My players are so fierce.

Chapter 184 Chapter 183 Yes!marshal!

Chapter 184 183. Yes!marshal!

King Louis, to be precise, King Louis IX.

This man known to the outside world as a man of great talent has many nicknames, such as the Avenger of Zealand, the Conqueror of Greene, the Destroyer of Faith, the King of Steel, etc., but the most important one among these nicknames must be "The Plantagenet". king".

This 55-year-old man is in the most powerful stage of his life, and based on the fact that humans in this world can generally live to be 140 years old, his rule over this kingdom that was just born 30 years ago will definitely last for a long time. long time.

The legendary King Louis is wise, steady and majestic, possessing all the qualities that a legendary king should have.

Even the most stubborn Sealand conservative nobles and the most radical Isa restorationists in the Grand Council would put aside their disputes when facing King Louis and listen to the advice and opinions of this king and even the future "Great Emperor" .

The most commendable thing is that despite holding real power, King Louis rarely interfered with the judgment of the political or military decisions made by the Grand Council since he formed the Grand Council to reconcile the conflicts between the two major factions in the country.

If the use of power is also regarded as a kind of talent and skill, then King Louis is definitely a master in this aspect.

He maintained the ambition of his powerful ministers and parliamentarians to control the affairs of the country, but he was also able to exert his ubiquitous influence in a subtle way everywhere.

Although 30 years of operation have allowed the Grand Council to form a set of standard procedures for managing the country, even roadside beggars in the Plantagenet Kingdom know that as long as King Louis is willing, he can still vacate or even abolish the Grand Council overnight.

This is a king with real power, but he knows how to delegate power!

Moreover, he established a great vision for the people with the goal of "reform" as the basic identity of the new country. Whether it is the Prime Minister, the Grand Council, or even the reserved conservative nobles, they are all his tools to realize this ambition and vision. Being controlled at will by the king who already enjoys being behind the scenes.

The Kingdom of Plantagenet is now full of vitality.

It is like a young man, aggressive, aggressive and irritable, which brings great pressure to the people around him but is also full of endless vitality.

Such King Louis looks perfect, but only those who are familiar with him know that King Louis also has his own shortcomings.

For example, beneath the steady, solemn and solemn appearance, there is a tired soul that is bohemian but forced to perform its duties.After all, King Louis's ambition in his youth was to become the best poet and traveler in Zealand. He was talented and quite dissolute. He had more than seven lovers by the age of 19.

Among them were an elven sage and a Songhai priest.
The reason why he became king was not because he wanted to, but because his father and his brother, who was appointed prince, were accidentally assassinated during a visit to the Kingdom of Isa.

To put it bluntly, Louis IX, who was only one month shy of his 20th birthday, was forced to ascend the throne. The first thing he did when he was put on the throne by the three nobles and powerful officials in the Kingdom of Zealand was that the commander-in-chief had just reformed. A country launches a war of annihilation against another country!
He won.

And it’s not difficult to win.

With the help of the Silver Dwarf Earth Priests, the prodigal prince invaded the Mist City in less than three months, forcing the last king of the Kingdom of Isa to marry his 16-year-old daughter, Princess Elizabeth, to him before committing suicide. , thus completing the establishment of the Plantagenet Kingdom.

At this time, General Loren, who had rushed back from the front line, met his Majesty in the Plantagenet Palace, also known as Dunwich Palace, in the afternoon sun.

The latter hosted a banquet in his favorite garden to entertain his most loyal and trusted general.

It is said to be a banquet, but it is actually an exquisite afternoon tea.

The half-dwarf general sat on a gold-inlaid chair specially made for his height, enjoying the emerald green forest black tea shipped from the Antani area in his hand, while watching the man in front of him reading "Kah" with interest in the sun. The man from "Pei Travels".

That's his king.

It is also His Majesty who he has been guarding since he joined the army.

However, General Loren still cannot forget that disturbing autumn 30 years ago.

When the news that the old king and the crown prince were assassinated at the same time spread back to Zealand, a group of young guardsmen headed by him went crazy and searched for the then very dissolute prince in the city of Bourbon. The scene when he was dragged out of bed drunkenly in a studio and brought back to the palace.

General Loren even remembers it clearly!
He remembered that he had pulled up the young prince who was also naked from the package of three beautiful girls who were naked.

The most outrageous thing is that it was a mother and her two daughters
Well, this is basically one of the most embarrassing affairs of His Majesty King Louis in his youth. It is also a private secret that a king must keep, and it is also one of the things hidden in the heart of General Loren.

Thirty years have transformed a prodigal son into a noble king whose coughs can shake the continent. After the Kingdom of Plantagenet completes its class annexation of the Confederation of Portia, the next domestic move is likely to be Pushed King Louis to the throne of emperor.

With the current territory and strength of the Plantagenet Kingdom, it is fully qualified to be upgraded to an empire.

However, this is not easy on this continent. For a new emperor to be born, it must be approved by the two ancient empires.

This is of course not talking about the "Emperor Review" that is stuck. The leader of any force can call himself "the Great" as long as he is shameless enough. However, an empire that is not recognized by a super force of the same status is destined to close its doors. For your own entertainment.

The Songhai Empire, where it originated, and the ancient Kalum Kingdom in the east, were both super ancient forces that ruled a terrifying area, an unimaginable population, and existed for more than 700 years.

When the tribes of the Zealanders, Kates and Nords were still playing "village fighting" on horseback on the mainland, those two ancient kingdoms already existed.

Winning the recognition of the Pharaoh King and the Dragon Emperor was not an easy task even for the Plantagenet King in front of him.

"It's a good romantic documentary, but I guess the first report submitted by the young people of the Capetian family must not be like this. The men in that family are so serious that they are intimidating, such as my political adviser Count Lyon. ."

The king laughed and put a third of the report he had read on the table, and thoughtfully placed a bookmark made of gold leaves inside.

He was like a gourmand who had received a delicious meal and couldn't bear to devour the beautiful thing in one gulp, intending to stay and enjoy it slowly.

The king picked up the tea cup, leaned on the chair in a comfortable posture, and looked at his favorite garden and the royal maids wearing black and white uniforms walking in it in the warm afternoon sun.

This was his favorite place and one of the few places where he could take off the mask of a majestic king and enjoy his life.

The sun shone on King Louis' face, casting a shimmer on his solemn and elegant face. The well-kept beard was like a work of art that recorded the years, adding a touch of light to this face that was actually slightly softer. momentum.

But if you look carefully, General Loren can easily find that the king's face still retains some of the softness of the noisy young man back then.

"You have been looking at me, Sir Frederick."

King Louis put down the tea cup very unhappy. He pretended to glare at his most trusted general and said:
"So, is it my General Steelheart who noticed something dirty on my face?"

"Well, that's not true, Your Majesty."

The half-dwarf leaned slightly and answered seriously, but then whispered in a strange voice:
"It's just that you have unwiped lipstick on your neck."


King Louis suddenly became embarrassed and quickly took out the "royal handkerchief" and wiped his neck.

The general wasn't talking nonsense. There was indeed some lipstick left there.

But it didn't come from his "confidantes" whom he had long since lost contact with and forgotten in time.

"Before I summoned you, I was lunching with Margaret and Elizabeth. You know, ladies' enthusiasm sometimes does not depend on the occasion."

The king explained, but the general just smiled and did not answer.

Countess Margaret, the most beautiful flower that could ever be born in Zealand.

On the eve of His Majesty's accession to the throne at the age of 19, he was fiercely pursuing this lady. After he ascended the throne, in order to maintain the king's majesty, he cut off contact with all his lovers. Only Countess Margaret stayed with him, even in the seventh year of his life. Years ago, she gave birth to a healthy daughter for the king.

This was a secret known to everyone in the upper circles of the Plantagenet Kingdom, but no one expressed dissatisfaction with it. Even the most traditional and conservative nobles did not dare to gossip on this matter.

Everyone knew that if it were not for political needs, the noble Countess Margaret should be the only and perfect queen for King Louis.

But the most outrageous of all the outrageous stories about Louis IX is that although it was just a political marriage, the relationship between His Majesty and Queen Elizabeth was as harmonious as a real couple.

Five years ago, the Queen gave birth to a healthy boy for His Majesty, and was subsequently established as the heir, and Countess Margaret's daughter was also canonized as a princess.

Neither the queen nor the countess had any complaints about this.

This can only be said that the talent of His Majesty in front of him in matters of love between men and women is really no less than his expertise in manipulating power.

"Ah, you are showing such a sly smile like a dwarf again. It's really annoying, Loren!" King Louis no longer called the general by his formal surname, but changed it to a more intimate title between the two. He snorted, picked up the tea cup again, took a sip, and said:

"With your character, you definitely didn't come all the way to see me just to bring you this nice travel book. Is there anything else that you think is important enough for me to know? Tell me."

"Please finish your tea first, Your Majesty."

General Loren took out the second document and whispered:

"I guess you won't be in the mood for tea after reading this."

"Then wait a minute, I don't want to ruin my good mood today because of some sudden, insignificant bad things."

King Louis nodded, and then spent almost 10 minutes chatting with General Loren about interesting things about the battlefield, while finishing his tea and eating a few rose cookies.

After the beautiful and leisurely afternoon tea time was over, he wiped his hands and took the second document.

The document is short, only a few pages.

After all, it was just a confirmed disaster and a few irresponsible conjectures without evidence.

But the king took it seriously.

After several minutes, he closed the document, stretched out his hand to rub his brow, and said:

"Cape's report has no evidence, but my mind tells me that it should be true. I believe in my reason, but I also need to ask the opinion of my most trusted general."

King Louis opened his eyes.

A touch of coldness and determination shined deep in the tender, lover-like dark blue pupils.

He turned to look at General Loren. Under the gaze of the lion-like eyes, the half-dwarf general immediately stood up straight and waited for orders.

The king spoke.

But instead of asking General Loren for his opinion on this matter, he asked quite directly:
"If a conflict breaks out, how much military power do you need to uproot the Ring Tower? I don't want the worst outcome of this matter to affect the upcoming restart of national reforms."

"It depends on how quickly you want to end this dispute."

The general very carefully told the draft he had prepared along the way, and he reported in a very organized manner:
"If you need thunderous means, then I can immediately return to Silver Castle to contact my relative. With the help of the Silver Dwarf Earth Priest and Gaia Guards, plus the dispatch of all the Old Guards, I can do it within half a month. Burn the white cliff into a white field!
But I'm afraid you have to be prepared for most of the Old Guards to suffer casualties or even be dismantled.

If you can tolerate the end of the war in six months, then I will mobilize the Greene Legion and the Pioneer Legion, plus the assistance of the recently surrendered Wolfsbane Clan.

A three-party attack can erase the Ring Tower from the kingdom without affecting your reforms. At the same time, it will consume the strength of the Wolfsbane Clan and complete the final military reform of the Pioneer Legion. "

"What if I want to go faster?"

The king touched his beard and said coldly in the sun:
"What if I want to end the battle within three days after my scolding reaches White Cliff? You know, Sir Frederick, the most intolerable thing for me is betrayal. It is like a fire burning my heart. My heart is like a glass of acid burning my stomach, making it difficult for me to sleep or eat well.

I wish to see the traitors suffer as much as they burden me. "

"Three days."

General Loren thought about it carefully, and he finally gave the plan and said:

"Then while contacting Silver Castle and using the Wolfsbane Clan, you may need to invite the Winter Wolf Church of the Kingdom of Nodtorf to intervene as a king. After all, the only thing that can quickly defeat a group of psionicists is another group of psionicists. After the collapse of the Church of Avalon, we lack the spiritual power of the Kingdom.

But this also means that you need to open the realm of faith in the Plantagenet Kingdom to those Yankees and let their wolves of the north wind roam freely on the land that belongs to us.

You also know that after the destruction of the Church of Avalon, the spiritual level of the people is like a wasteland, and their poor hearts are longing for the moisture of rain and dew.

However, this hole cannot be opened!

Once the Church of the Winter Wolf enters the kingdom, Nordtov will have a stranglehold on us.

After all, there will be a war between the two countries in the future, and that wolf girl. With all due respect, Your Majesty, if you expect the queen who inherited the blood and domineering power of the hero King Boris to surrender on the battlefield, it is better to expect you to conquer with your own male prowess. That young girl who is only 25 years old.

This is much cheaper for you than a war. "

"I'm happy that you praised my charm, but you want me to regard a 25-year-old girl as a target, which makes me feel like you are mocking me as an old gangster.

Just prepare according to the first plan. "

King Louis dropped the documents in his hand on the table, closed his eyes and whispered:
"I will hand over the command of the Old Guards to you. If the Ring Tower does not give me a satisfactory explanation, then we will leave the White Cliff!

I can totally understand their importance to the kingdom.

But if those psionicists thought that they could act recklessly because of their importance, then there would be no need for such a stupid force to exist.

If you can’t tell whose owner’s dog is, it’s better to kill it as soon as possible.

Ah, what an unappetizing thing!

I had hoped to be in a good mood this afternoon to listen to the noble members of Parliament bickering over petty gains. It would have been great fun, but forget it now. "

The king stood up, and a royal housekeeper immediately came forward to fetch something that had been prepared for his majesty.

A luxuriously decorated and very practical command sword, a national hero medal with the national emblem of the Kingdom of Plantagenet, and a marshal's ceremonial uniform decorated with blue ribbons.

"I wanted to announce this good news to you in a good mood, Sir Frederick, but now I must give you the highest honor as a soldier while sending you into another dangerous battlefield.

I hope you don't blame me for this. "

King Louis handed the command sword to the most trusted general in front of him with both hands, and he said in a deep voice:

"Please continue to fulfill your duties as the king's disciplinary blade, my Marshal Loren."

"Your Majesty, I am deeply honored by this! Of course, it would be even more perfect if it was a marshal's battle ax that conforms to the dwarven style."

General Loren, uh, no, Marshal Loren took the command knife and made a small complaint. Then he saw two royal maids struggling to carry a golden dwarf-style lord's battle ax. The ax is also decorated with blue ribbons.

This made the marshal realize that his Majesty had already arranged everything. He smiled, but then he still said worriedly:
"Your Majesty, I am not afraid of the war with psychic masters. However, now that the black disaster is coming, maybe"

"It's time for the enemy to eliminate internal dangers. I need to teach those psychic masters a lesson as unforgettable as breaking a bone."

King Louis waved his hand and said decisively:

"Besides, can't we fight without psionic masters? The Shardor halflings do not have large-scale psionic masters, which does not prevent those unbelievers from standing on the continent. Their steam technology has become as good as psionic masters. Power, and that power is being held in our hands little by little.

The Ring Tower must realize this fact!

It is they who need the country!
Rather than the country needing them! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Seeing that King Louis had made up his mind, Marshal Loren quickly gave a military salute and watched his majesty leave the garden.

He stroked the handle of the marshal's knife, determination flashing in his eyes.

Ha, psionicist.
If you dare to take advantage of dwarves, you will really have to pay the price.

(End of this chapter)

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