My players are so fierce.

Chapter 738 Chapter 737 Lord of Darkness: Stop it! That's not how my power is used! asshole

Chapter 738 737. Lord of Darkness: Stop it! That's not how my power is used! asshole

"What? What did you say they found? A core of darkness that can explode?"

Murphy, who had returned to Shadow Valley to continue working as a tunnel supervisor while catching fish, soon received a piece of news from Adele that stunned him. He asked in detail about the shape and characteristics of the Dark Core, and then turned to look He turned to the spider girl Villanse, who was maintaining a dignified posture next to him, pretending to be a beautiful NPC.

"My warriors killed the Dark Chosen and found some dark cores that were suspected to be the seeds of the Dark Lord's power. It is said that those things can produce violent explosions. Why did we kill nearly fifty Dark Chosen in the tunnel but nothing happened? Not found?

Are you hiding it in private?

You seem to be interested in these dangerous things. "

"You have the nerve to say that."

The spider girl rolled her eyes cutely, holding two of her six hands on her chest, two on her hips, and two of her six hands to keep the tools used for divination shaking at a specific frequency.

She complained harshly:

"As soon as your strange 'purification aura' that calls you 'Omega' is turned on, let alone the seeds of power of the Dark Chosen, even if the Lord of Darkness attacks you personally, nothing will be left.

That strange power is the most overbearing purification effect I have ever seen. I don't even dare to use some of the corrupted evil spells given by the Spider Lady in front of you, lest your power will stimulate me and purify me into ashes.

I estimate that the core of darkness in those dark elects has dissipated when you kill them, but it is also very common to drop some power seeds when killing such dark cultists. After all, the Lord of Darkness will leave behind in the material world. What you need is a backup plan to get out of trouble, not a one-time deal.

It makes sense that he deliberately set his power seeds to be restored after death, so as to ensure to the greatest extent that his power would not 'evaporate' away for no reason.

I suspect that those picked-up dark cores should be mixed with some of the light-devouring power of the Lord of Darkness. As for the explosion.

Well, it should be related to the unique existence form of those foreigners. "

"Oh? What do you say?"

Murphy became interested and asked more questions. Villanse explained to his master in detail like a qualified "cultist Bai Xiaosheng":

"Divine power is a condensation of power that is higher than reality, so it shows all kinds of incredible characteristics in the material world. But since it is not a naturally occurring thing, it must have a person if it wants to exert its greatest effectiveness in the material world. carrier.

Especially a symbolic evil god like the Lord of Darkness.

He does not have the authority to create things out of thin air. If he cannot create the most perfect family members, he can only rely on the seeds of power to slowly transform them. Once that thing enters a certain life system, it will begin to transform its existence form, making all its organs and even The entire body evolved into the form most suitable for exerting the light-devouring divine power in a short period of time.

This is a preset force adaptation process. My master, have you discovered the problem?

Your warriors do not appear on this land as entities. They are just special spiritual projections. Not to mention that the entities are not here, even the spirit and will are projected here.

No matter how powerful the Dark Core is, it cannot cross the distance between the two worlds to infect their entities.

Maybe the Warp Shadow can do it, but a symbolic indigenous evil god like the Lord of Darkness certainly can't.

To put it simply, his power seed is not designed for your warriors at all. Your warriors can at most temporarily store this power in their bodies, but as long as they dare to use it, it will immediately trigger the rampage of light-devouring divine power.

Once the divine power goes wild, the spiritual energy that makes up their bodies will quickly disintegrate. The destructive power caused by chaotic spiritual energy mixed with violent divine power is of course far stronger than ordinary energy explosions. "

"Well, I see. It seems that what I said is right. You are indeed very proficient in this area. You have learned all the tricks of the cultists."

Murphy sighed in admiration.

The perfect way to use this thing immediately appeared in his evil mind. He narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and said to Villanse:

"Then tell me, can we collect the dark cores dropped by the dark elects, and then give them to Tris to dilute them with alchemy, and add them to the decisive wine currently used by the warriors.

In this way, when they drink the decisive wine and burn their lives, they can trigger the rampage of light-devouring divine power. They don't even need the last-ditch spell. Drinking it can complete the entire process from self-combustion to self-destruction of the enemy.

And the power of destruction will also be significantly increased. "

"Here comes Ms. Spider! What an evil and terrifying idea!"

Villanse pretended to be amazed.

But then the spider girl also narrowed her eyes, showing the standard cold expression of a villain when doing bad things, and she said:

"There are risks, my dear master.

The Lord of Darkness has just been banished, he has not dissipated yet. As long as he returns to the material world, these separated divine powers will be taken back in minutes.

Secondly, even if this powerful and evil potion is ever crafted, it can only be used by your alien warriors.

It must not be given to locals for use. Their entities and souls are at risk of being corrupted and transformed by the Lord of Darkness. Well, of course, you can increase the toxicity of this potion tenfold!

In this way, it is useless even if the locals drink the decisive wine and are noticed by the Lord of Darkness. With only a little bit of dark power, even the Lord of Darkness cannot bring his chosen people back to life.

You know, my master, since you want to use such dangerous power, you must take all precautions in advance to avoid being bitten by the wild dogs on the opposite side.

But let me tell you, the most convenient way is to find an opportunity to crush the Lord of Darkness to death. You must know that divine power is the rarest material in the material world. Many of the secret techniques given by Ms. Spider use divine power to strengthen one's body.

I believe that as the best theologian on the continent, your Lady Tris must also have many clever ways to use divine power. "

"How dare you think about it."

Murphy complained:

"That's a god!

And your poor master is just an ordinary black man. He and two thieves are planning to rob the Halfling Bank in Port Chardeau. Before he succeeds, he has already planned how to spend the money.

I don’t think we need to be so confident now. "

"Others certainly can't do it, but my master, you are no ordinary person."

Villanse whispered:

"The strange and powerful Omega purification power in your body is already quite remarkable. I think if you can use it more refinedly.

I mean, our plan wouldn't be impossible if it could be freely mobilized for combat rather than being activated only when threatened.

You have to understand that the lethality of this thing to chaotic creatures is simply beyond words. Well, the divination is completed, let me see the results.

Well, that's bad. "

She frowned and looked at the results in the very classic Shadow Elf divination bowl in her hand, and said:

"The prophecy shows that some of the dark elects have escaped from the Black Flame Pass. The bifurcated black lines represent that they are running to a place that deviates from their destiny. I guess this refers to the rat people.

You see, Skaven are not naturally born creatures, and the wheel of fortune in this world has no plan for them.

But the good news is that most of the dark elects are still trapped in the trenches of Black Flame Pass. The specific location should be in the underground structure between positions 6 and 9.

Your warriors will be busy next.

If you are determined to use the Dark Lord's light-eating power as a weapon for modification, then you'd better order them to collect those precious powers before the gnolls attack again. "

"Well, although I have seen it many times, I am always surprised every time I see you perform divination. In your hands, divination has changed from an uncertain power to a method that can be relied on.

I'm curious, are other fate-weaver girls as talented in this area as you are? "Murphy asked. Villanse showed a rather straightforward sarcastic expression, waved his hands in an embarrassed gesture and said:

"My dear master, your praise is exaggerated.

My divination results are also wrong, but this thing was not so effective before. Since I came to you, my divination results have become more accurate, so it is you who should be praised as powerful.

As for the other fate-weaver girls, it's just so so. About four out of ten divination times are accurate, three times are vague and accurate, and the last three times are ridiculously wrong. This is the current situation of divination and all prophetic spells.

We only peep and interpret destiny, but cannot truly understand or even control destiny. "

"In that case, can I invite you to the Black Flame Pass to assist my warriors in hunting down those dark elects?"

Murphy said:

"In that complex environment, your divination skills will definitely come in handy."

"But if I leave, what about your safety?"

Villanse frowned and said:

"The last assassination scared me. Even the Spider Lady was furious. Please think about me. I can't go against my god's will. If something like this happens again, I think the Spider Lady will descend." God’s punishment.”

"No, I am no longer what I used to be."

Murphy waved his hands and said mysteriously:

"I'm really looking forward to the assassin coming again. This time he won't escape so easily. Didn't you make another bottle of resurrection for me?

There is nothing to be afraid of since this thing is here.

I have few people under my command now, so I can only overload you. "

"Oh, it's time to find you a full-time bodyguard."

Villanse complained:

"Lord Paying is the same. He can let his first lord serve as a bodyguard for a jackal. Why can't he send another lord to accompany you? Isn't your safety worse than that of a mere wise wolf? ?

Let's do this. I'll go back quickly and do another accurate divination on that position to outline the positions of those dark elects. Then I will return to you as soon as possible.

Before I come back, please don't do anything that may hurt you, such as drinking scalding hot soup in large gulps, and be careful not to fall and drown when you go to the toilet. "

After saying that, the crooked spider girl swayed into the shadows and left Murphy's side.

The vampire lord touched his cheek. He always felt that Villanse seemed less and less like a standard shadow elf.

In fact, if you compare her with the shadow elf vampires who currently have a monopoly on the custom industry in Scarlet Castle, it is not difficult to see that although Villanse is a talkative, she is pure in all aspects and does not look like a shadow elf.

Uh, maybe I'm overthinking it?

After all, Villanse has never hidden that she is a fate-weaver girl who is very good at pretending. Maybe her transformation was all staged?

"My dear wife, are you busy now?"

Murphy activated the quantum communication on his Farstrider armor and asked Tris. A few seconds later, Tris's answer rang in Murphy's ears, somewhat filled with anger:

"I'm not busy, but can you take care of that damn foreigner!

That guy named Cement took apart a biological cabin in the biological room while I wasn't paying attention!

Hell, she couldn't pretend to be back and caused a moderate explosion, which sent out smart security. If I hadn't gone quickly, that guy would have had to experience the feeling of being off the Internet for three days.

It's crazy!

I don't even dare to dismantle such a high-end thing. We only have these seven biological cabins in our hands! "

"Ask her to open it. If she does it, it means she is researching it. It means she has taken the bait. It means this poor guy may have carried a KPI in the last twenty days of his life."

Murphy is unfazed by this loss, saying:

"There is a repair program in Assistant No. 3. Don't activate it yet. Wait for her to install it. If she can't install it, let Assistant No. 3 start the repair process. She can do whatever she wants. Don't interfere with her.

I have a job for you now. It's quite important and has to do with divine power. "


As the best theologian on the mainland, when she heard the word "divine power", Tris's anger at "the annoying naughty kid from another family came to her home and dismantled her most beloved figurine" suddenly shifted. , she immediately asked:

"Where did you come into contact with divine power? It is a very dangerous thing, Murphy, especially if you are a relatively low-level power class. Once you are contaminated by divine power, your whole life will be over."

"Calm down, Tris, I am a vampire. No god would throw his precious power on a piece of shit."

Murphy smiled and told Tris the power seeds of the Lord of Darkness and the way he wanted to use them. The vampire girl was stunned for a few seconds, and then said in a weird tone:

"Okay, little Murphy, I have never heard of anyone in my life and Salokdar's life who would dare to use precious divine power in such a wasteful way. Although your idea is outrageous, it is not impossible.

You send those dark cores to the Scarlet Castle, and I will rush back in two days to start testing. In fact, it is not difficult to improve the principle of the decisive wine, the main thing is the materials.

Okay, leave this job to me.

I will equip your warriors with the most dangerous 'suicide bombs' in the world.

Well, let us observe a moment of silence for the jackals in advance. "

Crime Fortress, Grand Duke Shani of Thorns has stayed here for more than five days. It is very rare for a big shot in charge of the intelligence exchange of the entire kingdom to stay in the same place for such a long time.

Shani's affairs here have actually been dealt with, and she was finished yesterday, but she can't leave now and doesn't dare to leave.

Because the vampire big shot was in the Crimean Fortress at this time, Lord Paying had just listened to General Baldwin's plan to strengthen the defense of the Crimean Fortress a few hours ago, and even proactively invited the Maginot Line Commander Kudel came to the Crimean Fortress as a guest.

This is clearly to use his leadership in dealing with the black disaster to force the Winter Wolf Legion and Transia to cooperate in this black disaster.

The Lord is not a political figure, but his influence on the mainland political level is not weak at all. If even Wolf Girl and King Louis want to listen to his opinions on this matter, then General Baldwin will be taken away. Dominance has no temper at all.

What's more, after seeing the tragedy of the Black Flame Pass position with his own eyes, General Winter Wolf has now entered a very pragmatic state of preparation for war. The Lord's presence here will allow him to better coordinate preparations with the Blood Eagle Clan. matters.

Lord Paying's next stop is Beifong Castle.

He was going to see the wolf girl.

Thinking that this time it was definitely not just a matter of bringing greetings, but Grand Duke Shani would go there with Lord Paying as a guide, which was why she was still staying in the Crimean Fortress.

Shani already knew from Tris that Lord Paying had completed the binding ceremony for the blood alliance candidates, which meant that she and the Lord would definitely have to talk about the "Golden Era" along the way. .

The Grand Duke of Thorns is also looking forward to this.

But just as Shani was preparing for this journey, a secret report from the Thorn Clan interrupted her rhythm.

"A psionicist suspected to be 'Dragon Flame' Lina appeared in Burnie City? There is a girl with a mysterious identity accompanying her? She is suspected to be the chosen one of an unknown god?


Shani looked at the secret report in her hand and suddenly had a headache.

A defecting Golden Psychic Master of the Ring Tower is difficult enough, but why would there be an inexplicable chosen one of an unknown god?

This continent is really about to enter an era of chaos, right?

Even unknown gods have appeared now!

What the hell!

It seems that the route of her journey with the Lord needs to be changed. The first stop will be Bonie City.

(End of this chapter)

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