Chapter 150
the next day.

The two measuring bees have been transformed.

Hua Mi controlled the two new swarms and planned to practice them first.

The target is a stone.

Swarms of bees swarmed up and clung densely to the stone surface.

As soon as the measurement magic field was opened, the target information immediately appeared in Hua Mi's mind.

[A mineral that can be found everywhere with moderate hardness and can be used to make stone tools.Value assessment: garbage]

Then, he took out a bottle of Thousand Fantasy Flower Honey.

Control a swarm of measuring bees to attach to the bottle.

[A 500ml bottle of Qianhuanhua honey.It is brewed from nectar collected by bees. It tastes sweet and delicious and has an uplifting effect.Value Rating: High]

This leads to two conclusions.

First, the information description obtained is related to his own thinking and memory.

Second, the goal of measurement depends on his own will.For example, what he wanted to measure just now was honey, not the bottle.

With this new bee species, it will be much easier to go out and explore in the future.

Although due to incomplete characteristics, there must be some objects that the swarm cannot analyze.

But he is already very satisfied.


The snow stopped today.

Hua Mi began to prepare to build a separate shelter for Lu Fei.

He planned to build it right next to the cabin, with the two basically next to each other, leaving only an alley in the middle that could only allow one person to pass.

Hua Mi directly searched for a stable design drawing on the Internet and planned to build it according to the drawing.

The structure doesn't need to be too complicated, and the area doesn't need to be too large. It's Lu Fei's single room anyway.

Start by gathering materials, mainly wood.

The trees in the Black Forest are very hard and mostly grow straight, making them very suitable for processing as building materials.

And now he has mastered the control of ring-cutting bees, and cutting wood is no longer a problem.

Next, he plans to control the ring cutter bees to practice wood carving... which will be very challenging.

He was controlling the ring cutter bee to cut down wood, when a burly figure appeared in his field of vision, walking quickly towards him.

The visitor is "Big Bear".

That night of the full moon, the lycanthropic patient lost control and came to the greenhouse, where he was "converted" by Hua Mi with a bottle of Qianhuanhua honey.

Big Bear is not his real name, it is too long to remember.

I saw him striding straight towards Hua Mi and saying straight to the point:

"Leave the construction to me."

Hua Mi was very surprised, how did he know that I wanted to build a house?
After some explanation, Hua Mi found out.

It turned out that Daxiong met Xiaozi who was out today, so he asked about his situation. He learned from her that Hua Mi was preparing to build a house, so he came over to help.

"I promised that I won't take your honey for nothing. So let me do this little thing."

Big Bear said he had experience building houses before and there would be no problem.

See how sincerely he spoke.

And this body of muscles seems to be really suitable for this.

Hua Mi was no longer polite to him and readily agreed.Considering that he had experience, I simply threw aside the drawings I found online and let him play freely.

As a result, Daxiong became his day laborer here.

Although Daxiong didn't want any reward, Hua Mi didn't treat him badly.

There is an uninterrupted supply of delicacies on Earth, and there is always honey.

Daxiong is quite happy and carefree here.

This way Hua Mi can spend her time on more meaningful things.

Don't think that he is usually very leisurely, he has a lot to do.

For example, take care of flower fields and bee colonies, practice bee control, exercise mental strength, read books to understand the world, learn foreign languages, handle affairs on the earth, run the "Bee Whisperer's Cabin"...

Everything is important and cannot be interrupted.

this side of the earth.

In less than a week, all the honey on the shelves of the first issue of "Bee Whisperer Hut" was sold out.

The number of members in the WeChat circle has also increased to more than 700.

The discussions became more and more lively, and people often went crazy in the middle of the night.

Apart from these crazy people, there are also people who are serious about discussing honey and bees.

Of course, the most talked about are the two newly launched honeys.

Hua Mi took a quick glance and received rave reviews.

A friend named "Chef Sanshi" posted a photo of the championship trophy in a cooking competition, as well as a photo of a delicacy that looks very appetizing.

"This is a delicacy passed down from my family's ancestors, called 'Qijuewei'. Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away suddenly due to an accident and had no time to pass on the recipe, leaving only a incomplete recipe book.

“I want to take advantage of this cooking competition to bring this dish back to the world, so I have been studying how to make it before the competition.

“But the process of this dish is so complicated that it is very difficult to reproduce it without a recipe.

“Just when I was about to give up, the boss came into my sight again carrying his honey.

"I will tell you about my experience for your reference. First of all, this gift flower honey can not only replenish my brain power, but more importantly, it has greatly improved my ability to perceive ingredients. I can even detect condiments. and the degree of fusion with the ingredients, and imagine the final taste... Thanks to this honey, I quickly copied the Qijuewei recipe, and won the championship in the cooking competition with this dish. Annunciation.

"Finally, I have something to say to my boss: Boss, you are my god!"

This message was so long that it naturally attracted Hua Mi's attention.

After reading it, I couldn’t help but smile.

This is how the so-called iron fans were born.

However, the chef mentioned that the gift flower honey improved his perception of ingredients... This was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Didn’t expect that this honey is beneficial to cooking?

In fact, if you think carefully about the efficacy of the gift flower honey, it is not surprising that it has this effect, but he has always focused on alchemy before and did not think about it.

Stir-frying is indeed similar to alchemy to a certain extent. Various ingredients are added to finally produce a finished product. The amount, order, time, heat, etc. are all important.

It’s just that cooking doesn’t require magic power.

Friends in the circle congratulated him on winning the award.

Immediately afterwards, another circle member named "Mendeleev's Hydrogen" echoed the chef's speech:

"I major in inorganic chemistry, and I was tortured by an experiment recently. I failed no less than 50 times.

"This honey allowed me to control the experiment much more accurately. I seemed to be able to see the reaction process between substances, and finally succeeded in obtaining the target crystal."

The accompanying picture is a picture of a test tube. The test tube is filled with an unknown liquid and a transparent crystal is soaked in it.

In addition, many circle friends share their achievements.

"This honey really improves my brain power. I got the first perfect score in my life with it!"

"The gift of flower honey allows me to write thousands of words a day easily."

“It makes my thinking about fishing at work clearer!”

"It's a pity that I can only buy one bottle. Boss, when will this honey return?"

"Oh, I was a little slow in adding it to the circle, and it was already sold out when I added it. Now it's uncomfortable to see a group of you in Versailles." "I still wanted to wait and see before buying... It turns out that waiting and watching is a hammer, I am SB. "

Reviews are unanimous!
Regarding the return issue that many people are concerned about.

Although the third batch of gift flower honey will be harvested soon, and he still has a lot of inventory on hand, he will not put it on the shelves right away.

I plan to wait until the bellflower honey is harvested before putting it on the shelves.

Selling once every month or two is enough.

In addition to the public information, he also received a special private message.

It was sent by "Mu Yuxiaoxiao".

The other party first sent an emoticon of hands holding hearts.

Seeing this, I got rid of the thought of committing suicide.

This was completely within his expectations.

He knew the efficacy of Qianhuanhua honey very well.

"Boss, I've completely thought about it."

"My happiness in life is controlled by myself and has nothing to do with others."

"It was so stupid that I couldn't think about something like that before."

"I want to go on at my own pace and see the wider world."

Mu Yuxiaoxiao sent messages continuously, and it was obvious that she was in good condition.

But she also expressed her doubts: "I'm curious, how is this honey made? Are there any healing ingredients added to it?"

It's magic, I added magic.

Hua Mi replied silently in her heart and typed: "Sweets can make people feel happy and have the power to heal people's hearts."

"Is that right?"

Although Mu Yuxiaoxiao is young, she is not fooled by such rhetoric: "I feel the effect is too good. It is really immediate. The moment I eat it, it is like a ray of light shines on my heart." , gave me the urge to open my heart and accept the sunshine. Now that I think about the change of state at that time, I still find it incredible."

The literary talent is good.

It vividly describes the feeling after taking Qianhuanhua Honey.

"Boss, are you really the incarnation of God in the human world?" Mu Yuxiaoxiao was in adolescence and could not restrain her wild fantasies. "People in the circle are saying that these honeys are the miracles you have shown. .”

"Don't deify the role of honey." Hua Mi said, "The 'beam of light' you feel is actually the power you already have, but it is hidden deep in your heart. The role of honey is just to help you induce it. Come out. I hope you can discover and utilize the energy of that light on your own in the future without resorting to the power of honey."

“It’s so profound, don’t you understand (⊙⊙)?”

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand it now. You'll understand it when you get older."


Hua Mi looked back and saw that her speech was so embarrassing that her scalp was numb.

What's with this sudden elder tone?

"Given her age, the most she can do is call me brother. She has been in contact with Qi Xiaozhi for a long time, so don't really think of yourself as 'grandpa'." Hua Mi smiled mockingly to herself.

However, the positive feedback from friends in the circle also strengthened his determination to continue selling honey on the earth.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is equivalent to transporting magical elements from other worlds to the earth bit by bit.

Although the speed seems to be very slow at present, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

To a certain extent, there is no telling what kind of wonderful reaction will occur when magic merges with the earth.

He had worried about this before.

However, as he gained more and more experience in other worlds, some changes occurred in his thinking.

There is no need to be so cautious.

Just as technology is a double-edged sword, so is magic.Don't give up eating because of choking.

In addition, he cannot predict the future.

He only knows that what he is doing now, whether it is providing magic honey or using magic power to solve environmental problems, is a good thing that benefits ordinary people and is conducive to the development of the earth.

This is enough.


After the building materials arrived, Hua Mi began to expand the greenhouse.

Five new areas have been planned this time.

Bellflower occupies an area of ​​about ten acres.

Only five trees on the other side have been planted. Considering the optimal spacing, only a little land is needed. It is currently the smallest field area.

The other three areas are almost ten acres of land, two of which are used to grow leopards and moonflowers respectively.

These two honeys have always been very popular in the circle, and it’s time for them to return.

One area is left as a spare.

It only takes a dozen days for the bellflower to grow into a honey-flowing flower.

The growth cycle of the other side tree is relatively long.

If you want it to bloom, even if you keep using magic to catalyze it, it will probably take several months - unless there is some more effective and magical magic method.


A few days later, the third batch of gift flower honey was harvested.

There are nearly 500 more bottles in stock.

However, as he planned before, he will not put it on the shelves for the time being until the bellflower honey is produced.

It will probably take more than ten days to wait.

In addition, during the harvesting process of the gift flower honey, I had better luck and a by-product, Dali Pill, appeared.

This has appeared once before, formed from Megabee + Gift Flower.

The same process as last time, after taking Dali Pill, Hua Mi entered a meditative state.

The muscles of the body seemed to have been tempered by intense fire. After the effects of Daliwan were fully digested, the strength increased to another level. I could lift a 50kg barbell with one hand without any pressure, and I could basically look down at the gym.

From the outside, the muscles have not changed much, and the increase is not obvious, but the hardness has obviously increased a lot. The chest muscles and abdominal muscles feel as hard and tough as activated wood.


Hua Mi was reading a book in the wooden house that day.

There was a constant "ping-ping-pong-pong" sound outside. It was Daxiong's construction work.

It is said that Big Bear is really very efficient. One person can work as well as ten people - and of course he eats several times as much as ordinary people.

But there is unlimited supply of food and stuff.He now has enough savings that it can be said that the entire earth is his resource reserve.

Daxiong's diligence and self-consciousness make him feel at ease as Party A.

I can also concentrate more when reading.

What Hua Mi was looking at was the alchemy formula found in the Misty Mountains.

Although he didn't have a blue bar and couldn't learn alchemy, it would be safer if he could remember the formula.

Knowledge is also a form of power. If you remember it, it belongs to you. Only your own brain can be trusted in this regard.

In this way, even if the notebook is lost or destroyed, there will be no loss.

Moreover, since we want to establish the character of an alchemist master, we can't have to take out the notes and look through them every time when a certain alchemical creation is mentioned. It would be too cheap.

In the evening, Hua Mi finished reading.

He took the Enci Nectar Pill to replenish his mental strength, and then took out the meditation ball.

(End of this chapter)

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