Chapter 128 127·Old case (please subscribe)

In the interrogation room, a girl with a ponytail and a sailor uniform, who looks harmless and a little afraid of society, is sitting on a chair. Her head is wrapped with gauze and her hands are handcuffed. Her head is lowered and her bangs cover it. Half of his face was covered.

When she heard Bai Chuan talk about Kogure Toyoko's current situation, a glimmer of light appeared in her eyes that seemed to be covered with a layer of shadow.

She slowly raised her head, tilted her head, and looked at Shirakawa with blank eyes. She seemed to want to hear Shirakawa tell more information about Kogure Toyoko, but she seemed not to have listened to what Shirakawa was saying at all.

Even Bai Chuan, who had initially mastered the psychology of micro-expressions, was unable to discern her truest thoughts at the moment.

Fortunately, Bai Chuan does not need her true thoughts. He only needs to meet the prerequisites of the primary instigation technique, communicate with the other party for a period of time, and guide the other party to develop at his own pace.

"Toyoko Kogure really wants to see her daughter.

"Unfortunately, if my daughter is a serial killer of three murders and is sentenced to death, she will never be able to see Toyoko Kogure again.

“She could never escape that sick family.

"I can no longer buy white stockings for my beloved daughter."

There were red bloodshot eyes in Hirose Eri's eyes. Her hands that were originally relaxed tightly held the handcuffs, and tears slowly flowed out.
"Does Mom really want to get out of that family? Does she really love me?"

"Of course, don't you remember the milk candies your mother bought you when you were a child? Don't you remember your mother sending you to school? Don't you remember your mother using her body to stop you from being beaten by your stepfather?"

"Is there...I...I can't remember clearly. It should mother. She used to treat me tenderly. She didn't abandon me like my father. She loved me."

Hirose Eri murmured that due to being locked up in the basement for a long time, she suffered a lot of mental torture, which caused her memory to be confused. Things that clearly did not happen, but after being described by Shirakawa, some memories were pieced together in her mind. .

"Toyoko Kogure really wants to see you. If you cooperate well, I will let you meet her."

" can I cooperate with you?"

"Tell me everything you know."


Half an hour later, Shirakawa walked out of the inquiry room and looked at the expectant Shuichi Mouri and Saya Shiraki.
"The suspect has voluntarily admitted all guilt, but is unwilling to reveal the real culprit. She most likely wants to take the blame for the real culprit. The only way now is to find her mother to assist in the inquiry."

Bai Chuan sighed.

Yes, this time the primary instigation technique failed.

Faced with a girl who is obsessed with the murderer, the abetment technique cannot make her tell the truth.

"I have invited Mrs. Ueda here before, but she couldn't get Ueda to speak. I feel that the relationship between mother and daughter is a bit strange."

Shiraki Saya said helplessly.

Bai Chuan shook his head, "No, it's not Mrs. Ueda, you have the wrong person."

"I got the wrong guy?"

Both Saya Shiraki and Shuichi Mouri looked puzzled, waiting for Shirakawa's explanation.

Bai Chuan said calmly,
"Kakee Ueda's mother is naturally Mrs. Ueda, but this suspect is not the real Kakee Ueda. She is Eri Hirose who disappeared at basically the same time as Kakee Ueda 5 years ago."

"What? There is such a thing. Why did she pretend to be Ueda Koe? And neither Mrs. Ueda nor Mr. Ueda noticed it."

Shiraki Saya asked in surprise.

Shuichi Mouri added, "Nakayama-kun asked me for help when sorting out the missing cases five years ago, but he did not find the case of Hirose Eri."

Seeing the two police officers looking so curious, Bai Chuan could only explain patiently,

"Eri Hirose's native family is very complicated. Her father died young, and her mother Toyoko Kogure remarried Goro Yasui, who was 20 years older than her. Goro Yasui was a violent and domineering man who didn't like Hirose in the first place. Eri Hirose often verbally humiliated Eri Hirose and violently beat mother and daughter.

In order to survive in this reorganized family, the mother did not pay attention to her daughter at all.

Therefore, even if Hirose Eri disappears, no one will report it. "

"I see, that's why Hirose Eri, who escaped, did not want to return to her home. Instead, she pretended to be Ueda Koe and wanted to take away Ueda Koe's life. After all, the Ueda couple are both good people and have a warm and happy family."

Shiraki Saya guessed.

Bai Chuan shook his head,

"No, the reason why she pretended to be Ueda Koe was not because she wanted to have a happy and complete family, but purely to help the real murderer commit the crime."

"What about the real Ueda Koe?"

Shuichi Mouri asked seriously.

"The real Ueda Koe should be dead. Of course, this is just my guess."

"Kuragi-kun, you still haven't answered me, why didn't Mr. and Mrs. Ueda realize that their daughter was fake."

Saya Shiraki looked puzzled. In her opinion, at least the biological parents would not mistake their daughter.

"After Hirose Eri and Ueda Koe disappeared, they were both kidnapped and locked up in the basement. The two became friends who talked about everything. Isn't it difficult to understand? After all, in that situation, as a community What animals and humans need most is communication, plus they are of the same age, and they are both victims.”

"So, Hirose Eri knew all the secrets of Ueda Koe! So he successfully hid it from the Ueda couple?"

Saya Shiraki suddenly realized.

Baichuan nodded, "They also took advantage of the Ueda couple's guilt. Because their daughter ran away from home, they have been blaming themselves. When their daughter was found by the police, they subconsciously wanted to believe that this was their daughter, and they were not even willing to do it once. Paternity Testing."

"Okay, let's get the hair of Mrs. Ueda and 'Kakee Ueda' right away for DNA testing."

Mouri Shuichi immediately arranged for his police officers to do this, with the purpose of supporting Shirakawa's statement. He believed in evidence more than speculation.

"Kuragi-kun, I still don't understand something."

Saya Shiraki, "Why did Hirose Eri shield the main criminal? Bear all the blame on her own? She had such a tragic experience, shouldn't she have been coerced?"

"Because during the five years she was imprisoned, she developed special feelings for her kidnappers. We can also call it Stockholm syndrome."

Bai Chuan said lightly.

Shuichi Mouri was stunned for a moment, "You mean the person who kidnapped Ueda Koe and Hirose Eri five years ago is the murderer of these three murders now?"

Shirakawa nodded, "Yes, but this is just speculation. There is no evidence. Only by letting Hirose Eri speak can the murderer be found." "Okay, I'll go find Hirose Eri's mother right away."

Saya Shiraki clenched her fists, feeling that her thoughts suddenly became smoother, and the truth seemed to be waving to her.

"and many more."

Shirakawa stopped her and gave more precise information, "Hirose Eri's mother's name is Kogure Toyoko, and her current husband's name is Yasui Goro."

"Okay, Kuraki-kun."

Saya Shiraki made an OK gesture and trotted away.

Shirakawa bid farewell to Officer Mori for the time being, walked into the lounge, and saw the girl Chiyuki Mei, who had been waiting quietly for him.

Qianxue Meiyi was lying on the table, as if she was asleep.

Her profile looks very beautiful.

However, Bai Chuan's heart was very uneasy. He sat next to the girl without waking her up, and sat quietly like this for an hour.

Until Qianxue Meiyi woke up on her own.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at Bai Chuan,

"Kuragi-kun, are you finished?"

"You should be busy at night. Do you want to go back first or stay with me here?"

"I, I'm here with you."

"Mei-san, I'm sorry."

There is a hint of melancholy in the young man's eyes, like the fallen leaves swirling in the autumn wind or the melting snow in the winter, carrying an unknown sadness.

"Why did you suddenly apologize?"

Qianxue Meiyi asked puzzledly.

"If I could have trusted your judgment earlier, I wouldn't have put you in danger."

"Aren't I fine now?"

Qianxue Mei said with a smile.

"Do you remember how you fainted?"

Bai Chuan asked.

Qianxue Meiyi shook her head.

"Then why did you open the door for Ueda Koe?"

"I was going out to take out the trash, and when I opened the door, I saw her."

Qianxue Meiyi bit her lip and showed an aggrieved expression.

Is that so?

Bai Chuan breathed a long sigh of relief and rubbed Qianxue Mei's hair, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Kuragi-kun, I don't want to wear white stockings anymore."

Qianxue Meiyi puffed up her little face, like a cute hamster.

"Well, the murderer will be caught soon, don't worry."

Shirakawa said with a smile that he actually liked Chiyuki Mei wearing white stockings. Of course, if she changed to black stockings, she might be more attractive.

"Kuragi-kun, nothing will happen to Xinmei-chan, right?"

Qianxue Meiyi suddenly asked worriedly.

"It should be fine. If you are worried, you can call and ask."

Bai Chuan said.

Chiyuki Mei nodded and dialed Yanomi's phone number.

Yahimimi who answered the phone was still full of energy, not like a person with a high fever at all.

"Classmate Mei, my parents are here. You don't have to worry about me. Do you want to come and play with me? I'm so bored in the hospital. My parents and I are not from the same world. They don't understand me at all. reasoning." can still reason?

Shirakawa couldn't help but cursed inwardly when he heard Yanomi's beautiful voice.

Qianxue Meiyi hung up the phone with a relieved expression on her face.

She was really worried that something like her would happen to Yanomi. After all, one of the murderers was the neighbor sister "Ueda Koe" whom Yanomi considered to be a good friend.

"Kuragi-kun, Ueda Koe is just an accomplice, right? She is a woman, which does not match everyone's previous speculation. So, if the murderer didn't catch me, will he change his target and attack other girls?"

Qianxue Meiyi suddenly asked.

Bai Chuan shook his head, "No, once the accomplice is caught, the murderer will also restrain himself."


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(End of this chapter)

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