Chapter 176 175·Werewolf Killing (Happy Holidays!)

Bai Chuan felt that he had a good rapport with the opposite sex. At least when he said this, the women all agreed.

The male residents, influenced by the female residents, also chose to agree.

Everyone reached a rare consensus and sat down at the long table in the living room.

There are only 16 people left on the 11 armchairs.

Shunji Nishi died, Sally died, housekeeper Hideyuki Tanimoto died, John was locked in the basement, and Yoriko Tashiro was injured and bedridden.

Bai Chuan felt like he was playing a game of Werewolf, but there were a lot of werewolves in this game.

None of the dead are innocent, and there are ghosts hidden among the survivors.

Since the side effects of the instigation technique were obviously less than those of the identification technique, Baichuan decided to let everyone express their feelings and hold a friendly symposium.

Although they invited everyone to drink coffee, since the butler Tanimoto who made the coffee was dead, everyone could only sit together and stare.

"Although everyone briefly introduced themselves on the passenger ship, it seems that it is too one-sided. In order to reassure everyone, let's introduce ourselves again. The more detailed the better, so as to deepen mutual trust. "

Shirakawa suggested with a smile, "Let's go according to the order of seats. How about Professor Oba who is at the top on the left comes first?"

Since he did not mention the housekeeper's death, but acted in the interests of the group, he was not resisted by lawyers and others.

Professor Da Ting touched his white beard,
"Well, Kuraki-kun's suggestion does make some sense. Let me go first."

“I am not only a professor at Osaka Art College, but I am also a philanthropist.

I love donating money to kids with artistic talents so they can continue to pursue their dreams.

My wife describes me as a passionate man.

I love my wife very much, and I love my lover very much. My wife is in the same university as me, and she is now an excellent associate professor.

My lover is a young actress who is always full of enthusiasm for everything. Her only shortcoming is her obsession with gambling, but under my guidance, she has gotten rid of this bad habit.

If I am lucky enough to find a treasure this time, I will donate half of the money to students in need, and leave the other half to my lover to help her acting career. "

Haha, you are such a good husband.

Bai Chuan cursed.

"Ha ha."

Makeup artist Kuramoto Asahi sneered,
"You can say that you are so noble. I have served many female stars, including those who graduated from Osaka Art Institute.

I don’t know if you still remember Miss Keiko, who committed suicide by jumping off a building a few years ago due to depression. She was also your student and once received your ‘sponsorship’.
Not only did you plagiarize her graduation thesis, but you also brainwashed her and made her sleep with different producers. When she committed suicide, she left a suicide note condemning you, but you told the media that this was A student who is mentally ill himself. "

Everyone looked at Professor Da Ting in surprise, never expecting that he would have such an unknown side.

This information has not been identified by Baichuan before using identification techniques, so it is still beneficial to hold symposiums occasionally to enhance mutual understanding.

"I taught her to write the paper. She does suffer from mental illness. There is a certificate from the hospital. Ms. Kuramoto, please don't listen to hearsay. Everything needs evidence, right, Ichimura Lawyer?"

Professor Oba looked at the city and village lawyers.

Lawyer Ichimura seemed to be a little afraid of him, and nodded in agreement, "Yes, Professor Oba's character is not a problem. There are many actresses in the entertainment industry who regretted the dirty things they have done, and eventually suffered from depression and committed suicide. It’s inevitable.”

Kuramoto Asuka glanced at Lawyer Ichimura with disappointment. Lawyer Ichimura ignored the mood of his temporary female companion and said,
"I am a lawyer at Shicun Law Firm. This law firm was founded by my wife and I. My wife passed away due to illness three years ago. I recruited two new partners to run the law firm together. I am mainly responsible for In divorce cases, I also take time out to participate in public welfare projects every year, litigating cases for poor people and upholding justice for them."

When Ichimura's lawyer said this, the pudgy construction engineer Furuta Tokuji pushed up his glasses, with an unnatural look in his eyes, as if he had heard a joke and tried his best to restrain himself from exposing it.

This detail was keenly captured by Bai Chuan.

"Mr. Furuta, you seem to have different opinions, why don't you speak out?"

Shirakawa looked at Furuta Tokuji.

Tokuji Furuta immediately waved his hand nervously, "No, I don't."

"Mr. Furuta, only by being honest with each other can we be safer. Secrets are double-edged swords. Sometimes you master other people's secrets and feel that you can threaten others, but you don't know that it is these secrets that push you to death."

Shirakawa looked at Furuta Tokuji with very gentle eyes, but those deep eyes seemed to be able to lead people into the abyss.

His words echoed in Furuta Tokuji's ears, causing Furuta Tokuji to have some kind of hallucination, as if he saw the city and village lawyer rushing towards him with a blade in order to silence him.

He was sweating profusely and said emotionally,

"Mrs. Ichimura didn't die of illness, she was killed by Hiromi Ichimura. Mrs. Ichimura is my cousin. She told me she wanted a divorce three years ago. She was still very healthy at that time, but then she became strange. After she died, all her property went to Ichimura Hiromi. I am 3% sure that her cousin was killed. Ichimura married her cousin for the property left by her ex-husband. Without that money, Ichimura The law firm can't open at all." "What nonsense are you talking about? Sister You and I love each other very much."

Lawyer Ichimura's expression was very restrained when he said this, but everyone could feel the coldness in his words.

"In love? You don't love your cousin at all. My cousin told me that you cheated on me many times during your marriage. If it weren't for the child, she would have divorced you long ago."

Tokuji Furuta kept swallowing his saliva, fearing that the city and village lawyers would rise up and rush over to beat him.

Fortunately, Ichimura's lawyer didn't do anything to him because he was concerned about other people's eyes.

After confiding the secret in his heart, Furuta Tokuji breathed a long sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, the city and village lawyer suddenly said,
"Do you think you are clean?
Haha, a man who is not good-looking, no woman likes him, and is still single.

I even suspect that you are the perverted killer who killed your female neighbor. You must often peek at her bathing, right?I also found her photo on your phone. What a beautiful girl, but she was brutally murdered.

I heard from Ms. Tashiro that you seem to have a special hobby. When doing that kind of thing, you also like to tie up girls and beat them with a whip. Are the injuries on Ms. Tashiro's body caused by you? "

"I...I didn't kill anyone."

Furuta Tokuji lowered his head, his left leg shook unconsciously, and he seemed to be very nervous, "Don't look at me like that, I, I'm just a construction engineer, my usual life is very boring, except for dealing with houses, I hardly do anything I have social anxiety when talking to people..."

When Dr. Seo saw that it was his turn to introduce, he took a deep breath and said,
"I am a surgeon at Nagoya Showa Hospital. I usually don't have any hobbies. The hospital is also very busy. I feel that I have not received any honors. Except for winning the annual most popular doctor selection conducted by the hospital, my life seems to be... We are always dealing with patients, and my wife and I are very boring people. After returning home, we only watch TV, eat, and rest. We occasionally do volunteer work in our spare time.”

"Yes, my husband is a very hard-working man."

Hanada Jingliu said,

"I used to be a kindergarten teacher. My personality is a bit introverted. I only feel comfortable when facing simple children. I like working in the kindergarten very much and hope to give birth to a cute baby in the future.

My husband and I met through a blind date introduced by a friend. I remember when I first met Seo-kun, he was as shy as me.

I have admired doctors since I was a child and hope to be a doctor’s wife in the future. Seo-kun fulfilled all my fantasies.

We went on a few dates and Seo-kun proposed to me. "

Hanada Shizuru seemed to be recalling the best memories in her life, her cheeks flushed slightly.

Dr. Seo also looked at his wife affectionately, as if he was remembering the sunny afternoon when he first met his wife. The two met in a coffee shop, with friends helping each other.

Although ordinary, it is beautiful.

Kojima Zizi also showed an envious look. There were many men pursuing her, but none of them proposed.

This is probably the tragedy of being a female internet celebrity. There are always some men who want to sleep with you but don’t want to take responsibility.

Others also listened patiently to Shizuru Hanada's narration. They all had a good impression of this housewife, and her image of silently giving without asking for anything in return was deeply rooted in people's hearts.

"After I got married, I quit my job and devoted myself to taking care of the family. I like to cook for Seo-kun. Although I don't have much talent in cooking, over time, I can finally cook dishes that suit his taste.

Seo-kun's parents are very nice people, and I like taking care of them. They make me feel the long-lost warmth of my parents. "

A smile appeared on Dr. Seo's face, and he sighed inwardly that his wife was really virtuous.

But as Hanada Shizuru told more and more trivial matters about their lives, Dr. Seo became impatient and felt that his wife was a bit verbose.

Until Shizuru Hanada mentioned the two children, the expression on Dr. Seo's face completely froze.

"We have a very cute child, Yuki-chan. She is 7 years old this year. Her hair is very long. She likes to wear red skirts and white leather shoes. She likes to eat the Sakura sushi I made the most. This child has inherited Because of my introversion, I didn’t have many friends, and I was occasionally bullied when I was studying.

Every time she would cry and tell me, and then I would go to her classmates to argue. One time I couldn't help losing my temper and got into an argument with the other person's mother.

When we went on a trip, Yuki-chan lived with her grandparents. Yuki-chan hoped that I could bring her a gift back.

In fact, I know that she doesn't need any gifts at all. What she wants is friends and companionship. "

"Jingliu, stop talking."

Dr. Seo stopped his wife from continuing.

Hanada Jingliu looked at her husband in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Dr. Seo frowned and said in a low voice, "Shizuru, have you forgotten to take your medicine recently? Our child died two years ago."

(End of this chapter)

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