Chapter 146 145 · Serious Movement
"Really? Why do I think it tastes so good?"

Baichuan stretched and felt that this late-night snack was very delicious, especially the cold beer.

"That's because you've been busy all day. Of course you think it tastes good, but I'm different."

Shuang Yuezhen curled her lips and looked at Bai Chuan with envy.

"Well, in that case, why not do some exercise first? There is still beer in the refrigerator anyway."

Bai Chuan looked at Shuang Yuezhen with a smile.

Shuang Yuezhen immediately refused, "No! No! I refuse!"

"I'm talking about sit-ups, push-ups, and pull-ups. After exercise, a large amount of lactic acid is produced, which leads to an acid-base imbalance in the human body. Drinking alcohol can dilate blood vessels and accelerate lactic acid metabolism..."

"Stop, stop, stop, don't tell me theoretical knowledge, after all, you are talking about serious sports, right?"

Shuang Yuezhen's eyes were bright.

Bai Chuan nodded, "Yes, very serious."

"Then let's get started!"

Shuang Yuezhen stood up, simply tied her disheveled black hair into a ponytail, and looked at Bai Chuan excitedly.

Bai Chuan nodded, picked her up, put her on his shoulders, and took her into the bedroom.

"Ah, didn't you agree that this is a serious exercise? What are you going to do?"

Shuang Yuezhen kicked up her calves and kicked her slippers away.

"It's all included. If you don't believe me, try it."

Bai Chuan said with a smile.

"Besides, you need to exercise and I need to relax, which is a very good combination."

"Kuragi-kun, you are a bad student. Who taught you this?"

"Of course it's Miss Jane's credit."

The two of them had a fight in the bedroom, and when they finished exercising, it was already 2 o'clock in the morning.

Bai Chuan fell on the bed, feeling that he would have a good sleep.

He quietly opened his eyes and saw Shuang Yuezhen carefully getting out of the quilt, opening the door to the room, and walking to the living room.

About a minute later, Shuang Yuezhen sat on the sofa with a bottle of beer, opened it, took a sip, and narrowed her eyes.

Five minutes later, Shuang Yuezhen crept back again, got into Bai Chuan's chest, and continued to sleep.

He is indeed a little drunkard.

Bai Chuan sighed inwardly and soon fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, after Shirakawa finished class, he saw Saya Shiraki waiting at the school gate.

Grandma Matsuno's missing person case seems to be closed now that Keiko is dead.

I just don’t know if the elderly can suffer such a blow.

Just when Bai Chuan was thinking this, he heard Saya Bai Mu say a surprising news.

"Kuragi-kun, the DNA results are out. Keiko is not Grandma Matsuno's daughter."

Saya Shiraki handed the report from the laboratory department to Shirakawa.

Bai Chuan didn't expect that his caution would work again.

If Keiko is not Grandma Matsuno’s daughter, then who is Grandma Matsuno’s daughter?Who killed Yasuda Takashi and Keiko?
It can’t be that Takashi Yasuda wanted to take his lover Keiko to die for love, so he drove the car into the sea on his own initiative, right?
"Where are the results of the forensic examination?"

Bai Chuan asked.

"The medical examiner determined that the time of death of the two people was 6 noon on June 17, which was noon four days ago. The cause of death was drowning. It should be that the car drove directly into the sea, causing the two people to drown."

"The car drove directly into the sea?"

"Yes, the vehicle was salvaged and our technicians inspected it and found that the brakes were broken."

"It is speculated that Yasuda Takashi drove his lover Keiko to the beach to have an affair, but the brakes suddenly failed, causing the car to drive directly into the sea, and the two drowned."

Shiraki Saya said.

"No, if the vehicle had been tampered with in advance and the brakes failed, Takashi Yasuda would have noticed when he drove to Keiko's house to pick her up. There might have been a car accident on the road. Why did he wait until the two of them arrived at the beach to show up? Accident?
"Another point, if the brakes suddenly fail, when the car is driving to the sea, there is a buffer distance from the beach to the shallow sea. If you have time to unfasten your seat belt and jump out of the car, why do you have to sink into the sea with the car?"

Shirakawa asked two questions, and Saya Shiraki was speechless. After thinking for a moment, she said,
"Kuragi-kun, you mean that the two of them lost consciousness before they sank into the sea? The brake failure was not an accident. Maybe there was a third person at the scene at that time?"


Baichuan closed his eyes and roughly reproduced the scene in his mind.

Because June 6 is the 17th anniversary of the acquaintance of Yasuda Takashi and Keiko, so in order to surprise his lover, Yasuda Takashi went to the deserted beach in the suburbs in advance, arranged a tent, and prepared cakes and gifts in the tent to prepare for his lover. Spend a romantic weekend at the beach.

17 At 9 o'clock in the morning, Yasuda Takashi told his wife that he was going on a business trip, so he left home, drove to Matsuno's grandma's house, and dialed Keiko's phone number. Keiko put on her favorite dress and put on exquisite makeup. In order not to be Others disturbed her, so she did not bring her usual mobile phone, but used the mobile phone she used specifically to communicate with her lover.

She walked out of the alley and got into Yasuda Takashi's car.

The two arrived at the beach, and Keiko was moved by the tents and candles, which at least proved that Yasuda Takashi always remembered their anniversary.

So the two of them made love to each other in the tent. In the end, they were very thirsty due to excessive exercise, so they ate cake and drank the mineral water prepared in advance.

Bai Chuan suddenly opened his eyes and asked,
"Did you bring back the cakes and mineral water bottles from the scene for testing?"


Neither Saya Shiraki nor the police officers thought about the problem with the used food in the tent, and it was not necessarily what Takashi Yasuda had eaten, so they did not pick it up. Now that I think about it, it should be considered an oversight on my part.
"I'll go right away. The scene has been cordoned off by us. The cakes and mineral water bottles can be taken back for testing at any time."

"No need. If the murderer had been at the scene at the time, he would not have left any evidence. There should be no problem with the cake. If there is a problem with the mineral water, then the bottle must have been rinsed with sea water and nothing will be detected anymore." Bai Chuan analyzed calmly.

"However, if there is a problem with the water, the autopsy results do not show that the two of them took sleeping pills or anything like that."

Saya Shiraki asked.

"Because it has been soaked in seawater for so long, it is normal that it cannot be detected."

Bai Chuan replied.

"Then how can we prove the presence of a third person at the scene?"

Shiraki Saya asked with a frown.

"And who would know Mr. Yasuda's whereabouts so well? If he was following him, there would be no place to hide except for tents on the beach. Why didn't Mr. Yasuda and Ms. Keiko find this person?"

Shiraki Saya asked.

"No, besides the tents, there was also a place to hide people on the beach."


"Takashi Yasuda's trunk."

"It means that the murderer has been hiding in Yasuda Takashi's trunk, followed Yasuda Takashi to the beach, and then waited for them to drink the problematic mineral water. After the two were unconscious, the murderer carried them to the car because he was afraid that they would wake up in the middle. Come on, so you destroyed the car's brakes, lifted the two people into the car, started the car's engine, and let the car sink into the sea with the victim?"

Shiraki Saya said in surprise.

Bai Chuan nodded slightly, "The possibility is very high."

"Then who is going to do this? Could it be Mrs. Yasuda?"

Saya Shiraki suddenly felt that the possibility of Mrs. Yasuda was very high. She knew that her husband had cheated on her and was hiding it from her, so she designed this.

Thinking back to Mrs. Yasuda's abnormal appearance yesterday, Saya Shiraki felt even more suspicious about her.

Shirakawa could not rule out Maki Tsukada's suspicion for the time being, but he had a vague guess in his mind. Maybe seeing Maki Tsukada again could confirm it.

"Let's go to Mr. Yasuda's house again."

Shirakawa stood up and said to Shiraki Saya.

The two drove and soon arrived at the Yasuda and his wife's apartment.

The first time Tsukada Maki saw Shiraki Saya, she asked about Keiko's situation.

"Officer, have you found Guizi?"

Shirakawa said first before Shiraki Saya could answer,

"We found a female corpse. It has been deformed and cannot be identified because it has been soaked in water for too long. Madam, do you know what the characteristics of Ms. Guizi are?"

"...No, it can't be Keiko,...she...has a small butterfly-shaped birthmark on her chest."

Tsukada Maki first denied Shirakawa's statement, as if trying to convince herself, and then slowly revealed Keiko's characteristics.

"There is a man beside her, whose face cannot be seen clearly. We wonder if it is Mr. Yasuda. What are the characteristics of Mr. Yasuda?"

"He...he, I don't know, probably not."

Tsukada Maki said hesitantly.

After being married for so long, you still don’t know what characteristics Mr. Yasuda has?
Saya Shiraki frowned slightly. She remembered that the autopsy report mentioned that Mr. Yasuda's little toe on his left foot was shorter than normal, and he should have been injured in childhood.

If you are a lover who gets along day and night, you will remember this obvious characteristic no matter what, right?
Why can’t Maki Tsukada tell me?
After asking these two questions, Shirakawa basically understood the relationship between Tsukada Maki and the two deceased people, and also ruled out her suspicion of murder.

Of course, because she was still closely related to the case, Bai Chuan still used an identification technique on her.

One is to verify his conjecture, and the other is to find more useful clues.

[Character: Matsuno Mako]

【Intelligence: 7】

【Charm: 8】

【Physical Strength: 5】

35 years old, Tokyo native, the biological daughter of Grandma Matsuno and the adopted daughter of the Tsukada family. Her family is well off and both her adoptive parents are still alive. Her husband, Yasuda Takashi, was once a violinist in the Narumi Orchestra, but he stopped playing the violin after their marriage.

Her original name was Matsuno Mako, but she later changed her name to Tsukada Maki after her adoptive parents.

When she was 5 years old, she was separated from her biological mother, Grandma Matsuno, and was sold to a couple in Osaka, the Kasais. The Kasais carefully trained her and sent her to learn the violin.

A year later, because the couple gave birth to another child, she was sent to a local welfare home.

In the orphanage, she met the lively and cheerful Keiko and the low-self-esteem Ono Tatsuya.

The three became good friends, especially her and Guizi who were almost inseparable.

Because Guizi always teased her, she fell into unrequited love. She regarded Guizi as her best friend and told Guizi her life experience.

When she was 9 years old, she was adopted again by the Tsukada family, who was docile and took her to Tokyo, where they trained her to become an outstanding violinist.

Ten years ago, Keiko also came to Tokyo and stayed in a bar.

Tsukada Maki finished the performance with her friends and when she went to the bar to relax, she happened to see Keiko radiating on the stage.

The two recognized each other, expressed their feelings to each other, and soon came together...]

[Evaluation: Longing to break free from the prison of bondage, longing for freedom and love, but finding that only thorns and betrayal are left. 】

 happy weekend!
(End of this chapter)

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