My players are so fierce.

Chapter 451 450 We must learn to learn from history, both good and bad [1725]

Chapter 451 450. We must learn to learn from history, good or bad - [1725]

(Additional update for "Who else can rob me" brother [2/5])
Brother Loyalty followed Xiao Sharon and quickly completed the preliminary design of the mechanical prosthetic body of Second Lieutenant Robinson, the "Disability Insurance Victim No. [-]". The way this thing works in the fantasy world does not rely on sophisticated neural links or chip manipulation. It takes effect based on the calculation orb and the user's command.

Therefore, there is no need to consider the issue of adaptability. You only need to make a suitable type of robotic arm for the user according to his body characteristics and complete the installation.

But the process is not without scruples.

Because of Little Earl Sharon's technical limitations, she is currently unable to produce high-precision mechanical prosthetics, and the mechanical arm that can achieve Brother Zhongzhong's is already the limit.

To be honest, there are not many functions that a mechanical prosthesis of this level can carry, and they are all very basic functions.

If you want to go further on this road, you need more than just inspiration and talent. According to Xiao Sharon, she will have to go to the School of Mechanical Engineering at the Shaldo Artisan University after the black disaster is over. Only then can she learn from the halflings. Learn how to make more advanced prosthetics.

In short, the only similarity between fantasy engineering and modern engineering is the word "engineering".

At least in Zhong Zhong's view, the core of this "fantasy punk" lies not in the beauty of machinery, but in the set of peculiar technology trees developed by halflings in the context of this special fantasy continent that are completely inconsistent with the principles of industrial advancement.

For example, they have developed a steam train that can run on rails, but no halfling engineer has ever tried to create an obviously simpler thing like a car, a "steam walker" that runs around the streets of Port Chardeau. Instead, it is a "mechanical spider" made according to the principles of bionics.

Call them lagging behind, but their walking machines can even achieve stable running and charging in all weather and all terrains.

But if you say they are advanced, those walking machines still use coal and steam furnaces for energy.

Anyway, there are all kinds of differences and awkwardness, but it is this unique awkwardness that makes this system more attractive in the eyes of Brother Zhongye.

Brother Zhongzhong and Xiao Xuelun separated after agreeing on each other's responsibilities in this matter.

He is now the director of the First National Arsenal of Transia, and he has to deal with quite a lot of things every day, especially the production line that has been installed and started to produce. There are always problems in the past few days. Problems of all sizes have led to the production of this product. The output of the line has been unable to increase.

Brother Zhongzhong thinks this should be because he and Xiao Xuelun's transformation of the production line is still not perfect.

But the good news is that a batch of barrels for the mass-produced imitation Mosin-Nagant rifles have been completed, and now they are just waiting for the hardwood from Stromgarde to be delivered before assembly can begin.

Earl Sharon's improvements to the production line allowed them to produce less standard rifling for the barrel, and the semi-manual production of the bullet production line has also gradually improved, and has now entered the production reserve stage.

To sum up, Brother Zhongzhong’s arsenal is a typical example of a company that has constant minor problems but has not stopped moving forward.

This puts Brother Zhongzhong in a good mood.

He hummed a song and rode a demon-hunting war horse back to his factory, but he encountered an "uninvited guest" on the way.

Amidst the low neighing of the war horse, an armored shadow-maned war horse came over from the side road with overwhelming momentum. Brother Zhongzhong looked back and saw Dou, one of the tiger and leopard riding brothers, waving to him from the saddle.

"Brother Loyalty, wait a minute, I brought a letter from Brother Bang. We have something to talk to you about the advancement of the swamp front!"

"Oh, over there in the swamp."

Brother Loyalty held the reins of his horse and waited for the Hussars to come over.

The latter's shadow-maned war horse outweighed the demon-hunting war horse under his crotch in terms of size and momentum. It was obviously a standard tall horse, but in front of the shadow-maned war horse, it was as miserable as a donkey.

"Here, Brother Bang's letter, read it yourself."

Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Dou masterfully stopped the horse while taking out carrots to feed his beloved horse, and handed a handwritten letter to Brother Zhongzhong.

The latter manipulated his cool robot hand, took it in his hand, opened it, glanced at it, and yelled:
"I think you are crazy! Burning the swamp? You can't think of that!"

"Oh, let's not burn the swamp. The Filthy Swamp is so big, how can we have so many manpower to burn it? Besides, if we really dare to do this, I guess the Avalon boss will be the first to be dissatisfied and impose divine punishment.

We are now in the category of 'animals from another world', and we have to be careful when stepping on flowers and plants. "

Dou complained very unhappily.

Their wing cavalry system belongs to the special sequence of the forest spirit, and the forest spirit is the extension of Avalon's power under the aspect of the forest mother, so the wing cavalry can also be regarded as a member of the natural camp.

It is really ridiculous that he and Brother Meow Meow came to the same belief system by accident, but since we believe in the God of Nature, protecting the environment is the basic rule.

This is not the point. The point is that Brother Bang finally came up with his battle plan on the northern front.

Dou took out the map of the Filthy Swamp and unfolded it in front of Brother Zhongcheng. He explained to Brother Zhongcheng according to the march route drawn on it from the Maginot Line directly to Plague Town:

“Brother Bang’s idea is to start from here and use flames to open a passage that can allow a large number of people and materials to enter and exit.

We have contacted the Stonemasons Brotherhood, and Professor Chen’s disciple Samoyelia has given us an evaluation plan. He said that if we can carve out an undisturbed path forward in the swamp, he can lead people to lay it behind. cement.

Well, it’s the weird alien cement made by the Brick Man and the Asher. Professor Chen also believes that if Mr. Murphy must fight against the Black Disaster in the Dark Mountains, then build a transportation line in the Dirty Swamp. The passage is also a very necessary move.

Therefore, Brother Bang wants to ask your arsenal to design an incendiary weapon that can quickly ignite the swamp environment. We will start from the Maginot Line and burn all the way into Plague Town!

In this way, the impact of the swamp environment on us will be minimized, and the fear of fire by the undead monsters will also make it easier for us to deal with them. "


Brother Zhongzhong frowned and looked at the battle map in front of him.

The idea of ​​a happy stick sounds a bit far-fetched. After all, the Dirty Swamp is so large that it would be unbelievable to burn a road through it.

But if you think about it carefully, this tactic is still possible.

Because the first phase of the battle does not require burning through the entire swamp, it just opens a road from the swamp border to Plague Town.

The road in the swamp is crooked and difficult to walk, which makes people who enter it slow down, but if you walk in a straight line, it only takes up to thirty to forty kilometers.

Dou, who was riding on the war horse, saw Brother Zhongzhong frowning and guessed that this was not going to be that easy. He whispered:
"I just went to Mrs. Tris's alchemy hut and the employees there told me that if it's alchemical fire oil, they can provide it in large quantities."

"Kerosera won't work!"

Brother Zhongzhong immediately denied it:

"The rapid burning of alchemical kerosene is based on environmental factors. In the extremely humid environment of the swamp, I estimate that the alchemical kerosene cannot even achieve half of its original effect. Brother Bang's idea should be based on the experience of the Vietnam War. The plan of converting the terrain that is favorable to the enemy into our own and weakening the enemy while strengthening ourselves is correct.

But he ignored that the industrial level here is simply not up to the level of others.

In order to realize his tactics, I have to get him napalm first. "

"But, when Ge Bao was an apprentice to Mrs. Tris, didn't he make petrol bombs? He even named him Peace Dove. It's really full of tricks."

Dou asked again, but received a look of contempt from Brother Zhongzhong, a "professional".

"The one he made was called 'burning oil' at most, but it was far from a real incendiary bomb.

That's a layman's trick, and it can't be used in environment shaping on this scale.However, if Pigeon Bao can rely on his three-legged cat alchemy skills to make this thing, I guess if I find a few professionals to advise me, I should be able to come up with the kind of thing Bang needs.

But don’t expect it in terms of output. "

Brother Zhongzhong put away the map, shook his head and said:
"Unless he can persuade an alchemist master like Mrs. Tracey to participate, with the current level of alchemy in the player community, if Brother Bang wants to get enough incendiary bombs to burn a way, he will probably have to wait until the day lilies are cold. .

Instead of napalm, it is better to use white phosphorus bombs first. That thing can have a similar effect and the technical level is much lower. The best thing is that when targeting the undead, there is no need to consider the humanitarian impact.

How about this.

I'll get the samples first, and you can persuade Mrs. Tracey to help. "

He waved his hand to the sad-looking Dou and said, "But I must remind you that getting these things is just the beginning. You still have to think about how to throw them down. None of you guys have probably seen the scene when the incendiary bomb exploded. , let me tell you, once this thing explodes, the first threat is the bombardier.

If you don’t have a certain level of precise delivery ability, don’t play this. "

"Oh, that's not a problem."

Dou Mo stroked his chin and said:
"Yan Sang from Brother Miao Miao's team promised that he could drop that thing accurately, and if it doesn't work, wouldn't there be vampires? The student members flew fast and steady, each carrying an incendiary bomb from high altitude. Losing it is not a problem.”


Brother Zhongzhong’s eyes widened and he said:
"Aren't you in a competitive relationship? Why are you actively inviting them to participate in your tactics?"

"Hey, look what you said, competition is competition, but can't we not pay attention to local affairs?"

Dou waved his hands very freely and said:

“No matter who wins or loses in this new map development, that is our internal matter.

Whether the problem of the Filthy Swamp can be solved is directly related to Lord Murphy's strategy to deal with the black disaster. This is a major matter directly related to the survival of Transia. In this kind of matter, the winning or losing between the player guilds is destined to be just a small fortune.

Brother Bang and we have always made a clear distinction on such big issues of right and wrong. "


Brother Zhongzhong was greatly moved after hearing this, and gave a thumbs up repeatedly and said:

"As expected of the country's education, this collective consciousness deserves to be vigorously promoted, okay! Since Brother Bang is so loyal, then our 'Loyalty Hymn' can't let it go. I will go back and study it, and strive to give it to you as quickly as possible. Get it out.

But still the same.

I'm really not familiar with the alchemy industry. You have to find professionals to achieve mass production. Mrs. Tracey is not easy to talk to, but I think if you can find enough wine, you can probably persuade her.

Oh, by the way, Lumina is also a semi-professional in this area. You can contact her.

One last reminder!
I think you'd better go to the Temple of Avalon and pray before executing this plan. Don't let the God of Nature punish you by burning the swamp. "

"Hey, can't we just leave this matter to Brother Miao Miao?"

Dou snorted and said:
"Aren't we working hard to develop weapons to kill the gnolls just to protect the development opportunities that Transia finally got? The temple of Avalon boss is here. We are not allowed to burn the swamp now, and wait for the gnolls in the future. If they fight in, can His temple be saved?
If Avalon had the slightest bit of enlightenment, he would know that he shouldn't stop us from doing this kind of thing at this time.

That filthy swamp hides filth and evil, and it needs the sanction from the fire from the other world. Only in places burned by flames can the flowers of hope be born from the ashes.
Oops, I've been with those Avalon priests for too long, and now I can actually speak a few sentences.

Hehe, Brother Zhongzhong, please be busy first, I won’t disturb you.

If you have any news, please use Orb to contact me. "

After saying that, Dou buckled his hussar helmet on his head and planned to go back to the city to meet Grand Duke Tris. Brother Zhong looked at his back and couldn't help shouting:

"Go to Booty Bay! Lao Huo has a lot of good wine there. If you persuade him, you can bribe Grand Duke Tris."

"Okay, thanks for taking care of me, bro."

Dou's shouts came from afar, making Brother Zhongzhong snort and lament in his heart that these guys were unreliable in their work.

Actually planning to set fire to the mountain
Tsk tsk, luckily there is no forestry police in Transia, otherwise I would have been waiting to go to jail.

"But is it a good thing that things like napalm and white phosphorus bombs appeared in Transia in this era?"

Brother Zhongzhong rode on his demon-hunting horse and continued on his way.

He thought in his heart:

"In the future, I'm afraid there will be a group of vampires carrying aerial bombs across thousands of miles of territory in the dawn light to bomb Greene Island, right? Hiss, this scene is a bit scary and a bit touching if you think about it carefully, but with Mr. Murphy's view of To maintain the manners of a vampire, he probably wouldn't allow such 'crazy vampires' to appear under his command, right?

It seems that I have to contact my old friends after get off work and ask them to advise me on whether they can use something local in Transia to replace the raw materials to achieve the same effect as the incendiary bombs.

Why should I ask them offline?
Wouldn't it be better to just bring them in?Anyway, when the arsenal gets bigger in the future, it will also need to produce these things, which saves me having to make two trips.

Well, I'll make a report soon and transfer them to my team. "
"That's awesome. While other countries are still thinking about fortifying their walls and clearing the country to fight against the Black Disaster, my little players' tactical ideas have already advanced to the Vietnam War. Setting fire to the forest, oh my, that's awesome. Are any of you there? There is a guy whose previous life was named Li Mei?"

Under the same sky, Murphy, who was flapping his wings and flying from the vicinity of Strom Castle, where the field hospital was located, to Scarlet Castle, had already used the core orb's information monitoring system to spy on the conversation between Brother Loyalty and Dou.

After realizing that Happy Stick was going to play a big one, Murphy himself became excited.

He had never thought of using such a violent plan when attacking the Filthy Swamp. It seemed that he was not a good commander and did not have the professional qualities a commander should have.

But if you think about it carefully, Happy Stick's plan is indeed very executable. It can not only be used to eradicate the warlocks in Plague Town, but can also be used when later entering the swamp on a large scale to open up the path to the Dark Mountain.

He will burn a military road through the filthy swamps to connect Transia and the Dark Mountains, making the sky a clear path.

However, this matter is definitely not that easy. The intensity of firepower during the Vietnam War was not able to burn down the jungle. Now Transia is definitely not able to do something similar. Therefore, if you want to realize this strategic concept, you may have to ask Meet the amazing Mrs. Tracey.

Thinking of this, Murphy's wings beat faster again, and he planned to give Tris a surprise.

However, when Murphy arrived at the Blood Vulture Corridor, he found that Tris was not here. The Blood Vulture Grand Duke left him a note, saying that the young player invited her to go to "Booty Bay" to be cool and have all the drinks.

She will probably play there for a few days before coming back.

This made Murphy couldn't help but cover his eyes, and lamented in his heart that his poor Tris had never seen the world and was bribed by a young player with just a drink.

Your offer is so low, how can you be a qualified leader of the camp?
With this thought, Murphy sighed and planned to continue his sword practice today. However, when leaving Tris' office, Murphy suddenly stopped.

He looked back at the small secret compartment under Tris's desk. He knew that Tris would hide the key to her laboratory here, and Tris had always been mysterious recently.

"Would you like to see what Tris is doing?"

Murphy thought so.

After hesitating for a moment, he took decisive action.

There are some things that Tris is hiding from him, and those things are related to Dusk. Whether from the perspective of the lord of Transia or from the perspective of Tris's little boyfriend, Murphy feels that he needs to know these things.

Although this may very well result in him getting beaten up by Tris and possibly even triggering a relationship crisis, Murphy feels he should take the risk.

This is not a trivial fight like a little secret between lovers, this could be a serious situation that could endanger Tris's life.

Murphy quickly got the key. He went to Tris's laboratory and opened the door with the key. When he pushed the door open, he smelled a strange smell. Following the smell, he walked forward and saw the stone platform at the deepest part of the laboratory. A woman's body was sealed using a special technique.

The vampire lord stared at the dissected corpse. After a moment, he whispered:

No, it should be a substitute.
Tris has indeed fought with her. Let me see the conclusions of Tris's research. Well, a long-range spell used to communicate with her, some extracted power samples, a large number of hidden characteristics and obscure theological mysteries. Research
Is this her name?
Luna Christine Emma Gill?

and many more!

This last name…

Is she a forest elf?And he is of the same race as the current Elf King!
Gee, I knew that anything related to my little Tris would never be easy. "

(End of this chapter)

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