Teacher, I hate it

Chapter 7 School Idol

Chapter 7 School Idol
"But planning is planning. What is before us now is still the issue of student sources. Principal Nan, what do you think about this?" After arranging the future school construction plan, Niigaki brought the topic back to the issue of student sources. asked.

"I wonder if the principal has ever heard of school idols?" Namiwako pondered for a while before speaking hesitantly.

"School idol? You mean, the kind of school idol like UTX school?" Aragaki said in surprise.

He really knew about school idols, but he only knew about them from the university in his previous life, and it was not because of the LOVELIVE anime, but because of the Japanese university beauty selection event!
At the same time, it is also because of this that I have seen the differences in aesthetics among Japanese people...

It's true that any monster can become a school belle or campus idol.

Sure enough, aesthetics in this world are divided into two major groups: normal humans and Japanese.

Then there is the difference between Eastern aesthetics and Western aesthetics.

"Yes." Nanrihezi nodded and confirmed.

"Although the idol industry does not seem to match the group of female high school students, we have to admit that idols, especially idol groups, are attractive to modern young people. I just heard from some friends that, It is possible that the LOVELIVE selection event will be held again this year. By then, as long as we can launch an idol group that can represent our Sakura High School and perform adequately on the LOVELIVE stage..."

"Does Principal Nan have anyone to recommend?" Aragaki asked.

"I don't have a good candidate either." Nanri Kazuko said with a wry smile.

Although she also knew that her daughter Minami Kotori seemed to be engaging in group activities similar to school idols under the influence of her good friend, Honoka Kosaka, but she was not sure whether it was a whim or a decision.

What's more, this idol group will also be responsible for the school's publicity work. Even if they will not be assigned too heavy work due to their status as students, this responsibility is not that of a few ordinary children who have not experienced severe beatings from society. Girls can easily do it.

Therefore, she did not report to Aragaki Hei that Minami Kotori and Takasaka Honoka were engaged in idol activities.

"Then what Principal Nan means..." Aragaki Hei probed with some confusion: "Invite idols from outside?"

For example, ask some already famous idol groups to endorse the school.

"That's not the case." Minami Kazuko shook her head and explained: "One of the conditions for LOVELIVE's candidacy is that the members of the idol group must be current students, so directly asking outside idol members to speak for themselves has no way of passing the review unless , that member himself is a student of our school.”

"But our school is not like Horikoshi High School. It is an entertainer high school that has accumulated enough reputation in the entertainment industry. Even if there are people of the right age, they may not be willing to transfer to our Sakura High School specifically to engage in idol activities."

"After all, most idols with a certain degree of popularity have corresponding economic companies behind them. If they don't open up the relationship, they will not allow their idols to leave the group and participate in some campus idol activities."

"Aren't there still underground idols?" Aragaki Ping said.

He has been wandering in Japan for a while. Although he has a thorough understanding of the Japanese social environment, he has also witnessed many interesting phenomena, so he is not completely ignorant about idols.

"Underground idols are suitable, but the quality of underground idols..." Minami Kazuko hesitated.

Yes, the quality of underground idols is very different from that of real idols!
Because the so-called underground idols are a group of idols, but to put it bluntly, they are just a group of ignorant little girls who have idol dreams and fantasize about making money by becoming idols. Moreover, most of these people have different qualities. Yes, there may be people who have participated in the selection of serious idol groups, or are trainees of idol groups themselves, but were selected because they were not qualified due to grades or other reasons, but are not willing to fail.

But the bad ones...

They are really the scum of society. Girls who rely on what they think are good looks or figures and focus on side projects. Smoking, drinking, fighting, and swearing are basically their daily lives. Compared with those in Dongguan in China, Special practitioners are all inferior.Coupled with the issue of age——

No one who can be an underground idol is under 20 years old...

So even if you want to invite them to school, you can't go through the student registration procedures for them.

Not to mention, with their social habits, if they really entered Sakura High School, who knows what trouble would happen.

"So, we still have to choose from among the existing students..." Aragaki sighed after listening to Minami Kazuko's introduction.

"Okay, let's choose from among the existing students. Principal Nan, I'll leave this matter to you, no problem."

"Yes, I will select suitable candidates to participate in LOVELIVE as soon as possible." Minami Kazuko stood up and promised.

"But compared to the uncertain LOVELIVE, I feel that the sports competition that will start in two months is more suitable to be a stage to showcase our Sakura High School, what do you think?" Hei Aragaki said with a smile.

Sports conferences are national conferences and county conferences that often appear in Japanese anime such as Slam Dunk and Prince of Tennis.It will start around June every year, usually starting from the county conference, which is the regional selection. Then as the regional champions and runners-up of the sport, they will enter the national conference as a seed team to compete for the national championship.

Tokyo is a large region, so it has three places to participate.

But also because Tokyo is a large region, the competition here is also the fiercest. If you are not a well-known university, it is impossible to stand out from the high school selection competition in the Tokyo area and show yourself in front of opponents across the country.

"It's just that our school is not a high school that specializes in sports, and it is an all-girls school. I'm afraid..." Minami Kazuko felt confused.

If Sakura High School's clubs were really good, there wouldn't be any clubs that could even qualify for the national competition in 20 years.

"Are there no special sports students in the school?" Aragaki said in surprise.

"No." Nanrihezi shook his head.

"This is really..." Aragaki said distressedly: "Forget it, while hiring excellent teachers from outside, Principal Nan, you can also use your personal connections to see if there are any high schools in surrounding or remote areas. There are no outstanding students and university seeds who are good at both character and academics, or whose families are in difficulty and cannot leave the local area to study in Tokyo, as well as outstanding students from various sports departments, find a way to poach them!"

"There are still two months left before the regional selection. As long as we act fast enough, we should be able to come up with a good seeded team."

"I'm afraid this will consume a lot of excavation funds..."

"I'll do it." Aragaki Heihao said angrily.

"Then I know what to do." Nanhiwako responded.

Afterwards, the two briefly discussed some topics about school construction, and Minami Kazuko turned and left Aragakihei's office.

"Speaking of which, are you coming to the orientation performance today? Just go and see if there are any students suitable to be campus idols." With that said, Aragaki stood up and left his office.

(End of this chapter)

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