Wizarding World Beekeeper.

Chapter 120 The Great Miracle

Chapter 120 The Great Miracle

A small black ball rolled out of the beehive.

It looks a bit like pills made from Chinese herbal medicine.

The size is not big, smaller than the honey pills he made himself.

The appearance is not as flashy as the fire lotus. It looks very ordinary. If it is thrown on the ground, no one will probably pick it up.

The texture is not too hard, about the same hardness as beeswax, and can be flattened by pinching it hard.

It smells like honey and has a faint spicy taste.

Hua Mi released her mental power to explore inside.

It was found that its internal magic elements were very stable and there was no danger of going wild.

"The picture obtained this time seems to be clearer..."

This time Hua Mi obtained more information through spiritual exploration than before.

The mental power penetrates into it to collect information, and sends it back to the brain for information processing, and naturally forms an analytical picture in the mind.

If the previous picture was purely of mosaic quality.

Well now I can at least see its shape clearly.

As his mental power and application proficiency continue to improve, he seems to be able to barely make an appraisal.

It's a bit like the state when he perceives the attributes and abilities of a new bee species.

It's just not that clear.

"This obviously cannot be used as an offensive prop. It seems that it can be taken. I don't know what the specific effect will be... etc."

When Hua Mi accidentally looked at Big Bee, she suddenly had a vague feeling.

In the final analysis, by-products are produced by bees. If we first connect our consciousness to bees and then analyze the by-products, can we...

Thinking of the possibility of this operation, Hua Mi immediately put it into practice.

He first connected his consciousness to the giant bee, and then released additional mental power to analyze the little black ball.

For him now, this is a simple operation.

It's as simple as breathing and drinking water.

Sure enough, when he did this, the picture suddenly became much clearer, as if the blur filter was suddenly removed.

The by-product information lay clearly before him.

"It turns out that this is the correct identification method."

Hua Mi was pleasantly surprised, then she eliminated distracting thoughts and concentrated on analyzing the function of the little black ball.

"This thing seems to be able to enhance the physique of the user..." Hua Mi looked at the small ball in his hand and muttered, "It is mainly composed of special substances secreted by the giant bees. In addition, it also contains the ingredients of the gift flower honey, and there are trace amounts of it. Magical elements as a supplement..."

The sum of these miscellaneous factors leads to a result, which is the effect of this by-product - it can activate human cells and improve the physical condition of the user.

"It's really a powerful pill."

Hua Mi complained, but she still liked it very much.

Because like Fire Lotus, this by-product can directly increase his attributes.

No matter how many external props you have, it is not as reliable as improving your own attributes.

From a personal point of view, he prefers the latter to Fire Lotus.

After all, who doesn’t want to be a hunk.

Hua Mi didn't hesitate, threw the powerful pill into her mouth and chewed it.

"Uh, this smell..."

It's hard to say.

Hua Mi couldn't help but grin.

This thing can't be said to be unpalatable, it can only be said to be weird.

The flavor is complex, both sweet and bitter, with a hint of spiciness.

The texture when chewed is not bad, almost like beeswax.

Hua Mi chewed it casually for a few times and swallowed it.

Then quietly feel the changes in your body.


There was a flow of heat in the lower abdomen, and it was not fleeting, but continuous, as if a warm baby was attached to the belly.

Heat rushes through the body in pulses.

It's quite comfortable to be honest.

Hua Mi clenched her fists, trying to feel the increase in her strength.

However, he unexpectedly discovered that instead of gaining much strength, he felt that his strength was rapidly losing!
The warm current moistened the cells all over his body, making him feel as if he was soaking in a hot spring. The muscles in his body relaxed uncontrollably, making it almost impossible to contract or expand, and naturally he could not exert any strength.Now my muscles are weak.

It's hard for him to even raise his hands now.

"Did I have a wrong perception before? Isn't this thing actually harmful to the human body... No, it shouldn't be."

Hua Mi quickly rejected her idea.

What I perceived was definitely correct, this should be a sign of the effectiveness of Dali Pill.

Improving your physical fitness must be a process and cannot be achieved overnight.

Just like bees evolve into cocoons.

His body naturally evolved to minimize physical activity.

In fact, if you compare it, his version is a bit better. Bee's version is a service-stop update, while his version is a non-stop update.

Thinking of this, Hua Mi calmed down and sat directly on the ground, leaning against the beehive, crossing her legs like an old monk in meditation, so that Daliwan could fully take effect.

He used the meditation method he had seen in the notes of the female mage apprentice to mobilize his mental power to enter a meditative state.

This is a common method for cultivating spiritual power in this world.

It's just that he usually practices bee control, a more efficient cultivation method, and has never tried meditation.

It's a good time to pass the time now.

The meditation process is very interesting. It seems that the consciousness has entered an alien space without the concept of time, where it can carry out activities and create at will, as if it has become the creator.

Like a dream, but obviously more real than a dream.

Also more awake.

He can still receive information from the outside world, but the intensity is much weaker due to the shielding.

During this process, Hua Mi was not always in this state, and broke away several times during this period.

They were all “awakened” by hunger.

Fortunately, he has a large amount of food and water stored in his storage ring, and there is also honey on hand, which can easily fill his stomach.

After eating, continue meditating.

In the process of waking up and eating several times, he clearly felt that his body strength was gradually recovering. His body was always wrapped in a ball of heat, and his muscles felt numb and swollen, as if they were alive, constantly squirming in his body. .

During this process, Xiaobai was waiting by his side the whole time, so there was no need to worry about anything going wrong.

That's it, I don't know how long it took.

When Hua Mi left the meditative state for the last time, she felt that the effectiveness of Dali Pill had finally been completely digested.

The body no longer generates heat and returns to normal body temperature.

The muscles are no longer numb and swollen, and the muscles in the arms and chest still beat from time to time, a bit like the feeling after just finishing exercise.

His body seemed to be sweating a lot, and the clothes under his black robe were soaked.

Hua Mi clenched her fists and felt a new energy filling her body.

"This feels really good!"

This level of physical enhancement cannot be said to be particularly outrageous.

In the fitness circle, some big names may be able to achieve it in two or three months.

But for him, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has improved so much in a short period of time.

How long has it been since?

Hua Mi took out her phone and looked at the screen.


My mind was dazed for a moment before I realized that more than a day had passed.

It's past twelve noon Earth time.

It's midnight here, and the greenhouse is dark.

In his consciousness, only a few hours had passed at most.

"Meditation is really a good way to kill time. It's a must-have for fishing."

Hua Mi took out a high-power flashlight from the ring and glanced at the field.

The gift flower grows quietly, like a still sea of ​​fire.

There was a cooking pot with a dark bottom on the field, and Xiaobai was curled up in it sleeping.

The bees also returned to their hives to rest.

Hua Mi stood up, planning to test her current strength.

(End of this chapter)

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