Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 211 Yishanying Toy Exhibition

Chapter 211 Yishanying Toy Exhibition
Before Wang Luo could respond to Guan Dingnan's enthusiastic gesture, someone laughed mockingly.

"Guan Dingnan, you are a blind loser. You don't even look at how many beauties Lord Shan Wang is surrounded by now, and you still have the nerve to promote that local girl of yours!"

A young general Mo Lin suddenly stepped forward, took one step across and stopped in front of Guan Dingnan, and assumed a stance of standing with his sword across the sword.

The next moment, a group of black-armored soldiers from Yishan Camp took half a step forward at the same time, causing the ground to tremble slightly.Dozens of pairs of eyes stared at Liao Fan, as sharp as real swords.

However, this kind of military power was more than enough to intimidate the Zhou Guo people, but it could not scare the Mo Lin people who were also soldiers.

What's more, this is not the first day that Mo Lin and Guan Dingnan have met.

"Guan Dingnan, you are a coward, can you only rely on the prestige of your subordinates to marry a girl?"

With a headache on his face, Guan Dingnan turned to look at this foreign comrade who was about the same age as himself, somewhere between young and middle-aged.

"Lv Tianqing, you actually got into the Mo Lin Special Envoy... It's none of your business that I promote my own girl!? I admit that Guan Xiaohe is a bit naive, and he is not as good as the daughter of the governor's family and the girl Shi next to him, but... If you are used to luxurious meals, you should occasionally taste porridge and side dishes! Besides, I at least have some porridge and side dishes, what do you have?! A celebrity poster of Taixu Mirage!"

Lu Tianqing was furious: "The porridge and side dishes are not yours! Why do you show off with them? Besides, Master Wang's marriage has already been decided by our old General Huanglong! If you dare to create trouble, you are hindering the military marriage!"

Before he finished speaking, Liao Fan pulled him back by his collar.

"Lv Tianqing, you fool can't be honest for more than two days, right? How did I educate you before coming here?!"

Lu Tianqing was dissatisfied and said: "Zhu Wangren dares to rob General Huang's grandson-in-law. As a soldier of Mo Lin, you can't bear it!"

"It's your turn to bear it!" Liao Fan hit him with a heavy punch on the top of his head, instantly knocking Lu Xiaojiang unconscious.

Then he apologized to Huang Long with a face full of shame: "General, it's my fault for lax discipline. When I get back, I will put him in confinement for a month!"

Old General Huang Long also had a complex look on his face: "When his father entrusted him to me to take care of him, he also said that this boy had an extreme personality...but he didn't say that he was so extreme. When I visit the grave next year, I will ask Lao Lu if he can return the goods. Bar."

Without Mo Linren's interruption, Wang Luo was able to formally respond to Guan Dingnan's enthusiastic invitation.

"Not interested, thank you."

Guan Dingnan was immediately annoyed: "Oh, I should have known that I should have bought more perfumes and jewelry that girls love to use for Xiaohe to cultivate her aesthetic taste, but now I have made the boss look like a bastard..."

Then he turned back and asked the black-armored warriors: "Hey, do any of you have a beautiful, virtuous, and not uncouth girl at home?"

Dozens of warriors replied in unison: "No!"

The sound is overwhelming and lonely.

Wang Luo could only cough, interrupting Guan Dingnan's wishful thinking. "Let's get down to business."

Guan Dingnan struggled a little, but after sighing, he returned to the topic.

"As for this thick earth palace, the investigation conclusion is as I said before. It is very suitable to be used as the pivot base of our Tiangong Battalion of the Seventh Army. The Dinghuang Army can build various battle forts and magic weapons here with twice the result, and then use it to reflect The Moon Projection Formation instantly teleported it to the front line and deployed it on the spot. This kind of production and transportation system similar to a central kitchen basically only appeared on drawings in the past. In the real environment, it is too difficult to be able to carry the Cave Heaven Paradise needed for the Tiangong Camp Array Hub. found."

Wang Luo nodded when he heard this, and then explained: "But this matter is not something I can decide."

Guan Dingnan said: "Of course the specific strategy will be drawn up by the Dinghuang Army and reported to the Jinlu Hall for approval, but your opinion, Mountain Master, is definitely also important."

At this time, Han Ying also whispered: "He is right. If the Houtu Palace can be used as the center of the formation, the Yingyue Projection Formation can indeed be used in this pioneering work, which can greatly improve the frontline response to respective emergencies." The ability of the situation. By the way, Guan Dingnan’s father is Guan Tiejun, the general of the Nanxiang Dinghuang Army, and his sister Guan Xiaohe is actually quite famous in Youcheng Military Academy, and has been entrusted with the mantle by many professors of Tiangong and dexterity. She is a talented girl, and she is actually very beautiful without makeup, so it doesn’t hurt to think about it.”

Wang Luo was a little confused: "So you want me to dedicate both the land of Lingshan Houtu Hall and my precious body?"

"...You're just joking." Han Ying said, "Not even Guan Tiejun can control Guan Xiaohe's actions. Guan Dingnan just said that he will be beaten to death by Guan Xiaohe when he goes back."

At this moment, several dark red streams of light suddenly flashed in the distance.

Three black-armored warriors from Yishan Camp, wrapped in dark red cloaks, turned into light and flew towards Guan Dingnan. They landed in front of Guan Dingnan and said in unison: "Guan Xiaowei, the martial arts sand table has been successfully set up!"

Guan Dingnan immediately put down the mountain owner Wang Luo, turned around and asked with great interest: "Has the B specification been completed?"

There was a hint of excitement in the tone of the three warriors: "It's done, and it's easy to do!"

Guan Dingnan immediately rubbed his hands: "Oh, if I had known this, I should have brought the materials for type A sand table to try my luck. But type B is also very good! Even if it is only one phase of the project, it can accommodate hundreds of people. Human-scale tactical deduction. Oops, this Lingshan restricted area is so cool. A thick earth palace makes people want to stop. Why was it sealed before?"

Fortunately, he didn't really want the answer to this question. After asking casually, he looked at Wang Luo, like a child showing off his toys, and asked: "Master Wang Shan, do you want to come with me to see the latest model?" Martial arts sand table? Although it is only a B specification, after searching all the countries of the Immortal Alliance, there will never be more than [-] fully realistic sand tables that can be successfully built! This thing has extremely strict requirements on the surrounding environment. The Gongying Formation Center is still perverted, and I just asked my subordinates to give it a try and try their luck, and it turned out to be true!"

The martial arts sand table in Guanding Nankou is not an actual sand table, but a formation that cleverly utilizes space.From the outside, the so-called sand table is nothing more than a group of black-armored soldiers from the Yishan Camp on the flat ground, using a long brown rope to surround a square area. There is no difference between the inside and outside of the circle.

However, once you cross the rope, you can feel that everything in the circle is subtly different from the outside, as if the rocks under your feet and the breeze blowing in your face have become controllable things flowing in your palms...

Guan Dingnan took out a drawing and demonstrated the effectiveness of the sand table to Wang Luo on the spot.

"First of all, let me choose an example of a battlefield that I am familiar with... Well, the encounter in Pinggu on the Blood River three years ago was pretty good. I survived a narrow escape, and I still remember it fresh."

As soon as he finished speaking, as Guan Dingnan stretched out his hand and touched the drawing, the ground in the brown circle suddenly rose up, and instantly turned into several cliffs over a hundred feet high, sandwiching several people in the middle of the valley.Not far away, there was a red river surging.

The sky darkened, and the oncoming breeze carried the smell of blood and burning. More importantly, in this area, the Great Law seemed to no longer exist.

(End of this chapter)

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