Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 292 A blessing in disguise?

Chapter 292 A blessing in disguise?

After a conversation about treating murder as a matter of course, Wang Luo began to treat Huang's grandfather and grandson to visit Lingshan as a landlord.

For this symbol of the old era, Huanglong's consistent position is that even if it cannot be said to be irreconcilable, it is at least deeply hated. Most people who have a radical attitude towards the issue of declaring famine have a hard time with the old era. What a good impression.

What's more, Huang Long is also a well-known patriotic general. He highly respects his own Dragon Head Holy Mountain, scorns all other famous mountains famous for fairy spirits, and never hides his true thoughts. Therefore, in his more than [-] years of life, he has been classified as an unwelcome guest in more than [-] famous mountain scenic spots among the [-] countries of the Immortal Alliance.

But when Wang Luo personally acted as a guide and led Huang Long in from the main entrance of the restricted area and winding up the mountain road, Huang Long was full of praise for the scenery along the way.

"What a place with strange peaks and precipitous peaks! Even the vitality of heaven and earth is sharp. If all the mountains and forests here are cut down and two flying star sword sacrificial platforms are built, it will be possible to get twice the result with half the effort. The sword light will ride on the stars and support the moon, spanning hundreds of miles! "

"Hey! What kind of palace is this? Could it be that the material used is purple cloud jade? After the catastrophe, this thing has disappeared in the five states on the right side of the sky. I didn't expect that there are still so many reserves in Lingshan! If this palace is demolished, all the materials will be collected. Purple Cloud Jade is made into a Purple Gold Talisman of Immortal Evil. With just one activation, it can turn thousands of wild demons into pus, and its power is no less powerful than the Star Destroyer Divine Sword."

"The terrain of these hills is a little different, but as long as the hills are flattened and military tents are set up, it can still be regarded as an excellent hiding place for troops!"

Huang Long gave directions along the way, and in his words, he fully affirmed Lingshan's demolition as a pioneer in Rongcheng's pioneering work... Oh no, its strategic value.

Huang Jing simply rolled her eyes at this kind of generosity and heroism, and then had to apologize to Wang Luo quietly.

"Master Wangshan, I'm sorry that my grandfather has always been rude and rude..."

Wang Luo shook his head: "What is this? Senior sister's original transformation plan was much more radical than the old general's."

When the famous Lord Lu Zhiyao was mentioned, Huang Jing couldn't help but become interested: "The Lord has also thought about transforming Lingshan?"

"Yes, look at the Wanxiang Palace over there. It used to be the daily living place of my master Song Yijing. Every time senior sister was imprisoned by her master, she declared that one day she would transform the Wanxiang Palace into a Lingshan public toilet."

"..." Huang Jing was speechless.

At this time, the three of them happened to reach a fork in the road. Huang Long was walking at the front with great interest, but suddenly stopped and wrinkled his nose: "There is an inexplicable familiar and friendly smell."

When Huang Jing heard this, she couldn't help but twitch her nose, but found nothing and said helplessly: "Grandpa, why are you so crazy?"

Huang Long shook his head and said: "I can't smell it anymore, but I intuitively know that this is definitely an unusual place. Master Wang Shan, may I ask..."

Wang Luo smiled, but first he reached out to Huang Long: "The old general's intuition is really sharp. This place is commonly known as the Beast Trail, and not far away is the Chongjin Palace. Back then..."

At that time, your most admired Lord of the Wishing Kingdom, Lu Youyou, lived here. Theoretically, there may be traces of her young life nearby, including eating and drinking...

However, before Wang Luo could explain the extraordinary nature of this place to Huang Long in detail and suggested that they search for rare fossils together, he felt his heart heat up.

On the Ascension Record, a message from Lu Youyou appeared.     …"Sorry, I've been in a meeting just now. Did you come to see me earlier?"

But it was Lu Youyou's rest time that finally came, and she had the opportunity to reply to Wang Luo's message to her earlier, about Huanglong's visit to the mountain.

Huang Long came all the way from Molin to Lingshan to make an appointment with Wang Luo to kill Decisive. Of course, Wang Luo couldn't hide it from Lu Youyou, so he immediately reported it through Feishenglu.

After briefly browsing Wang Luo's message, Lu Youyou sighed: "It is indeed General Huang's style of conduct."

Wang Luo asked curiously: "His style? How do you say it?"

Lu Youyou said: "Do you remember the Lu Tianqing next to him, right? He is the son of his closest comrade Lu Jun."

"So, the matter is actually related to Lu Jun?"

"Yes, Lu Jun died in a desolation in the border county. At that time, Lu Jun's troops were temporarily stationed in a border fortress. The location of the fortress was not particularly important, but it still had half a foot out of the way to determine the desolation in all directions. In addition, Nanxiang is similar to Zhuwang. As usual, its military fortress should have the specifications of a standard Type B fortress. However, corruption is rampant in the local area, and a lot of famine settlement funds have been diverted to other purposes, resulting in famine settlement in the area with the fortress as the core. The barrier is full of loopholes and has been infiltrated by wild demons long ago."

"Tsk." Wang Luo understood instantly.

Lu Youyou sighed again: "But after Lu Jun and the others were stationed, the official documents and reports they received showed only a cluster of flowers, as if everything in the local area was perfect... Later, a tragic disaster occurred, and almost all lives in the border county were wiped out. Thanks to General Huang's leadership, All the troops rushed to help, and the crisis was finally nipped in the early stage, but Lu Jun was already sacrificed in the first wave of chaos by the wild demon. And the most ridiculous thing is yet to come. When the accountability was held afterwards, countless people's heads fell to the ground. But the county governor who single-handedly caused the corruption of the local officialdom relied on the connections he had managed in Molin Central for many years and ended up being dismissed from office. Not only was his life safe, he did not even really bear any charges!"

"Awesome." Wang Luo sighed sincerely.

"What's even more amazing is that Huang Long led his troops to rush for reinforcements, but he actually did not receive military orders from his superiors. He made his own decision. And the bureaucrats who protected the county guard actually planned to hold him accountable!"

"...You have gone so far against the grain, yet Mo Lin hasn't destroyed the country yet?"

Lu Youyou said: "Naturally, she was forcefully corrected halfway through her rebellious behavior. When this generation of Yulongjun first came to power, she was once ignored by the officials in the court, but through the unscrupulous performance of the officials, she united Huang Long and others made a physical attempt to defeat the emperor, and from then on they ensured the monopoly of power. And Huang Long also received her highest level of connivance. Unfortunately, these subsequent remedies could not bring the dead back to life, so although Huang Long relied on this Shi immediately became the undoubted representative figure in Mo Lin's army, but he was always brooding about what happened back then and hated all the ills of officialdom. He was even more extreme when it came to issues related to famine and life and death. I’m not surprised that I’ll come to you and agree to kill someone this time.”

Wang Luo understood: "No wonder he came to me alone to plot to kill people, as if he didn't care what he did would bring trouble to Mo Lin. However, what you said, Yulongjun gave him the highest standard. Indulgence, could it be..."

Lu Youyou was silent for a while and said, "I promised her to keep it a secret."

Wang Luo then continued to understand, and then he was shocked by something: "Then Huanglong took over Mu Yuqing's body and changed from male to female. Wouldn't Yulongjun..."

Lu Youyou was silent for a long time before saying, "I can only tell you that she is actually quite happy."


(End of this chapter)

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