Life 1984

Chapter 165: Earth-shaking?So why not! 【Please subscribe】

Chapter 165: Earth-shaking?So why not! 【Please subscribe】

Li Yunhai and the others were waiting outside the operating room.

Zhang Jun was wandering around outside like a headless fly.

Li Yunhai comforted him and said that this is actually a small operation. Normally, it can be completed in about 10 minutes.

There were tears in Zhang Jun's eyes, and worry for his sister was written all over his face.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the doctor walked out of the operating room.

Zhang Jun rushed forward, so anxious that he almost burst into tears, and asked anxiously: "Doctor, how is my sister?"

The doctor said everything went well and we would wait until we got to the office. You can go take care of the patient personally!
Lin Zhi said I should take care of her.

Li Yunhai and Zhang Jun followed the doctor to the office.

The doctor took off his mask and asked Zhang Jun, "Are you a family member of the patient?"

Zhang Jun said hurriedly: "Yes, I am her brother! My brother! What is my sister's disease? Why is she bleeding heavily?"

The doctor shook his head gently: "She is not sick. She had a miscarriage."

"Miscarriage?" Zhang Jun was not married yet and had never had a girlfriend. Hearing this, he didn't understand at all.

Li Yunhai coughed lightly and asked, "Doctor, her life is not in danger, right?"

The doctor said there was no danger, everything had been cleaned up, and she could go home after resting for half an hour. She should rest for at least half a month. She should not do heavy physical work or take cold showers, and she should pay attention to nutritional supplements.

Zhang Jun felt relieved when he saw that the doctor said it was not serious, but he still didn't understand what was going on with his sister and kept asking the doctor.

The doctor looked at him with a strange expression and said: "Miscarriage means that the pregnancy is not stable and the pregnancy is miscarried. Do you understand? This is extremely harmful to a woman's body, even more than giving birth! You must let her go in the future. She be careful!"

After hearing this, Zhang Jun felt like he was struck by five thunders. After a while, he asked: "Whose child is that?"

The doctor couldn't help but laugh after hearing this: "You ask me? Who should I ask? As parents, don't you know whose child your child belongs to? You don't care about her at all times? You don't educate her? You only know how to worry when something goes wrong?"

Zhang Jun was dumbfounded and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

The doctor prescribed some medicines and told her how to take them one by one. He also emphasized: "You must take blood-enhancing medicines, otherwise she will suffer a loss."

Li Yunhai asked a key question: "Doctor, will it affect her future fertility?"

Zhang Jun also said: "Yes, yes, this is very important."

The doctor said it's okay, it's not that serious.

Li Yunhai asked another more critical question: "Can I keep the specimen for a paternity test?"

The doctor looked at him deeply: "But yes, if you think it is necessary."

Li Yunhai considered the matter more comprehensively.

Zhang Jie is usually a good girl, but she suddenly had a miscarriage, which means that she has been dating her boyfriend for at least three months.But among so many people in the store, they never knew who her boyfriend was.It can be seen that they both kept it secret.

Why didn't that man dare to show up in the store?Why don't you follow Zhang Jie back to Zhang's house to see your relatives?
There must be something hidden in this.

Now that the child is gone, that man can act like a bachelor and not admit it.

A paternity test is the best way.

Paternity testing has been around since ancient times, including the blood-dropping method, the bone-dropping method, the emotional method, etc.

By the 20s, scientists discovered that human blood did contain some clear clues about a person's parents, namely "blood type."

The blood types we know: A, B, AB, O, etc.Blood types follow some unchanging genetic rules.For example, if the baby has type AB blood and the mother has type A blood, the father must have type B or AB blood.In this way, judges can apply this practical scientific method to determine whether a person is actually likely to be the father of a child.However, it turns out that this method still has great limitations.

As scientists gradually understood the mysteries of human genes, British geneticist A.J. Jeffries invented DNA identification technology in 1984. Since cells in various parts of the human body have the same DNA, blood stains can be detected by examining , hair, saliva, etc. to determine the identity.

But in this day and age, paternity tests are commonly used by the police to resolve cases, and most people would never even think of conducting such a test.

That's why the doctor was particularly surprised when Li Yunhai brought it up.

Zhang Jun didn't understand anything and was ignorant.

Li Yunhai asked Zhang Jun to go to the pharmacy to get medicine, and he came to the ward.

Zhang Jie closed her eyes tightly and fell asleep, with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Lin Zhi said quietly: "I asked her, and she said that the child belongs to a male classmate of hers. They fell in love in the wilderness. Well, it happened a few times. Well, that's it! But they broke up later. The reason is that the parents don’t agree because the boy doesn’t have a job.”

Li Yunhai listened and nodded, thinking that it would be fine as long as he was not from our store.

Lin Zhi looked at Zhang Jie, who was shaking in his sleep, and sighed softly: "Why are women's lives so miserable? Men just pat their butts and don't have to take any responsibility. Women have to suffer so much!"

Li Yunhai shook her hand and said: "So sometimes, there is nothing wrong with parents being stricter. They are people who have been through it, and they really do it for the good of their children."

Lin Zhi is an emotional person and said with red eyes: "Yes! I am also the kind of daughter who doesn't listen to her parents!"

Li Yunhai said warmly: "That's different. I won't always give up."

Lin Zhi gave him a gentle look: "What do you think of Shen Xiulan?"

Li Yunhai's expression froze and he said: "You are different from her. She and I have not yet reached this level of relationship. Otherwise, I would not leave her."

Lin Zhi pursed her lips and tried to laugh, but in the end she didn't.

After returning to the dormitory.

Zhang Jun was like crazy and asked Zhang Jie who was that man?

Zhang Jie lay motionless on the bed like a dead fish.

Li Yunhai pulled Zhang Jun away and said, "Your sister just told Lin Zhi that it was her classmate named Lu Jian."

Zhang Jun let out a low roar: "Lu Jian? I know him! Damn it! It's him! I must kill him!"

Zhang Jie suddenly shouted: "Brother, don't tell your parents, I beg you."

Zhang Jun turned around and punched the wall with great hatred, as if he wanted to vent all his anger and annoyance in this punch, but what he got was his hands full of blood and blood. Pain.

Li Yunhai told Zhang Jie to rest in the dormitory for the next few days.

Then, he winked at Lin Zhi, and they left together.

Back home, Lin Zhi hugged Li Yunhai tightly, and while kissing her, she said, "We want to be together forever, I don't want you to leave me!"

Li Yunhai hugged her and said, "We will always be together."

This time, they were as happy as fish in water.

Because Zhang Jie was on rest, there was one less shopping guide in the store. When Li Yunhai arrived at the store the next day, he temporarily asked Ding Miao to be the shopping guide.

Zhang Jun took a day off and wanted to talk to Lu Jian for a theory, but he couldn't find anyone. He heard that Lu Jian went to the south to work two months ago.

The dark clouds that suppressed the whole day yesterday only started to rain heavily today.

The rain came hard, and the rain splashed round water droplets the size of sugar balls in the puddles.

Li Yunhai stayed in the store and didn't go anywhere.

There was not a single pedestrian on the bustling Wuyi Road, and only an occasional bus passed by.

The green trees on both sides of the road were swaying in the wind and rain, as if they might break at some point.

The heavy rain lasted for a long time and didn't stop until noon.

The sidewalks were flooded, and the water flowed like a small river.

Li Yunhai thought that his family was building a house, and he didn't know how it was being built.

Everyone in the family may be busy and they haven't written a letter recently.

Li Yunhai suddenly felt homesick and wanted to go home to see his grandparents and parents.

He was about to go back and cook something to eat when he suddenly saw a familiar figure getting off the bus at the bus stop not far away and walking over.

It's Lingzhi!
This silly girl dares to come here on such a rainy day!

Lin Zhi was wearing leather shoes, but the water on the sidewalk was too deep.

Li Yunhai quickly ran over and picked her up.

Lin Zhi chuckled and said, "What are you doing! I still want to play in the water!"

Li Yunhai spanked her hard: "It's raining so hard, why are you still here?"

"I got off work, and when the rain stopped, I took the bus here." Lin Zhi put her cold hands on Li Yunhai's face and said with a smile, "I asked for leave this afternoon and won't go to work."

Li Yunhai trotted all the way back to the store and then put her down.

"Are you asking for leave again? Your leader is so easy to talk to!"

"It doesn't matter, I'm going to be transferred soon anyway."

"Where will you be transferred to? The ACFTU Art Troupe?"

The All-China Federation of Trade Unions Art Troupe was established in 1956. It is a second-class public welfare institution and is known as "the workers' own art troupe."

"Cultural Affairs Bureau! I will also be a stock-level cadre from now on!"

"When you join the art troupe, you're just going to be a springboard, right?"

"You just know! The cultural department is full of sinecures. I will have more fun in the future."

"Then I have to congratulate you!"

"Yes, that's why I asked for leave so that you could treat me as a guest."

"You are such a clever guy! I want to go back to my hometown."

"Has your house been built yet?"

"I don't know. It should be almost completed. I guess everyone at home is busy and no one has written to me."

"Then we have to wait until the weather gets better before going back? I'll accompany you back to your hometown."

"Well, in two days, it depends on the weather conditions."

The two returned to their residence and cooked meals together.

Lin Zhi specially stewed the chicken and took out half of it.After the two of them had eaten, she served it to Zhang Jie.

Zhang Jie was moved to tears when she saw Lin Zhi caring about her so much.

Lin Zhi helped her wipe away her tears and said, "You have a miscarriage, which is equivalent to confinement. You can't cry. How do you feel?"

Zhang Jie said weakly: "It just hurts."

Lin Zhi opened the aluminum lunch box and said, "It's okay if it hurts. You'll remember it from now on."

Zhang Jie nodded heavily: "I will never trust men again."

Lin Zhi shook her head gently: "There are good men too, but you have to keep your eyes open. Don't trust those men anymore who just want to play with you and never care whether you live or die."

The weather cleared in the afternoon.

The next day was another sunny day.

The maple leaves on Xilu Mountain are extremely red. Standing on Wuyi Road, you can see the red leaves all over the mountains and plains.

Li Yunhai had promised Lin Zhi long ago that he would take her to mountain climbing, but a few months later, he still did not go.

After two days of sunny weather, it happened to be Sunday. Li Yunhai took Lin Zhi back to his hometown in a car driven by Zhuang Yong.

The house at home has almost been built, and the family members are busy cooking meals for the workers every day, and they also have to take care of their own vegetable plot.Several children who go to school have to help with household chores when they come home, and they are very busy.

In accordance with Li Yunhai's request, the construction team first built the house, and the family moved into the house.

Although the house is not big, it is a red brick house. After some tidying up by my mother Zhang Shuwen, it is more beautiful than the mud house before.

Li Yunhai inspected the new house and found nothing bad.

The red bricks are all first-grade red bricks with a compressive strength of MU30, and the reinforced cement is also of high quality.

Li Yunhai found the head of the construction team and had a chat.

The other party said that it would be topped off in ten days, and asked Li Yunhai if he wanted to build an extra layer.Anyway, it has been built for two and a half floors. All it takes is half a floor more. The wall must be strong enough. The foundation is also made of concrete. There is no problem with building another half floor.

Because the third child insisted on dividing the family, Li Yunhai is now building a 240-square-meter house. After design, each floor has a living room, a kitchen, two bathrooms, five rooms, and a main room outside.

In the original design, there were 60 more square meters and three more rooms on each floor.

Li Yunhai thought for a while and said: "Then the roof will be capped at three floors, and no more half a floor will be built on top."

The person in charge made it clear and said that if we hurry up and finish the work, we can still cap it off in ten days.

In this way, the villa has a total of 15 bedrooms, six bathrooms, three kitchens, three living rooms, and three main rooms.According to rural customs, the main room must be connected from top to bottom, and the main room cannot be used as a bedroom. Otherwise, a few more rooms can be separated on the two floors upstairs.

But with so many rooms, it’s enough.

Laying half a layer more bricks means just one extra day.

Li Yunhai found his father and asked if the money was enough.

Li Deming said enough. When you invited the construction team to come, you paid 1 yuan first. I have 5 yuan in hand, so the total is [-] yuan!

Li Yunhai took out another 5 yuan and gave it to his father for safekeeping, and said: "We still need to decorate. I have negotiated with the construction team. The decoration also needs to use good materials, so it is also very expensive. You can keep the rest." Petty.”

The family only knew that he opened a shop and did business outside and made a lot of money, but no one knew how much money he made.

Even Ding Miao, who works in Sihai Store, doesn't know.

Although Ding Miao is a cashier, there are not many real cash transactions in the store, and even the transactions completed in the store are not many.

The orders that Li Yunhai really made money from were all negotiated outside. Once the goods arrived in Xizhou, they were sent directly to the purchasing unit without Ding Miao and others knowing.

Li Wukuai's reputation was so loud that everyone thought that Li Yunhai really only made five yuan by selling a machine, so sometimes when he saw hundreds of machines sold in the store, the clerk didn't take it seriously. After all, Most of the time, the store is closed!

Li Deming took the thick banknotes handed over by his son and was suddenly moved beyond words.

The old man didn't know how to express his inner feelings. He patted the big boy on the shoulder and said, "You have given our family a boost! Everyone in the village envy our family! Dad has lived a useless life, but you have given Lao Li a boost in his parents' ambition." Yes! Dad wants to thank you!"

Li Yunhai felt inexplicably sad.

When the father who has always been tall and stubborn suddenly becomes cautious in front of him and cares about his face, it means that his father has begun to grow old and it is time for him to shoulder the burden of the family.

The third child looked at the big house in front of him in a daze. He probably regretted it very much.

But he was ignorant and still stubbornly refused to bow to his elder brother.

Perhaps in his opinion, since his eldest brother can build such a big house, he will definitely be able to build it in the future.

Li Yunhai couldn't be bothered to pay attention to him. He was disrespectful to his brothers and sisters, so don't blame him for being ruthless.

The family is crowded into several huts, and they have to make room to cook meals.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi really had no place to sleep, so they did not stay at home. They returned to the provincial capital after dinner that night and waited for the completion of the new house to be completed.

Lin Zhi was full of expectations and yearning for the Li family's new house, saying that when the house was completed, she would come back for a banquet with Li Yunhai.

After returning to the provincial capital, Lin Zhi said he would not go home, so he spent the night at Li Yunhai's residence.

Of course Li Yunhai wanted it.

Ever since Lin Zhi slept one night at his residence, Li Yunhai missed that night very much.

Being able to hold Lin Zhi and fall asleep together, and then wake up together, is the most wonderful thing in the world.

In the following days, Sihai Store occasionally received a purchase order from a unit and sold dozens of computers and several copiers, earning hundreds of thousands or millions.

But no big orders have been received.

Large orders rely on door-to-door negotiations.

For such a large unit, I don’t know how many people come to sell door to door every day!
Isn’t it the leaders who decide whose machine to purchase?

In his spare time, Li Yunhai still rides his motorcycle to visit various government agencies, colleges and universities, and scientific research institutions to sell products door-to-door.

He is now the president of the provincial association and the section chief of the Commerce Bureau. No matter which agency he enters, he can easily meet the heads of these units.

Occasionally, we can also sign an order on the spot.

But there have never been orders as big as those from the Economic Commission and the Provincial Construction and Engineering Bureau.

Another ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

Li Yunhai remembered the good day when his family's new house was topping out and prepared to go home.

Peng Dianzi also knew that there was a happy event in his family, so he sealed a red envelope for him and said a few auspicious words: "The people of Fengtian Caixia are singing happily, and the icing on the top is a prosperous career. Good luck and good luck, everything will go well, good luck and good reputation." "

Li Yunhai took the red envelope and knew it was a large amount when he touched it. He took Peng Dianzi's hand and said with a smile: "Uncle Peng, come home with me! Come to my house for a wedding banquet! You can also come home and have a look. .”

Peng Dianzi's lips trembled with excitement, and he said: "There is no one in my family, there are only a few dilapidated mud houses. If you want to invite me to drink, I will go. Thank you, Li Yunhai!"

Li Yunhai took Lin Zhi, Peng Dianzi, Zhuang Yong and others home.

They were just about to set off when they saw Ding Qiang driving a truck over.

It turns out that Ding Qiang has always been thinking about Li Yunhai's new house in Yuanduo. Knowing that his family's new house is in Yuanduo today, he also came to ask for a glass of water and wine.

Li Yunhai patted Ding Qiang's arm and said with a smile: "You are interested, Brother Ding! Then let's go back together!"

Lin Zhi said that her family knew that Li Yunhai's new house was completed, but they were unable to go because they were busy with work, so they had to send her as a representative.

Of course, Li Yunhai knew that before he and Lin Zhi confirmed their marriage, Lin Zhenbang and his wife would not go to his house easily.

When Ding Miao saw her brother coming, she ran out and said she wanted to go back for a banquet.

"Manager Li, do you agree or not?" Ding Miao asked with a smile.

Li Yunhai pointed at Ding Qiang: "As long as your brother agrees. I'll just give you leave."

Ding Qiang naturally said yes.

Wang Lili, Zhang Jun, Ma Yubo and others all congratulated Li Yunhai and also sent red envelopes.

"Manager Li, are you only taking Ding Miao with you? Don't you want to take us home for a banquet?" Zhang Jun said with a smile, "Are the gifts we gave her not rich enough?" Li Yunhai laughed and said, "That's good. Now, when I come back, I’ll treat you all to a meal!”

Only then did Zhang Jun and others give up.

Li Yunhai and the others drove two cars back to Shiban Village.

The Li family today is so lively!
People in the village came over to look at the round stack.

Villagers gathered in front of and behind the house.

Li Yunhai had already prepared. He took out more than a dozen boxes of cigarettes and alcoholic drinks he bought in the provincial capital, put them in the accounting room, opened a box of cigarettes, and gave a pack to each of the villagers watching the excitement, regardless of gender, old or young. The comrades in the construction team and the villagers who helped with the work were each given two packs of cigarettes.

He is now the section chief of the Commerce Bureau. It is easy to buy tobacco and alcohol. No matter how good the tobacco and alcohol are, he can buy them at will, and there is no need to negotiate the price.

Everyone felt Li Yunhai's generosity, and naturally they kept saying good things.

The roofing of new houses is also called round stacks or upper beams in rural areas.

On the day of the Round Duo, people from all over the country will come to sing praises. Someone from the main family will stand on the roof and scatter red envelopes below.

Those who sing praises can receive red envelopes.

Li Deming prepared a bag of red envelopes to scatter.

He is usually diligent and frugal, but today he decided to be generous. Each red envelope contained two yuan. This is called good things coming in pairs.

People singing praises came and went.

Peng Dianzi sang the most energetically and with the loudest voice: "Moving to a new house, changing the environment is refreshing. Abandoning the old and embracing the new, the atmosphere becomes stronger every year. Kudos!"

Li Deming stood on the top of the third floor. When he heard a shout of praise, he threw a red envelope down.

Peng Dianzi picked up the red envelope and began to sing praises again: "One praises the tall building, shining and majestic, two praises the relatives, friends and distinguished guests, the reputation is respected, three praises the new home furnishings, elegant taste and special taste. Like it!"

"A generation of auspiciousness brings auspiciousness to the auspicious house; the strong energy from all sides gathers at the door. The three suns shine on the land and the land is safe; the five lucky stars come to the auspicious gate. Praise!"


The praises kept singing and the red envelopes kept spreading.

Such a happy event is rare in the village, and those who can sing praises can earn dozens of dollars.

Some children who couldn't sing praises also shouted at the meeting: "It's so auspicious that the new house is completed, thank you!"

When Li Deming heard this, he would also throw out a red envelope.

When a child picks up a red envelope, he can be happy for several days.

After singing the praises, Li Deming also scattered the bag of red envelopes in his hand.

Peng Dianzi's throat was hoarse from shouting. He liked dozens of red envelopes and earned more than 100 yuan.

Li Deming finished spreading the red envelopes, said a few words of thanks to his neighbors for their help, and invited everyone to the new house for a wedding banquet.

He turned around and suddenly saw a kitchen knife pressed under the main beam.

Li Deming is so angry!
When building a house in rural areas, what is pressed under the main beam is very particular.

There are five things that need to be placed on the beams of a new house: a pair of ancient coins, a pair of new red chopsticks, new strips of five-color cloth, red thread, and a piece of fragrant wood.

The most taboo thing among them is sharp knives!
Because this means that the owner’s family will suffer a bloody disaster!
Fortunately, Li Deming found the knife!

He immediately took the knife away and checked it again to make sure there was nothing else ominous.

Li Deming went downstairs, found Li Yunhai, and told the matter.

Li Yunhai was also shocked!
If you use your sword to set up a fight with others, it is not because you have hatred, but because you have hatred!

Li Yunhai has resurrected his life, so of course he knows these old allusions from his hometown.

"Dad, is this my family's knife?"

"It's my knife."

"Dad, I'm sure it wasn't someone from the construction team who released it."

Li Yunhai first used the elimination method.

The members of the construction team are all from the County Construction Bureau. Knowing Li Yunhai's identity, it is impossible to be so disrespectful to his family.

Furthermore, the new house still needs to be renovated, and it is also done by the people contracted to the construction team. It is impossible for them to do such an unbelievable thing at this time.

Li Deming nodded and said that the people who could do this must be people from our village.

Li Yunhai had been busy just now and didn't pay attention to who was on the roof.

Li Deming, on the other hand, was just giving out red envelopes and didn't see anyone going up there.

Li Yunhai thought about it for a while, then he made a calculation in his mind and said, "Dad, let's write this down first. Dinner will start soon, let's entertain the guests first!"

The first and second floors of the new house have been cleaned up. Although it has not been decorated yet, this red brick house is already better than all the adobe houses in the village.

In the 90s and [-]s, many people had their houses built and tiled, but they had no money to renovate them, so many people just lived in them.

In later generations, this style was still very popular, which was said to be simple and industrial style.

There are dozens of tables on the first floor, and the tables and chairs are all borrowed from the ancestral hall.

The ancestral hall in the village always has dozens of tables and chairs for banquets, which are purchased by families of the same clan. They are usually piled up in the ancestral hall. Whoever needs them for the banquet will ask someone to go inside and get them. As much as they take out, they will return as much as they want. , the ancestral hall is managed by dedicated personnel.

For such large-scale weddings and funerals, younger generations of the same clan will come to help.If you help others, next time your family has trouble, they will come to help you.

The mutual help among rural clans is reflected in these major events. When a family is in trouble, assistance comes from all directions.

The Li family was full with more than 30 people sitting at the table. This was considered a big banquet in Shiban Village.Because generally speaking, only one person from each family comes to have a banquet, not the whole family.

People who have a wide circle of friends, have an official in their family, or have a high-profile house owner will naturally have more people coming to drink.

Li Yunhai and his father went to the table to toast, and said something to thank everyone for their help, so that my family could successfully round the pile.

On the table, each person is given another pack of cigarettes.

For such a happy event, of course it is necessary to laugh at Mei Yan, as it is a celebration.

Xiaomei cigarettes are local cigarettes from the Meishan area. They cost 4 cents a pack. They were considered good cigarettes at the time and were several grades higher than economical cigarettes and agricultural cigarettes.

In addition to cigarettes, Li Yunhai also bought wine from Xizhou. Baisha liquid wine is produced by Xizhou Winery and is brewed with spring water from Baisha Ancient Well.It has won the title of Provincial Famous Wine three times, and in 1984 it also won the Silver Cup Award in the Liquor Quality Competition of the Ministry of Light Industry.

Li Yunhai likes the bottle of this wine very much. It is in the shape of a gourd, which symbolizes happiness. It is very suitable for wedding wine.

Each banquet table has 18 dishes. With such serving specifications, it can be regarded as a wealthy family in the local area.

All in all, Li Yunhai's new house was completed, and congratulations came from all directions, and it was full of guests and friends, with good wine, good food and good smoke, everything was perfect!

The only flaw is the kitchen knife pressed under the main beam!

Li Yunhai has not forgotten this matter.

The banquet dispersed, and the guests and friends took their leave one after another.

Lin Zhi and Li Yunfang were chatting and asked what the first dish at the table was. It was very delicious.

Li Yunfang smiled and replied that it was called Hecai.

The dish is fried with sweet potato vermicelli, dried beans, dried yellow flowers, dried carrot shreds, dried black fungus, etc.This is a local specialty dish. Because he and he have the same pronunciation, Nanfen Hecai has been given the meaning of family harmony and prosperity. This delicacy has been passed down for nearly a hundred years and has become a famous dish at Meishan people’s New Year’s Eve banquets.

Lin Zhi had it for the first time and praised it as delicious.

Li Yunfang said that there are still several bowls in the kitchen, and we will eat them tonight!

Lin Zhi couldn't stop giggling.

Li Deming and Zhang Shuwen, one of them was holding the book of favors and the other was counting the favor money.Grandpa and grandma are busy in the miscellaneous room at the back.

Several half-year-old children were playing with their friends outside.

Everyone in the engineering team went to the work shed to rest.

Li Yunhai saw the third child running around in the new house and shouted loudly: "Xiaoshan, come here!"

Li Yunshan was startled, stopped, walked over obediently, and called: "Brother."

Li Yunhai turned around and took out a kitchen knife from the corner.

Li Yunshan screamed in fright and shouted: "Dad, Mom, brother is going to chop me!"

Li Deming and his wife quickly put down their money and favor book and walked out.

Li Yunhai stood in the middle of the hall and shouted to Li Yunshan: "Why are you running? I won't kill you! Come here!"

The person the third child was most afraid of was his eldest brother, so he had to walk over timidly.

Li Yunhai sneered: "Do you recognize this knife?"

The third child swallowed and said, "This is the kitchen knife at home. Of course I recognize it."

Zhang Shuwen was about to speak when her husband grabbed her.

Li Deming whispered: "Listen to Yun Hai."

Zhang Shuwen didn't understand what he meant, but he also believed that the big cub would not hurt the third child, so he stood aside and watched.

Lin Zhi and Li Yunfang also ran over, wondering what happened.

Li Yunhai fiercely threw the kitchen knife at Laosan's feet.

The knife fell to the ground and made a clanging sound.

The third child was so frightened that he jumped up and looked at the elder brother in fear.

Li Yunhai said coldly: "Are you scared?"

The third child frowned and said stubbornly: "Of course I'm scared if you throw the knife!"

Li Yunhai pointed at the kitchen knife and said in a deep voice: "I will give you a chance today. If you admit it now, I won't punish you!"

The third child looked around with a guilty conscience. Seeing that his parents were around, he was not afraid and said, "What are you talking about? I haven't done anything. What do you want me to admit?"

It's a pity that this guy is young and can't act at all. Every move he makes betrays himself.

Li Yunhai saw clearly, turned around, and picked up a handful of bamboo branches placed against the wall with his backhand. This was something he had specially prepared just for this moment.

He picked up the bamboo branch, pointed it at Lao San's leg, and whipped it hard.

The third child was so painful that he cried for his mother and yelled: "Brother, why did you hit me? Dad, Mom, help me! Brother, hit me!"

Li Yunhai said angrily: "You are the one who is being beaten! Do you dare to hide? Stand up straight!"

The third child ran around the house, but no matter how he ran, he could not avoid the bamboo branch in Li Yunhai's hand.

When a bamboo branch hits someone, it's a heart-wrenching pain that only those who have experienced it can understand.

Zhang Shuwen was startled and wanted to step forward to stop him, but was held back by his wife.

"Don't worry! The third child should be whipped!" Li Deming also understood at this moment, his thick eyebrows twisted into knots.

"W-why is this? The beating was too harsh! Don't break the third child!" Zhang Shuwen said heartbrokenly.

Li Deming pointed to the kitchen knife and said, "I just took this knife from under the main beam."

Zhang Shuwen understood instantly. She was even more angry than Li Yunhai. She pointed at the third child and shouted loudly: "Pump me! Give me a hard slap!"

Although the two women, Lin Zhi and Li Yunfang, did not understand what happened, seeing this situation, they knew that the third child must have done something bad.

"Yunhai, that's enough! Stop fighting!" Lin Zhi stepped forward and grabbed Li Yunhai and said, "The third child is still young. He did something wrong. Just teach him."

Li Yunhai was so angry that his chest was about to explode!
"Teach? I can't teach this useless thing!" Li Yunhai said bitterly, "If I don't expose him today, my surname will not be Li! Third brother, come here!"

This was the first time Lin Zhi saw him getting so angry, and he was beating his own brother!
"Yunhai, what's going on? What makes you so angry?" Lin Zhi stroked Li Yunhai's chest and said softly, "Don't be angry. It's not worth it to make yourself so angry."

Li Yunhai sighed and told the story about the third child hiding the kitchen knife under the main beam.

Although Lin Zhi didn't understand these customs, he could still imagine that putting a kitchen knife under the main beam was definitely not a good sign.

So she also let go of Li Yunhai's hand.

Since everyone in the Li family thinks that the third child should be beaten, let’s do it!
Some people are born bad and will not have long memories if they are not beaten.

Li Yunhai pointed at the third child and said sternly: "Do you admit it now?"

The third child kept nodding his head, with tears and runny nose running down his face, his face covered with dirt, and he cried and said: "I admit it, I admit it, brother, please stop hitting me, it hurts me to death."

Li Yunhai shouted and asked: "Tell me, who taught you to do this?"

He thought that although the third child was bad, he was not that bad, and he didn't know how to do such a harmful trick as putting a kitchen knife under the main beam.

Most of the people who know this taboo are older people.

If Li Yunhai hadn't been reborn, he wouldn't have known this taboo at his age.

The third child looked timidly at his elder brother and then at his parents.

Zhang Shuwen was so angry that she grabbed Lao San's arm with one hand and spanked him repeatedly with the other hand: "You unimproved thing! Why don't you tell me?"

The third child yelled and said, "It was Party Secretary Li. It was Party Secretary Li who taught me. He told me to quietly put a kitchen knife under the main beam, so that our family would have meat to eat every day."

Li Yunhai slowly closed his eyes. He thought that it might be Li Guowang, but he didn't expect that it was really him who instigated it!
He fell silent for a moment and then asked: "Who instigated the separation between you and me last time? Tell me!"

The third child was afraid of being beaten at this moment, so he dared to speak harshly, and shouted: "Zhishu Li said that too! He said that my family's homestead, which is only a small size, has been taken up by my eldest brother, and I will have no land to build a house in the future. I won’t be able to get any guests.”

Li Yunhai was so angry that he picked up the bamboo branch and beat the third child hard again.

The third child cried and screamed in pain.

Li Yunhai didn't give up until his grandparents came out to plead for mercy.

Li Yunhai threw away the bamboo branch with only the main branch left in his hand, pointed at the third child and said: "You are so stupid! I have never seen anyone as stupid as you! Don't you think about it, is it good for you to separate the family? So Aren’t you comfortable living in a big house? Do you want to live in that adobe house over there? Let me tell you, this new house is not for you!"

The more he talked, the angrier he became: "Also, are you a pig-brained person? Is it a good thing to put a kitchen knife under the main beam of your house? As long as you use your brain a little bit, others can't control you! You have lived in vain for more than ten years!" "

The third child didn't dare to talk back and just sobbed.

Li Yunhai really defeated him this time, and he was also scared.

Zhang Shuwen saw that the third child's legs were covered with blood stains, so she took him to the back room to apply medicine.

Li Yunhai was still upset.

The third child is young and ignorant, and was ordered by a traitor.

What Li Yunhai hated even more was the person behind the scenes.

That guy is really bad!
Li Yunhai said in a low voice: "Dad, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Li Deming bit the corner of his mouth and said nothing. He took out a cigarette and smoked one.

Lin Zhi whispered: "Yunhai, that Secretary Li, is the bad guy we saw last time?"

Li Yunhai hummed: "Yes, that's him."

Lin Zhi rolled her eyes and said, "Party secretary, is he the biggest official in your village?"

Li Yunhai nodded calmly: "Strictly speaking, he is not an official! There is no rank at all."

Lin Zhi chuckled: "Is that even smaller than my rank-and-file cadre?"

She has been officially transferred to the Cultural Affairs Bureau and promoted to stock level.

The work at the Cultural Affairs Bureau is relaxed and leisurely, and it is a good place to mix ranks.

Her parents must have had their reasons for placing her in this unit, and there will be better arrangements in the future.

It was only a matter of time before Lin Zhi caught up with Li Yunhai's department-level cadres.

Li Deming finished smoking a cigarette and said: "Yunhai, after all, Secretary Li is a village official and the leader of the clan. I think let's just forget about it! It's just that the third child is too ignorant!"

Li Yunhai's eyes flashed with a sharp look.

That's it?
I don’t know how much harm Li Guowang will do in the future!
Li Yunhai wanted to give Li Guowang some punishment, but in the process, he also hindered the dignity of a good brother.

That is Ding Qiang.

Ding Qiang regarded Li Yunhai as a good brother.

The Sihai store opened, the new house was built, and Ding Qiang came.

Li Yunhai didn't say much to his parents. No matter what he wanted to do, his parents couldn't stop him.

He still remembered what Li Guowang once said, saying that Li Yunhai was going to overthrow the Shiban Village!

Then why not look into the sky of Shiban Village?
After having a drink, Ding Qiang and his sister went to visit Li Guowang's house. Since they came to Shiban Village, of course they wanted to see their cousin.

Li Yunhai waited for Ding Qiang to come back.

Brother and sister Ding Qiang didn't stay at Li Guowang's house for long. After drinking tea, they returned to Li Yunhai's house, bid farewell to him, and said they were going back to their hometown.

Li Yunhai called Ding Qiang to stop, and the two of them walked to an open space aside.

He handed over a cigarette, and rarely smoked one himself, and then said slowly: "Brother Ding, I want to do something, but it will hurt your face. So I have to talk to you first. speak clearly."

"Ah? What's the matter? Did my sister get into trouble? Then just fire her!" Ding Qiang said without even raising an eyebrow.

"That's not true." Li Yunhai threw away half of the cigarette in his hand, stretched out his foot, crushed it hard, and said, "It's your cousin Li Guowang!"

He told everything exactly what Li Guowang had ordered his third son to do.

"I may have a falling out with Li Guowang, so let me tell you first." Li Yunhai said truthfully, "If you are making things difficult for me, I can only say I'm sorry. What Li Guowang did is so unethical!"

Ding Qiang was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I thought it was something! Although Li Guowang is said to be a cousin of mine, he actually doesn't have much contact with him. I really didn't expect him to be such a person! How you want to deal with him is up to you. It’s up to you! It’s just that I can’t help you. When we return to Xizhou, let’s have a drink together!”

 The second update, a big chapter with [-] words, please vote for me!

(End of this chapter)

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