Tokyo: There's something wrong with this narration!

Chapter 163 162 Moralists and Degenerates

Chapter 163 162·Moralists and Degenerates

"Don't worry, everyone here will have the opportunity to taste the taste of a girl."

Sally also gave the men huddled in the corner an ambiguous look.

Bai Chuan frowned and took Qianyuki Mei's hand.

Qianxue Meiyi's little hands were cold and sweaty, and her body began to tremble slightly. It was obvious that she felt the dangerous aura and was afraid.

"John, you are actually wrong. There are indeed clues to the treasure hidden in the love letter. I have deciphered it. Do you want to know?"

John frowned and waved his hand to the noisy Sally, telling her to quiet down first.

Then, he walked up to Shirakawa with a gun.

Bai Chuan stood up slowly, "You come closer, I will only tell you."

"No need. Even if they all know it, they will only be a pile of corpses in the end. I can feed them to the wolves."

John smiled cruelly.

"Ha ha."

Bai Chuan sneered,
"Killing so many people is a bad idea. Even if you destroy all the evidence and let the corpses be eaten by wolves, wouldn't Miss Takahashi doubt you?
And Mr. Butler was also killed. Are you going too far? Not only will you not get the bonus, but the treasure will also be taken away directly by the Takahashi family. You don't think aristocratic families are so easy to fool, do you? "

"Then what is your suggestion?"

"In fact, we only need to kill one more person. If everyone does it together, everyone will be an accomplice, and no one will tell this matter. I will only tell you the clues to the treasure. When you find the treasure, you can If you successfully get [-] million, you won’t be arrested by the Metropolitan Police.”

Bai Chuan said calmly.

Qianxue Meiyi was stunned.

Kojima Zizi looked at Shirakawa in surprise, unable to believe that these were the words that the young man could say.

"What are you talking about? You bastard, how could you do this!"

Lawyer Ichimura Hiromi said angrily.

He didn't want to be dragged into the water.

"Young man, don't keep company with the devil."

Said the old gentleman Shuichi Oba.

John glared at the two of them and said, "If you want to get shot, keep talking."

"Brother, I think this proposal is very good. Why don't we kill Qianxue Mei?"

Sally suggested.

"We'll talk about this later. Tell me the clues first."

John approached Shirakawa.

Bai Chuan leaned close to his ear and said, "You are thinking shit."

The furious John was about to feed Bai Chuan some peanuts, but his body softened and he fell onto Bai Chuan.

Just now, John was only 10 centimeters away from Bai Chuan, and Bai Chuan fired an anesthesia needle with his anesthesia watch.

In order to cover up the anesthetic needle, Baichuan also slapped John's neck with a knife and made a fake move.

It's best not to expose your trump card like anesthetic needles in front of this group of people.

Baichuan took his pistol and aimed it at Sally.

The situation changed instantly.

Sally looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief,

Bai Chuan smiled slightly, and everyone squatting on the ground reacted instantly, quickly got up, found ropes, and tied John up.

Sally took the pistol and aimed it at Bai Chuan tremblingly, then pointed at everyone,

"Let my brother go quickly, or I will shoot him."

"Before you shoot, I'll take care of your brother first."

Bai Chuan said calmly,
Meanwhile, Tanita Fu, a former mercenary, has found John's shotgun from upstairs.

He raised his shotgun and aimed it at Sally.

Under the threat of two guns and her brother becoming a hostage, Sally could only choose to compromise.

"Kuragi-kun, I never thought you were so skilled."

Kojima Zizi said excitedly.

The eyes of others looking at Bai Chuan also became hot.

Most of the women were grateful to Shirakawa for saving his life, and the lawyers and reporters took the initiative to ask,
"Kuragi-kun, are there really clues to the treasure in the love letter?"

Bai Chuan shook his head, "That was just me lying to him."

Hiromi Ichimura and Keisuke Koyama looked at each other, obviously not believing it.

Bai Chuan knew he had made a mistake.

Among this group of people, the John brothers and sisters were not the only ones with evil intentions.

"Mei-chan, are you okay?"

When Shirakawa helped Chiyuki Meiyi up again, Chiyuki Meiyi lowered her head and said nothing.

Are you freaking out?
Shirakawa rubbed Qianyuki Mei's hair, "Mei-chan, it's okay, don't worry, go back and have a good sleep."

Qianxue Meiyi nodded numbly and silently went upstairs.

"Looks like he's really scared."

Kojima Zizi sighed.

"The situation just now was really scary."

Mrs. Hanada said, "Let me follow you and comfort the little girl."

Shirakawa nodded, feeling that the gentle Mrs. Hanada might really be able to comfort Chiyuki Mei.

However, Mrs. Hanada just said a few words to Qianyuki Mei, and she froze in place.

Bai Chuan was a little surprised. After asking everyone to imprison the John brothers and sisters first, he went upstairs.

Shirakawa knocked on Qianyuki Mei's door.

"Mei-san, do you want me to accompany you tonight?"

"No need, Kuraki-kun."

Qianyuki Mei's voice was calm, and Bai Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you need anything, let me know anytime."

"Okay, Kuraki-kun, good night."

"Good night, Mei-san."

Bai Chuan turned around and went back to his room, lay on the soft big bed, and fell asleep quickly.

The next day, Shirakawa woke up and knocked on Qianyuki Mei's door as soon as possible.Chiyuki Mei opened the door and looked at Shirakawa with sleepy eyes.

"Good morning, Kuraki-kun."

"Good morning, Mei-san."

Shirakawa looked at Mei Qianyuki who had regained her strength and smiled.

The two went downstairs to have breakfast.

In the restaurant, the butler Hideyuki Tanimoto has prepared a sumptuous breakfast buffet, and Kojima Seiko and others are dining.

She waved to Bai Chuan,

"Good morning, Shirakawa-kun."

"Good morning, Miss Kojima."

Bai Chuan smiled.

Mrs. Hanada raised her head and saw Qianyuki Mei, but immediately lowered her head.

Shirakawa noticed this detail, and he was curious about what Chiyuki Mei said to Mrs. Hanada last night.

According to Chiyuki Mei's character, it's impossible for her to say something like 'Get away, don't bother me', right?

Is Mrs. Hanada too sensitive? Because she didn't comfort Chiyuki Mei, she felt that the relationship between them was alienated?
As Shirakawa thought, Qianyuki Meiyi was already like a greedy rabbit, picking up the plate and picking up her beloved strawberry cake.

It's a pity that Chiyuki Mei can't be allowed to show off her cooking skills, otherwise Mr. Butler might not need a part-time chef.

Bai Chuan was thinking this and suddenly heard a scream.

The short and fat Tokuji Furuta stumbled into the restaurant and gasped,

"Miss Sally, she's dead."


Shirakawa was stunned for a moment, then stood up and helped Furuta Tokuji up, "Where is it?"

"We put her in the basement last night."

Yajima Keiji said.

Mr. Hideyuki Tanimoto, the butler with polished leather shoes, a stroke of silver hair, gold-rimmed glasses, and a strict manner when walking, took Shirakawa to the basement.

Chiyuki Mei, Kojima Zizi and others also followed the stairs and walked into the dark basement.

Mr. Butler had not shown them this basement before.

Pushing open the basement door, I saw Sally lying in a pool of blood.

John was still in a coma. This was definitely not because the anesthesia needle lasted for so long, but because John was beaten again in the middle of the night and his head was knocked unconscious.

As for Sally, her gorgeous court dress became dirty, with signs of being torn at the corners of her skirt, and her face was stained with blood.

Holding a dagger in both hands, the other end of the dagger was stabbed in the chest.

It looked very much like committing suicide after being insulted.

Bai Chuan glanced around and found that several men had extremely unnatural expressions on their faces.

He rubbed his eyebrows. John's pistol was still on him at this moment, so these people were full of fear of him.

"Did any of you see her last night?"

Chiyuki Mei and Kojima Zizi hid nervously behind Shirakawa.

Doctor Seo Masao came forward to check on Sally's condition. He shook his head and said, "The time of death was probably more than 4 hours."

Although Shirakawa hated Sally's behavior, and Sally had even threatened Chiyuki Mei, Shirakawa's original intention was to hand over both her and John to the Metropolitan Police Department, but he never thought of letting these people abuse their private behavior.

"I came to deliver food to her."

Reporter Keisuke Koyama said.

"I came here with the little tiger."

Lawyer Hiromi Ichimura said.

"I came down here too, I just wanted to ask for clues to the treasure."

Architect Tokuji Furuta said hesitantly.

"When you ask for clues about the treasure, do you need to lift up a woman's skirt?"

Doctor Seo Masao criticized that he considered himself a man of high moral standards. Even if there were sparks with Ms. Kuramoto, it was a consensual relationship and he would never do anything against a woman's will.

"Oh my God, you are so cruel. Although she is a criminal, she should be handed over to the Metropolitan Police Department. How can you treat a girl like this?"

Kuramoto Tomorrow immediately raised his voice and said, while looking at the doctor with eyes full of affirmation.

"She took the initiative to seduce us. She hoped that we could let her and her brother go."

Koyama Keisuke said without regret.

In fact, as early as that night on the passenger ship, when he heard Sally's voice, he already wanted to experience it.

The moralists and the degenerates began to quarrel fiercely.

Baichuan ignored them and walked straight to Sally, squatting down and checking the condition of the deceased.

The wound was in the chest, killing him with one stab.

[Character: Sally]

【Intelligence: 6】

【Charm: 7】

【Physical Strength: 5】

25 years old, from M country, part-time graphic model, single, from an ordinary family, his parents are still alive. Because his close relationship with his brother John was broken by his parents, he was kicked out of the house. He also has two sisters at home, Jenny and Anna.

Five years ago, he and his brother robbed a suburban hotel and brutally murdered four members of the owner's family, and were wanted by the police.

So I smuggled to the island country and started a new life.

Unfortunately, the brother and sister spent extravagantly, and the money stolen from the hotel owner soon ran out, and Sally had to start a part-time model.

John wanted to make quick money, so he took his sister to participate in the treasure hunt organized by Takahashi three years ago. Unfortunately, he failed to find any clues to the treasure on the island.

Soon, he and his brother once again participated in a treasure hunt organized by Takahashi Yuran, and seduced Keiji Yajima, successfully turning him into his chess piece and luring him into the forbidden house.

Unfortunately, Keiji Yajima did not reveal any useful information to Sally after he came out, so Sally and her brother John killed Keiji Yajima according to the original plan and spread the rumor of rule killing.

Before his death, he seduced three men. 】

[Evaluation: Behind the glamorous appearance is a dirty heart. 】

The cause of death was not determined. Looking at the wound in front of Sally, Bai Chuan felt a familiar feeling inexplicably.

This feeling brought Bai Chuan's memory back to April 4th.

 Today is a good day!

  Do not ask me why!
(End of this chapter)

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