Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 348 General Li, are you breaking the law?

Chapter 348 General Li, are you breaking the law?

Li Xiong's report is based on reality, has the overall situation in mind, is cautious at the tactical level, and is optimistic and positive at the strategic level. Even the wording and sentence making are full of skill. It is really a rare and powerful article like the person he wrote.

Although Wang Luo extracted the main contents of the report and seemed simple and straightforward, Li Xiong's discussion process was actually full of fascinating references. Almost every argument he makes can be supported by Lord Butian's important speech or the glorious deeds of the other eight powerful families. It makes people unable to speak out even if they want to refute.

The final report naturally became an excellent example of victory science.

After reading Li Xiong's report, Wang Luo was filled with admiration, as if he had seen the long speech that his senior sister wrote so hard about the existential crisis of her own notebook workshop.

Unlike the senior sister who was ruthlessly suppressed after her report was handed over to Song Yijing, Li Xiong's report can undoubtedly fully guarantee that the follow-up aspects of this exercise will be enjoyable for both guests and hosts.

It is a good thing for the guests and hosts to enjoy themselves. For Wang Luo, the outcome of the exercise is not important. How to take advantage of this opportunity to deeply investigate the secret of Qiyue Lake is the key. And the current result just gave Wang Luo the opportunity to conduct an in-depth investigation.


Li Xiong woke up leisurely at noon. After the doctor injected him with a large dose of tranquilizing drugs, his injuries to his soul were effectively controlled. Not only could he get out of the hospital bed, chat and laugh with the soldiers of the Secret Guard Camp, but he could also turn around. I threw myself into work right away and started organizing the evening celebration party!

Unlike this forced win-win report written after staying up late at night, preparations for the celebration banquet started long in advance, with a large number of participants and a more complete banquet process. From the local conductor Li Xiong himself, to several deputy conductors, and even the foreign instructors who came as temporary guests at Yueyang's invitation, all were invited to attend.

The original intention of this design is that the Secret Guard Battalion has worked hard to take root in Qiyue Lake for several years, and everyone from top to bottom needs an opportunity to summarize and commend and boost morale. But for various reasons, this opportunity was never found. This temporarily decided actual combat exercise undoubtedly gave Li Xiong an opportunity to use the topic to his advantage and win big.

It's just the result. Although I still won, the way of winning was not as expected, so the atmosphere that night was very weird. While the soldiers of the Secret Guard Battalion were singing the praises of their superiors and congratulating each other that years of hard work had finally paid off... they were also carefully observing the reactions of Zhou Rui and other White Key Army soldiers, for fear that they would suddenly burst out and spoil their fun.

For the soldiers kings of White Key City, this win-win ending was also a bit inconsistent, so being in the banquet hall was also a torture, and they couldn't even get up to spoil the fun.

Although the actual result of the battle was a complete victory for them, the basis of their victory was that Wang Luo ran into Li Xiong's room late at night and stole the Beast Mother's heart. In actual combat, the soldiers of the Secret Guard Battalion who were supposed to retain their strength for the first battle almost lost their fighting spirit and were weak to resist, as if they wanted to resist but welcome, which made the victory style look particularly awkward.

As a result, a carefully prepared celebration banquet gradually fell into silence amidst the common embarrassment of both the victor and the loser. The atmosphere was more like a beheading party than a win-win celebration.

Fortunately, it was Li Xiong who stepped forward at the critical moment. The commander-in-chief of Qiyue Lake Camp once again used his long-sleeved skills to organize the families of the soldiers and family members in the camp, and urgently arrested a group of literary and artistic talents. Female soldiers with special skills entered the stage together.

The arrival of the women instantly softened the atmosphere in the venue. Whether it was Teng Zheng and others who were unwilling after the defeat, or Zhou Rui who felt unsatisfied after the victory, when they saw the lively, singing and dancing female soldiers of the Secret Guard Battalion, they immediately straightened their bodies, forgot the hatred in their hearts, and each took their own food. Showing a mighty and handsome posture - no one needs to be taught, it is purely instinctive.

Huang Long looked on and marveled: "Okay, not to mention the other three, Zhou Rui and Zeng Zhiqiang have a partner in White Key City. As soon as your little girl comes out, I think they are already mentally single. You guys If we record this scene, won’t we be able to manipulate them casually in the future?”

Li Xiong heard this and almost spit out his drink.

Old general, do you know a lot? !

Wang Luo frowned: "These little girls seem to be serious."

While they were talking, there was already a female soldier who looked to be in her early twenties and still had the youthful look of a girl on her face. She started to toast Zhou Rui generously, but her look and gesture showed that she was sincerely admired and was definitely not fake. Li Xiong sighed: "Young people always tend to live more purely. After seeing the abilities of Zhou Rui and others, it's not surprising that these girls admire them."

While he was talking, Zhou Rui could no longer resist the girl's sincere invitation. He picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. He should have had enough to drink, but he suddenly turned red in the face.

Wang Luo asked again: "Is General Li planning to use a beauty trick to recruit a son-in-law for the secret guard camp?"

Li Xiong said: "If it is true that a man is interested in having a concubine, I, as a general, will naturally be happy to see it happen. Although these children Xiao Zhou act recklessly, they have real abilities after all. The secret guard camp rejected them before There are several generals outside the door, and I really can’t stop them. But now their anger has passed, and Xiao Zhou’s misunderstanding about the secret guard camp has almost been eliminated..."

Before he finished speaking, Huang Long snorted coldly from beside him.

Li Xiong was helpless: "Well, although a gentleman does not take away the good things from others..."

Huang Long waved his hand: "Don't use these clichés. They are your Yueyang's soldiers. I won't take them from you. It's just that I couldn't bear to see capable people being left idle."

"Thank you General for your understanding."

With that said, Li Xiong was about to pick up the wine glass and offer a toast to Huang Long, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he found that the wine in the glass had already been drunk, so he wanted to grab the wine pot and pour it himself.

But the next moment, a pair of bare hands were seen holding a new wine pot, filling Li Xiong with sweet light wine, followed by a soft scolding.

"You're injured and you have to drink strong alcohol. I'm not afraid of the doctor coming to your door."

The sound came suddenly, and with the abilities of Wang Luo and Huang Long, they didn't notice anyone approaching beforehand. They couldn't help but turn their heads in surprise, and then they saw a beautiful and elegant woman, tilting her head with a smile. Although she speaks softly and has a calm demeanor, her beauty and youthfulness are not concealed at all. The warblers and swallows in the arena seemed to have been rendered colorless in an instant!

The next moment, Wang Luo saw many familiar traits on that face. For a moment, he thought he was seeing Yi Qing behind makeup!

However, before Wang Luo could ask to confirm his suspicion, Li Xiong, the king of short stories with long sleeves and good dancing, showed a gentle and slightly shy smile for a moment, then put his arms around the woman and whispered.

"This is my wife, Wan'er, who has met Master Wang Shan and General Huang."

Since she was Li Xiong's wife, Wang Luo showed dignity and stood up to toast her, while also observing the woman carefully.

What's interesting is that just now this woman arrived silently, as if she was a top expert, but now when he looked at her from the front, he found that her cultivation level was no more than the golden elixir, and there seemed to be something hollow in her indifferent temperament.

Naturally, Li Xiong also knew that Wang Luo was doubtful, so he sighed softly and said, "Wan'er and I met a few years ago. At that time, I was walking in the woods by the lake and met her by chance. But at that time, she had lost her memory. ."

(End of this chapter)

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