Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 318 Unintentional intervention

Chapter 318 Unintentional intervention

In the Star Reaching Pavilion, facing the shining light golden net on the ground and the unusually eye-catching hole, Wang Luo and Lu Youyou were silent for a moment, both speechless.

When the situation has reached this point, it is not only difficult but also a bit embarrassing.

This obviously happened in the land of Yueyang and was a major event related to the entire Immortal Alliance, but it would eventually fall on a few of them outsiders.

The locals in Yueyang, including Lord Butian, were treated like chess pieces and manipulated at will.

If any third party were to look at it, they would inevitably feel that Zhu Wang’s tyranny is unreasonable.

However, in fact, this is definitely not what Lu Youyou and Wang Luo want.

Time needs to be simply retraced.

At the beginning, Wang Luo's positioning for Yueyang's journey was very simple, just two things, the first: kill the people who deserve to be killed; the second: kill the people who obstructed the first thing. In essence, there is no difference from Huang Long's thinking, except that he will consider that killing people indiscriminately will cause strong backlash, so the method of killing must be as clever as possible, and the killing must be done openly.

For outsiders like them, this is the most they can do. No matter how complex and in-depth the work is, especially those related to construction, it should still be shouldered by Yueyang people themselves. There is no benefit in going too far.

However, before leaving, Wang Luo and Lu Youyou met for the last time, only to find that the road was blocked.

This discovery came from an accident. When Wang Luo learned from the mouth of the wild demon Dahuang that there was a fundamental loophole in Yueyang's desolate barrier, he immediately informed Lu Youyou about it. Then Lu Youyou took some time out of his busy schedule to have a long talk with Wang Luo.

First, with the authority of the Chief of the Immortal Dry Forest, she extracted Yueyang's Desolate Barrier Diagram and presented it in a network form. Then she made a preliminary deduction and tried to find a solution to the problem.

However, she soon discovered that the loopholes in Yueyang's barrier were different from those she had experienced before. It was not simply due to poor implementation of the famine control work, or the perverse actions of some powerful people in key positions - strictly speaking , the human civilization of the New Immortal Calendar has never been able to completely get rid of these stubborn diseases of civilization, so such loopholes are endless.

But if there are loopholes, just try your best to fill them. The Dinghuang Great Barrier will not fall apart immediately just because of the existence of a few loopholes, and there is no need to panic too much. On the contrary, because I have dealt with it so many times, I have become so proficient that I have lost the fear of such vulnerabilities.

But a completely new form of root-level vulnerability cannot be ignored.

At first, Lu Youyou's idea was to inform Lord Butian immediately. No matter what kind of unpleasantness broke out between the two parties in Guanghan Palace, the other party was still the master of Yueyang after all. It was impossible and should not hide this difficult situation from him.

But Wang Luo suggested at that time that there was no need to be in a hurry to be honest. It was best to go to Yueyang for on-site inspection before making a decision. Maybe Lord Butian was pretending to be confused from the beginning?

To Wang Luo, this suggestion was just a casual mention, but Lu Youyou thought about it seriously and nodded lightly - very lightly and hesitantly. However, the moment Lu Youyou nodded and decided to give it a try, the pale golden net suddenly changed, and the hole in the middle shrank significantly!

This strange phenomenon shocked the two of them on the spot, and then they came to an even weirder conclusion together.

Perhaps keeping Lord Butian in the dark would be more helpful to the cause of eradicating the wilderness?

Under the guidance of this conclusion, Lu Youyou made a plan for the future: Wang Luo will go to Yueyang first, not only to kill the people who deserve to be killed, but also to try to gradually step aside and take over Yueyang's famine determination work... In this After the plan was finalized, the hole actually shrank a little bit more!

Unfortunately, although Wang Luo carried out fruitful work in White Key City and lured in all the Northern Territory business groups, little progress was made in filling the void.

You can't really trick the thirty-three Northern Territory business groups, right? !

After a long silence, Wang Luo took the lead and said: "Or if we think about it differently, what Yueyang lacks most at present is not the work of determining land shortages on the surface, because if we take a step back, even if we look at the drawings, the work here is The wasteland work is simply riddled with holes, but even if it is riddled with holes, the problem is actually not that serious. After all, the drawings of Xianmeng were designed in accordance with the ultra-high requirements of Rongcheng's pioneering work, and they have a large design margin. .”

Lu Youyou pondered for a moment and nodded: "Yes, objectively speaking, Yueyang is disappointing, but it does not open loopholes at the root level. That was an extreme situation that would only occur when Jun Changsheng transformed into a wasteland... So what? ?”

Wang Luo said: "So maybe the 3% progress does not come from the Northern Territory Business Group and their Dinghuang Tower, but because of other unintentional efforts..." Lu Youyou was puzzled: "Others Unintentional?"

"For example, because of my arrival, the He family is planning to produce a Mirage of Taixu with senior sister as the protagonist."

"?" Lu Youyou looked confused.

Wang Luo explained patiently: "Senior sister is the leader of the founders of the Desolation. The mirage of Taixu adapted from her story may play a role similar to the Ning Yuan Diagram."

Lu Youyou was dumbfounded when she heard this: "Ning... Such shameless words, even the Lord himself would rarely say them out loud!"

Wang Luo shrugged: "But it may not be true. The Ning Yuan Diagram has magical powers because of the history it carries. The Taixu Mirage can also carry history. Why can't it have magical powers? Anyway, since the Yueyang people plan to do it, Then let’s help them do a better job, and Senior Sister’s spirit in heaven will be pleased. When the time comes, we will take the finished product to the top of Jianmu and show it to her, and maybe she will be happy to be resurrected.”

"You..." Lu Youyou was angry and funny, "Don't be tempted by the beauty of those two actresses, why don't you try your best to add drama to them!?

Wang Luo categorically denied this: "Those two people have almost no allure for me. If Xin'er hadn't been so clingy to them, I would have kicked them out of the Star Reaching Hall long ago to avoid being misunderstood about my aesthetics."

Lu Youyou was curious after hearing this: "Really? To be fair, those two people's bodies and looks, both naturally beautiful and carefully cultivated and maintained, can be called stunning beauties at any time, but you are not impressed at all? "

Wang Luo explained: "It's two different things to look good but to be attractive and to be attractive. Although they are beautiful, they don't suit my taste."

Lu Youyou was even more curious: "What's your aesthetic like?"

"Like you."

The next moment, the air in the Star Reaching Hall seemed to freeze.

In the freezing of time and space, Lu Youyou's flawless eyes were clearly shaken for a moment. It took her a long time to regain some composure, and she made a voice that was not calm at all.

"What nonsense are you talking about!?"

Wang Luo said: "I have been with my senior sister since I was a child, and my aesthetics has been deeply influenced by her. Strictly speaking, it is almost the same as hers. And the master of her aesthetics is you now. So you ask what my aesthetics is. Whatever it is, it’s naturally how you are now.”


The air in the Star Reaching Pavilion solidified again.

After a long time, Lu Youyou sighed: "Yeah, that's the only reasonable thing to say... Anyway, let's not go off topic. If you plan to seriously interfere with the Yueyang people's Taixu mirage, there is nothing wrong with it. Well, why not take advantage of it? I rarely come to Yueyang and let those two actresses come and talk to me. There should be no one in this world who knows the Lord better than me, well, except for you."

Lu Youyou's words were obviously absent-minded.

However, just as these absent-minded words fell, the pale golden net on the floor closed again! The hole in the middle shrank inward at an alarming rate!

(End of this chapter)

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