Wizarding World Beekeeper.

Chapter 162 The Beloved of the Wind and the Bereaved Dog

Chapter 162 The Beloved of the Wind and the Bereaved Dog
This part of the information means that after taking Campanula honey, an individual has a very low probability of acquiring the "Wind Blessed" characteristic.

The so-called "Wind Blessed" characteristics.

To put it figuratively, it means that you will be favored by the wind.

for example.

After obtaining this characteristic, you will be almost unaffected by any air resistance when running or driving.

This can be considered a small superpower.

If nothing else, there is no doubt that the speed of the Wind Blessed will be much faster than ordinary people.

This ability, strictly speaking, is not too outrageous.

But the probability of obtaining this characteristic is extremely low.

First of all, it depends on the individual's physique, and it must be able to adapt to the characteristics of the Wind Blessed.

Secondly, even if you can adapt, the probability of successfully acquiring the characteristics is not high.

The odds are almost equal to winning the lottery.

Hua Mi felt it and confirmed that she had not obtained this characteristic.

This is not surprising.

After all, he has never won the lottery in his entire life.

After eating a few more mouthfuls, I felt like my stomach was getting cold, but I still didn't become a "Wind Blessed".

Hua Mi let all the eight little ones have a taste.

They also did not get the favor of the wind.

"Let Lu Fei try it too."

Hua Mi went to the shed and fed his mount some bellflower honey.

Still nothing happened.

It's a pity, if Lu Fei obtains the characteristics of the Wind Blessed, his speed will be even higher.

That would really be flying close to the ground, which is exciting just thinking about it.


Next came the bottling time, and Hua Mi harvested more than 700 bottles of bellflower honey.

Now there are nearly a thousand friends in the WeChat circle. Even if all the more than 700 bottles of bellflower honey are put on the shelves, there will not be enough for everyone.

However, certainly not everyone wants to buy this one.

Moon Sleeping Flower Honey, Polygonum Flower Honey, Gift Flower Honey, and Thousand Fantasy Flower Honey will also return at the same time. As the goods on the shelves in the second phase, the total number is nearly [-] bottles.

Everyone can get what they need.


After collecting the honey, we have finished dealing with matters related to this field area.

Before Hua Mi left, he went to inspect the colorful glazed flower field area that was still under preparation.

The land has been almost half converted.

The air was filled with shadow mist, and when he explored it with his spiritual power, the shadow mist changed its shape according to his thoughts and was given colors.

Hua Mi's mental strength is enough to do this kind of thing, but his proficiency is not enough, so the phantom he creates is a bit abstract.

But it's undeniable that it's really amazing.

This is the juncture of dreams and reality. When you are in it, you have a strange feeling of being dreamy yet real.

Hua Mi saw Maoqiu busy and diligent in the field, so she decided to give it a taste of something sweet to encourage it so that it could work faster and better in the future.

So I gave it a gift of nectar pills.

Nightmares are usually in mental body mode and feed on the emotional energy of dreams.

However, they can also swallow plastid in the material state, but this method of replenishing energy is extremely inefficient and is far less fast than swallowing dream energy.

Moreover, for their species, devouring dream energy itself is also a way of cultivation.

"It replenishes your mental energy without side effects."

Perhaps forced by his "power", Maoqiu swallowed the honey pill without saying a word.

Then, he was stunned for a moment.

The two eyes hidden under the long hair suddenly widened.

Immediately afterwards, dots of white light emerged from under its hair, slowly rotating around its body.


The fur ball jumped up and looked very excited.

"It said that what it just ate can help it practice, and is even more efficient than swallowing dream energy." Xiaobai translated.


Hua Mi thought that the gift of flower honey had the effect of restoring mental strength. For a species like Nightmare, which is based on the spiritual body, it is understandable that it would have a miraculous effect in assisting cultivation.

"I have plenty of this stuff here. If you want to eat it, just work harder."

Saying that, Hua Mi threw another honey pill to it.


The fur ball swallowed the honey pill and immediately threw himself into the work full of energy.

"It's so easy to be satisfied." Hua Mi sighed.


When we left the greenhouse, it was already afternoon and approaching dusk.

Using the time before dark, Hua Mi made some wind chime nectar pills.

After it got dark, I traveled back to Earth to prepare for the release of the second issue.

It's about three o'clock in the morning here on Earth.We can wait until daybreak to put it on the shelves.

Before that, Hua Mi decided to take advantage of the silence of the night to go to the Luohua River to see the situation.

After all, this is the first time that magic has been used to interfere with the earth's environment.

Although it is theoretically beneficial and harmless, there should be no problems.

But information still needs to be collected.

Understand the situation in real time so that you can make timely responses.

So he has to go there every day during this period.

Lock the door, get on your bike and set off.

Huayu Town, a small town, is not as good as a big city.

There was no one outside at this time, it was so quiet that only the sound of my own breathing and the sound of the car chain turning was left.

There aren't many street lights installed in the town, and it's a bit cloudy tonight, so most of the roads are dark.

However, Hua Mi's eyes already have a certain degree of night vision.

The pupils dilated, and a layer of clear light emerged from the eyeballs.

The scene in the field of vision was not only as bright as day, but at least it was comparable to the brightness of a full moon night.

So the ride is stress-free.

While riding, there were suddenly several barkings of dogs on the roadside.

Not that ferocious cry.

Instead, it was a pitiful cry with a bit of pleading, which sounded hollow.

Hua Mi looked to the side and saw a gray-headed rhubarb.

The breed is the most common native dog in the country.

This is the Chinese Pastoral Dog.

Because many residents of Huayu Town have recently moved away, there has been an increase in stray cats and dogs in the town.

Especially a worthless and ugly native dog like this would most likely be left alone.

The dog didn't look thin. He must have been abandoned not long ago.

But he looked really embarrassed.

The hair is dull, the eyes are blinded by the sun, the dog is timid, and the dog is haunted.

When Hua Mi saw it for the first time, the word "bereaved dog" came to mind. It was so appropriate.

It is not a dog alone.

There is also a smaller white-haired native dog next to him. Although he is also gray-haired, his appearance and temperament are much better.

A few bodies away from them, stood a large black-backed wolfdog!

Like a majestic black-armored general.

Compared with it, the native dog pales in comparison.

The big black-backed wolfdog growled.

Dabai walked towards it wagging his tail.


Dahuang cried out again as if pleading.

Dabai glanced back, then ran to the big black-backed wolfdog without hesitation.

The two dogs sniffed each other's body odor.


Dahuang couldn't bear it anymore, put on an offensive stance, and suddenly took a step forward.

The big black-backed wolfdog didn't even bother to move. He just glared at it fiercely and let out a warning purr in its throat.

Dahuang immediately shrank back and tucked his tail.


Dahuang watched them leave eagerly, with a very human expression on his face, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes.


It seemed like I had witnessed some bloody scene.

It’s not easy being a dog these days.

Seeing Dahuang's dejected look, Hua Mi took out a ham sausage from the ring and threw it in front of it.

Rhubarb seemed to have no appetite. He just glanced at it and did not eat it.

Still watching eagerly in the direction the two dogs left.

Quite infatuated.

But it was pitiful, and Hua Mi felt that it was not unjust at all.

This image is really incomparable to that big black-backed wolfdog.


Hua Mi had a sudden idea.

I don’t know if mandarin honey will help improve the dog’s image.

Out of curiosity, Hua Mi pulled out a bottle of mandarin honey from the ring space.

"Dahuang, do you want to win back your beloved dog?"

(End of this chapter)

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