283 Sarah
There was no response from the house.

By this point, Sarah was most likely asleep.

"Boom boom boom!"

Douhu knocked three more times, this time harder.

Half a minute passed and still no one responded.

Douhu coughed lightly and shouted into the room in broken Xue Mandarin: "Sarah, we are Lilia's friends. If you have anything to do, come to visit!"

There was still no movement in the house.

Douhu was a little impatient. He glanced at Qinglong behind him: "What should we do now?"

Qinglong thought carefully and answered cautiously: "How about we first..."


Before Qinglong finished speaking, Wu Se had already strode to the door and kicked open the weak wooden door.

The two men froze in place, only to feel a crow flying overhead.

"Hurry up and get in the house, I hate snow." There was a hint of disgust in Wu Shi's cold tone, and she strode into the house without looking back.

Douhu and Qinglong quickly followed up and were alert.

The space inside the house is not large, very simple and dark.

In the corner was a fireplace covered in black ash. The wood inside was burned into black charcoal, with some residual heat still remaining.

In front of the fireplace is a shabby sofa, and next to it is a wooden lazy chair with a half-beaten red sweater on it. It sways gently and makes a "crunching" sound.

The air smelled of canned food and some rotten wood.

Obviously, Sarah lives here.

Qinglong looked around: "It should be in the bedroom."

"I'll go in and have a look..."

As soon as Wu Se walked towards the bedroom, the bedroom door was suddenly knocked open!


A thin woman rushed out, holding a wood ax in both hands, and struck Wu Color.

Wu Se was startled at first, but quickly realized that the woman in front of him was very unprofessional in terms of speed and sneak attacks.

Wu Shi raised his hand slightly and held the handle of the axe.


The thin woman was still struggling, but the ax was fixed in her colorless hand, motionless.

At this time, the three of them could basically see the woman's appearance clearly.

She is thin and thin, with sparse and messy brown hair, thin cheeks, a pair of dull blue eyes, sunken eye sockets, protruding cheekbones, and dull skin, making her look very old.

Wu Color raised his hand slightly, and the woman was forced to let go of the ax and threw it out.

The woman fell to the ground with a muffled sound, knocking over a low stool.

Her initial anger and excitement changed to fear. She retreated to the corner with her legs curled up, holding her head in her hands, her body shaking violently, and she looked like she was in a state of panic.

The three of them all knew some Xue Mandarin and could vaguely understand her words.

"No, don't hurt me...don't..."

"Ah!" Suddenly, the woman shouted, as if she remembered something: "My daughter! My daughter!"

The woman stumbled up and rushed towards Wu Se with bared teeth and claws: "Give me your daughter back! Give your daughter back to me..."

Wu Shi dodged sideways, grabbed the woman's wrist, and guided her forward. The woman fell weakly on the sofa.

"Hold her down." Wu Color said.

Douhu and Qinglong were slightly stunned, not understanding what Wu Color was going to do.

"Hurry up!" Wu Se raised his voice.

It was clear that Qinglong was the team leader and Douhu was the vice-captain. Not only that, these two men were much higher than Wu Color in terms of seniority and strength.

But now, they are like two inexperienced younger brothers, being called back and forth without color.

Douhu didn't care about this, Qinglong was also more generous and just smiled bitterly.

The two walked to the sofa and each held one of the woman's hands.

The woman was still struggling. She looked at Douhu and Qinglong in horror and shouted: "Save me! Lord, save me... I don't want to go to hell, take me away, take me to the other side..."

"This woman is Sarah." Wu Se approached the woman's face and looked at her carefully: "Her mental state is very bad, normal communication is impossible, I will try hypnosis." "Can you also hypnotize?" Dou Hupo for accident.

"My talent is the spiritual system." Wu Color explained: "Although it is not hypnosis, it has some similarities, so I taught myself hypnosis in the hope that it would be useful to her."

Wu Shi took out a small syringe from his pocket. It was a tranquilizer specially made by Baichuan Group, suitable for hypnosis and interrogation.

Wu Zi pulled off the syringe sheath and expertly inserted it into her neck.

"No! Don't hurt me... No, no..." Sarah's excitement quickly calmed down.

Her swollen and aging double eyelids opened and closed, and her undulating chest became flat.

Douhu and Qinglong slowly let go of Sara's arms and slowly retreated behind Wu Se.

I don’t know when a pocket watch with a silver chain appeared on Wu Se’s hand. She put the pocket watch in front of Sarah’s eyes, swung it from side to side, and guided her in quite standard Snow Mandarin: “Relax, take a deep breath, feel your heartbeat, feel you Breathing..."

"Good, you'll feel a little sleepy."

"Don't worry, you're safe now."

"You feel comfortable and cozy."

"I am your most trusted friend."

"We're chatting."

"You can tell me anything."


Sarah slowly closed her eyes, her breathing became even, her thin and aging face was no longer tense, and her tightened brows became relieved.

"Hi, Sarah, how are you doing recently?" Wu Se's tone was relaxed and full of emotion, as if he was really her good friend.

Douhu and Qinglong behind them were amazed: They really entered the role in one second.

"No, no..." Sarah's voice was a little sad.

"What's the matter, Sarah?"

"I, I miss my daughter very much. I miss her all the time..."

"Are you talking about Lilia? Where has she gone?"

"I, I can't say..."

"Sarah, there's nothing you can't say. I'm your best friend. We can talk about anything."

"Lilia, she is the daughter of God, she, she goes to the other side of bliss..."

"Nonsense, Sarah, Lilia is your daughter, have you forgotten?"

"No, no..." Sarah's voice was painful, revealing a strong sense of contradiction. She frowned miserably: "Lilia is the daughter of God, but she was born through my body... I am honored. , I should feel honored..."

"But you are in pain now."

"Because, because I miss Lilia..." Sarah's closed eyes trembled slightly, tears appeared in the corners of her eyes, and quickly filled the dark eye sockets.

"Sarah, have you been cheated..."

"no no!"

Sarah shouted excitedly: "The other side exists! We will all go to the other side, we will meet there, and we will no longer have pain..."

"Sarah, you are right, you and Lilia will reach the other side and meet again..." Wu Color hurriedly followed her words.

"Yes, yes..." Sarah's mood stabilized a little more, but then she remembered something again: "But, but I was abandoned by the Lord, I can't go to the other side... I am polluted..."

Wu Se was stunned for a moment, then turned slightly to look at Qinglong and Douhu.

The two men nodded.

Wu Color took a deep breath: "Sarah, what have you been contaminated by?"

"..." Sarah shook her head slightly, feeling very painful.

"Sarah, do you know the Blue Goddess?"

"..." Sarah continued to shake her head, a little fiercely.

"I heard that the Cang Goddess is from Ji'an Cult..."


Sarah yelled.

(End of this chapter)

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