoying guy was finally gone.

After he finished washing, he was thinking of calling Guo Wanhua to ask when she would come over, when the phone rang.

Li Yunhai answered the phone and heard Guo Wanhua's gentle voice: "Yunhai, are you at home?"

"I am home."

"You wait for me, I bought breakfast and came up to eat with you."

"it is good."

Guo Wanhua came upstairs and knocked on the door.

Li Yunhai opened the door and let her in.

Guo Wanhua asked: "What's going on outside? There's red paint and big words written on it!"

"The devil knows what's going on!" Li Yunhai didn't want to mention those bad things and said, "Sister Guo, I read the newspaper yesterday. The entertainment section discussed your family's affairs and was very unfavorable to you. They said you could only get a share of A house, a car, and 5000 million in cash. Has the will been changed again?"

"The reporter's words are not credible. No matter how confused the old man is, he can't possibly leave just this little for us mother and daughter, right?"

"Then let's wait until we go to the hospital?"

"You go with me, I want them to know that there are people in my natal family. I am using you. Will you think that I am a very scheming woman, and therefore dislike me, or even be afraid of me? Then stay away I?"

Li Yunhai was slightly shocked.

Because he did have such an idea last night.

And Guo Wanhua is indeed a powerful character, and she actually guessed Li Yunhai's thoughts.

Li Yunhai pondered: "The relationship between people is nothing more than mutual use. Even love is the same. Because the other person can satisfy your desire and need for love, you love the other person. Why don't I use you? The beauty, wisdom and resources? Meet some of my requirements. I should be honored that I can be used by you and selected by you to be the person you use."

"Yun Hai!" Guo Wanhua said emotionally, "You are so kind! I was just afraid that you would be angry!"

Guo Wanhua was deeply moved by Li Yunhai's mature thoughts.

She can feel extremely comfortable getting along with such a man.

She could not only enjoy the physical strength of a young man, but also his calm wisdom and care.

This is a two-level union of body and soul.

Li Yunhai showed a warm smile: "If you like someone, you will be happy to be used by him, and you will be afraid of not being worthy of being used by him."

"I am also happy to be used by you, but I am afraid that I will not be worthy of being used by you. May I ask, do I have such value?"

"Hahaha!" Li Yunhai smiled happily.

After breakfast, the two went out together.

When passing by the next door, Li Yunhai took a look and saw that the door was closed. He didn't know whether the annoying guy was hiding inside or went out to find a job.
Guo Wanhua couldn't get used to the strong smell of paint, so she sniffed and left quickly.

After entering the elevator, Guo Wanhua said: "I will never buy an apartment like this again, because I never know what kind of people my neighbors are!"

"Well, then buy a few villas to live in."

"The villa is very expensive! It costs tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars per unit! How many more units should I buy? Unless I can get a billion inheritance! Then I will buy a few units and give you one to live in."

"Okay, from now on I don't have to work hard anymore, I can just eat the soft rice given by the rich woman."

"Pfft!" Guo Wanhua smiled brightly, like a little girl.

After getting in the car, Guo Wanhua said: "By the way, Yunhai, let's go to the company first and have a look?"

"Company? We don't have a branch in Xiangjiang yet, right?"

"Haihua Company! Have you never cared about it?"

"Oh! I thought it was just a registered company, does it really have an entity?"

"There must be a venue. Do you think it's a leather bag company?"

"Haha! Okay, then let's go inspect our Haihua Company!"

There are many office buildings in Xiangjiang, and the rent is very expensive.

The most famous office buildings in the 80s were Jardine House and Hopewell Centre.

Haihua Company was opened in the Yihe Building in the Reclamation New Area of ​​Central, which was called Connaught Building when it was first completed.

The biggest feature of this building is the 1748 circular windows on the exterior wall. It is also the most eye-catching building when looking at Central from a distance.

Guo Wanhua rented a 50-square-meter office here and listed it as Haihua Company.

Li Yunhai thought it was just a shell company, but he didn't expect that it was actually divided into several small offices. There were people working in each office, a total of 8 people.

"Sister Guo, what are you doing here by inviting these people?"

"They are employees of our Haihua company. Their job is temporarily to collect information on office equipment around the world. I also import computer accessories through them."

"Oh I got it."

Li Yunhai stood in front of the round window, looking at the rows of tall buildings outside. He pointed at a building and asked, "What building is that?"

Guo Wanhua looked in the direction of his finger and said, "That's the Navy Building. It's the British Navy Club."

Li Yunhai suddenly thought of something and asked, "Has this building been sold?"

"Selling? I guess not! What's wrong?"

"After the 97 return agreement is signed, the British will definitely sell their real estate in Hong Kong. Because they will soon go back to their hometown."

"Well, it's possible!"

"Do you have any data on this building?"

"No, but I can ask someone else."

"Then please ask for me."

"What's wrong? You want to buy it?"

"With this plan, maybe we can buy it together."

"Even if a British guy is willing to sell such a big building, it will cost at least several hundred million, right?"

"If you have anything to do with it, ask it for me."

Guo Wanhua took out her phone and called a friend.

Soon, she got the relevant information.

"Yunhai, you guessed it right. The British guy really plans to sell this building, asking for 3 million Hong Kong dollars."

"How big is this building?"

"The building is more than 90 meters high, with a total of 26 floors. There are 55 parking spaces underground, and the construction area is more than 3 square meters."

"What's the house price here in Central? About 3? Then they're asking HK$[-] million, which is not too expensive."

"You don't really want to buy it, do you?"

"I am very optimistic about the rental prospects of office buildings in Xiangjiang. Please help me ask them if I offer 2.6 million yuan, will they sell it?"

"2.6 million? Buy this building? Are you sure?"

"I won't use my money for other purposes for the time being, so just use some of it to buy this building!"

"Okay, let me ask for you."

Guo Wanhua took a deep breath. She really didn't expect that Li Yunhai had such great courage and dared to acquire such a large office building!

She made two more calls, and then said to Li Yunhai: "I'll wait for a reply."

Li Yunhai nodded calmly and said, "Do you want to buy it with me? Each of us will pay 1.3 million. We will split all future profits equally."

Guo Wanhua thought for a while and said: "Yunhai, it's hard for me to earn this little money. I don't want to invest randomly. I am a woman and I want stability."

Li Yunhai stopped forcing it.

The other party quickly responded to the call and said that the transaction could be completed for HKD 2.6 million!

It seems that the British are eager to sell their assets and realize cash.

Li Yunhai made a quick decision and decided to buy the building.

He has 30 billion in funds in hand, and spending 2.6 million to buy a building in Xiangjiang can be considered a correct investment.

Because he knows that this building will be worth more than 30 billion in 100 years.And land in Xiangjiang is precious, and the value of office buildings will rise in the future, rising to more than 1000 yuan per square meter!

If he buys this building, he can collect rent for 30 years, and then sell it and earn more than 100 billion!

This investment is a guaranteed profit.

At that time, few people could see the future trend.

2.6 million, even in Xiangjiang, it was a lot of money back then!

Not many people have the funds and courage to take over this building.

Although Guo Wanhua has money, her vision is definitely not as broad as Li Yunhai's.

She is older and has always lived a more cautious life, and will not spend all her wealth on such a huge gamble.

Li Yunhai used the name of Haihua Company to apply for an offshore account, and then applied for transfer of mainland money to the offshore account through the bank.

Generally speaking, financial institutions in various countries can only engage in deposits and loans in their own currencies. However, after World War II, financial institutions in various countries gradually began to engage in deposits and loans in foreign currencies other than their own currencies. As a result, financial institutions in some countries have become foreign currency depository and loan businesses around the world. Loan centers, this kind of financial activities that specialize in foreign currency deposits and loans are called offshore finance.

Xiangjiang has the world's richest offshore RMB products and is the world's largest offshore RMB business center.

He transferred the money for investment, and it was tax-free in Xiangjiang.

In addition, he is cooperating with the British, so the other party will naturally give him the green light.

As soon as the money arrives, Li Yunhai can complete the purchase and sale of the building with the British guy.

After Li Yunhai acquires it, he will rename the building: "Sihai Building."

This will also become the location of Sihai Group’s global headquarters.

Haihua Company will also move there.

Li Yunhai placed the global headquarters in Hong Kong out of a far-sighted strategic vision.

He can rely on Xiangjiang as an international financial center to conduct global trade or global investment.

Guo Wanhua's big brother rang. When she answered the phone, her expression suddenly changed. She hurriedly hung up the phone and said to Li Yunhai: "The old man is critically ill! Let's go to the hospital quickly."

Li Yunhai nodded calmly.

Guo Wanhua first picked up her daughter Chen Meilin and rushed to the Sanatorium and Hospital together.

Sanatorium & Hospital is the largest general private hospital in Hong Kong, with beautiful environment, top-notch services and the most expensive fees.

Arriving at No. 2 Madishan Village Road, Li Yunhai, Guo Wanhua, and Chen Meilin hurried to Chen Wanzhao's ward.

There were people standing outside the ward.

Chen Wanzhao's five wives and more than a dozen children were all present. The eldest child was already married and had children. Several generations of people were crowded outside the ward, looking expectantly at the people in the ICU ward, not knowing that they were looking forward to the patients. What about morning bliss?Or are you hoping that he can be rescued?
Through the glass wall, Li Yunhai could only see the busy doctors inside.

Li Yunhai also saw that the corridor on the side was crowded with people of all kinds, including reporters waiting to get first-hand news, lawyers invited by wives of various houses, and people who didn't know what they were doing.

There is an old woman dressed richly, with silver hair and an out-of-shape figure. She is a big fat person. Her face is full of high-tech and cosmetics, but she cannot restore her lost youth. This person is the eldest wife of the Chen family. As soon as she saw Guo Wanhua, she snorted coldly: "Why are you here again? I already told you that this has nothing to do with you. You haven't given birth to a son, how much inheritance do you still want to inherit?"

Guo Wanhua ignored her and just looked into the glass wall.

A doctor came out, took off his mask, wiped the sweat from his head, and said: "The patient has a serious heart rejection reaction. We have tried our best to save him, but it is very regrettable -"

Before he could finish speaking, the eldest lady shouted: "Is it possible? Let me in!"

The doctor blocked the door and said: "We are trying our best to let the patient have some rest. He still has half an hour at most. There are too many of you, so we can't let too many people in. Have you decided who will come in?"

Guo Wanhua said calmly: "I am his wife, no one can enter except me!"

Everyone looked at her.

The eldest lady refused: "I am Wan Zhao's first wife! Only I am qualified to enter!"

Guo Wanhua sneered: "You and Wan Zhao have been divorced for decades, and you still have the nerve to say this?"

The eldest wife waved her hands and said, "What's wrong with the divorce? My two sons and one daughter, aren't they all Wan Zhao's children?"

Guo Wanhua argued with reason: "The child is his, but you are no longer! Otherwise, what is the point of divorce?"

The doctor looked at the eldest wife, then at Guo Wanhua, and said, "Let's do this. Please ask Mrs. Chen and the eldest son to go inside. Others please wait outside. In addition, Mr. Chen has ordered his lawyer to come in."

As a result, everyone's mouths were immediately blocked.

Guo Wanhua walked into the ICU with a middle-aged man in his 40s wearing glasses.

A lawyer carrying a black briefcase also walked in.

Everyone squeezed under the glass wall, standing on tiptoes at the back, or even jumping on their feet to look inside.

The sound insulation effect of the ICU is very good, and the conversations inside cannot be heard from outside.

The eldest lady pushed her way through the crowd and put her ear to the glass, but unfortunately she still couldn't hear anything, which made her scratch her head and scratch her head anxiously.

Li Yunhai saw that the monitoring equipment inside suddenly became very chaotic, and then turned into a straight line.

This means that the patient no longer has heartbeat, pulse and other data displayed.

This means that the patient died.

People outside were only looking at Guo Wanhua and others, and did not know that the patient was deceased.

After a while, the ward door opened again.

Guo Wanhua and others walked out.

The lawyer bowed deeply to the family members and said, "My condolences."

There was wailing outside.

The lawyer said: "According to Mr. Chen's last will, all his previous wills are invalid! All property during his lifetime will be arranged as follows."

All the crying suddenly stopped, and everyone stared at the lawyer's mouth.

The lawyer said: "As for the decedent's property, except for the disposition of the property during his lifetime, such as gifts, only the legal wife and the legal heirs of the decedent have the right to inherit the inheritance left behind. Other wives who are not legally married Neither the wife nor the lover has legal inheritance rights. He or she does not participate in the division of his estate, but the children born to him by other wives or women, including posthumous children, have inheritance rights."

The eldest lady asked: "What does this mean? Please say something we can understand!"

The lawyer coughed lightly and said: "That is to say, only Mrs. Guo and Mr. Chen's children have the right to inherit the inheritance. Mr. Chen's last will and testament is that all legal heirs will enjoy the benefits of all Mr. Chen's property. "

The eldest wife said: "What about my grandchildren? Don't they have the right to inherit?"

The lawyer said: "If the grandson's father, Mr. Chen's son, dies, the grandson can inherit the grandfather's estate through subrogation or transfer. Now it seems that Mr. Chen's grandson does not meet this condition. You guys Any further objections?"

This is perhaps the best outcome.

The property is divided equally among all legal heirs.

The eldest lady asked: "How much property can each person get?"

The lawyer said: "I'm sorry, I haven't finished speaking yet. Mr. Chen has not distributed the property equally. He has already transferred all the property into a family trust fund."

"What do you mean?" the eldest lady asked.

The lawyer explained the meaning of the family trust fund, and then said: "According to Mr. Chen's will, there are 12 people with legal inheritance rights. These 12 people can receive a dividend of 100 million yuan from the family trust fund every month. , if there is excess income, it will be accumulated into the fund. This will is legally binding. If you have no objections, please come to our law firm to handle the relevant procedures after finishing Mr. Chen’s funeral affairs.”

Everyone knows that this is the final decision.

Although many people are unwilling to accept it, they are unable to change this ending.

Chen Wanzhao is dead, who else can he turn to to change him?
But no one thought that the five households fighting for property would end in this way!

No one got the inheritance!

Perhaps Chen Wanzhao had already seen through the intentions of these people, so he established the family trust fund.

This way, everyone no longer has to fight!

Even if it goes to court, the court will support Chen Wanzhao's last wish.

Guo Wanhua and Chen Meilin can receive a total of 2400 million yuan in dividends every year, which is enough for a lifetime of prosperity and wealth.

Seeing this result, Li Yunhai couldn't help but nodded secretly.

No matter how the property is divided, there will always be people who are not convinced, some who will make trouble, and some who have unworthy children who will gamble and lose after getting the property.

However, Chen Wanzhao used the most appropriate method, which not only left everyone speechless, but also ensured that all his children would be rich and worry-free for the rest of their lives.

Regardless of whether they are successful or not, the children can receive 100 million every month. As long as they are not too squandered, it is enough for them to live a rich life.

Chen Wanzhao became a billionaire because he was indeed a smart man and made the most correct arrangements before his death.

Guo Wanhua looked at Li Yunhai silently, with a sad expression on her face.

Why doesn't she want to fight?

In the end, nothing was achieved.

Several people in black suits came over and handed out business cards to Guo Wanhua and everyone: "Mrs. Chen, my condolences, we are from a funeral company. Mr. Chen was extremely noble during his lifetime, and he should be buried with splendor after his death. We can take care of everything. Funeral arrangements——"

Only then did Li Yunhai realize that the person who didn't know what he was doing was actually from a funeral service company!

(End of this chapter)

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