The Lost City of Alien Beasts

Chapter 553 Cooperation

Chapter 553 Cooperation
On the top of Qingshan Mountain, a fire was burning, dyeing a large area of ​​the night sky red.

There are a lot of dead trees in the green mountains in late autumn, and the fire is spreading wantonly, threatening to scorch the entire mountain.

One minute ago, the tail team created a huge explosion. It was two tons of explosives that had been stored on the mountainside for a long time. It was not an elemental explosion created by Smoker.

According to the plan, they wanted to make noise, the bigger the better, in order to attract the awakened people who had left the city to come over. In this way, the plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain was successful.

The reason why I chose Qingshan was that the terrain was high and easy for everyone to notice, and the Qingshan was large and suitable for escaping.

"The work is done, are you leaving?" Xing Kong, shirtless and with knife-like eyebrows, walked over, his bronze skin glowing dark red under the firelight.

"Wait a moment and make sure they are all here." Mrs. Wu said in a serious tone. She is now the new leader of the tail team. To be honest, she doesn't like this position.

The previous leader was Emond, who strategized, and Hyena, the dog-headed strategist, made plans, and the others were responsible for executing them. It has always been smooth.

Although the tail team plays for the Cang Mother Cult, it has its own independence. The goals and ambitions of the teammates are different, but Emond always has a way to unite these crazy dogs and always helps them wipe out the chaos at critical moments. butt.

But now, both Edmund and the hyena are dead, and Mrs. Wu has to temporarily serve as the leader. After all, she is the only "normal person" left in the team.

"I feel more and more that it's not a good idea to cooperate with the beasts." As the deputy captain, Xing Kong basically understood Edmond's previous secret mission.

It turns out that Edmund decided to cooperate with the beast under the instruction of the Cang Mother Cult.

This beast is Su Xi.

Before, Su Xi took the initiative to find Emond. She had known that the tail team was using the corpses of animals to make "holy water" and planned to find and hunt living animals.

Su Xi hopes to cooperate with the tail team and seek protection.

She admitted that she was very weak during pregnancy and was less than one-tenth of her strength.

Of course, in order to show sincerity in cooperation, Su Xi told Edmond part of the truth about the beast. Although it was all Su Xi's words, the Cang Mother Sect judged that Su Xi was generally not lying based on the information it had.

After Edmond's death, Xingkong and Mrs. Wu also knew this part of the truth about Shengshou. After discussing it, they decided to continue carrying out the dangerous mission left by Edmund.

The truth about the so-called beasts is that they come from another "world". Su Xi did not reveal what they were and where they were.

In short, every 20 years, three beasts will go to the misty world with a mission.

Their mission is to "sow seeds" and "give birth".

Sowing: During the scarlet tide once every ten years, the living beasts will travel to all parts of the world, activate the power in the altar, and use the blood mist as a medium to redistribute the "energy seeds" of the dead lost beasts into the bodies of the living lost beasts, and then Let them "give birth" at specific times and carry out special reproduction.

If all three beasts work at the same time, sowing can be done in one night.

But the fertile animals cannot work. In the worst case, only one animal can work at the same time, which requires seven nights.

That's why the Crimson Tide lasts seven days.

Fertility: The living beast can choose its own mate, and the partner must be a human or an awakened person. Combine with it and give birth to a child. As a price, the living beast must die.

As long as the animal is combined with a human being, it will definitely be able to get pregnant and give birth.

The children they gave birth to were divided into three types: divine heirs, wandering ghosts, and cursed ones.

The popular names for these three names are: the Divine Son, the Ghost of Confusion, and the Son of the Curse.

Among them, wandering ghosts account for the vast majority, and wandering ghosts have a half chance of giving birth to twins.

If a living beast is pregnant with a wandering ghost, it can be felt immediately, because the wandering ghost does not belong to humans or beasts, but is a cursed alien.As a mother, a biological beast usually chooses to hide away from the awakened ones and advanced beasts, secretly give birth to a child, and then die.

The reason may be that when the beasts are pregnant, they also have an unexplainable "maternal love" that only humans can have. They do not want their "children" to be killed by advanced beasts or awakened beings as soon as they are born, so they can only do this. Last resort.

As a result, the wandering ghosts are born without a father or a mother, without a surname or a name. They grow up alone, difficult and confused, not knowing where they come from and where they are going.

They only have the instinct of hunger to survive. When they are hungry, they must eat the energy of awakened people. If they eat once, they can live for several years.

However, there is a special connection between ghosts. They will attract each other, find each other, and hug each other for warmth. This is how ghost groups come to be.

Spring should be the first ghost in the mist world, that is, the first "child" conceived and born by a beast.

Su Xi is one of the last batch of beasts to come to the misty world. She is also the youngest and the last one to be pregnant.

Su Xi knew very well that what she was pregnant with was not a wandering ghost, so there were only two possibilities left: Shen Si and Curse Yuan.

Before her, all the beasts had failed, and they were all pregnant with ghosts.

As for her peers, Lin Yue and Zhuang Mei, they are greedy for the false life in the misty world, are afraid of death, and do not have the courage to combine with humans. Therefore, they have not become pregnant and have never really given birth to a "child", so they can still live forever. And retain the powerful ability of the living beast.

Now that Su Xi is pregnant, she must be pregnant with a divine heir.

Because the divine heir is destined to be born. This is fate and God's will, and no one can change it.

Regarding Su Xi's pregnancy, Lin Yue chose to remain silent, but Zhuang Mei felt jealous and fearful. She decided to stop Su Xi and even wanted to force her to have an abortion.

Pregnant Su Xi is no match for Zhuang Mei. For the sake of her unborn child, Su Xi has no choice but to cooperate with the Cang Mu Cult.

She hoped that the tail team would take her away, hide her, and give birth to the child smoothly.

In exchange, she will provide the tail team with real "holy water".

This is a fatal attraction for the tail team and Cang Mu Cult.

Especially the tail team, they always believe that as long as they drink the real holy water, they can break through the limit of talent level and reach level 7 or even level 8.

At that time, the tail team is no longer a street rat or a crane tail, but a "human superior".

Under the guidance of the Cangmu Cult, the cooperation was achieved.

Emond dispatched everyone in the rear team to "capture" Su Xi.

Unexpectedly, Qiying and several people quickly followed up, with the beast Zhuang Mei, and even the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind.

Zhuang Mei's strength exceeded everyone's expectations.

It used its "silent energy" to kill Edmund by surprise, snatched Su Xi away, and headed to the island country, hoping to use the power of the altar to help Su Xi have an "abortion".

But fortunately, the Awakeners took action again.

It is said that the Sequence 1 dragon arrived in time and killed Zhuang Mei.

This dragon can actually kill Zhuang Mei alone. It is so terrifying that only the Cang Goddess can deal with it.

"Fire! Such a big fire! Hahahaha, it's burning, it's burning..." Cockroach's excited shout brought Mrs. Wu back from her thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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