Life 1984

Chapter 210 Sales Genius [Please subscribe]

Chapter 210 Sales Genius [Please subscribe]

Li Yunhai's hand gently stroked Lin Zhi's delicate and smooth instep.

The beauty is like jade, and the feet are fragrant.

His hand slowly moved downwards, stopping at a warm place.

Love was definitely impossible, and he couldn't even imagine the dream of a threesome.

The torrential rain ravaged the Flower City, with rain pillars flying all over the sky, and it did not stop until three o'clock in the morning.

The restlessness in Li Yunhai's heart also stopped with the sound of rain.

He hadn't slept for long when the sharp ringing of the alarm clock woke him up.

Although Li Yunhai only slept for a few hours, because he was young and had no love last night, he woke up full of energy.

He stood up and turned off the alarm clock, almost snorting at the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Both beauties have different sleeping positions.

Shen Xiulan was wearing neat clothes and lying quietly on the bed, like a blooming flower, elegant and soft.

Lin Zhi was wearing a nightgown, lying lightly, like an elegant white swan dancing with the wings of a dream. The gauze could not hide the fullness of her breasts.

Their youthful and beautiful figures are like beautiful paintings, with soft arcs outlining perfect curves.

Both of them had black hair spread like clouds on the pillows.One has an enchanting sleeping posture, while the other is quiet and pleasant; the same is bullying the frost and the snow, the same is lazy and charming.

Li Yunhai got out of bed, walked to the window, and looked out at the city washed by the autumn rain.

The city has regained its vitality, with pedestrians rushing on the road and cars flowing continuously.Open the window and breathe in a fresh breath. The air is sweet and refreshing.

Shen Xiulan and Lin Zhi also woke up and stretched themselves.

Li Yunhai asked them to wash up, then went downstairs to eat together and headed to the Liuhua venue of the Canton Fair.

After the rain, the air is fresh, the roads are clean, and the green trees on the roadside are green and pleasing to the eye.

Lin Zhi and Shen Xiulan seemed to be possessed. They were eating, walking, and practicing foreign languages.

When he arrived at the venue, Li Yunhai looked at his two booths and made slight adjustments to the layout to make the entire booth more distinctive and eye-catching.

It has to be said that Li Yunhai took advantage of the visit of the Bushes and asked the Vice President of the United States to endorse him. It was a stroke of genius and successfully attracted a large number of buyers to visit and consult.

More people just come in to take a look, and only those who can actually place orders are selected.

But compared with the last Canton Fair, there is a huge difference, and Li Yunhai is very satisfied with the current transaction volume.

Business is a bit slow today.

I wonder if it was because of the heavy rain last night that affected the foreigners’ sleep?Are they still sleeping?
Li Yunhai touched his chin and pondered the business opportunities.

He still has tens of thousands of computer printers in hand. If he doesn't sell them, it will be like leaving money in the warehouse.

Li Yunhai was a restless person. When business stopped, he would sit in the booth and play, feeling that his time was wasted.

How to open up more sales?
Suddenly, he slapped his thigh and laughed, "Yes! Yes!"

Lin Zhi and Shen Xiulan were practicing speaking. When they heard this, they asked: "Yunhai, what do you have?"

Shen Xiulan pursed her lips and smiled: "Don't you have a child?"

Lin Zhi's pretty face turned red and she hit Shen Xiulan lightly: "How is that possible! We don't want to have a child so early!"

Li Yunhai dragged the chair over, sat next to them, and said with a smile: "I have an idea, and it will definitely work."

Lin Zhi blinked at him with big eyes.

All Li Yunhai thinks about is business, how to develop new products, and how to sell products to more people.

"Ling Zhi, think about it, our computer typewriters are so good, and foreign buyers want to buy one for their own use, so do our domestic exhibitors also need them?"

"That's a must!"

“So, with such a great opportunity, why don’t we promote it to exhibitors?”

"Ah? This is an export trade fair. It is to generate foreign exchange for the country. Why are you thinking about domestic sales?"

"Who said export trade means we can't do domestic sales? For me, as long as he is an individual, he is my potential customer. It depends on whether I can persuade him to buy my typewriter."

"Hee! Interesting!"

Shen Xiulan's eyes shone brightly: "Yunhai, your idea is great! I just don't know if they will buy our products?"

Li Yunhai pointed to the booth opposite and said: "You see, they are all writing materials in the most primitive way. They must have potential demand for our computer typewriters. It depends on whether we can convince them to buy ours Products. Now that there’s nothing going on, I’ll try to sell it door-to-door. You two guard the store.”

He was right.

It's just that most people have a fixed mindset. When participating in the Canton Fair, they only want to sell things to foreigners, but they ignore that so many exhibitors and so many compatriots are actually their customers.

Sihai Computer Typewriter not only attracted foreign buyers, but also many domestic exhibitors were attracted by this typewriter with complete functions and powerful performance.

Exhibitors at the Canton Fair have to print a large amount of information and documents almost every day.

In this era when even bank branches still rely on handwriting for work, the vast majority of exhibitors do not have modern office equipment. Even if the unit has computers and copiers, they cannot be hauled to the Canton Fair, right?

A lightweight and practical typewriter became their most urgent need.

There are also many Sino-foreign joint ventures participating in the exhibition. Since 1983, the Canton Fair has been open to Sino-foreign joint ventures, and qualified joint ventures will participate in the Canton Fair.

Li Yunhai believes that buyers are customers, and exhibitors can also be customers.

He is innovative and wants to launch a sales offensive to all exhibitors.

While others were doing business as buyers, Li Yunhai took the opportunity to start doing business as exhibitors.

I would like to ask, what kind of conference is as good as the Canton Fair that can gather all the first-tier brands and enterprises in the country?
Usually he needs to go door-to-door to sell products one by one, but during the Canton Fair, he can focus on promoting to all exhibitors across the country.

Everyone was at the Canton Fair, and everyone knew about the news that the Bushes praised Sihai Computer's typewriter.

This is an excellent opportunity for precise publicity, which is more effective than advertising.

Even Lin Zhi, Guo Wanhua and others had to admire Li Yunhai's business acumen!
He can always think of things that others cannot think of or cannot do.

Li Yunhai's idea is too bold. Will it have miraculous effects?
Will domestic exhibitors bring surprises to him?

There are thousands of exhibiting companies in the exhibition hall. If each exhibitor buys a computer typewriter, he can sell thousands of them!
Behind these exhibitors is a large-scale enterprise, and their demand for computer typewriters must be more than one.

Li Yunhai thought about what he was going to do. He immediately picked up a typewriter and walked to the booth opposite.

Lin Zhi and Shen Xiulan looked at each other and smiled: "Look, he started his own business at the Canton Fair."

Shen Xiulan smiled sweetly and said: "Don't tell me, Yun Hai's ideas are always different. That's why he can make a fortune. And we can only give him part-time jobs."

Lin Zhi took Shen Xiulan's hand and asked quietly: "How did you feel last night?"

"What, what does it feel like?"

"It's just you and him. How does it feel to sleep in the same bed?"

"Oh my God! Aren't you sleeping among us? I fell asleep immediately! To talk about the feeling, I feel that I slept very comfortably. Your bed over there is so soft!"

"Then you're coming tonight?"

"Forget it, I'm afraid of disturbing you."

"Come on, let's study foreign languages ​​together in the evening."

But Li Yunhai came to the booth opposite, put the typewriter on their desk, and said with a smile: "Comrade, get one! This baby only sells for 3000 US dollars. It can type, type documents, and type tickets. It can be printed on mimeograph paper, and it can also be printed on A3-sized paper. Chinese characters, English, Russian, and other texts can be printed.”

The middle-aged man looked at him in astonishment, recognized him, and said with a smile: "Aren't you from across the street? You sell printers, and you sell them to us? You find foreign businessmen to sell them!"

"Foreign businessmen need such a good machine like ours, and so do you. Comrade, 3000 US dollars is really not expensive. You can also give me 1 yuan, and I will give you the wholesale price."

"Hey! One set costs 1 yuan?"

"It's not expensive. Think about it, a computer and a typewriter cost tens of thousands? Our typewriter is light and portable, doesn't take up much space, and it's so cheap! Isn't typing with this faster than your handwriting? It seems formal, right?"

"It's too expensive. We can't make the decision. We are all salesmen in the factory."

"Then you can ask the leaders of the factory for instructions. Let's do this. I'll leave this machine at your booth for you to try out for three days. I'll print out a trial contract and you just need to sign it."

"Trial for three days? Free?"

"Yes, it's absolutely free. Is that okay?"

"Of course it's free. But after three days, you won't say that we have used your typewriter, and you won't want to force it to be sold to us, right?"

"No. Absolutely not. I do business with integrity and I'm honest. After three days, if you want to buy it, you can buy it. If you don't want to buy it, you can return it to me, and I can sell it anyway."

"Okay, then you sign a contract and we will try it out for three days."

Li Yunhai returned to his booth and brought printing paper.

He snapped and quickly printed out a trial contract.

The other party took a look at the contract and saw that there were no pitfalls, so he happily signed and agreed.

Li Yunhai returned to the booth.

Lin Zhi asked in surprise: "Did they really buy it?"

Li Yunhai replied that he did not buy it.

He prints out another trial contract and makes copies.

Lin Zhi stood up and came over to help him, and asked: "You didn't buy it? Then you put the computer typewriter in their booth?"

"I'll give it to them for trial use. I'll take it back after three days."

"Isn't that free for them to try? We lost money!"

"It's not a loss! Sometimes, the free ones are the most expensive. Don't worry, I guarantee that after using them for three days, they can't live without our typewriters, and then they can only pay for them."

"That's not necessarily true, right? If someone doesn't buy it, you can't force it to sell it."


"Why are you betting again?"

"Just bet on another position! Haha!"

Lin Zhi had already experienced how powerful he was and didn't dare to place a bet. She said, "No bet! A kiss is enough."

"That's fine, but I have the final say on where to kiss."

"Ah? You really dare to think that! Maybe you still want me to kiss you -"

Lin Zhi couldn't speak any more, her face was red and pretty.

After Li Yunhai finished copying, he didn't tease her. He took a trailer and dragged a load of goods to other booths.

Lin Zhi stopped him: "Who else are you going to give it to for free?"

"Yes, I went door to door and gave one to every exhibitor!" Li Yunhai turned around and said, "You agreed to the bet I just made, right?"

"What a beautiful idea! I won't agree!"

"Ha ha!"

Li Yunhai came to another exhibitor to promote.

The other party was really unwilling to buy it, so Li Yunhai followed the same method and said, I will give it to you for a three-day trial. After three days, I will come back to collect it. During these three days of trial, I will not charge you a penny.

Who wouldn’t eat such a good free lunch?If you don't use it, it's not in vain. If you use it, it's not in vain.Naturally, the other party happily signed a three-day free trial contract.

At the end of the day, Li Yunhai delivered all the hundreds of typewriters shipped to the Canton Fair.

He was still not satisfied and immediately mobilized thousands of computer typewriters from Xizhou.

In the next two days, Li Yunhai followed him like a maniac, going around the Canton Fair venue selling Sihai computer typewriters.

Most exhibitors did not buy on the spot.

Li Yunhai adopted a three-day trial method and left a typewriter for others to use.

His hard selling was not without success. In a few days, he actually sold more than 100 typewriters.Some business leaders saw how practical the Sihai computer typewriter was at the Canton Fair and immediately decided to buy it.

But more manufacturers are only willing to try it out.

There are more than 6000 booths in the Liuhua venue. Every exhibitor and decent company has been clearly arranged by him!

As long as Guo Wanhua is at the Canton Fair, she will come over every day to help Li Yunhai sell.

When she saw Li Yunhai's crazy behavior, she asked Lin Zhi: "How long has he been suffering from this madness?"

Lin Zhi pursed her lips and said with a smile: "It's been three days! It's been three whole days, and he's been fighting with the exhibitors like this! I guess there is no one in the exhibitors who doesn't know Yun Hai."

Guo Wanhua pondered for a moment and said, "There is a certain reason for him to do this, but it is also very risky. These machines will depreciate and suffer losses. Why don't you persuade him?"

Lin Zhi and Shen Xiulan laughed at the same time: "Persuade? We can't persuade you at all."

Li Yunhai dragged the empty trailer back to the booth and brought back a large stack of contract documents for a trial computer typewriter.

"Sister Guo!" Li Yunhai laughed and said, "What feat do you think I did?"

Guo Wanhua smiled and said: "I already knew it. You gave each exhibitor a computer typewriter and let them try it out for three days."

Li Yunhai handed the contract to Shen Xiulan and put it away, saying, "Yes! I want them to experience the typing speed of the wind! Our Sihai computer typewriters are really not bragging."

"Yunhai, aren't you going to lose money by doing this? Have you calculated the depreciation and wear and tear of the typewriter? Also, in three days, they desperately used your consumables to print documents, and you lost more."

"The more companies crazily use typewriters, the higher the demand for typewriters. I'm not afraid of them using them. The worst I can do is lose money on a ribbon. As long as a few people buy my product, I won't lose money."

"You are really generous!"

Guo Wanhua had to sigh that Li Yunhai's magnanimity was indeed extraordinary.

If she were the boss, even if she could think of this move, she wouldn't do it.

Tang Yuxia also knew about Li Yunhai's initiative and ran over to ask.

Li Yunhai said it was okay, wouldn’t it just be a few thousand typewriters?Give it to them for a three-day trial, but it’s not like you can give it to them without taking it back.

Tang Yuxia could only sigh at this.

A computer typewriter costs 1 yuan!
Thousands of units are available as a gift!

Tens of millions of dollars worth of equipment are just given away to others for trial use!

I don’t know about it abroad, but if you look at the entire country, you will definitely not be able to find another person like this.

Lin Zhi took out the trial contract for hundreds of typewriters sent out on the first day and said: "These hundreds of computer typewriters will expire tomorrow. We will know how many people buy them. If the purchase rate can reach 10%, then You will earn something."

Li Yunhai waved his hand nonchalantly: "No matter what, it's up to people to plan things, and it's up to God to make things happen."

The popularity of the Bush couple's endorsements has passed, and they have not received any large purchase orders in the past few days.

The article that Li Yunhai asked Linda and Robert to write has not yet been published in Time Magazine so quickly.

Even if it can be published, can it replicate the miracle of selling CCA at the last Canton Fair?
Li Yunhai can't tell now.

He had to find a way to sell his computer typewriter.

In the past few days, Shen Xiulan would come to the Garden Hotel every night to learn foreign languages ​​with Lin Zhi.

But she no longer stays here.

Lin Zhi once asked her how it felt to sleep in the same bed as Li Yunhai.

She didn't say it at the time, but in fact she was just as excited as Li Yunhai.That night, although she was motionless and pretending to sleep, the thoughts swirling inside her were as messy as the heavy rain outside.

Guo Wanhua told Li Yunhai that there was another villa coming out near Dongshankou. This villa was much better than the last one. She asked him if he wanted to go and have a look?

Li Yunhai knew that house prices in Huacheng would skyrocket in the future. Although they were not worth hundreds of millions like the old houses in Shanghai, villas that sold for more than 80 million in the 100s could rise to 5000 million or even 8000 million in the future.

Guo Wanhua said that she went to see this villa first. It was well maintained and had complete furniture and electrical appliances. The owner of the house moved his family to settle abroad, so he put it up for sale.

She knew the owner of the house. After learning about this, she got the key from the owner and said she would introduce a friend to buy it.

Li Yunhai was a little moved after hearing this, so he promised Guo Wanhua to go and see it together in the evening.

After get off work in the evening, Lin Zhi and Shen Xiulan went back to the Garden Hotel to study foreign languages.

Li Yunhai and Guo Wanhua came to see the house.

The key is in Guo Wanhua's hand. She herself has taken a fancy to this villa and said, "If you don't buy it, Yunhai, I will buy it and let Mei Lin live in it in the future."

Li Yunhai was slightly surprised: "Sister Guo, don't you plan to return to Xiangjiang to develop your career? Are you planning to take Mei Lin over too?"

Guo Wanhua said that the villas in Xiangjiang cost several million for a small one, and tens of millions for a slightly larger one. They are all located on the seaside and in the mountains, and they are not as convenient and comfortable as living in the mainland.

In the future, she will invest in the Mainland and will often come to live in the Mainland, so she wants to buy more properties in the Mainland.

The two chatted and came to the villa for sale.

During the Republic of China, the Dongshankou area gathered wealthy families such as overseas Chinese and officials. For a time, Western-style villas sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. Now it constitutes the largest collection of low-rise courtyard-style traditional residences in Huacheng that combines Chinese and Western styles.

Each bungalow will have a name, such as Chunyuan, Mingyuan, Jianyuan, Yuyuan and so on.

This also shows that those who could afford to live in these bungalows back then were from scholarly and wealthy families.

Compared with the villas in the alley, the house that Guo Wanhua took him to see today can be said to be full of fireworks. It is next to the main road, and there is a lot of people passing by, so it will naturally be noisy.

This villa has a construction area of ​​more than 800 square meters and a garden area of ​​more than 100 square meters. The exterior walls are made of red bricks and are not painted.This is also a characteristic of Dongshankou bungalows. The city has regulations that the facade of the house cannot be changed even for decoration.

Li Yunhai just took one look at the exterior wall and fell in love with this large, clean villa. It has good lighting and plenty of sunshine. It faces the street and is convenient for travel.

Guo Wanhua opened the door and asked Li Yunhai to come in and take a look.

The yard is neatly kept, with tall trees in the backyard and only low flowers and plants in the front yard.

The decoration inside the room is also relatively trendy, and the furniture is in European pastoral style.

Li Yunhai was very satisfied when he saw the third floor from the first floor, and asked Guo Wanhua, how much does this house cost?

Guo Wanhua stood with him on the rooftop on the third floor, looking at the surrounding scenery, and said, "I asked him, and it will cost at least 300 million."

Compared with the old shabby villa I saw last time, this one sold for 300 million, which is considered a reasonable price.

"Okay, I bought it." Li Yunhai didn't hesitate at all, because he knew that such a private bungalow, with a large area and good preservation, was almost impossible to come by, and would become even more scarce in the future.

The 80s was an era of openness, and it was also an era where people were keen to go abroad. Anyone with some financial means, who finally caught up with the reform and opening up, wanted to go out and see the world.

The past period of time left an unfriendly impression on rich people like them, and when given the opportunity, they all wanted to run outside.

The number of people going abroad in coastal areas is also much higher than that in inland provinces, because they have more opportunities to contact foreigners and the outside world, and there are many ways to go abroad.

Li Yunhai doesn't care what others think. He is not interested in going abroad. He just wants to stay down to earth, seize every opportunity to make a fortune, work hard, and make his career bigger.

After looking at the house, it was getting dark.

Guo Wanhua invited Li Yunhai to have dinner at home, and at the same time contacted the owner of the villa and agreed to go through the transfer procedures tomorrow.

Her dinner was very sumptuous, including steamed pomfret, white shrimp, fish soup, jellyfish, and crab.

Now is the season for eating crabs, and the crab roe is very delicious.

After dinner, Guo Wanhua asked Li Yunhai: "You don't have to go back to the hotel so early today, right? Can you stay with me?"

Li Yunhai laughed and said, "I have a lot of free time every night! Lin Zhi has Shen Xiulan with her, so I become an idle person."

Guo Wanhua smiled brightly, went upstairs with light steps, and said at the same time: "Then wait for me, I will change clothes, and we will go on a date tonight."

"A date?" Li Yunhai turned to look at her.

Guo Wanhua stood in the middle of the spiral staircase, holding on to the handrail, looking down at him: "Yes! Is that okay?"

"Okay!" Li Yunhai didn't know what she was going to do, but it didn't matter.

Because when he thought about it, Guo Wanhua's so-called date was at most watching a movie together, or just taking a walk or shopping.

At this time, the phone in the living room suddenly rang.

The servant was in the kitchen, and Guo Wanhua went upstairs.

Li Yunhai was slightly hesitant to answer the call.

Guo Wanhua just went upstairs and called out: "Yunhai, answer the phone for me."

Li Yunhai then picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

"Mommy!" A clear and sweet girl's voice came from the phone.

Li Yunhai recognized Chen Meilin's voice and said, "Hello Meilin. Your mother is upstairs. She will come down later."

"Who are you? Why are you at my mommy's house?"

"Meilin, we know each other. Can you guess who I am?"

"I don't know any men in mainland China!"

"If you say that, I will be very sad. The first time we met, I taught you how to swim!"

"Aha, I know who you are! But I don't know your name. Hey, why are you at my mommy's house?"

"Meilin, your mommy and I are friends."

"Okay, tell my mommy, the day after tomorrow is Sunday, and I will go to the mainland to see my mommy tomorrow afternoon."

"Are you coming alone?"

"I asked Uncle Xiang to take me there."

"Okay, I'll tell your mommy later and ask her to call you back."

"Well, will you still be at my mommy's house tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?"

"I'm in Huacheng for the time being, but I'm not staying at your mommy's house."

"That's it. Then I'll come over tomorrow. Will you come see me?"

"Haha, okay, okay."

"Then it's settled, you can't let me go."

"will not."

"What's your name?"

"Just call me uncle."

"Oh, I understand. Your last name is Uncle, and your first name is Uncle, so you call me Uncle?"

"Hahaha!" Li Yunhai smiled happily listening to her playful and lively voice, "I'll tell you my name when you come over."

"It's not fair, you already know my name, but I don't know yours! Also, you're not much older than me, why do you want to take advantage of me? You want me to call you uncle? I see, you should The surname is brother, the first name is brother, the first name is brother!"

The two of them were chatting messily when Guo Wanhua walked down and asked with a smile: "Is it Mei Lin? She loves talking on the phone the most and can talk for half an hour on the phone every day."

Li Yunhai handed her the phone.

Guo Wanhua chatted with her daughter for a few words and then hung up the phone.

Then, she looked at Li Yunhai with a strange look.

Li Yunhai touched his face and asked, "Sister Guo, what's wrong? Is my face dirty?"

"No." Guo Wanhua smiled slightly, but said nothing, "Let's go out on a date!"

She had been carefully tidied up and dressed up, exuding an elegant fragrance from the inside out.She let her long black hair hang down and wore a long dress. Her plump figure was wrapped in an exquisite and convex figure.

Li Yunhai asked if he was going to see a movie?Or shopping?

Guo Wanhua smiled sweetly: "No. We are going to a special place today."

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(End of this chapter)

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