Tokyo: There's something wrong with this narration!

Chapter 395 Chapter 394 Imprisoned Cangaki Jiro

Chapter 395 Chapter 394· Imprisoned Kuraki Jiro

"Yuko went back not long after she came here. She didn't have a good relationship with your father. Being able to visit your father is considered filial piety."

Yamagishi Keiko smiled and chatted with Shirakawa. The sunlight passed through the transparent glass and shone indoors, shining on her face and blending with her expression, making her look amiable.

"The weather is really nice today."

Bai Chuan couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, this kind of weather is particularly suitable for outings. It's a pity that Kuraki-kun has to go to work, otherwise we can really go for an outing as a family."

Yamagishi Keiko said.

"Where does he work now?"

Bai Chuan asked casually.

"Working in a bank, I'm a little busy."

Yamagishi Keiko picked up a glass of plum water and took a sip, "Summer is really suitable for drinking bayberry juice. It's so delicious. Shirakawa, won't you drink it?"

Baichuan picked up the bayberry juice and made a simple appraisal of it.

[Item: bayberry juice]

[Identification result: Special bayberry juice with ice cubes, sleeping pills and bayberry added]

[Comment: Have a good sleep, boy. 】

Want to stun me?

Although he doesn’t know what purpose Yamagishi Keiko has, Baichuan will definitely not let her get her wish.

"I don't like the taste of bayberry. It would be better if there is watermelon juice."

Bai Chuan said.

"There's watermelon in the refrigerator. I'm going to squeeze a glass of watermelon juice for you."

Yamagishi Keiko said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Bai Chuan took out the anesthesia watch and injected an injection into her neck.

Yamagishi Keiko felt a mosquito bite on her neck, and her body fainted and fell to the ground.

Bai Chuan stood up and began to search for the whereabouts of Yuko Cangmu.

There are two rooms on the second floor, and there is no one in either room.

The room on the third floor was locked, and there seemed to be movement inside.

Shirakawa tried but couldn't open the door, so he returned to the first floor and found a set of keys from Yamagishi Keiko.

Taking the key, he went upstairs again and opened the locked room on the third floor.

The room was filled with an unpleasant smell, like excrement and expired food mixed together.

This is a bedroom, and strangely there is no one in the bed.


A woman's whimpering sound came from under the bed.

Shirakawa frowned, quickly approached, bent down, and saw Kuraki Yuko who was tied under the bed.

Kuraki Yuko's long, silky hair was now messy, her face was full of stains, her figure had become thinner, her mouth was sealed, and her body was tied with ropes. When she saw Shirakawa, her eyes instantly melted. Turning red and making excited noises.

Bai Chuan immediately rescued her from under the bed and untied the bandages binding her body and the seal on her mouth.

"Teacher Yuko, are you okay?"

"Bai Chuan, you came to save me."

As soon as Yuko Kuraki finished speaking, she fainted.

Shirakawa first called the police, and then fed Yuko Kuraki a can of physical spinach, and Yuko Kuraki regained consciousness.

"Shirakawa, why are you here? Did you call the police? Call the police quickly. This woman, Keiko Yamagishi, imprisoned my father and me."

Kuraki Yuko said nervously.

"Report it, I'll take you out of here first."

"...Father is still imprisoned by her in the attic."

Kuraki Yuko said and stood up. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she felt that her body was full of strength.

"In the end what happened?"

Bai Chuan asked.

"It started when my father suddenly sent a message asking for help half a month ago."

Yuko Kuraki began to recall, "My relationship with my father was not good, and we had never been in contact over the years, but he suddenly sent a text message asking for help, which made me suddenly worried. I decided to come here to see him. After I came here, I met Yamagishi Keiko.”

"She told me that my father was ill and had a stroke. He couldn't speak and was not in any danger. I also saw my father in a wheelchair. He just looked at me in pain and couldn't speak, but I felt that all this was him. It’s your own fault, there’s nothing to sympathize with, so I’m ready to leave.”

"But my father suddenly fell from the wheelchair. He lay on the ground, grabbed my feet, and begged me to save him."

"After that, Yamagishi Keiko imprisoned me. She would bring me food and water regularly every day, but she never let me go out."

Kuraki Yuko couldn't help crying as she spoke.

This was the first time in her life that she had been kidnapped. She had been bundled for more than ten days and could not go anywhere. She urinated and defecated in the same room.

All the grievances and dissatisfactions were vented at this moment.

Shirakawa gently hugged Kuraki Yuko, patted her shoulder and comforted her,

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, I'm here."

"Well, father should be in the attic."

Kuraki Yuko wiped her tears.

"Wait, where is Yamagishi Keiko?"

"She was knocked unconscious by me and won't wake up for a short time."

Bai Chuan said.

Kuraki Yuko nodded and took Shirakawa up to the attic.

The attic is not as dirty as the rooms on the third floor. On the contrary, it is very clean.

Lying on the bed in the attic was a man with a pale face, somewhat similar to Shirakawa, Kuraki Jiro.

Kuraki Jiro's legs have completely lost feeling and he can only lie on the bed. He needs help even to sit up.

Kuraki Yuko helped him up, and he held Kuraki Yuko's hand tightly,

"Save me, save me, save me."

"Your leg?"

Shirakawa looked at Kuraki Jiro doubtfully.

Kuraki Jiro seemed to recognize Shirakawa, and a glimmer of light appeared in his cloudy eyes, but it soon dimmed.

"I didn't expect that it was you two who came to save me. I'm sorry, I failed to fulfill my duty as a father. In fact, I am not your father either."


Half an hour later, the local police arrived and arrested Keiko Yamagishi.

Cangmu Jiro and Cangmu Yuko were also sent to the hospital for treatment.

Shirakawa and Yuko Cangmu knew the reason for the whole thing.

It turns out that Kurakijiro suffered from infertility in his early years, so he would never have a child of his own in his life. After learning that his first wife was pregnant, he knew that his wife had cheated on him, so he decisively chose to divorce. His second wife became pregnant after getting married, which aroused his suspicion. He cheated on her quietly and finally divorced his wife again.

The third wife, Yamagishi Keiko, loved Kurakijiro very much and did not cuckold him. However, the romantically inclined Kurakijiro still cheated on him, which frustrated Yamagishi Keiko. In order to prevent her husband from going out to have sex with women again, Yamagishi Keiko called him After breaking both of Curagi Jiro's legs, he became a disabled person who could only live on his own.

Since then, Yamagishi Keiko has kept Kurakijiro under house arrest, not allowing him to go anywhere or contacting the outside world.

Finally one day, Cangmu Jiro found an opportunity and sent a text message asking for help to Cangmu Yuko on his mobile phone.

Kuraki Yuko was lying on the hospital bed in a daze.

Bai Chuan stood beside her and didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only choose to remain silent.

"Shirakawa... So, we are not brothers and sisters?" Yuko Kuraki suddenly felt very embarrassed. If she and Shirakawa had no blood relationship, then the things she had done before seemed very pretentious.

"There's just no blood relationship, but that doesn't stop you from being my sister."

Bai Chuan comforted.

"How could this be...why didn't mom tell me."

Kuraki Yuko fell into deep regret.

Bai Chuan sighed, "Actually, none of this matters. What matters is what you think."

"I...what do I think, I...I."

Kuraki Yuko covered her head in the pillow and cried loudly.

"Teacher Yuko, I won't tell anyone about this. I'm still your brother."

"But, but this is different."

"There is nothing different. I have long considered sister Yuko as my own family. Sister Yuko has always been taking care of me before, and now I will take care of you."

Shirakawa took away Kuraki Yuko's pillow and straightened her messy hair.

"Well, first I need to take a shower."

"Ah, no."

Kuraki Yuko hugged herself tightly and said nervously.

Bai Chuan laughed and said, "Of course, let the nurse come."

In fact, Kuraki Yuko was not seriously injured. She was just malnourished for a long time and needed some nutrient solution. There were some abrasions on her ankles and wrists, and she was discharged from the hospital after a simple bandage.

On the other hand, Jiro Kuraki, who has been receiving "preferential treatment" for a long time, needs to stay in the hospital for a long time, and will probably not be able to stand up again in the future.

And what awaits Keiko Yamagishi is definitely prison.

This was the first time Bai Chuan met a yandere in real life. This left a big psychological shadow on him and he began to worry about his own fate.

It seems that forgiving things like red wine can really save lives sometimes.

I don’t know if using it too many times on one person will cause the other person to become immune.

To be on the safe side, don’t use it often.

Two days later, Shirakawa took Yuko Kuraki back to Liuxia's apartment, just in time for the start of school.

Qian Xueye did not go to school on the first day of school due to work reasons.

The seat next to Bai Chuan was vacant, which made him feel uncomfortable.

The classmates were discussing the cultural festival, but Shirakawa had no interest in it.

"Kuragi-kun, Shinmei-chan, have you ever had any experience in making short films? Why don't we turn the class performance into a drama performance, with Kuraki-kun acting?"

The monitor suggested.

"Okay, if Kuraki-kun appears, our class will definitely take first place."

Most of the students in the class agreed with the monitor's suggestion.

Yanomi looked at Shirakawa.

Bai Chuan shook his head, "I will not participate. The Metropolitan Police Department still has cases that need me."

Although Shirakawa has been slacking off recently, he still has to use the Metropolitan Police Department as a shield at critical moments.


The female classmates were obviously disappointed.

"Don't be depressed, everyone. Although Kuraki-kun won't be appearing, I'm still there."

A male student in the class came forward and was immediately despised by the female students.

Seeing that Shirakawa was a little distracted, Yanomi asked,

"Shirakawa-chan, are you thinking about Mei-chan? I miss her too, but she seems to be no longer in the same world as us."

Yanomi said in disappointment.

Bai Chuan looked at the leaves passing by outside the window and said lightly, "Why do you say that?"

"Sometimes when I get along with her, I feel like she has suddenly changed into a different person. It's probably because the family puts too much pressure on her. Poor people like us can't understand it."

Yanomi said with her head lowered.

That's because she really has two personalities...

Bai Chuan replied in his heart.

"Are you really not going to participate in the cultural festival?"

"Spare me, I really don't want to join in the fun."

Bai Chuan said.

"What if you and Mei-chan play the leading role? It might make Mei-chan feel better."

Yanomi said with a wink.

"cool down?"

Shirakawa looked at Yanomi in surprise.

Yanomi nodded, "I can tell, you guys seemed to have had a quarrel. Otherwise, why would Mei-chan suddenly leave without saying goodbye when we were at Nishise Devil House?"

"Just by participating in a play together, she won't be angry?"

"How will you know if you don't try? In short, it is to increase the time and opportunities to get along with each other."

Yanomi gave a thumbs up.

Shirakawa decided to give it a try, so he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Mei Qianyuki.

[Class cultural festival, the class leader wants you to star with me. Are you willing to be the heroine? ]

Qian Xueye replied with four words.

[waste time. ]

Shirakawa was sure that this was Chiyuki Ye, not Chiyuki Mei.

[If you don’t act in a play, will you have time to date? ]

Qian Xueye replied again.

[If you can solve the current dilemma that cosmetics companies are facing, I will go on a date with you. ]

Bai Chuan raised his eyebrows and immediately sent [Young Shui]'s information to Qian Xueye.

These materials are sample components analyzed by the pharmaceutical company's technical team and have not yet been officially produced.

[What's this? ]

Qian Xueye asked.

[This is called "youth water". It will make people's skin younger after use. The product our pharmaceutical company is developing, I don't know if it can solve the dilemma of your cosmetics company. ]

[Okay, when will you give it to me? ]

[It will take at least two or three months. ]

[The date will be postponed to three months later. ]

Bai Chuan sighed and put away his phone.

It seems that in the short term, Qian Xueye will not be able to deal with him.

Shirakawa spent a stable period of time in school. During this period, Takahashi Kento specially arranged for spies to go to the school to check on Shirakawa's situation. It turned out that besides going to school, he went to the Metropolitan Police Department to help solve cases and did not spend his time on earning money. On money.

Takahashi Kento felt that Takahashi Shirakawa must have wanted to give up. After all, multiplying 100 million by 100 times in a short period of time was not something that an illegitimate child who had been drifting around without any connections could do. Giving up was reasonable.

Therefore, he focused mainly on dealing with Takahashi Yulan, and repeatedly made stumbling blocks on Takahashi Yulan's projects.

The agreed time of one month has arrived, and Takahashi Yiren picked up Baichuan and headed to Takahashi Villa again.

"Bai Chuan, how is the situation?"

Takahashi Yiren asked. He was very confident in Bai Chuan's ability to solve crimes, but he knew very little about Bai Chuan's business talents. Moreover, Bai Chuan did not ask him for help, which made him think about whether Bai Chuan had given up. .

"The old man is indeed in a difficult situation. How can such a thing be done within a month?"

Takahashi comforted him pleasantly.

"No, I have fulfilled my promise."

Baichuan handed the bank card to Takahashi Yiren, "There are 1 million here."

(End of this chapter)

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