Chapter 265 Rebecca!

The journey went smoothly. Apart from two gang fights, a shootout between police and robbers, an NCPD road closure, and a blind fugitive trying to hijack the car, there were no accidents.

But if things go by the past, Li You will definitely have to complain, such as I love the tone of Night City and so on.

But today, he just kept a straight face and drove the car without saying a word.

When the fugitive came to smash the car window, Li You just grabbed his hair, knocked him unconscious against the window frame, then pushed him away and continued driving without saying anything.

As for why…

Sasha cautiously poked her head out of the back seat of the car and tentatively said to Li You: "Um...Brother Li You, I really didn't mean it. Don't take it to heart."

Li You's face was expressionless: "It's okay, just call me uncle. It's normal for a fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old girl to call me that."

Sasha was dissatisfied: "I'm going to be sixteen soon!"

"No... I want to say that I don't really think you are old-fashioned and unreasonable. I was talking about the joke of 'fasten your seat belt'."

"After all, Hino Suichi, a comedian, is really liked by my I just subconsciously expressed my first reaction!"

Li You: "..."

He gritted his teeth: "Okay, you said it well!"

Xiao Nizi is really a chat talent, Mann must have picked up a ghost! ?

Sasha realized later: "Ah, no, I didn't mean that to be true..."

Ai Ji pulled Sasha: "Don't pay attention to him, he just gets sick every day, and he will be fine later."

Sasha seemed to understand: "...really?"

Li You ignored them and concentrated on driving. When passing near the company square, Sasha lowered his body cautiously, but fortunately no one came to the door.

After driving across the bridge connecting Westbrook and Heywood, Li You parked the car in an uninhabited alley near the apartment, and then Aggie helped Sasha get out of the car.

"Let's go, this is the fifth floor."

Li You stood at the door and looked at the apartment.

But in fact, there is nothing to see. The room in the apartment building that Sasha rents can also be rented by the protagonist V in the game. The price is the cheapest among all available rental houses, and the room is naturally the narrowest. .

Not to mention that, this apartment is actually the lower corner of a skyscraper.

The upper part of the building is a commercial area, while the lower part, bounded by an overpass that passes across the sky, becomes low-cost apartments that no one cares about. The upper and lower levels are isolated from each other and never connected, just like the classes in Night City.

Walking into the entrance of the apartment building, which is completely covered by the shadow of the overpass, you will find a small and dirty first-floor lobby. A shabby counter is on the right, but it is empty at this time.

The garbage, empty bottles, and dirty plastic bowls all over the floor were just swept into the corner without being taken care of. Li You even saw a few cockroaches crawling in and out as soon as he came in.

"Eh..." Ai Ji couldn't stand it anymore, but luckily he didn't show it. He just complained to Li You in the spiritual link.

On the bench next to the vending machine on the left side of the entrance, a fat man wearing a vest and trousers, with tattoos all over his arms, was sitting. He was holding a small plastic bowl and eating some kind of noodle dish that gave off a strange smell.

When he saw Sasha walking in, his eyes lit up. He put the plastic bowl on the bench, wiped his mouth with his hand, and said with a shy face:

"Hey, little Sasha, you're back! Did your outing go well?"

Sasha frowned slightly and reluctantly responded: "It's okay, and don't call me that, I told you."

The man rubbed his hands and said with an awkward smile: "Okay, you have the final say. I wonder if you are free this time, can you help me deal with my old Mewtwo console? Please help me!"

Sasha took another step back, avoiding his approaching face, and said: "It won't work this time. As you saw, I have other guests coming. Next time, Loginov."

The man named Loginov looked at Ai Ji beside Sasha and Li You who was lagging behind, looked at them, and then immediately changed his expression.

"Hey, you two!" He tried his best to raise his eyebrows and look fierce, but the fat on his face made his efforts in vain.

"Who among you, do you understand that it's first come, first served? I made the reservation first for little Sasha! Wait in line for me!"

He said this to Ai Ji, because Li You was still standing by the gate looking at the scenery.

Aiji was also stunned, he didn't expect to encounter such a thing. She hesitated and said: "... Judging from what you two just said, I think you don't have a formal appointment, so there is no reason to give it to you."

Unexpectedly, after hearing what she said, Loginov's expression became even more violent, and he started to use his hands and feet to push Aggie out of the hall.

He stretched out his hand and cursed: "Don't talk so much nonsense! If I say I come first, I come first!"

Aiji's expression changed, and he looked at his hand pushing toward his chest, with a dangerous look in his eyes. Sasha also sensed something was wrong and reached out to stop him, but was too late due to his leg injury.

However, the next moment, a hand wearing dark leather gloves strangled his wrist. Loginov was fat and his arms were at least twice as thick as that man's, but he was holding him and unable to move.

He was shocked and angry for a moment: "Who are you..."

Before he finished speaking, Li You grabbed his old vest with his backhand and threw him back to the bench where he was before, sitting directly on the noodle bowl that he had not finished.


The impact was severe, and Loginov let out a scream and fell from the bench to the ground. He wanted to get up, but Li You reached out and grabbed his hair and lifted it up. The pain caused him to scream repeatedly: "It hurts, it hurts, it's wrong, I'm sorry! Let me go!"

Li You ignored him, but looked at Aiji and said, "The first lesson of the Night City Survival Guide is, don't be too gentle in your behavior, otherwise others will think you are weak and want to ride on you."

"I've mentioned it before, but this time I experienced it myself. Do you remember it?"

Aggie nodded solemnly.

Sasha said: "Brother Li You is right, Ai Ji, your answer just now... was too friendly. People here will not reason with you."

"I already understand." Aggie stepped forward, pulled Loginov's hair, and asked Sasha, "How to deal with this guy?"

Sasha looked at Loginov, who was crying in pain, and shook his head: "He is a neighbor after all. As long as he doesn't bother me again in the future, I can just give him a lesson and be done with it, right?"

Aggie looked at Loginov: "Do you understand?"

Loginov endured the pain and nodded, not daring to say anything else.

"Then get out." Aggie kicked him hard, and Loginov's huge body slid out of the door close to the ground. He almost hit a passing citizen, causing that person to curse.

"Okay, let's go." Li You looked calm and calm, which made Sasha look at him more.

He is so skillful in handling problems. Isn't this his first time in Night City?

With this question in mind, Sasha led the two of them into the elevator. The elevator panel automatically recognized Sasha's identity information, and the words "Fifth Floor" lit up on the control panel.

Li You's expression changed: Sasha lives in the house that V can rent in the game?

Following Sasha all the way to the door, it turned out to be V's optional apartment. But it's not surprising. After all, in the original world line, Sasha should have been offline at this time. After more than a year, it is normal for the apartment to be re-rented to others.

The apartment in the game is a sparrow that is small but has all the essentials. The area is smaller than V's initial apartment. It is connected directly from north to south. Only the bedroom is separated by a half wall. The whole apartment is as narrow as a spliced ​​container.

But despite this, if V wants to rent this apartment, it will cost 30,000 euros (should be a year's rent), so there are still some upscale furnishings in the apartment, such as the Japanese-style smoker directly opposite the entrance. Incense and other decorations.

As for now, there are no such things in the apartment that still belongs to Sasha. There is a wardrobe against the wall directly after entering the door. There are a few old clothes hanging here and there, and there seems to be piles of clothes underneath that have not had time to be cleaned. Dirty clothes.


Sasha closed the closet door, blushed slightly, and said to the two of them: " guys sit down first. I'll clean up, send a message to my teammates to say they're safe, and then I'll deal with your affairs. "

Li You smiled and nodded, and sat down with Ai Ji on the small sofa next to the door.

There were still unpacked empty bowls on the small coffee table next to the sofa, but it seemed that Sasha didn't notice this. She was busy organizing her personal belongings and stuffing them all into the cabinet in the bedroom, as if to Burst that small storage cabinet.

Li You took a brief look at the furnishings in the apartment. Although there were inevitably some garbage that was not picked up in time and daily necessities piled randomly, it was still very tidy overall.

In fact, in the game, there is a commission in this apartment building, which is to find a stolen goods seller who lives on the second floor, which happens to be directly below this room.

And that apartment... in short, it was like a garbage dump. Johnny Silverhand couldn't bear the sight of Xiaoqiang crawling all over the floor.

So Sasha's apartment is pretty clean in comparison.

There was a call coming from the bedroom, and Sasha seemed to be reporting to her companions that she was safe. Li You and Aiji only waited for a short while, and she came over again and said, "Everything is ready! Brother Li You, come with me."

Li You and Aiji followed her to the side of the bedroom. The small room against the wall that would be used as a storage room when V rented the apartment seemed to be where she kept her hacking supplies.

A hacker's recliner, several large screens scrolling with various numbers, and basic monitoring and medical systems are also included. Although it is certainly not as good as those hackers from big companies, Sasha's set of equipment is already very professional on the street.

After all, even the two hackers Qi Wei and Lucy in the early stages of the Edgewalker animation used original ice baths - although Lucy personally mentioned that she was more used to it.

Sasha said: "If you just create an identity account, it's really not a big problem and it won't take too much time. But you have to wait for me. I need to enter some basic data of yours."

Li You nodded: "No problem."

Sasha immediately started a series of her devices, took out a spare information mask from the cabinet, put it on, connected the computer with a data cable, and then lay down on the hacker chair.

In the world view of Cyberpunk 2077, the concept of "network" is very different from what we know today.

In the early years, before the Fourth Corporate War, the cyberpunk world's network still covered the whole world and was no different from the real world. But the subtle difference is that there is a technology, or invention, in this world called a cyber modem, which allows people to browse the Internet in a three-dimensional space, which is much faster and more effective than traditional access methods. .

In this context, cyberspace is far more exciting than the world Li You came from, and many "hackers" were born as a result, swimming in the ocean of the Internet.

But later, during the war, a legendary hacker named Lucky Bartmos used his own virus program to blow up the global network, causing the network to fall apart and become fragments, and the "Primary Network" disappeared.

After the demise of the original network, although there were network monitors trying to rebuild the global network, the virus in Bartmos was too powerful, and the infection in many network areas was too serious and difficult to repair.

Not to mention that in the fragmented cyberspace, there are still a large number of renegade artificial intelligences running around and hunting. They are a fatal threat to hackers and even everyone online.

Heavy resistance eventually led network surveillance to abandon its plan to rebuild the global network and instead build a "black wall" to separate the usable network from the areas controlled by out-of-control AI and block both parties from exploring the other side of the wall.

Therefore, by the 2070s, humanity's controllable network was left with only a fragmented space, composed of multiple dispersed local hubs. The era when the network once connected the world is gone forever.

Today, although the original Internet is gone, the past technology is still there, and the public can still access the Internet - but basically only at the metropolitan level. Such networks are usually not interconnected and can only be accessed by logging in by touching the device.

So under this premise, modern hackers have different methods of connecting to the network, such as the more common personal connection, which is used by many professionals in addition to hackers, and then the more professional personal interface and information mask.

The personal interface is located at the back of the head and connects directly to the hacker's cerebral cortex to increase performance and data transfer rates. This method is called "deep access", and some people also call it "deep diving".

However, deep access is also incredibly stressful on the hacker's body. If external cooling is not used, the overloaded nervous system will quickly emit high temperatures and burn the hacker to coke - hence the need for cooling equipment.

A basic ice bath, freezer, or modified air conditioner are the lowest cost options. The more advanced one is the hacker suit and hacker chair that Sasha uses.

Sasha was lying in front of Li You, and Li You could see the light on her information mask constantly flickering and flowing erratically, which was a sign that she was conducting calculations and hacking activities.

"Beep beep beep——"

Just as he was thinking about it, Li You's cell phone rang. It was Sasha calling. Her consciousness is immersed in cyberspace, so she chooses online communication instead of speaking.

"Brother Li You, I'm already in the city hall's secondary database. Their ICE protection in this area isn't very good either."

"Next, I need to enter your information and conduct a detailed scan of you. Just do as I say."

Li You knew that the full name of ICE that Sasha was talking about was Invasion Against Denyuan. In short, it can be simply understood as the most advanced firewall in the cyberpunk worldview.

Traveling through ICE is naturally risky, and the consequences if provoked by counterattacks can be severe. Fortunately, Night City's management of residents' household registration data is very casual, so entering here seems to be easy for Sasha.

Li You followed Sasha's instructions and cooperated with her to complete the scan. The process took less than a minute.

Then, Sasha hung up the communication and quickly retreated from cyberspace. She sat up and took off her goggles, beads of sweat already hanging on her forehead.

"Huh~ It's done now, great." She fanned the air with her hand and let out a breath.

Li You smiled: "Thank you for your hard work."

Sasha waved his hand: "As I said, this little thing is too easy and not hard at all. In short, now, Brother Li You, you are an official resident of Night City! That's just right..."

She paused, then looked at Li You and Aiji, and smiled: "Welcome to Night City!"

Li You and Aiji looked at each other and smiled.

"Thank you very much."

"Oh, just say no." Sasha also said with a smile, "You saved my life, this is not a small thing to say thank you for!"

"If you need my help with anything big in the future, as long as you come to me, I will never refuse! Remember!"

As she said that, she actually extended her hand to Li You.

Li You was slightly surprised. In Night City, even this simple courtesy is very rare. He thought for a moment, did not refuse, and stretched out his hand to hold Sasha's hand.

"I remember."

After Li You let go, Sasha shook Aiji's hand enthusiastically again, and then said happily to the two of them: "Then I'll take a shower first. You can sit down wherever you want. I'll take you to find him later." Order something to eat!”

She took out a set of casual clothes from the closet and went into the bathroom holding a towel. After a while, the sound of water came from inside.

Li You took out his smartphone and looked at his personal identity authentication information, which marked his name, affiliation, whether he had a criminal record, and a series of other information, including a registered personal account.

This is his electronic ID card in Night City.

Li You put away his phone with satisfaction, sat down on the sofa, and said to Aiji who was following him: "Our mission in this world is more troublesome, and we need me to become a true legend of this night city. But to be honest, I'm still not sure what a 'real' legend is."

"So let's not talk about those far away, our next arrangement is-"

"Go to the pier first and order French fries... No, it's cash."

Aiji automatically filtered out his old jokes: "In short, it's just about working hard from scratch, right."


But just as the two were talking, the apartment door suddenly "clacked" and someone opened it from the outside.

Then, a little lolita with blue-green twin tails and seemingly wearing only an ill-fitting black jacket walked in carefree.

"Hey! Little Sasha, let me see you..."

She then saw Li You and Ai Ji sitting on the sofa, and was stunned on the spot.

"——Who are you!?"


When Sasha heard the noise and rushed out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, what he saw was Rebecca being pinned down on the sofa by Aggie.

The pose looks very familiar.

Rebecca gritted her teeth and shouted: "Let me go, bastard! What did you do to Sasha!?"

"Rebecca——!" Sasha shouted, and then she attracted her attention.


...a moment later.

Rebecca sat cross-legged on the sofa very informally, next to Aggie.

Li You sat on the other side of Ai Ji, while Sasha, who had already changed clothes, could only drag a stool and sit down opposite Rebecca.

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding, I should have told you earlier~" Rebecca stretched carelessly, not caring that this action exposed her thighs and abdomen.

"It turns out you were the ones who saved our little Sasha, thank you so much!" Rebecca said seriously, but then she laughed again, "I thought someone from biotechnology was chasing me just now, I'm so sorry~ "

Li You looked at her calmly.

Rebecca is a very popular character in the Edgewalker animated series. Friends who have watched the animation will probably remember her. She is a legal lolita in Night City.

In addition to her iconic twin ponytails and ill-fitting jacket, her red and green prosthetic eyes and pink tattoos on her neck and abdomen also reflect her personality.

And her character is just as unpredictable as she showed just now.

However, if you can get to know her in depth, you will know that she is actually a gentle child who cares about her companions - well, according to the setting, Rebecca is almost 20, so she is not considered a child at all.

Although at this time, she was acting coquettishly to Sasha without any look of an elder: "...Is there no Little Coke? Is there no more? Then give me a bottle of beer——"

Sasha couldn't help but say: "Rebecca! Li You and the others are still here!"

Rebecca was a little strange: "Huh? What does it matter? You brought them to your home, which means they are reliable, right?"

"Although this is the case, but..."

"That's no problem!" Rebecca laughed, "Since they are your friends, then they are also my friends! Right, Li... Ming?"

"...It's Li You." Li You corrected with a twitch in his mouth.

"Ah, yes, Li You. I remember." Rebecca nodded exaggeratedly, "Well, Sasha, and Li You, it's almost time now, do you want to go have breakfast together? I Know a good store!”

Li You glanced at Sasha this time and saw that she didn't seem to object, so he agreed: "Okay. But what's very embarrassing is that we just came to Night City and we don't have much money..."

"It's a small thing!" Rebecca patted her small chest, "I invited you to eat this meal! Just treat it as a celebration of our acquaintance and an apology to you!"

Li You and Aiji looked at each other with strange expressions.

Are you sure you want us to eat open?

(End of this chapter)

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