My players are so fierce.

Chapter 867 Chapter 866 Lord of the Hunt: Bastard! I'm so kind to you, why don't you act l

Chapter 867 866. Lord of the Hunt: Bastard! I'm so kind to you, why don't you act like me!
The Chosen Lord of the Hunt came to the Smuggler's Grove to brighten up the area. Several military leaders of the Bloodclaw clan also arranged the place in advance to welcome the powerful Dark Mountain compatriots to come to "inspect the work."

The barbarian soldiers rescued by them also greeted the arrival of their great warlord at the entrance of the forest with a face full of shame. Xu Gesen did not criticize them too harshly. He just encouraged them casually and then focused on the clan in front of him. in the territory.

According to Nash, Smuggler's Woodland has now become the base camp of the local Gnolls in Transia, especially after the Gnoll Hunt ended a few months ago, there are no large-scale Gnoll gangs in Transia.

As the political power gradually stabilized and the power of the Scarlet Castle radiated to the entire territory, the scattered gnolls who had escaped seemed to have a premonition of danger. They either fled to Kafhokar or followed the Bloodclaw clan's recruitment. A filthy swamp.

This clan currently has more than 10,000 people. Of course, one Smuggler's Woodland cannot accommodate so many gnolls. Therefore, under Nash's plan, three more gnoll gathering points were developed in the direction of the swamp. The Blood Claw Clan There are also two gathering points in the border area in the direction of Cato.

This kind of scale is just a small clan in the gnoll society of the Dark Mountains. It is not worthy of attention in terms of number or strength, not to mention that the gnolls of Transia are short in stature. The "First Blood Claw Baturu" is a pitiful little guy in front of the gnolls in the Dark Mountains, just like the cockroaches in the north who are jumping for joy but still lack the image in front of the big brothers in the south.

However, the Bloodclaw clan in Xu Gesen's eyes was very different from the other clans he had seen since childhood.

In order to "strategic deception", Nash has already dealt with everything related to "civilization" in the smuggler's woodland den in advance, but the habit developed by maintaining order for a long time cannot be hidden all at once, especially This is especially true for the orderly actions of the Bloodclaw Jackals in the beast's den.

Xu Gesen showed great interest and visited the big beast's den under the guidance of the trembling Nash.

It found that the gnolls of the Bloodclaw clan had developed the habit of performing their own duties. Without much supervision, the local gnolls who were assigned a job would do their best to complete it, even those who had just grown up. The cubs will also take the initiative to learn some basic craftsmanship from the adult gnolls.

They don't even have private fights that are very common among other gnoll clans. Even if there is a conflict, the most they will do is bicker and throw a few harsh words, especially when the guards of the lair patrol over, both parties to the quarrel will immediately pretend that nothing happened. occur.

This means that the Bloodclaw clan already has a basic reward and punishment system that is recognized by the clan members. Although the gnolls of the Bloodclaw clan also have combat training, fighting is obviously only a part of their current life, and it is not even mainstream. arrive.

"You have arranged different types of work for your people? Do you distinguish them by skills and occupations instead of strength and blood?"

After looking at a cave used for weaving items, Xu Gesen suddenly asked:

"I saw those little cubs using slates to record the key points of weaving skills, so they are all literate?"

"Well, the last chief taught us that only dogs can distinguish blood. As jackals, we must have the most basic dignity. As for literacy, the little boy can read and write, but he doesn't know much."

Nash replied cautiously:

"The previous chief planned to teach these cubs himself, but he... ahem, died too suddenly. I will take over the follow-up work. However, my own education level is not high, so..."

"Don't be so careful."

Xu Gesen said casually:

“I saw Hogg in the Dark Mountains!
I also know what that little man is doing now. In fact, I knew you were his follower the first time I saw you. Only a deviant guy like Xian Lang can come up with such an education that is incompatible with the tradition of the jackals. Way.

Tell me about Hogg.

I only know that it is a gnoll chosen by the King of Bonebiters. I am not very clear about its origins and its upbringing. Where did it learn this? "

Hearing Xu Gesen say this, Nash was slightly relieved.

It had just sent a message to the headquarters under the coercion of Hugersen, but it really had no idea whether Lord Murphy would come. It could only try to delay Xugersen, a guy who was very dangerous from all aspects. .

If this guy is really ferocious, it can slaughter the Smuggler's Grove from beginning to end by itself.

But when telling Hugersen about the life of Chief Hogg, Nash also discovered some characteristics of this chosen one.

It is completely different from the legendary wild Dark Mountain Gnoll, especially when it listens, the calmness and thinking shown by this big Gnoll are almost exactly the same as the Lord Hogg in its memory.

If this was the pure blood descendant of the Bone-Gnawing King, Nash would probably be able to understand why the Jackal a hundred years ago could be twisted into a rope so easily by King Philip.

This guy really has some indescribable wolfish charm.

If Nash hadn't already followed Xian Lang, then when such a jackal leader appeared in front of him, he would probably be willing to go to pieces for it.

"So, Hogg learned this from human historians?"

After Xu Gesen listened to Nash's detailed description, it nodded and said:
"Gnolls rarely have the habit of recording history, so there are some priests in the Bloodscar clan who are interested in the past. My ancestors also tried to cultivate some scholars who specialize in recording history. Unfortunately, the time they ruled the gnoll civilization was too short. .

If we cannot learn from the mistakes we have made in the past, it will be difficult for us to grow, and if we cannot learn from the past victories, it will be difficult for us to break through the current predicament.

Alas, there is no hope for a nation that does not know how to record history. "

"Chief Hogg once said that he would become the first true historian of the Gnoll civilization."

Nash whispered:
"It also said something very similar to your sentiments. In fact, it also left a paper, which was written when it ended its study with Professor Malcolm. Chief Hogg regarded it as his own life The first memorable achievement."

"Oh? Let me see."

Xu Gesen took off his war helmet, revealing his extremely handsome and majestic appearance for a jackal. He put his war hammer aside and said something to Nash.

This is good news for Nash.

The little Gnoll Chief just wanted to stabilize Xu Gesen, so he immediately sent a guard to his den to get everything Chief Hog left behind.

Xu Gesen, as the leader of the jackals raised by Splitclaw's mother, was of course literate. Although the writing was ugly, reading was not a problem for him.

It took a while to read Hogg's paper discussing the underlying logic of the Jackals and the Black Disaster from beginning to end, and he admired some of the points put forward very much.

The Black Disaster is not a malicious invasion in nature. It is just the migration of the Jackals in the Dark Mountains for the right to survive under the pressure of survival and drastic changes in the environment. In his paper, Hogg not only summarized this concept from the perspective of the Jackals , and even proposed his own solution.

It believes that to completely solve the black disaster, on the one hand, the jackals must move from barbaric habits to civilization. At least they must learn to artificially control the speed of reproduction. On the other hand, they must also learn from more advanced production models. If the jackals can farm their own land, Feeding oneself instead of maintaining the nomadic tradition, then self-sufficiency alone is enough to eliminate the scourge of the Black Disaster.

Although most areas of the Dark Mountains are barren and desolate, there are actually many places that can be used for production.

Hugurson believed that both solutions were somewhat idealistic, but he had to admit that Hogg's idea was correct, because Chief Potana who raised him did this in the Splitclaw clan.

Although the Splitclaw clan does not grow food in the Ash Plains, under the guidance of Chief Potana, the clan can grow a large amount of herbs and get enough food from the goatmen, and there is no need to fight with other clans for a piece of pasture. One plane.

Moreover, Xu Gesen also knew from some stories told by his lover Nanak that the reason why the Whiptail clan's power developed so fast was because the old Chief Singer was very good at doing things.

The old and dim-looking guy maintains a relatively good relationship with most of the forces in the Dark Mountains.

The Whiptail Clan will conduct simple trade with the goatmen, sin dwarves and even shadow elves, selling various resources in the rich areas they occupy, obtaining daily necessities from the goatmen, and weapons and minerals from the sin dwarves. , and finally obtain enough food from the shadow elves.

The production of the Splitclaw clan is based on the model of the Whiptail clan.

In the past, Xu Gesen only thought that Chief Singer was a very powerful leader. Mother Potana also told him several times that he should not underestimate Old Singer. However, inspired by Hogg's paper, Xu Gesen realized that Old Singer was a very powerful leader for the first time. Ge is better than other chiefs.

The old guy's operational abilities were so shrewd that he didn't look like a jackal at all.

"Chief Hogg said that to be a good chief, you have to feed your people. This is the first step towards civilization." Nash was watching the ruminative talk to delay time. He said to the thoughtful Xu Gesen:

"Chief Hogg also said that the failure of the Bone-gnawing King was that it was too anxious. If King Frederick had ten more years to develop and set rules after establishing the political power, then the Jackal after ten years of accumulation would If the army attacks, it can definitely overwhelm the entire world with ease.

Unfortunately, when King Frederick established his regime, he happened to encounter the spiritual tide of the Dark Mountains, and did not have so much time to allow it to develop slowly.

From this point of view, the failure of the Bone-Gripping King is also the fate. "

"It thinks well, but that's because it once managed only one Blood Claw clan, and it also got the full help of the vampire Murphy, so it can feed you so easily and give you time to be hungry. Reach out to learn and change.”

Xu Gesen snorted and said:
"If Hogg really has a big clan in the Dark Mountains, it will know how idealistic its series of measures are. Nash, do you know how the gnolls in the Dark Mountains spend their lives?

That’s not the first priority!

You must first ensure that you will not be killed by the hungry compatriots around you. It is not that no one wants to change this situation, but every change will fail in the embryonic stage due to various factors. The jackals alone cannot do it. There is a way to escape from this vicious circle.

After all, even Lord Philip failed. "

"That's right! It's because we can't solve this problem on our own that Master Hogg wants to lead the Jackals to join the civilized camp. At least we can't continue to be hostile to them."

Nash said excitedly:
"You also said that the Bloodclaw clan was able to change because we received help and support from Transia. This proves that as long as someone is willing to help us, the gnolls can break out of the trap of survival.

We just need the first financial support, and Lord Murphy is willing to help us!
He is probably the only civilized leader who is willing to sit down and talk with the gnolls. The appearance of the Bloodclaw clan is proof of his sincerity. You already know this, so why are you bringing a large army to attack Transia?
You are trying to destroy our Gnolls' only hope of rebuilding civilization!
You are confused! "

Nash's fierce rhetorical question silenced Xu Gesen. After several seconds, the big guy shook his head and said:
"It's not as simple as you think. There is a very important prerequisite for solving all these problems. If Murphy and Hogg can't break that chain, everything you plan is destined to be just a mirror in the water.

Nash, you are a good leader, but your vision is still a bit shallow.

If you get a chance in the future, I mean, if you can survive this showdown, go outside and wander around.

Same as Hogg.

Go and learn from the wisdom of those who are worth following. You have the talent to be great, don't waste it.

Now, get out! "

The Chosen One emphasized his tone, reached out and grasped the war hammer beside him, and said:
"My guests are here."

"No, the owner of this place is here."

Murphy's voice rang out from outside Nash's chief's cave.

When the handsome and well-armed vampire walked into the cave, Mrs. Tracey's figure loomed outside the cave, along with the equally well-armed tribune Kudel, the fate-weaver girl Villanse, and the first lord of the Blood Alliance Knights, Pa Lanno and the third lord Yvette.

Facing such a force that could kill it, Xu Gesen was unafraid.

It just stared at Murphy, with lightning dancing on the warhammer in its hand, as if it was about to explode and kill the vampire lord in the next second.

"You really have the guts to put yourself in front of us."

Murphy stepped forward with Necessary Evil in hand, and said coldly:
"Don't even think about leaving alive today, Xu Gesen. As long as I kill you here, all the problems that Transia has encountered will be solved."

"Of course you can do that."

Xu Gesen bared his teeth and said:
"The death of me, the chosen one, means that the Lord of Hunting has lost the means to interfere in the human world, but you might as well guess why I dare to come? Do you think I am the only choice for the Lord of Hunting?
If you don’t want to see another divine choice more in line with the Hunting Lord’s appetite being born on the Genoa Peninsula, then put away this boring intimidation gesture, Murphy.

You and I both know that I can die!

But not at this time, and certainly not here. "


Murphy curled his lips and gestured to the outside.

The Golden Ones retreated, and only Tris followed, standing next to Murphy to protect him.

Although Xu Gesen's appearance in Smuggler's Grove today does not seem to be to stir up trouble, but if this guy really has some dangerous ideas, then there is no doubt that Murphy will be in absolute danger now.

Let alone Tris, Lord Paying would not agree to this outcome.

Murphy's importance now transcends the boundaries of race and civilization. For Lord Paying, he would rather the civilized camp lose everything in this black disaster than see the Chosen God of Creation in this chaotic era. It fell quietly from the beginning.

"You came here at this time, are you really not afraid that your god will punish you, a traitor?"

Murphy came forward and sat cross-legged in front of Xu Gesen. He stared at the big golden-red jackal and said:

"Are you planning to jump on the wrong side?"

"No, I will not surrender to you, Murphy. Only one of you and I is destined to survive, but you can rest assured about the secret observation of the Lord of Hunting."

Xu Gesen said:

"Our cruel god is busy drawing strength from the war in the Genoa Peninsula. He enjoys the feeling of being fast and powerful. He will not set his sights here before a real war breaks out in the direction of Transia.

As I said just now, my God is observing another 'candidate'. If I don't make some achievements, I'm afraid I will be taken away from this identity.

This is what I want to talk to you about next. "

The Chosen One pointed to the sky and said:

"As for how to pull Him down from the throne and how to push Him to death in the mud, I know you have a plan, but I must warn you that you only have one chance! Once you miss it, it will not only be you, but also the entire Jackal civilization. They all fell into a desperate situation in an instant.

If possible, I really don’t want to pin this kind of thing on you. After all, you don’t seem very reliable, but as Hogg said, the Jackals have fallen into a dilemma that cannot be solved by themselves. We need to come from the outside. s help.

If you are the only one willing to lend a helping hand, we have no choice. "

"Bringing an army to attack the helpers, is this how you repay your kindness?"

Tris asked sarcastically.

Xu Gesen glanced at her and said quietly:

"I can take my army back to the Dark Mountains now, but are you sure you want me to repay your kindness like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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