Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 394 There are no good storytellers

Chapter 394 There are no good storytellers

Guan Dingnan obviously didn't want to talk too much about his sister's fiasco. However, if some things were not explained clearly enough, it would be counterproductive, so after a moment of silence, Guan Dingnan continued the story.

"Xiaohe at that time did not participate in the beauty pageant just to prove that she was beautiful...that is, how to put it, although she was only twelve years old at the time, she was already in love, you understand, right? And at that time There was a young talent in Meng College who was elegant and talented, just the type she liked. But Xiaohe was arrogant and would not take the initiative to get close to her, so she thought that if she could beat the crowd in the beauty pageant, Most likely, the young talent can take the initiative to vote. The result is an outright fiasco... From the perspective of us adults, Xiaohe's idea at the beginning was very naive. If the young talent is really right If she is interesting, she doesn't need to win a beauty pageant to express her love. If she doesn't mean it, winning ten more competitions won't help. What's more, the young talent is not a student of Meng College, but a young teacher who has just graduated from the college. , How dare he dare to have a teacher-student relationship with the twelve-year-old marshal's daughter!"

"But here comes the most ironic part. The senior sister, who was only fifteen years old at the time, became an instant sensation. After winning the competition, the young instructor actually came to her to confess his love! He said that after you graduate, we can live together openly and openly. ...What a beast! Although he was reported to the police soon afterwards and has not been heard from since, the stimulation given to Xiaohe was real. She was not that obsessed with the outcome of a beauty pageant, but this time The subsequent development made it impossible for her not to be persistent."

"After that competition, she learned the hard way and summed up two lessons. One is that she is not the flawless and talented girl that people boast about. She also has the weaknesses of ordinary people, such as the beginning of love and vanity, and Human weakness is the most difficult to overcome, so after that, she sealed her heart and loved her, and on the other hand, she used the most tacky clothes to cover up her appearance, in order to isolate the people around her from complimenting her appearance. After all, she had that tacky look. , not to mention that she is beautiful, she seems to be in a yin and yang manner; secondly, beauty is a professional skill, which requires not only natural beauty, but also the cultivation of acquired aesthetics and exquisite maintenance. With the person who has exhausted everything to be beautiful, Compared with the beautiful senior sister, Xiaohe, who was so ambitious to participate in the competition, was like an arrogant amateur who was trying to do everything in front of professionals. How could he be invincible? "

"Speaking of it, that senior sister has been unknown in Meng College for many years, but she actually wanted to be amazed this time before graduation. The most beautiful thing in the world is the beauty of contrast. A little princess from Nanxiang who is usually praised by everyone, and an unknown girl who is suddenly amazing Among local girls, it’s obvious which side is more likely to attract attention.”

"That senior sister is very talented in spiritual practice, and she is also very skilled in alchemy and medicine. She is actually a very good student. However, because she was born in a poor family and is not good at socializing with others, she has been repeatedly ostracized by a group of idle rich girls in Meng College... ...It may be a slight exaggeration to say it is bullying, but it is similar. And she knows that as a commoner's child, she does not have the capital to resist the rich. So she has been brewing for many years to give her life before graduation. A small act of defiance.”

"The beauty pageant of Nanxiang Meng College is a tradition that has been followed for hundreds of years. For every female student, showing herself in the beauty pageant is a necessary step before graduation, even more important than graduation itself. Important. At that time, although Xiaohe's popularity was the most popular, but the stage of Meng Academy was so broad, not only the winners could get attention. Although those rich girls were young, they liked to discuss and study two things the most. : Beauty and men. The beauty pageant is the best opportunity for them to show off their talents. Similarly, in that competition, beating everyone else and winning the first prize is the best response to the exclusion they have suffered for many years."

"For this reason, she has painstakingly prepared a lot of things. On the one hand, she tries her best to cover up her natural makeup with extremely rustic outfits. On weekdays, she keeps a distance from all her male and female classmates... as if she is trying to survive. On the other hand, the competition On the day of the competition, her hibiscus was also carefully designed. Shanzhu, please pay attention to the details in this painting. Although she is wearing a school uniform, the style has actually been slightly adjusted. It is loose but can make the curves looming. The most attractive Daydream. On the other hand, the rich girls around her have their aesthetics completely misled by fashion magazines and beauty salon owners. They are still in their prime, but they blindly imitate the gorgeous costumes of those adults, which is like imitating others, which is counterproductive. In addition, she has no makeup. She is more delicate and slender, and when paired with simple school uniforms, it is only right not to apply any makeup, so as to present her natural and uncarved beauty... Of course, although she has not been sculpted, she did careful maintenance before going out to compete. She can show her best that day. For this reason, she also practiced a jade bone technique."

"So, no winner's victory is purely based on talent, and all of them are condensed with real hard work. On the day of the competition, everything went as planned by the senior sister. Although Xiaohe's dress was beautiful, he was overwhelmed by the people around him who were competing for their beauty. The luster was lost. Instead, the senior sister who came to compete wearing a student uniform really shined. The strong contrasting effect shocked countless viewers present, and the final result was truly reflected in the voting. It is true that Xiaohe has many loyal fans, but even those who are eager to be her dogs can only vote for her with their hands, but their votes in their hearts will definitely be for senior sister. What's more, although there are people who tend to be partisan in this world. There are many, but not as many as those ordinary people who quietly live their lives. And what the senior sister has won is the recognition of the vast majority of ordinary people. In that competition, Xiaohe did not abstain the first time, but after hearing the vote statistics She did not hesitate to give up after the teacher informed her of the results in advance, which can be regarded as a miraculous victory of her senior sister, which has made her own reputation. Well, my sister has been a smart person since she was a child. Even if she cannot win, she will definitely not lose."

"Huh? Why do I know so much about that senior sister? Because after that competition, my sister became good friends with her senior sister and often brought her to play at home. Is it a little unexpected? Although Xiaohe She must be strong and competitive, but she can also take things up and let go. Although she lost the beauty pageant, and she lost completely, it just happened to stop her from continuing to be a talented girl, and from then on she focused on the craftsmanship and ingenuity, which was a blessing in disguise. Not to mention that Xiaohe was deeply impressed by the experience of this senior sister who had been dormant for many years and became a blockbuster. For the Guan family, instead of being fawned over by vulgar fans, it is better to take the initiative to make friends with those who are truly outstanding."

"After that, because she came to play with Xiaohe at home when she had nothing to do, I couldn't help but get acquainted with her. After all, every time Xiaohe wanted to blow my head off without any reason, it was all thanks to her mediating, and every time I would I sincerely thanked her for saving my life. After going back and forth like this... we gradually started to talk. She just agreed to marry me last month, and the marriage will be scheduled for next year. Xiaohe objected to this matter fiercely, but her objections were ineffective. So lately she doesn’t like me, and she wants to hit me for any reason, but just hit me, her best friend is my fiancée anyway, hahahahaha!”

(End of this chapter)

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