Chapter 298

After having a good discussion environment, Wang Luo and Lu Youyou quickly figured out the Yueyang people's gameplay.

In fact, this routine is very simple and common, and Lu Youyou had already expected it.

As a living fossil of the Immortal Alliance who followed Lu Zhiyao for seven hundred years and then ruled on her own for five hundred years, there are few tricks in the political field that she has not seen. Long before Gao Yuanwang became a good dancer, she had already thought through the Yueyang people's ideas in detail, but now she just got a piece of supporting evidence from Wang Luo.

To put it simply, it’s just one word: Kneel.

Simple, yet practical.

As early as the primitive and barbaric era, when mankind had not even established a basic civilization framework... Kneel down and beg for mercy, which became the supreme magic weapon for many weak and small ethnic groups to survive.

It is naturally best to be the winner of the conquest, but in the long years, whether it is an individual or a group, it is almost impossible to be undefeated. Examples are too rare. Even the immortal civilization that once flourished for thousands of years has also followed suit. Heaven fell and was wiped out... Learning to survive failure and learning to kneel down and surrender to the winner is the key to the continuation of civilization.

Today, Yueyang has chosen this path with very common sense and practicality. In fact, after Lord Butian launched a self-destructive impeachment in Guanghan Palace of the Immortal Alliance, but Lu Youyou counterattacked on the spot and was reduced to a human figure, the only option left for the people of Yueyang was to sincerely apologize and beg for forgiveness.

However, there is a difference between apology and apology.

Some people apologize, highlighting their dissatisfaction, and then just say a cold apology and walk away, not caring whether the other party accepts it or not. His actual gesture is not so much an apology, but more like a bullying provocation... But there are actually not a few such people. And many conflicts escalated because of this.

Some people apologize just to let you laugh at them, and let you scold my eighteen generations of ancestors, but I am as stable as a spiritual mountain, not moving at all... This kind of apology is quite satisfactory, and generally does not intensify conflicts, but it often It can't resolve much of the other party's anger.

A smarter apology requires an extremely sincere posture, bursting into tears, or even screaming and grabbing the ground. It is clearly the fault of the party, but it is clearly a weak posture, so that the other party has no way to start.

No matter how clever an apology is, the requirements for details must be even more stringent. On the one hand, it must properly arouse the other party's empathy, such as building a family relationship to make the other party feel close, and then it must show weakness and sincerely show off. Although the family's difficulties and shortcomings are not in the name of moral kidnapping, they must actually be moral kidnapping; on the other hand, we must actively adapt to the other party's preferences and find the method that the other party is most willing to accept and has the highest cost-effectiveness when it comes to compensation.

Gao Yuanwang's behavior at the meeting is an example of this: General Huang Long, who was originally murderous, was beaten repeatedly by Gao Yuanwang, and his anger disappeared on the spot. And Wang Luo was bribed by a set of folklore stories about Lu Zhiyao, and he waived the down payment of the bribe without hesitation!

At the formal meeting not long after, Yueyang continued this strategy.

At the meeting, Lord Butian made a speech in person. The attitude of the Lord of ZTE was completely reversed from that of Guanghan Palace.

Although due to his status as the leader of the country, he was unable to kowtow and confess his crimes in front of other heads of state and important ministers like Gao Yuanwang. But he got a personal edict written in blood. The edict was written with sincerity, and when he recited it, he was filled with emotion, as if he was weeping blood every word.

Even if you know that at least [-]% of this gesture is acting, as long as you act well enough, it doesn't really matter if it's true or false. The majestic ruler of the country has reached this stage. Apart from sighing, why would he have done it in the first place if he had known what he was doing now? There is really no harsher thing to say.

So in the end, the leaders of the three countries jointly agreed, and the keynote of Yueyang's action was quickly established.

Generally speaking, eradicating the hidden dangers of desolation in Yueyang is naturally the first priority, but Zhu Wang and Mo Lin must also fully respect Yueyang's national conditions, understand some practical difficulties, and maintain Yueyang's stability to the maximum extent.

After all, it is important to eradicate the wasteland, but if it causes serious civil strife in Yueyang and even the Immortal Alliance, the gain outweighs the loss.

After reaching a consensus at the heads of state level, each country sent its ministers to start the second round of meetings, focusing on implementation details, including personnel, regulations, etc. During this period, Wang Luo, as Lu Youyou's boss and subordinate, attended or attended most of them. He met dozens of wealthy heads and important court officials in Yueyang, and then he deeply understood that he was as smart as Butian Lord Gao. Heng, why should we know today in advance?

Unlike Zhuwang, a country that has always had an absolutely authoritative leadership core for more than [-] years, Yueyang's political situation is actually always in a state of turmoil. Although due to the efforts of the Immortal Alliance, especially the decisive intervention of neighboring country Zhu Wang, the political turmoil has never affected the basic unity of the country. But the people and families on the throne have changed more than once.

Before the Gao family came to power, Yueyang's predecessor, Lord Butian, lingered on the sickbed for decades, refusing to die and exhausting the majesty of the royal family. At the time of his death, Yueyang was no longer the Yueyang of Lord Butian, but a Yueyang governed by eight powerful families in the country, two hundred city lords, and a thousand and five county magistrates. Afterwards, the Gao family, the leader of the wealthy family, accepted the abdication and became the king. The process went smoothly, but the price of this was that most of the power that a king should have was still in the hands of his ministers. Therefore, he has no control over many decisions.

After the chaos in Rong City, it was almost impossible for Yue Yang to escape the blame. However, from a rational analysis, the earlier and more sincerely he kneeled, the easier it would be to gain forgiveness and reduce losses. But after all, not everyone in this world can act rationally, especially the family involved. It is more likely that they will become blind and challenge the innocence defense on the premise of knowing the risks. As the leader of ZTE who was recommended by all the ministers at the time, Lord Butian has the obligation to respond to the expectations of these important ministers, even if he has to lose his reputation in Guanghan Palace.

The behavior of these important ministers who made Lord Butian unable to control themselves in various meetings really opened Wang Luo's eyes. He even had a faint sympathy with Lord Butian.

If he had woken up from the Dingling Hall and found that the remnants of Lingshan were such a group of slanderous people instead of the cute and cute Shi Yue... I am afraid that he would have torn up the Ascension Record on the spot and bid farewell to Lingshan, and the sea and the sky would be brighter.

It's a pity that he will have to deal with these dishonest people next - as the chief member of the wasteland eradication team, it is his duty to go to Yueyang in person.

However, when Wang Luo actually rushed to Yueyang, he found that it was actually quite pleasant to deal with these ugly-looking Yueyang ministers...

Because this group of people really knows how to lick when they are clearly outmatched...

(End of this chapter)

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