Tokyo: There's something wrong with this narration!

Chapter 138 137 Mysterious Invitation

Chapter 138 137·Mysterious Invitation
“This is an invitation!!!”

Yanomi looked at everyone with shining eyes.

The corner of Bai Chuan's mouth twitched slightly. How could anyone still do this old treasure hunting trick in what age?A prank?

"Treasure hunt!!!"

Furuhashi Daisuke also became excited, "Did it say that if we find the treasure, we will be given a tenth of the reward?"

Yanomi looked at it carefully and shook her head, "No."

Haha, one-tenth of the reward?Are you thinking about shit?

Shirakawa cursed again in his heart, feeling that Furuhashi-kun was full of flaws.

"But if you find the treasure, you can reward...a reward of 1 million!"

Yanomi was so excited that she couldn't speak. Her little hands trembled and the invitation fell to the ground.

Furuhashi Daisuke immediately picked up the invitation and continued to read,
"In order to find the treasure left by my father on Misty Island, I have given out [-] million as a prize. In the end, only one person will be the final winner and will get all the prizes. The lucky ones who have received the invitation letter, come to Misty Island to gather. , this is your hope of getting rich overnight!”

Chiyuki Mei looked at Shirakawa in surprise, "Really?"

Bai Chuan shook his head, "A prank?"

Shima Ryota immediately got up from the ground and came next to Furuhashi Daisuke. When he saw the logo at the end of the invitation, he said excitedly,

"This is the emblem of the Takahashi family, they are noble!"

Because his family was well-off and belonged to the country's middle class, his parents instilled aristocratic ideas into Ryota Shima when he was a child, including popularizing aristocratic badges.

It's a pity that Shima Ryota was not trained into a qualified middle class person, but became a technical geek.

"If it is an invitation letter from the Takahashi family, it cannot be a scam or a prank. It is said that the previous generation of the Takahashi family bought 6 islands and stored valuable treasures on the islands. As long as the descendants If you can solve the puzzle he left behind, you can obtain his treasure.”

Shima Ryota said seriously.

Shirakawa looked at the real aristocrat, Mei Qianxue, and she shook her head. She had no idea about such gossip.

But she recognized the Takahashi family crest, "The invitation is probably genuine."

Hearing what Ryota Shima and Mei Chiyuki said, Yanomi Mi and Furuhashi Daisuke jumped up excitedly.

"Okay! Here's an opportunity for our detective team to develop!"

"If I have money, I will definitely travel around the world."

"I also want to buy an island as the wedding venue for Shirakawa-chan and I."

"President, don't speak your mind!"

Daisuke Furuhashi and Ryota Shima reminded Yahimimi in unison, and Yanomi immediately covered her face, "I didn't say anything about marrying Shirakawa-chan."

"No, you said it!"

Two old members of the club exposed her ruthlessly.

Bai Chuan's forehead was sweating. Please don't unilaterally announce that you want to marry me, okay?
Qianxue Meiyi said with some worry, "It always feels weird to receive such an invitation suddenly, otherwise we'd better not go."

"Ah, Mei-chan, why are you so timid? This is a good opportunity for us to make a fortune."

Yanomi put her hands on her hips, pouted her pink lips, and looked at Mei Chiyuki with dissatisfaction.

Facing her friend's questioning gaze, Chiyuki Mei subconsciously retreated and hid behind Shirakawa.

"Ah, cowardly meow! You cheated, how could you hide behind Shirakawa-chan? Come out and confront me."

Yanomi rushed to Shirakawa and reached out to pull Chiyuki Mei.

Qianxue Meiyi bit her lip and dodged. She was not used to confronting others.

As a result, it became a scene where Bai Chuan was surrounded by two women, the two were playing and fighting, and their bodies were rubbing against Bai Chuan from time to time.

Bai Chuan complained in his heart.

Ryota Shima and Daisuke Furuhashi were drooling while eating watermelon.

"Why does the watermelon feel less sweet?"

"Damn it, I envy Bai Chuan so much!"

"I'd better look at my Two-dimensional wife. Only Two-dimensional can comfort me."

After dinner at Yanomi's house, Shirakawa, Mei Chiyuki, Ryota Shima and Daisuke Furuhashi said goodbye to Yanomi and embarked on their way home.

Qianxue Meiyi was sitting in the back seat of the electric car and asked weakly,

"Kuragi-kun, do we really want to go on June 6th?"

"Didn't we vote? Three to two. Even if we don't want to go, Xinmei and the others will go, so let's go together."

Bai Chuan said helplessly, he was really worried about letting the three brats go by themselves.

Because of his mental age, Bai Chuan always has the illusion that he is the guardian of several people.

"But I'm still a little worried."

"Don't worry, I'm here. Besides, haven't you arrived yet? That will be a week later. Maybe Xinmei will forget about it because of other things."

Bai Chuan said with a smile.

Qianxue Meiyi nodded, hoping that Xinmei-chan would forget this matter by then.

"Do you have any plans for the weekend?"

Bai Chuan suddenly asked.

"Read a book at home."

"Not going to the interview?"

"Well, I just want to take a breather."

Chiyuki Mei is not only timid, but also has mild procrastination.

Bai Chuan nodded slightly, "Since there are no plans, come with me to visit my mother."

"Kuragi-kun's mother?"

Chiyuki Mei looked at the back of Shirakawa's head in surprise, her cheeks suddenly turned red.

Are you taking me to meet your parents?
Although it seemed that the relationship between Kuraki-kun and Mother was not good before, Mother is Mother after all.

Thinking of this, Qianxue Meiyi's body trembled, and she suddenly wanted to find a cardboard box to hide in.

"Don't be afraid. I rarely see Mother, so you accompany me to help me be brave."

Bai Chuan said with a smile.

Qianyuki Mei swallowed, "Kuragi-kun, why do you sound so scared?"

"Yeah, hahaha, I'm scared too, because we haven't seen each other for many years, it will definitely be very embarrassing."

Bai Chuan said honestly.

When Qianxue Meiyi heard what he said, she suddenly felt distressed, and the fear in her heart was replaced by other emotions.

She stretched out her little hand and patted Bai Chuan on the shoulder.

"It's okay, Kuraki-kun, I will stay with you."

"Thank you, Mei-san."

The two returned to the apartment, said good night to each other, and went home to rest.

Chiyuki Mei did not ask Shirakawa to accompany her at 1003 today, probably because of the embarrassment of getting up this morning.

Bai Chuan lay on the sofa and touched the note and keys in his coat.

Finally, he put the keys and the note under the potted plant on the shoe cabinet.

Bai Chuan sat back on the sofa and turned on the TV.

A news item is being broadcast on TV.

"At 2 o'clock this afternoon, Ms. Shimabukuro Nao, the vice president of Nitta Consumables Company, was found dead in the villa. She was also labeled as 'shameless' and 'violent woman'. Her face was scratched and her body suffered. The murderer was extremely cruel. It can be seen from community surveillance that before and after Ms. Shimabukuro Nao was killed, only one courier entered the villa. This courier is currently the number one suspect in this case. Now the Metropolitan Police has A wanted order is issued, and citizens are asked to report the case as soon as possible if they see this courier.”

The news anchor was delivering the evening news with a serious look on his face.

This courier, Shirakawa has also seen, is the courier brother who had an affair with Mrs. Shimabukuro before.

His name is Suketo Iwata, and he is the younger brother of Yuki Iwata.

Because of his excellent grades, he had been studying abroad before. Even when his brother got married, he never came back.

In addition, Mrs. Shimabukuro was disdainful of her husband's family and did not even notice that her husband had a younger brother who settled abroad.

A year ago, Iwata returned to China and reunited with his brother. He discovered something strange about his brother. The smart Iwata realized that this might be related to his brother's marriage. However, because his brother was unwilling to say more, Iwata didn't think much about it and returned home. Continue living abroad.

Until recently, my brother asked him about his divorce and vaguely revealed that he was suffering from depression.

Iwata decided to return home to help his brother, and by the way, he investigated whether his sister-in-law had cheated on him and caused his brother's depression. Then there was the scene where the courier came to the door, but Mrs. Shimabukuro took him to the bedroom to do exercises.

In addition, knowing that his brother was involved in a serial murder case and killed four innocent girls, Iwata blamed Mrs. Shimabukuro for all this.

In order to avenge his brother, he chose to brutally kill Mrs. Shimabukuro.

When the police found Nao Shimabukuro dead, he had already flown away from the island country.

This is why when Bai Chuan passed by the courier, the courier acted so panicked.

He was afraid that someone would see his face.

This ending was caused by Shimabukuro Nao herself. Even if Shirakawa knew in advance that Iwata Suketo might retaliate against her, he had no obligation to remind her.

If Nao Shimabukuro could have been kinder, rescued the two girls imprisoned by her husband, and sent Yuki Iwata to prison, there would have been no subsequent serial murders.

Baichuan turned off the TV, walked into the toilet to wash up, and then entered the bathtub to take a bath.

Had a good night's sleep.

When Shirakawa arrived at the station the next day, he did not see Mei Chiyuki and only received a very apologetic text message.

It was probably because Qianyuki Mei had encountered something very important at the last minute, Shirakawa thought, without intending to blame her, he sent her a message to arrange a trip next time.

Putting away his phone and raising his head, Bai Chuan saw a fresh and cute violent loli girl wearing a white dress with her hair in a bun.

She looked at Shirakawa in surprise, "Cangmu-kun, why are you here?"

"I should ask you this, Miss Jane."

"The editor-in-chief gave me two days off to rest, so I plan to take a trip. After relaxing, I can write better news. My senior recommended me to go to Tottori Sand Dunes, but I haven't been there, Kuraki-kun. Do you want to come together?"

Shuang Yuezhen opened her big eyes and looked at Bai Chuan with flickering eyes.

Bai Chuan suddenly had an illusion, a coincidence of fate.

"I happen to be going to Tottori Prefecture too."

"Wow! What a coincidence. You also went to see Tottori Sand Dunes, right?"

Shuang Yuezhen wanted to put her hand on Bai Chuan's shoulder to express the elder's care for the younger one. Unfortunately, her height was much different. In addition, she was traveling and was wearing flat shoes, so she had to put her shoulder on her shoulder. The action changed directly to arm slapping.

She patted Bai Chuan's arm, an awkward smile appeared on her face.

"No, I'm going to see my mother."


Complex emotions such as curiosity, excitement and worry suddenly emerged in Shuang Yuezhen's eyes.

"Let's go, get in the car first."

Bai Chuan made a gesture of invitation, Shuang Yuezhen nodded and stepped onto the train...

(End of this chapter)

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