The Lost City of Alien Beasts

Chapter 625 Talent Stage 5

Chapter 625 Five Stages of Talent

As of now, there are very few awakened people whose talents have reached level 7.

Now that all twelve runes have been found, theoretically, levels 6 to 7 are more difficult than levels 3 to 4.

That day, Gao Yang talked with Nana for three hours. Of course, he used Nana's accustomed middle school method to understand the specific situation of Nana's upgrade.

After that, Gao Yang combined his own experience and the information he had previously mastered, thought carefully for a night, and finally deduced the five stages of talent upgrade.

Levels 1-3 are what Gao Yang calls the "training stage".

As the name suggests: practice makes perfect, use it a few times and fight a few times, and you can level up quickly.

Level 3-4 is what Gao Yang calls the "rune stage".

This is also easy to understand. Talents need to be exposed to the corresponding rune circuits to upgrade. The time required for each person varies. If it is fast, it only takes one second. If it is slow, it will take several days or even half a month.

Levels 4-6 are what Gao Yang calls the "emotional stage".

Many awakened people have experienced this. When a certain emotion reaches its extreme, it can escalate, such as extreme excitement, sadness, anger, fear, despair, etc.

Level 6-7, Gao Yang named it the "belief stage".

At this stage, the awakened must find strong beliefs, or ideals, ambitions, and life goals, and firmly believe in them before they can upgrade.

The level 7 talents that Gao Yang is currently exposed to include: Qilin's [Vientiane], X's [Plague Knight], and Lilia's [Elemental Spirit].

What these three people have in common is that they all found their own "path" and followed it to the end without hesitation.

The same goes for Nana. After that Chuuniu speech, she also found her own path, which is to "live in the night and chase the dawn" with a group of companions who truly accept and understand her.

In addition, Nana's situation also proves another thing: the "belief stage" is one-size-fits-all. No matter how many types of talents there are, as long as these talents break through level 4, once any talent reaches level 7, Other talents will also reach level 7 directly. Of course, this does not include the talents in sequence 101-187, which seem to only reach level 4.

Finally, there is level 7-8, which Gao Yang calls the "fusion stage".

Level 7 talents get the corresponding rune circuits and merge them into the strongest form. This has been confirmed by X's [Hell's Poison] and Lilia's [Elemental Angel].

Gao Yang named his speculation "Five Stages of Talent". After listening to it, everyone unanimously agreed.

The can was even more flattering: "Captain, please write a thesis. This is definitely a super bombshell in the academic world of the Awakened!"

Nana's level 7 [Thousand-Faced Man] has undergone a qualitative change. In addition to its own abilities being greatly enhanced, it also has the ability to help others disguise themselves.

In those days, Nana grabbed the cans and Hong Xiaoxiao and touched them here and there, like Nuwa making clay figures. She pinched all the men, women, old and young, tall, short, fat and thin. The two girls were pinched to the point where they almost doubted their lives.

At this point, Nana has come up with relatively reliable data.

Level 7 [Man with Thousand Faces] can help others shape their faces for about two days, but can only help others shape their bodies for about half a day.

Moreover, body shaping is very troublesome. Nana must use both hands to carefully touch the other person's body. The areas that have changed a lot need to reshape the muscles, shrink the bones, and move the internal organs to achieve the best effect. This is not only painful for the person being body shaped, but It also reduces mobility and combat effectiveness.

In addition, the changes in height, fatness and thinness should not be too outrageous. For example, it is impossible for a 1.9-meter person to become 1.5-meter tall. It is also impossible for a 200-pound person to lose weight to 80 pounds.

It's okay for Nana to help people of the same sex get in shape, but it's very inconvenient to help people of the opposite sex get in shape.

Therefore, during the short trip of Gao Yang, Gao Xinxin and Jiu Han, Nana only changed the faces and hair colors of the three of them.

The three of them took the fake passports obtained by Man She and headed to the island country overnight for two purposes.

First, settle Gao Xinxin well.Second, meet people and make deals.

Gao Yang was very cautious and never forgot the idea of ​​backpackers traveling on a budget. He stayed in the cheapest B&Bs and ate the most affordable discount lunch boxes to ensure that no flaws were leaked.

At night, the three of them ate and washed themselves.

In the early morning, Gao Xinxin was tired and went back to his room to sleep.

These days, although Gao Xinxin put on a strong face, she was still very scared inside and did not dare to sleep alone.

Gao Yang was guarding her by the bed. Gao Xinxin put on earplugs and an eye mask, grabbed Gao Yang's hand with one hand, talked softly at first, and gradually fell asleep.


Every once in a while, the sound of a tram passing by can be heard outside the window, and the whole house trembles slightly.

Gao Xinxin was not awakened. On the contrary, she found the sound reassuring and fell asleep deeper.

Seeing that it was almost done, Gao Yang slowly let go of his sister's hand, stood up and pulled the quilt over her, helped her push her bangs to one side, and made sure that the black gold button marked with [Time Reset] was firmly pinned to her collar. Then he turned off the wall lamp, walked out of the room gently, and closed the door.

In the living room, Jiuhan was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed to relax.

Gao Yang looked at his phone and saw that there was still time.

He didn't disturb Jiuhan, and sat down on the tatami, leaning against the wall, thinking about things alone.

"Ding, ding ding ding——"

The old-fashioned mobile phone on the coffee table rang. Jiuhan immediately opened his eyes and picked up the phone. There were four text messages sent from an unknown number, which was a list of awakened people.

Jiuhan smiled faintly: "Manshe's investigation has indeed gone a long way, and the latest member information of the Qilin Union and Baichuan Group has come out."

"Very good." Gao Yang was relieved that Man She was doing the job, not to mention the invisible can can help.

Jiuhan spent a few minutes reading it carefully, threw the phone away, and Gao Yang raised his hand to catch it, judging from the first text message.

——Qilin Trade Union, 23 people in total.

——President: Qilin.

——Elders: Qinglong, Zhuque, Yanliang (new elders)
——Members of the Qinglong Group: Liushuang (Dharma Protector), Huagui (Elite), Heiyu (Elite), Senhe (Elite), Gushi (Elite), Xiaoqingcai (Member), Hedong (Member).

——Members of the Suzaku Group: Yi Shi (Dharma Protector), Crow Shark (Elite), Bumblebee (Elite), Stubborn Weasel (Elite), Red Bee (Member), Xiao Xin (Member).

——Members of the Yanliang Group: Lingqiu (newcomer protector), Luanjian (elite), Bianyan (elite), Sumei (elite), Daoge (elite), Weiweiluo (member).

Gao Yang concentrated slightly, most of the names on the list were familiar faces.

"Yan Liang" and "Ling Qiu" are new faces, even newer than Hong Xiaoxiao. They don't have any achievements or qualifications. They can become elders and protectors as soon as they come up. Qilin also transferred people from the Qinglong Group and Suzaku Group to lead them. , it seems that both of them are not simple, so they need to be especially careful.

Gao Yang turned to the second text message, which was basic information about the members of the Qilin Union.

Gao Yang read slowly and saw that there was no information about Yan Liang and Ling Qiu. It seemed that Man She had not heard anything about it either.

Gao Yang didn't hesitate and turned directly to the third text message.

(End of this chapter)

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