Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 304 I heard that you all have special skills

Chapter 304 I heard that you all have special skills

Many children will experience this kind of pain in the process of growing up: obviously what they say is right, but after a painstakingly crafted impassioned speech, all they get in exchange is a good beating and an unreasonable rebuke: "Adults" Speak, and don’t interrupt the kids!

This allows children to painfully understand the truth of the world from a very young age: civilization does not necessarily conquer barbarism, but only conquerors are worthy of civilization!

Now, in the Star Picking Hall at night, Xin'er, who was roughly conquered by the man next to her, felt this pain firsthand. She secretly wiped her tears and made up her mind that when Master Wang and Mama Lu get married in the future, she will file an angrily complaint to make Master Wang pay for today's brutal behavior!

Of course, she could do it more decisively. If she designed it according to the Mirage plot that her favorite sister Ning Yi starred in, she would appear outside the wedding venue on the night of their wedding, when many guests were competing to congratulate them, holding her big belly. , wiping away tears, showed a determined and sad look at the high-spirited groom, then turned and left, leaving behind a back that arouses imagination...

While the little girl was immersed in her fantasy, she heard a familiar voice coming from her ears.

Wang Luo asked curiously: "Have you ever considered that when we got married, you were in Guanghan Palace and couldn't come to the scene at all?"

"Oh, yes, after this business trip, I have to be detained in Guanghan Palace again... Ooooooh!"

After letting out a burst of frightened screams as if she had been violently conquered, Xin'er backed up dozens of meters and huddled in the corner, tremblingly saying: "You, you, you, how do you know what I'm thinking? You do?" His mind is telepathic? Did you use his mind telepathy on me?"

Wang Luo stretched out his hand and pointed at the small notebook in Xin'er's hand: "When you were thinking wildly, the pen in your hand faithfully recorded every thought you had."

Xin'er quickly lowered her head and saw that the content in the book had indeed changed from the quotations of the mountain lord Wang Luo to a novel about an infatuated girl looking at a heartless man from afar, and even included pictures!


After letting out a screeching sound like a groundhog, Xin'er immediately tore off the page, lit a real fire with her fingertips and burned it completely, and then her whole body shrank completely like ashes.

Wang Luo sympathized with this and resonated with it.

I still remember a day several years ago when he was thirteen years old. After finishing his daily practice, while walking in the forest of Lingshan Mountain, he suddenly saw an unusually perfect branch lying on the grass...

For any young boy, it is an irresistible temptation. What's more, Song Yijing taught him step by step, to hone his foundation first, and not to teach the "dharma" easily. Therefore, although his cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds, he didn't even have a sword of his own.

So, when he held the sword in the forest, he suddenly felt that he was no longer himself, but a certain sword immortal who entered the Tao with a sword, split the sky with force and soared. The whole world was in his hands at this moment.

Then, he remembered that not long ago, he watched his uncle Song Yiming studying swordsmanship in the mountains. The power of his sword was like the powerful wind in the sky, sweeping away the clouds and causing them to gather and disperse, and the sun, moon and stars were eclipsed by it... The invincible and powerful figure made him stand on the spot, filled with shock.

Subconsciously, he followed his uncle's body movements and waved the fairy sword in his hand.

Facts have proved that Wang Luo's talent for swordsmanship is extremely good. Even though he has no foundation in swordsmanship, even if it is a joke to imitate the True Lord's sword with a young body... But he still stirred up the spiritual energy of the world with a tree branch at that time. …

However, to this day, when Wang Luo recalled that fairy-like scene, all he could think of was: when he was swinging heartily, he saw his senior sister poking her head out of the woods with a playful look on her face... Then, Wang Luo Luo's young mind was baptized with shame far beyond what he could bear at that age. The perfectly shaped tree branch was placed next to his neck on the spot...

It's really an experience that makes me blush with embarrassment when I recall it after so many years.

Therefore, Wang Luo also knew very well that the best way to appease this emotion was to avoid the topic, pretend that the other party did not exist, and let the other party digest the shame on his own. “So, Ning Yi, do you have anything else to ask?”

Ning Yi nodded quickly when she heard this.

"Of course, regarding Lord, I have countless questions here! In addition to the leadership qualities and love life mentioned before, what is her best skill? What are her food preferences? When she travels around the world, do she have any close friends? Friend? Sorry, I know these questions may be a bit abrupt, but in order to play this role better, I really want to know every detail about the Lord!"

"Heh, sure, let's chat slowly. I still have a lot of sweet wine here."


"The above is my main experience in White Key City."

A few days later, in the Governor's Mansion of Rongcheng, in the study room used by Han Guming "before his death", Wang Luo carefully explained to several friends everything that happened in White Key City.

On the other side of the desk, Han Ying had a complicated look on her face.

The newly appointed Governor of Rong City was holding a report submitted by an informant. It clearly stated that Wang Luo, as the special envoy of the Immortal Alliance and the leader of the wasteland eradication team, on the first day of arriving at White Key City In the evening, very late at night, the slightly famous Yueyang actress Ning Yi stayed overnight in the Star Picking Pavilion.

Ning Yi stayed until close to noon the next day, then staggered out of Shengxue Tower with a tired look on her face... That figure and steps that seemed to have been patched up were clearly seen by countless pairs of eyes!

Then, as the person involved, Wang Luo claimed that he only focused on discussing the life of senior sister Lu Zhiyao with the other party to help Ning Yi better assume the role...

How can I put it, if Han Ying was only ten years old at this time and completely ignorant of all the dangers in the world, maybe she would really believe it!

Of course, in theory, there is still one person who can prove Wang Luo's innocence. Lu Youyou sent a girl from Guanghan Palace to accompany Wang Luo long before his departure. As a descendant of the exiles, Xin'er has an absolute loyalty obligation to Guanghan Palace and will never lie or conceal... However, when people asked Xin'er what happened that night, her answer was.

"No, I don't remember. After King Shanzhu did something that made Xin'er extremely ashamed, Xin'er's mind became confused..."

This kind of statement that added fuel to the fire was blocked by Han Ying on her own initiative, so Wang Luo's innocence was no longer proven.

"Hey, Governor Xiao Han, you are really worrying too much. How could Lord Wang Shan neglect his business because of such a thing?"

Huang Long, who was sitting next to Wang Luo, laughed and patted Wang Luo on the shoulder while vouching for him.

However, when Han Ying heard this, her expression became more complicated.

Because there was also another report submitted by a whistleblower, which stated that Huang Long, as the deputy team leader, went deep into the military camp on the first night after arriving in White Key City, and met with Zhou Rui A group of strong young men led by him got together. The report also included pictures taken from Yueyang Zhaotang by the listener.

In the picture, five strong young men stand side by side. Due to constant exposure to the sun and the practice of special external skills, they all have dark skin, bulging muscles, and even more excited expressions on their faces!

General Huang Long, whose skin was as fair as flawless jade, sat in front of the five people, smiling with satisfaction!

(End of this chapter)

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