Entertainment: The female singing voice at the beginning is popular all over the Internet

Chapter 162: The first male female actor in Chinese opera is clean and the last is ugly. I, Xu Ruofe

Chapter 162: The first male female actor in Chinese opera is clean and the last is ugly. I, Xu Ruofeng, is the most suitable male female actor.
Zhang Ying's evaluation of the styles of Jin Zhe and Xu Ruofeng is very correct. It speaks to the hearts of fans. Fans believe that although Jin Zhe sings very well, he is the type of student who follows the orthodox route. , very disciplined, but also lost part of his charm. Human nature likes adventure and excitement. Some people like good students like Jin Zhe, while others like partial subjects like Xu Ruofeng.

Carrying out personal style to the extreme is Xu Ruofeng's musical philosophy. At present, drama seems to be very popular, so in the future Xu Ruofeng's music works can work more on drama.

Zhang Ying has always been known for her sharp tongue and very harsh words, but she once again praised Xu Ruofeng and praised Xu Ruofeng generously and unstintingly. It was obvious that she liked Xu Ruofeng's style very much, and she also saw it There are negative news on the Internet, so Xu Ruofeng is also enlightening him not to worry.

"Thank you teacher for your teaching, I will remember it!" Xu Ruofeng symbolically thanked his teacher.

This practice of maintaining a polite image in front of the public is very good and will help improve Xu Ruofeng's personal charm.

"Okay, thank you Teacher Zhang, and congratulations to Xu Ruofeng for getting another good review! Then let's ask Teacher Xu Wei to comment!" said the host Li Fei.

The eyes of the whole audience were instantly focused on the musical genius Xu Wei.

Xu Wei said: "I personally like this song very much. In fact, the style is very close to traditional folk songs, but it is also very similar to opera. It's just that we have never heard of this Huangmei opera. Please explain this to us!"

This question is also very curious to everyone. Many people are thinking, is Huangmei Opera created by Xu Ruofeng?It shouldn't be possible. No matter how talented he is, he still can't create a new type of opera. That's no longer what a genius can do.

A mature type of opera requires a long period of accumulation and the improvement and struggle of countless ancestors.

The audience was in disbelief. Obviously, self-creation was impossible, so what could it be?

Regarding this point, Xu Ruofeng has already had countermeasures. He said: "Huangmei Opera is just a name, not a brand-new type of opera. I know very well that a brand-new type of opera needs to be tempered by time and the efforts of our ancestors. I cannot do it alone." Do it!”

Xu Wei was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "That's right. Our traditional opera, Chinese Opera, originated in Qingguo more than 500 years ago. At that time, it was just a self-composed song by small traders walking in the streets to make a living. Later it slowly developed into opera!”

Xu Ruofeng has understood this before. In this world, this country, and China, there is only one type of opera, and that is Chinese opera.

It originated a short time ago. At first, a few entertainers made up songs and sang and performed on the street. They were very popular among the people. Later, they gradually improved and incorporated more things, such as professional body skills, professional singing, and There are various ethnic musical instruments, which gradually complete the Chinese opera.

There are five types of characters in Chinese operas: Sheng Dan, Pure Mo Chou. This is the same as Xu Ruofeng's previous life and is no different.

Xu Ruofeng briefly learned about the masters in the history of Chinese opera, classic works, including contemporary famous masters, and other information.

If you follow Xu Ruofeng's style, then he is most suitable for the female role.

There are also one or two male dan masters in history. When the entertainment industry was underdeveloped in the past, it was really a pleasure to go to the theater to listen to the opera and watch the masters sing. It is not an exaggeration to say that the crowds were empty.

It's just that today's entertainment industry is too developed and people have various entertainment methods. Few people go to the theater to listen to operas anymore, and operas are gradually declining.

Xu Wei said: "You showed a high level of musical literacy in this song. In history, there are many stories about talented people and beautiful women, most of which are folklore. You perfectly combined this folklore with pop music and drama. , this kind of extremely talented creativity, I admire very much, and your opera style has improved even more. I feel a little biased towards the traditional opera singing method, which sounds more beautiful and I enjoy it very much..."

Xu Wei's comments were very comprehensive, and he also admired Xu Ruofeng's talent very much. In Xu Ruofeng, Xu Wei saw himself back then. "Thank you, teacher, I will continue to work hard!" Xu Ruofeng bowed in thanks.

"Okay, thank you Teacher Xu Wei, then the last one is Teacher Li Jian, please start your review!"

Host Li Fei said.

Li Jian said: "From a creative point of view, Xu Ruofeng, your approach is very flattering. You cater to the audience very well. You know your strengths and have a clear positioning for yourself. This is very good. Your strengths are the female voice and dramatic accent. You must not forget these two points. In addition, if you really like opera, you can also go to the opera academy to study opera systematically. Of course, this is all for the future. When you sang just now, the four of us all I am shocked by you, your singing skills and stage style have become very mature, far beyond the newcomers of the same period, and currently only Jin Zhe can compare with you!"

Being flattering is a must. This is a competition, not a charity event. You must cater to the audience. Xu Ruofeng has always been very clear about his own advantages. The female voice is the foundation, the drama is the extension, and the same goes for the dolphin voice.

It's just that opera is more popular because Chinese people have always had a traditional heart and actually like traditional culture, but they can't learn and accept it in the most boring way.

Xu Ruofeng's approach is just to use a method acceptable to everyone to interpret traditional culture.

If he hadn't traveled through time, if he had been in a previous life, then he would have been a pure newcomer. Like other newcomers, he had stumbled along the way and faced many problems. Now that he has traveled through time, he has every advantage.

"Thank you, teacher!" Xu Ruofeng bowed and thanked!

Li Fei said: "Okay, thank you to the four instructors for their wonderful comments. Then the next step is the most exciting part. Please show your score cards!"

Everyone was instantly excited and highly anticipated. The game was almost over. This would be the final peak. Jin Zhe scored nine points. Everyone wanted to know what kind of results Xu Ruofeng would achieve.

The first one to show his scoreboard was King Wu Peng, whose score was nine-point-five.

This score is already the highest, [-] points higher than Jin Zhe.

The audience immediately burst into violent applause, and countless fans screamed excitedly and looked crazy. At this moment, the fans were proud of Xu Ruofeng.

Xu Ruofeng saw the right opportunity and bowed to thank his mentor with the due etiquette.

The second person to score was Queen Zhang Ying, who raised her scoring board with a solemn expression.

Seven past nine.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ying favored Xu Ruofeng so much and actually gave such a high score. This is the highest score in the entire points exhibition competition, far surpassing Jin Zhe, and the other players can't even compare.

 The next game is the promotion competition. Guess what the protagonist sings?Guess the author’s sister’s explosive photo

(End of this chapter)

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