The Lost City of Alien Beasts

Chapter 429 Fake Smiling Man

Chapter 429 Fake Smiling Man

"It's very presumptuous to visit us late at night." The man with a fake smile said in a smooth and unusually polite voice: "I heard that you are investigating us recently. Is this true?"

"I, I don't know what you are talking about... Wow..." Dick spat out another mouthful of black blood and felt unbearable pain all over his body, as if his internal organs were slowly burning.

"Mr. Dick, why don't we all be honest."

The man with a fake smile took back his handkerchief and said, "You are an awakened person. You work in the intelligence department of the Baichuan Regiment in Licheng. You are investigating the business of the Cangmu Sect in the Western Kingdom. And I happen to be the business director of the Cangmu Sect in the Western Kingdom. acting."

Dick's face turned pale, he stopped pretending, and shouted: "Come on, kill me or chop me into pieces, you piece of shit!"

"Mr. Dick." The masked man chuckled: "If you think death is the most terrifying thing, then unfortunately, you are wrong."

"Wow! Cough cough, cough cough... vomit..."

Dick began to vomit crazily, and squirming brown bugs began to appear in the black blood on the floor.

Chen Ying only felt a numbness on her scalp, even though she, as a "watch" at the moment, had no such thing as a scalp.

Dick spent the next few minutes vomiting blood and wailing in pain.

Chen Ying couldn't bear to watch it anymore, and she didn't have enough channeling time to support it anymore, so she controlled the screen to "fast forward".

After 10 minutes, Dick could no longer endure the torture and began to beg for mercy: "Please, kill, kill me...please..."

"No, no, no, Mr. Dick." The fake-smiling man looked at Dick, who was curled up in a ball at his feet, in pain, and smiled cold-bloodedly and politely: "I am a businessman, not an executioner. Killing someone is too barbaric. Like this, How about we make a deal?”

"Deal... okay... you say, you say..." Dick had already given in. He just wanted to end the pain and torture.

"It's simple, you keep working and I'll nurse you back to health, you just need to..."

"No, I...can't betray my companions..." Dick's remaining sanity allowed him to make his final insistence.

"There is no betrayal of your companions. You don't have to lie to them or hurt them. You just need to continue to complete your work."

"No...I have to, I have to inform...them..." Dick's eyes were distracted and his willpower was on the verge of collapse.

"Mr. Dick, what is your job? Answer me immediately." The fake-smiling man's voice suddenly deepened, and a strange spiritual energy that twisted the mind emanated from his body.

"Investigating... Cang Mother Cult..." Dick answered truthfully.

"Have you found out the results of your investigation?"

"It's investigated."

"and then?"

"I want to...tell the organization."

"Yes, tell the organization, even if the work is completed. But now you are suffering from illness and unable to complete the job, and I can restore you to health and allow you to continue working."

"Yes, yes..." Dick was "convinced".

"All I want in return is your life. Isn't that very generous?" Feng Qingyun, the man with a fake smile, said calmly.

"Life? Generosity..." Dick seemed a little confused, a little shaken, and the last trace of reason was stopping him.

"Yes, everyone has to die. What's the difference between dying early and dying late? So, life is not precious, but it's not okay if the work is not completed. You are an excellent agent of the Baichuan Regiment and you must complete your work well."

"Yes, yes, I must...complete the task..." Dick's sanity was gone.

"I will help you complete your mission at the cost of your life. Do you accept it?"

"Accept, I accept." Dick's eyes were filled with confusion, and he was completely convinced by the ridiculous negotiation of the fake-smiling man.

"Mr. Dick, congratulations on making a very wise choice."

The man with a fake smile took out the black gold pen on his chest, ripped off the clothes on Dick's chest, and drew a money symbol on his chest.

“The deal is done and it’s a pleasure to cooperate.”…


Chen Ying's scream came from the hotel toilet.

Qing Ling immediately stepped forward and opened the door.

Chen Ying sat on the toilet, her eyes wide open, her face covered with tears, and her breathing was short of breath.

"What's wrong?" Gao Yang and others also walked outside the door.

"It's the Cangmu Cult. There are two people with... abilities that are very scary..." Chen Ying's voice trembled. Although she was a psychic, it was as if she had personally witnessed Dick's tragic experience.

Five minutes later, Chen Ying held a cup of hot tea in both hands, sat on the bedside, and explained in detail what she saw in the channeling.

"That man in the fake-smiling mask is a hyena." Manshe's face was gloomy: "I'm very familiar with that absurd negotiation method, but it's just more unreasonable than before. Maybe it's because of his upgraded talent."

"Is it possible?" Officer Huang clasped his hands and tapped his chin with his fingers: "At that time, Dick was in a state of extreme physical pain and extremely weak will, making it easier for hyenas to take advantage of him."

Manshe nodded in agreement.

"Now it is certain that once a deal is reached with Hyena, and he signs the contract with a pen, he is basically his puppet."

Gao Yang thought for a moment and then added: "The hyena has very deep control over the puppet. It can modify and delete part of his memory and change his behavioral logic. Even the puppet himself does not feel that he is a puppet. Therefore, my [knowledge] Liar] doesn’t work on Dick.”

It's definitely [bribing], there's nothing wrong with it.

According to the order, this hyena is the No. 7 member of the Cangmu Cuoso Team.

Wait a minute, let’s put it this way, doesn’t it mean that the tail team doesn’t have numbers 1 and 2? After all, neither Zhang Wei nor I joined the tail team.

Anyway, this hyena has a companion, and this mission is more difficult than imagined.

"How are we going to find hyenas?" Nana bit the straw of a bottle of yogurt: "The Western Country is so big, and we are not IBF, so we can't just search from house to house with such arrogance."

Everyone looked at Nana with subtle expressions.

"It's all up to me. Did I say something wrong?" Nana was a little flattered.

"So you can chat normally." Officer Huang smiled.

Nana stood up with her hands on her hips: "How presumptuous! My king's words and deeds can also be questioned by you mortals..."

Gao Yang automatically ignored Nana, who was in the middle two state, and looked at Chen Ying: "During the channeling, have you paid attention to other clues? We have to find the hyena and that..." Gao Yang thought about the wording: "Space Man."

Chen Ying shook her head: "They didn't show their faces, and they didn't reveal key information."

"Can you channel the spirit again?" Manshe asked.

Chen Ying's slightly bloody face turned pale again: "Yes, an item can be channeled twice, or even three times. However, the second time the effect will only be worse than the first, and the information loss will be more serious. Moreover, I don't Determine whether my current state can go through Dick's experience again..."

"No need to go back to that night." Gao Yang said.

"Ah?" Chen Ying was a little surprised.

Gao Yang explained: "Since the hyena and the space man showed up on their own initiative, they were obviously prepared. It can be seen from their lack of showing their faces that they do not want to and will not leave any clues for us."

"It makes sense." Officer Huang said.

"However, Dick's investigation into the Cang Mother Cult leaked out, and hyenas came to his door. Dick must have been exposed at some point."

Gao Yang thought for a while and made a decision: "Chen Ying, you channel again. This time you mainly pay attention to two people. One is Dick's friend in the Intelligence Bureau. Find out his information through memories. There is also another person, It’s the girl Dick brought home for the night. These two are the most suspicious, so we’ll start from here.”

"Okay, I'll try." Chen Ying breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, put on Dick's watch, and entered the toilet again.

(End of this chapter)

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