Life 1984

Chapter 205 Secret [Please vote]

Chapter 205 Secret [Please vote]

Li Yunhai was indeed very curious, but he could bear it.

That's how it is when people have secrets in their hearts. When others ask you, you just don't tell them. When others don't ask, you can't help but want to tell others.

Li Yunhai lowered his head and continued writing in the notebook.The number of industries under his name is gradually increasing, and he wants to establish a group company to facilitate the management of various industries.

The group is named after the four seas.Under Sihai Group, there are existing industries such as Sihai Store, Sihai Computer Training School, Sihai Consumables Factory, Sihai Computer Factory, Tianhua Building, and scientific research teams.

A three-dimensional layout integrating research, production and sales has been formed.

Li Yunhai seems to be casual, but in fact he is very resourceful. In more than a year, he completed the earliest overall layout of my country's text and printing industry.

Next, he will expand sales, increase production capacity, invest in research and development, and create a first-class office equipment kingdom in our country and even the world.

The joining of Professor Ni gave Li Yunhai stronger originality in the field of microcomputers and made his ambitions even greater.

After Lin Zhi finished cleaning, she sat next to him, took off her shoes, huddled on the sofa, hugged her legs with her hands, and watched him write.

"Hey, why didn't you guess?" Lin Zhi touched his arm.

"Guess what?" Li Yunhai asked lazily, knowingly.

"Don't you want to know what Xiulan said to me?"

"Well, it doesn't matter, it's all over anyway."

"You just have to guess!" Lin Zhi couldn't help but wanted to share the secret in her heart, otherwise it would be very uncomfortable to hold it in her heart.

Seeing that she was anxious, Li Yunhai smiled and said, "Well, did she say, wishing us a baby soon?"

"No! I knew you couldn't guess it. Let me tell you. She said she knew a secret of yours and exchanged it for a glass of wine."

"What secret do I have? What secret do I have?"

"This secret is very important. I estimate that only Xiulan and I know it. Even you don't know it."

Li Yunhai's curiosity was completely aroused by her. He stopped what he was doing, turned to look at her, and asked with a smile: "What's the secret? Tell me quickly, I want to know."

"A secret about your lies."

"I never lied to you."

"I know you haven't lied to me. But if you lied, I would know it. If you don't believe it, try saying a word now and let me test whether you are lying."

"Is there such a thing? This is unscientific. Even a lie detector may not be 100% accurate."

"Just give it a try!"

Li Yunhai thought for a while and said, "I didn't drink yesterday."

"Aha! You lied!"

"Yes, I lied. You clearly knew that I drank alcohol yesterday. You know everything about me, and this cannot be regarded as something you detected."

"But I have verified it. Hehe, Xiulan really didn't lie to me! Yunhai, you are in trouble. If you lie in front of me in the future, I will know that you are lying to me. Be careful!"

"That's impossible! My face turned red when I lied?"


"Did I blink?"


"Do you see that I feel guilty?"

"can not tell."

"Then how did you see that I lied?"

"I really can't tell you this secret."

Li Yunhai felt it was simply baffling.

Is there such a thing in the world?

In many areas of our country, after getting engaged, young men and women can live together as long as their parents agree.

Many people hold weddings when it is convenient for them. There are also many couples who live a life of two and give birth to children prematurely. By the time they want to hold a wedding, their children are already in elementary school. They feel that the wedding is not meaningful, so they do not Make up for the wedding again.

After getting engaged yesterday, Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi consulted the Lin family for their opinions. Lin Zhenbang and Tang Yuxia both said that you have been living together for a long time, and now that you are engaged, you can be together more openly.

Ever since, Lin Zhi officially started a sweet and happy cohabitation life with Li Yunhai.

Neither of them wants to have a child so soon, so they are very careful every time they love each other.

In the first few days of October, Li Yunhai was at home almost all the time, enjoying their life together as if they were on their honeymoon.

Two strange men and women have unknowingly become the most important people in each other's lives, wandering around the world together with their own sorrows.In the same city, under the same roof, watch the sunrise and sunset together, and run firewood, rice, oil and salt together.

Let's talk about each other's feelings, and we will be in love in this mortal world.Every night, they use their warm bodies to give each other body temperature. From now on, loneliness is a passerby, and from now on, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it can't match the gaze of your eyes.

The Autumn Canton Fair is coming soon.

Of course, Li Yunhai will bring his own products to participate in this Canton Fair.

This time, he had plenty of time to prepare. He reported to the commerce department early in the morning and requested the country to invite relevant overseas buyers to participate in the Canton Fair through Huarun Company.

Li Yunhai purchased [-] sets of computer accessories from the United States last time. After assembly, they were all sold out.

There are two types of assembled computers.

One is a high-end version with color display, priced at [-], with a wholesale price of [-].

One is a regular version with a black and white display, priced at [-] yuan, with a wholesale price of [-] yuan.

Although the cost of the high-end version is higher, the price difference is less than [-], so the high-end version is more profitable.

After deducting the cost price, shipping fees, customs clearance fees, freight, labor fees, and taxes from assembling computers, they can earn about 1.5 yuan on average for each computer. For [-] computers, they earn [-] million yuan.

Among them, taxes are also the bulk of the cost. Factory taxes, plus sales taxes, are 13%. For computer assembly, they paid more than 3300 million yuan in taxes.This does not include the customs duties paid when importing accessories!

From this income, Li Yunhai and Guo Wanhua shared the profits almost equally according to their shares, each earning 7500 million!
Sihai Computer typewriters have sold a total of 1 units these days, with a wholesale price of 3.5 yuan per unit and a revenue of 4550 million yuan.Pay [-] million in taxes.

After deducting taxes, each computer typewriter can earn 4900 yuan, making a total of 1.715 million yuan.

Sihai Typewriter is Li Yunhai's personal share, and all the money belongs to him.

Li Yunhai earned 2.465 million yuan from these two projects!

Of the 5.5 million he had earned from CCA, he invested another 3.8 million in computer typewriters, leaving 1.7 million yuan. Adding the money earned this time, he had another 4.165 million yuan in the bank!

This time, he and Guo Wanhua spent more than 2000 million each to purchase computer accessories.

So Li Yunhai still has 3.9 million yuan left.

In addition, he still has 6.5 computer typewriters left for sale, some of which are still being produced at the Shanghai Typewriter Factory working overtime.

Li Yunhai will also bring Sihai Computer typewriter to the Autumn Canton Fair.

The main function of this typewriter is typing. It can not only type Chinese characters, but also print English, Japanese, Russian, Greek and other languages.

In other words, Sihai computer typewriters are suitable for sale in most regions around the world.

As for assembling computers, of course it is impossible to sell them at the Canton Fair.

Professor Ni has not officially joined Sihai Group, and the motherboard patents he brought over cannot be exhibited at the Canton Fair for the time being. He can only look forward to next year's spring Canton Fair.

While Li Yunhai was preparing for the exhibition, he was also seizing the time to continue selling.

Sihai Store is his base, and all the products he produces are sold in the store.

On this day, Li Yunhai received a call in the store.

"Hello, I'm Li Yunhai from Sihai Store."

"Hello, Comrade Li Yunhai! Do you still remember me, this old man?"

This old Guangpu is so special!

Li Yunhai knew immediately that this was the old principal of Huacheng South China Institute of Technology.

"Hello principal, I will always remember your voice!"

"Haha, okay, I'm contacting you this time because I want to get the goods from you! Do you still have any second-hand computers for sale?"

"Yes, of course. Principal, we now have an assembled computer. All spare parts are imported from the United States. It comes with a Hanko card. The configuration is exactly the same as a mainstream IBM computer. The price is very cheap. A computer with a black and white display. The wholesale price is only [-]. These are brand new products, and second-hand computers have been used for three or four years."

"Is that so? What are the specific configurations of your computer? Please tell me."

"We use Intel 8086 processor, equipped with MS-DOS operating system, and give away CCDOS system floppy disk. The host is equipped with a 720KB hard drive, 512KB RAM, and most importantly, it comes with a Hanka worth 5000 yuan!"

The principal quickly made a calculation.

If you purchase a second-hand computer, it costs 4000 yuan per unit, and it also costs 5000 yuan for a Hanka. The total purchase price is as high as 9000 yuan. It is still an old machine that has been used for three or four years and has been eliminated by others.

The wholesale price of a brand-new machine is 22000 yuan, which may seem expensive, but its configurations are more powerful and can be used for a longer period of time. Based on this calculation, it is more cost-effective to assemble a computer.

In fact, this is indeed the case. In the next few decades, because the premium of brand-name computers is too high, assembled computers will always be the first choice for citizens to purchase.The principal asked if there was a prototype to look at?
Li Yunhai said there are prototypes, but they are all here in Xizhou.

He only has a few prototypes now, and the spare parts from the United States are still on the way and will take two days to arrive.

Li Yunhai said: "Principal, I am going to Huacheng to attend the Canton Fair in a few days. Can I bring a prototype to show you? After you see the prototype, you can decide whether to place an order."

The principal pondered for a while and then said: "We want to purchase 500 computers, can you provide them?"

"Haha, of course. We are now doing wholesale, and our products are sold in markets across the country."

"Oh? I went shopping not long ago and saw an office equipment store that also sells assembled computers. The price is 3 per unit. Is it the same as yours?"

"Principal, there is no doubt that they are selling our computers. Now, I am the No. 1 computer assembler in the country."

"That's it! No need to look at the prototype! I have experienced that machine in the sales department. Comrade Li Yunhai, I ordered 500 computers from you. When can you deliver the goods?"

Li Yunhai thought that the spare parts should arrive in two or three days, and then be assembled and shipped in five days at the latest.It also takes five to seven days for the other party to transfer the money.

So, Li Yunhai said: "Principal, our company's rule is that the goods will be shipped on payment. We will ship the goods immediately the day after your purchase money reaches our company account."

The principal smiled and said: "Do you have to pay first and then deliver the goods? Can't you settle the goods on delivery?"

Li Yunhai said: "Principal, this is our company's rule, because the supply of computers now exceeds demand! Those large wholesalers who ship thousands of units also pay first before delivery."

The principal said: "Okay, I'll send someone over first to take a look at your company, and at the same time sign a purchase and supply contract with you. After signing the contract, we will transfer the money here. How about it?"

"Okay!" Li Yunhai only needs the other party to delay for a few days, and the goods can be shipped immediately.

The Golden Tiger from Huacheng took away 1000 assembled computers. He had them in stock. If buyers from Lingnan couldn't find Li Yunhai's primary source of goods, they would probably ask Golden Tiger to cooperate.

However, no matter who others ask for cooperation, as long as they buy Li Yunhai's computer, he will make a lot of money.

For the South China Institute of Technology order, the other party already knew that Li Yunhai's quotation was significantly lower than that of local stores, so the order could not go through.

Li Yunhai put down the phone and saw several foreigners walking into the store.

Wang Lili is receiving them.

Unfortunately, Wang Lili doesn't speak English well, and the other party's Chinese is mediocre, so communication between the two parties is very difficult.

Especially when it comes to office equipment, there are many professional terms, making it more difficult for both parties to communicate.

Li Yunhai stepped forward, waved to Wang Lili, motioning her to go aside, and then personally received the foreign businessmen.

The Canton Fair is about to be held, and many foreign businessmen have already come to our country in advance.

But these foreign businessmen are here to participate in the Canton Fair, and generally they will not come to the mainland, nor will they run into obstacles everywhere like headless flies.

Most of the foreign businessmen who can come to the mainland are those who have cooperation with mainland enterprises or have joint venture intentions.

Therefore, Li Yunhai believed that most of these foreign businessmen came into the store to browse.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

A middle-aged man said: "We are from Fuji Xerox. My name is David. Do you sell our products in your store?"

"No." Li Yunhai saw that the other party was promoting sales, so he said, "Fuji Xerox doesn't have a joint venture to build a factory in our country, right? If we want to get the goods, we have to import them from abroad, which is too troublesome."

David handed over a business card and said: "We are also interested in setting up a joint venture factory in your country. We are looking for companies in Shanghai to negotiate. You can learn about our products. Our company is the first company in the world to develop and produce copiers. "

"OK!" Li Yunhai glanced at the business card and said, "When you start production in our country, I will pay attention to your products."

The other party strolled around the store, and what they were most interested in was indeed the domestic CCA and toner.

"Where is this toner produced?" David picked up a bottle of Guangcai brand toner.

"We produced it ourselves."

"Why are they sold so cheaply?"

"Because we are localized, it is cheaper. We produce CCA ourselves and produce our own raw materials."

"Oh, I remember!" said a blond woman next to her. "I saw a report in Time magazine. It seemed that it was about CCA, which was developed and produced by the Chinese. Is it you who produced it?"

"Yes, we produce them." Li Yunhai knew that almost all printer and copier manufacturers produce original toner cartridges and toner.

You only make money once by selling the machine, but you can continue to make money by selling consumables later.

David asked curiously: "Toner cartridges are disposable. You sell toner alone. How do you add toner?"

The standard name of toner cartridge should be photosensitive drum. Many people call it "toner cartridge" because when it was first born, the inorganic material selenium was used to make photosensitive drums.Let the selenium adhere to the drum base through steaming to make a photosensitive drum.

After the 80s, photosensitive drums have been made of organic photoconductive materials, which are cheap and less polluting.But since everyone is used to it, the photosensitive drum is still called a "toner cartridge".

Original brand toner cartridges are all sealed and cannot be filled with additional toner.

In this way, manufacturers can sell more consumables.

However, Chinese people are accustomed to thrifting. After using the toner cartridge, they did not throw it away, but found a way to dismantle it and fill it with toner.In this way, the toner cartridge can be used repeatedly, and with the cheap domestic toner, the price of consumables is reduced to the lowest.

Li Yunhai didn't know what the purpose of these people was. With subconscious vigilance, he did not demonstrate the process of adding toner to them.

He just said: "We have domestically produced toner cartridges."

Foreigners are a bit stubborn and keep asking how to install toner in original toner cartridges.

But Li Yunhai remained tight-lipped.

When the foreigners couldn't find anything out from their inquiries, they left immediately.

Li Yunhai found this matter a bit baffling.

What do these foreigners do?

You could say they were here for sales, so they left after asking a few questions.

In the afternoon, Zhao Jinping from Wuyiwen came over and chatted with Li Yunhai.

Li Yunhai thought about those foreigners and asked Zhao Jinping if he had seen those foreigners.

Zhao Jinping said he had met them before. They lingered in the store for a long time, asking questions, and then left without buying anything.

Li Yunhai asked him again, have foreigners asked how to add toner to the original toner cartridge?

Zhao Jinping exclaimed, saying that they asked!The questions were very detailed.

Li Yunhai asked have you told them?
Zhao Jinping said that I was not in the store at the time, and when I came back, the clerk had already demonstrated it to them.

Seeing Li Yunhai's serious expression, he asked, "What's wrong? What other tricks can these foreigners possibly pull off?"

Li Yunhai shook his head gently: "I hope I am overthinking. Capitalists are particularly sensitive to profits. One of the main sources of income for copier companies is selling original toner cartridges. If we all learned to disassemble the original toner cartridges and use domestic toner Filling, then how can they make money? And the quality of domestic toner cartridges is not as good as the original ones."

Zhao Jinping exclaimed: "You mean, they might block our way to disassemble and assemble the toner cartridges?"

Li Yunhai said calmly: "It's not impossible."

Many original ink cartridges sold by later brands are all sealed. If you want to add ink, you can only drill holes in the cartridge and then use a needle to inject the ink into the cartridge.

Later, someone invented an ink tank kit that automatically added ink to the ink cartridge.

There are so many people using this private kit that it forces manufacturers to produce ink tank printers.

Everyone who makes consumables knows this set of modification skills.

The same goes for toner cartridges.

Toner cartridges from the 80s can be easily dismantled by knowledgeable people, filled with powder, and then used in the same way.

This kind of behavior will definitely seriously damage the interests of the original factory.

In order to block the way of privately adding toner, foreigners came up with a desperate plan to make the toner cartridge completely sealed and truly made it a disposable consumable.

It is precisely because Li Yunhai knew this period of history that he did not tell foreigners how to change toner.

But if he doesn't talk to anyone, what's the use?

With so many colleagues in the country, someone will always speak out.

Zhao Jinping blamed himself: "It's all our fault! We shouldn't have told them! This is our trick to repair and make money!"

Yes, this is the trade secret of domestic office equipment merchants.

Li Yunhai smiled bitterly: "It's useless. If we don't say it, someone will always say it. Well, the top priority is to think of countermeasures quickly."

Zhao Jinping still harbors fantasies: "Even if they change the packaging of the toner cartridge, can't we open it?"

Li Yunhai shook his head slightly and said resolutely: "It doesn't work! We have to find another way. I estimate that it won't be long before these foreign copier factories will join forces to produce toner cartridges that cannot add toner."

Zhao Jinping took a breath: "Are they so powerful? Then we won't be able to sell toner in the future?"

Li Yunhai said proudly: "There is a way, and it is a once and for all way! That is to produce better toner cartridges ourselves!"

 Third, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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