Mecha: Return of the Pioneers

Chapter 501 The actions of the Ghost Faces!

Chapter 501 The actions of the Ghost Faces!

"Click, click..."

The sound of machine joints moving continuously came from all directions, and among the crisp sounds, there seemed to be bursts of infiltrating laughter.

"Hehehe, hehehehe..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Failed, failed, failed!"

Among the weird laughter, the sound of unwilling resentment constantly echoed.

"It failed!"

The reluctance gradually turned into anger, and a burst of harsh and sharp howling sounded, as if the reluctance was vented, sweeping around crazily.

"Silence! Silence! Silence!"

Suddenly, the lights turned on, exposing the figure with bursts of infiltrating laughter.

It was a puppet with a beautiful face.

On that beautiful face, there were extremely conspicuous tears and resentment.

"Failed! Failed! Failed!!!"

Under the light, the beautiful face kept screaming, and the figure hidden outside the light shook repeatedly, showing fear.

"Silence! Silence! Silence!"

When the majestic voice sounded again, the penetrating sound of a hammer hitting the table followed one after another, suppressing the atmosphere on the field that showed faint signs of riot.

"The sinner below, do you know your sin?"

The majestic man stood high above, looking down at the beautiful face below.

"Know, know the crime..."

The beautiful face was startled and he hesitated.

"Name the crime you committed."

"Yes, yes! I, I am Ms. J..."


As the sound of a hammer hitting the table exploded, the majestic man issued a warning.

"Attention! You are not Ms. J. 伱..."

The majestic man pointed at the beautiful face, then at the many figures hidden in the light, and then pointed at himself and said.

"He, they, and I are all part of Ms. J."

A gorgeous smile appeared on her pretty face.

"Yes. We are all part of Ms. J. So, I didn't commit any crime."

"Correction! You did commit a crime."

The majestic man's voice sounded like thunder, rolling in, constantly impacting the sanity of the beautiful face.

"The mission you were responsible for failed. Not only did it fail, it even caused us, Ms. J, to lose a precious door to time and space."

"That, that was an accident."

The pretty face defended herself.

"Hee hee hee……"

At this moment, a cunning voice suddenly sounded.

"Accident?! Hahahaha. Accident! Did you forget something?"

"What did I forget?"

The beautiful face looked out of the light, where a shadow was twisting.

"Before you carried out the mission, the person you were looking for had already fallen into the hands of Wayros. Therefore, your mission failed and was destroyed by an unexpected existence!"

The cunning voice laughed, and his attitude was extremely unrestrained.

However, the majestic man did not have the arrogance to stop the cunning voice.


The beautiful face slowly spit out a name.

Indeed, the man who was supposed to meet in a certain world disappeared, and was replaced by a series of accidents, which ultimately led to the failure of the entire mission.

"According to the feedback from reliable intelligence channels, the person you are looking for has been captured by Wayros, and a certain degree of intelligence has been handed over. We, the Ghost Faces where our supreme Ms. J is located, have been known to the Super Dimension Fortress."

The majestic man's gaze pierced the beautiful face like a blade.

"This is the first crime you have committed. You cannot recognize someone."

The beautiful face fell silent.

She no longer argued or defended.

Exposing the Ghostface crowd was already her capital crime.

"That's one of them."

The cunning voice sharply pointed out the crime laid down by the beautiful face.

"Second. When you encountered an accident, you were so careless that you turned a blind eye to the unexpected variables and allowed them to develop, causing the variables to continue to develop and grow. Eventually, the entire plan went out of control, and the precious time and space in the hands of the Ghostfaces were lost. The door was destroyed in the ensuing battle."

"I admit it." This time, the pretty face didn't defend herself.

She participated in the entire battle, and even after being captured, she used the same precious puppet clone to try to give the opponent a fatal blow.

However, this plan did not work, and even the control of the puppet clone had been cut off by some kind of force.

"First and second, the crimes have been admitted. Do you have any excuses?"

The majestic man knocked the hammer and said in a deep voice.


The beautiful face is very straightforward.

"Very good! Then, let us now show you the consequences of the crime you committed!"

When the majestic man roared angrily, countless voices swarmed in, like a violent storm coming from all directions, completely occupying the hearing of the beautiful face, and did not allow her to get a moment of peace at all.

"First, because you don't know people well, it led to the exposure of our ghost faces."

"capital offense!"

"Secondly, because of your negligence, our precious property of the Ghost Faces suffered losses!"

"capital offense!"

"Thirdly, because of the above two crimes, the Super Dimension Fortress has begun to search for the existence of our Ghostface Sect within the fortress, in the sea of ​​stars, and even in multiple areas of the abyss, allowing us to search for our existence for a long time. The sites, people, and even property that we worked so hard to manage have suffered extremely heavy losses.”

The majestic man who had finished describing all the crimes paused and looked away from the light.

"Everyone, how should the three crimes be punished at the same time?"


The sly voice let out a series of sinister smiles.

"That, of course, is a capital crime!"

As soon as the cunning voice fell, a steady female voice followed.

"My name is Knight Commander J. I suggest you be punished by death!"

Another frivolous male voice appeared.

"My name is J. Heartthrob. I suggest you be punished by death!"

A snarky female voice spoke sharply.

"My name is Lady J. I suggest you be punished by death!"

As a result, the death penalty kept ringing out.

This is true whether it is a cunning voice, a calm female voice, a frivolous male voice, or a sarcastic female voice.

The death penalty that was shouted out was like a tsunami, rushing towards the beautiful face at this moment.

"capital offense!"

"capital offense!"

"capital offense!"

"capital offense!"

"capital offense!"

Among the constant shouts of death, the beautiful face gradually revealed a sad and sad face.

"Death penalty! Capital crime! Capital crime! My name is J-Julina! I will be responsible for all the crimes I have committed!"

"Great Lady J, please grant me death!"



The sound of a string breaking completely suppressed the overwhelming cries.

Just like the beautiful face that had been declared dead and lost all vitality, it fell into endless silence.

"It's so noisy! These dolls."

One string after another emerged under the light, linking from top to bottom to the majestic man, to the cunning voice, to the steady female voice, to countless... dolls exposed to the light.

At this time, a polite and gentlemanly male voice appeared outside the world where the doll lived.

"Dear Ms. J. I heard that the Star Familiar has descended into the sea of ​​stars again. Have you heard of this news?"


The strings gradually began to vibrate, as if they were preparing to play a new score.

The majestic man holding the hammer slowly opened his eyes, looked around, raised the hammer in his hand, and tapped the table.

"Attention! Attention! Attention! All dolls, open your eyes. We have a new mission."


The cunning voice laughed wildly.

"Tell me! Chief referee. What is our new mission?"

The majestic man hit the table with the hammer again, and a picture suddenly appeared in front of the puppets.

"Bring this man back. His name is Embrio. A man who claims to be the tuner who can create a new world."

(End of this chapter)

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