Chapter 249 The end of the war

Three days later, the bombing came as scheduled.

And not only that, the large government troops that had been besieging the city for a long time finally broke out and marched towards the city.

Originally, Colonel Markov was responsible for most of the military operations in the city. The government troops on the other side of the blockade had nothing to do with the city except prohibiting anyone from entering or exiting and bombing.

But now, a military order came from the government army headquarters, and large troops began to advance into the city.

Another all-out battle is about to begin.

The rebels, who had been prepared for a long time, chose to accept the challenge. Their advantage is their familiarity with the city's environment and the support of some people, which allowed them to maintain their front during the last full-scale battle.

However, this time, the government troops were well prepared. Before the troops went to an area, the first thing they did was to clear the ground with artillery shells.

This time they transported more than twelve, a total of sixteen heavy cannons, plus the remaining five that had been repaired, a total of twenty-one cannons. Although the degree of obsolescence varies, this level of firepower is enough to defeat the rebels completely.

The fighting only lasted half a day, and the rebels were retreating steadily.

On the other side, the people in the city also suffered a lot.

The government forces used covering bombing and then advanced in an all-out manner. They had an attitude of killing all the rebels and would rather kill them by mistake than let them go.

Under such circumstances, civilians could not dodge a bullet as long as they showed up, and the red-eyed soldiers would not carefully distinguish their identities.

Therefore, all civilians, as long as they had the conditions, locked their doors and windows, and then hid in the basement of their shelter, silently and fearfully praying that the war would end as soon as possible and that they would not be found by the soldiers.

If the shelter does not have a basement, you can only find an old wardrobe to hide in, shivering, and wishing you luck.

Throughout the whole day, gunshots, shouts, and explosions were heard one after another in the sky above Berggren without interruption.



The reinforced door of the apartment building was kicked open from the outside, and the simple alarm on the door started beeping non-stop.

A group of government soldiers crossed the low wall painted with the words "Fock the war", filed in through the door, and searched around the apartment building.

The team leader, who was at the end, pulled out the pistol in the holster at his waist and shot the alarm on the door, and the beeping sound stopped immediately.

"——Report to the captain, nothing found!"

The soldiers quickly searched the entire building and then returned to the door to report to the squad leader.

But after listening to their report, the team leader didn't know whether it was OK or not. He played with his pistol, glanced at the broken children's toys scattered on the ground, and said casually: "Has the basement been searched?"

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers were stunned.

Government soldiers also know many things well. In the basements of such residential houses, people are usually taking refuge. When they enter, they usually only check for signs of rebels, and do not specifically search the basements.

After all, there are so many ruins in the city, and searching them one by one would be endless. That is not what we need to do at this stage.

But looking at the squad leader's expression, the soldiers looked at each other, formed their formation, and headed towards the basement.

The entrance to the basement was locked, but this was not a problem for the soldiers. A soldier stepped forward to check the structure of the door lock, and nodded to his teammates on the left and right.

He then took two steps back, and then kicked the door violently!


The door was kicked open suddenly and hit hard on the wall. The soldiers raised their guns and pointed into the basement.

But it was equally quiet in the basement. They searched the upper and lower floors and found no trace of the rebels or others, only many remaining traces of life.

"Captain, there's none here either!"

After hearing their report, the squad leader clicked his tongue and put away his gun.

"It's boring... then let's go."

"Yes——!" Everyone responded in unison.

The squad leader turned around and walked out the door. But as soon as he took a step, a bullet flew out of nowhere and instantly turned his head into an exploding watermelon!

The soldiers were all shocked.

"team leader--!!"

"There are snipers! Pay attention to cover!"

"Get out of the way—!"

The team was in confusion for a while, and the soldiers tried to escape. But no matter where they hide, a bullet will come through the door, through the window, or even through the wall, taking them away with perfect accuracy.

Soon, the team that broke into the apartment building was wiped out.

On the roof of a seven-story apartment building in the distance, Li You calmly pulled the bolt, changed the bomb, and turned to look to the other side.

He did not come here specifically to kill government soldiers. In this situation, killing a few, dozens, or even hundreds of ordinary soldiers would not make much sense, and Li You did not intend to do it frequently.

After all, if a government army team is wiped out near the shelter, it will inevitably attract the attention of the government troops, which will be counterproductive.

Just like it is now.

Next to Li You, squatting was a man wrapped in a rag cloak. He was holding a knife and carving something on the ground. After finishing carving, he pulled Li You's sleeve.

Li You turned his head and looked around. It turned out that what the man had carved on the ground was actually a simplified map of Bergglen City. The approximate location of the government troops, the next bombing site, and the action plans of each unit were marked with simple drawings. Important information.

And if you look closely, this man wrapped in a cloak is actually a ferocious-looking night demon. Judging from the light flowing in its eyes, it is still a sentient night demon.

Of course, this was not Colonel Markov, but a bandit that Li You had caught casually in the past few days with a lot of lives on his back. As for the purpose, it is to be used as a mobile phone.

At this time, Colonel Markov was sitting in the government army's temporary frontline command post with another officer.

Markov was stripped of his command on the grounds of being "honorably wounded." He could only see but not say anything about the soldiers' actions, but this was exactly what he wanted.

Markov relayed everything he heard to Aggie through spiritual links.

In order to ensure that communications were not affected after the war started, Li You and Aiji transformed a total of five sentient night demons in the past few days, which were scattered throughout the city to serve as signal towers and transfer stations at this time.

The ultimate telepathic distance between a sentient night devil and its companions is about three hundred meters. If Aiji, the Queen of Night Devils, is mentally linked, it can span a distance of eight hundred meters.

Therefore, if all five Night Demons are arranged in a straight line, plus Markov, then Aggie can hear the message from the command center more than two thousand meters away.

It's just that the latency is a little higher.

But it is enough.

At this time, the Aiji people were in the underground vault of the bank, and the communication with Markov occupied three sentient night demons. As for the remaining two, one is following Li You, and the last one is hiding in a ruins in the middle of the communication road in case of emergency.

Li You looked at the information delivered by Ai Ji and found that the situation was not optimistic.

After the rebels fighting the government forces were defeated, they dispersed and retreated into the city with the largest concentration of refugees without hesitation. They skillfully broke into pieces and disappeared into the ruins of the city.

Needless to say, the consequences of this were that all government troops were attracted. The government army team that broke into the orphanage's apartment building was just a fringe team.

Before the large forces entered this area, they did not forget to shell them.

Without the need for night demons to pass on the news, Li You had already seen the heavy artillery shells starting to fall towards the buildings not far away.

"...Let's go, we can't stay here any longer."

Li You was in the tallest apartment building near the bank. The fighting had not spread to this area before, so it was relatively quiet. But it is clear that the war is about to burn below our feet.

Li You picked up the gun, took Night Demon with him, and rushed back to the bank on the roof of the building.

Although it was broad daylight now, everyone who was still alive had already taken refuge, so there was no need to worry about anyone seeing him.

All the way back to the underground vault, Aiji was waiting at the door, and inside the vault were some of the refugees brought over by Li You in advance.

Livia, Erica and her father, Milena from the museum, and Malik and his son, that's all.

Once a full-scale war begins, the bank's underground vault is the safest place, so they hid here under Li You's arrangement.

As for the Adam couple, Anna, the children, and Mark? They had left Berggren.

Don't forget, Li You has a way out of the city after all. When the situation was not critical before, he could hide this matter because he still had his own main mission to complete and there were achievements to get.

But now, knowing that the battle is about to break out, Li You will certainly not hide it from them anymore. It is too risky to stay in the city. Li You is not so selfish and insists on letting his children and companions accompany him to take risks here.

Therefore, he had already arranged for Marco, Adam and his wife to take the children out of Berggren in batches.

As for the few people who didn't leave, they were basically not allowed to leave.

Livia's belly is getting bigger and bigger. After leaving the city through the secret passage, she has to climb mountains and ridges. Her physical condition does not allow it.

In the same way, Malik did not leave, but his son Adam Jr. chose to stay for him. The same is true for Erica and her daughter.

As for Milena, she was purely there for the artifacts that were sent to the underground vault. Wherever these cultural relics are, she is there, so she refuses to leave the city no matter what.

Everyone except them has left Berggren and hid in the mountains outside the fighting range - which is the location in the ending of Smoldering Embers.

Although there are seven children in that team, there are also many combatants, so there should be no need to worry about their safety.

So what Li You has to do is to support the remaining people until the end of this battle.

At this time, several others were resting in the vault. Only Milena came to Li You and asked, "How is the situation outside?"

Li You replied: "It's not good. The rebels have been defeated and are hiding in various places in the city. The government troops are chasing them and shelling to clear the way. This area will probably be completely in ruins after tomorrow."

Milena sighed deeply: "This is really..."

Li You waved his hand: "In any case, the underground vault should be safe. As I said before, if anything happens, I will notify you immediately and you should hide inside and don't come out under any circumstances."

Milena nodded: "I understand."

She looked at the doors of the three storage rooms in the vault and said: "All our cultural relics are hidden here. I hope that after the war, people can rebuild the museum so that they can pass on history and culture."

Her words made Li You sigh and resonate with her, but before he could reply, Milena turned her head and looked at the first storage room.

"By the way, this door seems to have never been opened. What is stored inside?"

Li You looked as usual: "Over there, the door lock is broken and can't be opened at all. Looking at the records, it should be empty inside."

"I see."

While the two were talking, Ai Ji suddenly ran down from upstairs and shouted: "Li You! They guarantee... there is something wrong! Come up here!"

Li You immediately pushed Milena into the vault storage room and closed the door: "Wait inside!"

Everyone looked at him, but they only saw him closing the door.

Soon afterwards, faint gunshots came from outside the door, which lasted for a while before stopping.

Everyone in the storage room looked uneasy.

——Outside the door, on the first floor of the bank.

Several rebel bodies lay on the ground, and government troops occupied the bank.

The squad leader was reporting to the headquarters via radio: "...Yes, that's right. A few rebels escaped into the bank, and we have killed them all."

“The entire bank has been searched, and except for the locked entrance to the underground vault, the rest of the bank has been cleared and there is no sign of rebel activity.

"Yes, understand."

He put down the radio and shouted: "Everyone, check your ammunition and prepare to go!"


In an inconspicuous corner of the bank, Li You and Ai Ji silently watched the government soldiers leave and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I finally left. Fortunately, there were no surprises... These rebels are really annoying!"

"It was also expected. We have already prepared the response. Compared with this, how is the military situation now?"

"Let me see, the spiritual link was interrupted just now. We need to reconnect first... Yes, Markov really has new news."

But the next moment, Aiji suddenly changed his color: "No! There are government troops outside the city in the mountains!"

Li You suddenly stood up!

——Government Army Provisional Command.

Markov looked at the suddenly mobilized troops, opened his mouth, and asked in a leaky voice: "Why send people to the mountainous area? There is no one there."

Opposite the sand table, an old man in military uniform with sunken eyes and a hook-like nose raised his head and looked over.

"Boy Markov, if your jaw is injured like this, you don't need to talk. Just write down anything on paper."

"As for why you want to go to the mountains... Huh! I haven't asked you yet!"

The old man in military uniform patted the sand table and said in a stern voice: "The frontline troops just sent back news that a businessman they captured who supported the rebels told them that the rebels dug a tunnel leading outside the city so that troops could be transported back and forth between the mountainous area and the city! "

"You haven't found out such important information, how can you be a frontline commander?"

Markov lowered his head and said no more.

But in fact, he was receiving a remote message from Ai Ji.

After a moment, he raised his head and his eyes began to glow with a faint blue light.

(End of this chapter)

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