Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 225 Take a walk after dinner

Chapter 225 Take a walk after dinner
Since stepping into Quyuan, every aspect of the battle has been under Wang Luo's control. However, after entering the battle settlement phase, Wang Luo became a little relaxed, and accidentally escaped from Yan Fuxue.

Wang Luo immediately stepped forward to catch up, but his feet went weak and he stumbled.

It was obvious that he had just eaten his supper - although he only had time to take one bite, with the digestion ability of his innate Tao body, he should be at the peak of his condition at this time, and his whole body was filled with the beautiful aura of "well fed".

But on the contrary, it was as if glue was flowing between his limbs and bones, making all his movements slow and weak.


Wang Luo soon realized the problem: he had a bad stomach.

In fact, even regardless of the clear records in books such as general textbooks, anyone with common sense should know that creatures that have transformed from wasteland cannot be eaten.

Even if the residents of the wasteland starve to death, die outside, or jump from the mountain, they will definitely not eat food from the wasteland to satisfy their hunger - if it is really available, and if they eat it, they will not vomit blood and die suddenly, but will be in high spirits. If you shout "True Fragrance", there is a high chance that you will be executed on the spot by the desertification team on the border.

What Wang Luo is doing now is just like committing suicide.

Although the Immortal Alliance has never had a sufficiently precise definition of desolation, in the concept that has been popular for a long time, the word desolation is never used casually.Taking highly poisonous substances as midnight snacks only proved that Wang Luo had overestimated his digestive ability, or in other words, misjudged the edible properties of midnight snacks.

"... I thought these desolate things would have a more familiar flavor from the old immortal calendar. It seems that over 1000 years later, the flavor of fresh food has changed a lot."

After mocking himself a little weakly, Wang Luo had to stop where he was temporarily, and then used the communication talisman to contact Han Wu outside Quyuan.

"I accidentally let him run away just now. You should have intercepted him, right?"

However, Han Wu's answer was: "Fuck...we didn't notice him coming out at all! What a stupid bastard! The result of my induction is that he is still staying in Quyuan!"

Wang Luo couldn't help but be convinced: "Nonsense, it's impossible for him to run away with those green fruit cakes! Apart from locking that plate of snacks, don't you have any other means?!"

Han Wu was so miserable that he couldn't express his pain: "...What should we do now?"

"wait for me!"

After saying that, Wang Luo ignored his physical discomfort and immediately forcibly transported the Qi and blood essence, walking in a way that was almost self-injurious, and then said: "Don't be too anxious, I still remember his smell, and I can barely trace it. Check out his whereabouts."


While he was talking, Han Wu had already flashed into the courtyard and couldn't help but frown when he saw Wang Luo's appearance.

"You are hurt?"

"It's just a little indigestion, it won't affect tracking." As he spoke, Wang Luo wrinkled his nose, then swallowed involuntarily and rolled his Adam's apple.

Han Wu felt nervous and asked in a trembling voice: "How is it? Is there anything bad going on?"

"...No, I'm just a little greedy." Wang Luo said with a slight shame while trying his best to strengthen his body that was weakened by food poisoning.

Toxic is poisonous, indigestion is indigestion, really fragrant is still really fragrant...

Han Wu's head was filled with inexplicable wonder: "??"

"In short, Yan Fuxue is probably in decline, and the smell is lingering in Erzhongtian, near Duxing Tower." Han Wu broke out in cold sweat after hearing this.

Duxing Building... If the escaped wild demons are compared to wounded beasts, then the Duxing Building where the old professors are densely packed can be compared to a bacon warehouse!For those desolate demons, practitioners who have profound cultivation but no actual combat ability are simply the best food tonic!

So Han Wu didn't hesitate much, immediately reached out to grab Wang Luo's shoulder, and appeared directly in front of Duxing Tower in a flash.

There happened to be two academy guards who were patrolling at night in front of the building. When they saw Han Wu, who was tall and strong and had a strong beard, they immediately let out a dedicated scream.Fortunately, the sound only started, but Han Wu shocked his soul, and suppressed the two of them into unconsciousness at the same time with the ripples of his spiritual thoughts.

"... In order not to spread the situation, I did not alert the entire academy and only greeted the dean. Therefore, our future actions may still be a little more secretive."

As he spoke, Han Wu recited two mantras and edicts, and then set up an invisible net woven with true energy to wrap up the two of them at the same time.Looking from the outside, the whereabouts of the two people were completely transparent and disappeared.

After that, Han Wu stretched out his hand to support Wang Luo and walked towards the Duxing Building. He only took two steps and before he entered the door, Wang Luo suddenly frowned.

"No, there's too much residual smell here... It's almost like going shopping. He's probably at the Gubu Relics Formation!"

Han Wu immediately stopped: "Then where did he go?!"

Wang Luo wrinkled his nose again, but found that the hunting function that should be invincible was somewhat ineffective at this time.Even if he tried his best, he could only roughly judge that if Yan Fuxue was not hiding in the Duxing Building, then he should have continued down to the ground floor of the academy...

However, Wang Luo couldn't find his place to stay at all!It was like a broken line that appeared and disappeared, but the kite at the other end had been blown away and disappeared!
However, it was precisely because of this that he thought of the only possibility.

"Wash the ink pool!"

If there is any place in the academy that can isolate the innate Taoist's keen sense of smell and completely erase Yan Fuxue's whereabouts, it is the lake breeze beside the ink-washing pond.

Yan Fuxue disappeared so completely that his whereabouts became particularly difficult to guess.

After hearing the answer, Han Wu immediately dodged again. After a whirlpool distortion of space, the two of them arrived at the quiet lakeside.

And there, Yan Fuxue's... suspected corpse was lying lying down. Half of the old man's body was soaked in the lake, motionless.

"Fuck, he's dead?!" Han Wu was so furious that he wanted to summon the thunder and fire of justice to conduct an autopsy.

"Wait a moment." Wang Luo stopped the other party immediately.

When he came to the shore of Youhu Lake, without the interference of the lake wind, his sense of smell became sensitive again, and he could clearly distinguish that the person who fell in the lake was still alive.

The authentic and fresh flavor cannot be faked.

When he got closer, Wang Luo was even more surprised to find that Yan Fuxue was not only not dead, but not even seriously injured. He just seemed to be stunned by some invisible impact and lost consciousness.

If it were not by the Youhu Lake, then Wang Luo was confident that through the traces left at the scene, he could roughly deduce what Yan Fuxue encountered after escaping all the way here and ended up comatose in the lake... But unfortunately, the lake breeze has already used the available information. No clues were left.

However, even though Yan Fuxue was injured at the hands of Wang Luo before, he still possesses a combat power that cannot be underestimated after he emerges from the wilderness.In such a short period of time, who can defeat this person almost silently and place him upright in the water?

(End of this chapter)

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