Chapter 146
Ji Zeyu successfully sang the beginning, and just a few words had the audience screaming. The melody of this song is simple, catchy, and very suitable for public taste.

Moreover, Ji Zeyu's emotional investment is also very mature, so his singing voice is very contagious and can quickly sing into everyone's heart. The audience applauded enthusiastically and the fans were very excited.

The expressions on the faces of the four instructors were very pleased. First, they recognized Xu Ruofeng's original talent, and second, they recognized Ji Zeyu's progress.

"Looking through yesterday is still warm"

"Dusty Mind"

"It's like a trance and it's been a lifetime"

"It's a pity that I can't say that I was shocked and my heart shrank."

Judging from the lyrics, this song has a strong Jiangnan cultural atmosphere. It uses blue and white to metaphorize love and describe the promises made by lovers as eternal as blue and white.

The song itself is not difficult to perform technically, and coupled with the traditional Chinese love song melody, the song has a faint sense of sadness, but it has an extremely firm belief in the sadness.

Ji Zeyu's performance in the previous section was relatively stable and won enthusiastic applause from the audience. Xu Ruofeng was also very satisfied with Ji Zeyu's performance. Of course, with Ji Zeyu's current level, he would definitely not sing too well.

"Hold the blue and white token tightly"

"Keeping the Promise"

"Parting is always spent in frustration"

"Reapply memory ointment over and over again"

"Wounds that cannot be healed"

"Your turning back scratches the silence"

This chorus has a distinct rhythm and is catchy, which is particularly suitable for public tastes. Ji Zeyu sings very steadily, and there are no high notes in the song that he is not good at.

The chorus once again deepened the impression of blue and white as a token, conveying a strong view of love to the audience. Ji Zeyu's emotions were conveyed very well.

The whole song continued with the applause of the audience, and Ji Zeyu felt relaxed both physically and mentally.

He enjoys being on stage very much.

In the backstage rest area, Meng Xue admired Ji Zeyu very much, and of course she was envious, but she also understood that she had no money to hire Xu Ruofeng to write songs, so she had to rely on herself. In addition, she also knew that Ji Zeyu had money, so Ji Zeyu had money to hire private vocalists. Teacher training and classes are all a waste of money.

And the effect is also very good. Ji Zeyu's singing skills have been improving.

"His breath is much better than before!" Wang Chengying said.

"Yes, and the pitch and rhythm are very good!" Meng Xue and Wang Chengying have been chatting.

Fang Zihan sat next to him with a cold and arrogant expression, Jin Zhe didn't say anything, and Xu Ruofeng was staring at the big screen intently.

In fact, these six players have formed an obvious circle. Xu Ruofeng and Ji Zeyu are in a circle. Jin Zhe and Fang Zihan are two separate people. Meng Xue and Wang Chengying are in a circle.

On the stage, Ji Zeyu's face was full of enjoyment. The more enthusiastic the audience was, the happier he became.

At the beginning of the second verse, he was in a better state, with every lyric and melody flashing through his mind.

"That night we reunited and stopped wandering"

"You have been back"

"It's painful to be together and forget each other."

"Just because I was kind and stubborn yesterday"

"Wronging each other"

"Breaking the token cancels the afterlife."

"It's a pity that I can't say that I was shocked and my heart shrank."

The melody and accompaniment of the song are full of classical flavor, but also blended with rock. The combination of the two has a unique flavor.

The imagery of the lyrics is far-reaching and profound, worthy of careful appreciation by the audience. Ji Zeyu further invested more emotions, making the song very touching.

When it comes to the chorus, Ji Zeyu is even more proficient, and his grasp of the pitch and rhythm of the song is more mature.

"Holding the blue and white token tightly" "Carving loneliness"

"It's like my ownerless soul"

"It hurts me to dwell on the past for no reason."

"If it breaks, no one can take it away."

"It's a dream that I can't wake up from"


"Reapply memory ointment over and over again"

"Wounds that cannot be healed"

"Your turning back scratches the silence"


In the second half of the song, Ji Zeyu sings better. Whether it is emotional investment, pitch, rhythm, or breath, they are all very good. Of course, this is attributed to Xu Ruofeng. This song circumvents Ji Zeyu's singing shortcomings to a certain extent. That's why it has the current effect.

The applause continued and the audience was very excited. Many fans were cheering Ji Zeyu's name loudly. At this moment, Ji Zeyu was very excited and enjoyed the glory of this moment.

He is not for the championship, not for fame and fortune, but for experiencing the feeling of success on stage.

In the backstage rest area, all the players were applauding Ji Zeyu. Even Jin Zhe recognized Ji Zeyu's progress.

"If this guy wasn't too playful, he could really make a career in the music world!" Xu Ruofeng just thought about it casually. After all, Ji Zeyu didn't have to work so hard. He still had a family business to inherit, so he could live his whole life easily.

In the online live broadcast room, countless fans were celebrating Ji Zeyu. This time, Ji Zeyu gained many more fans.

When the applause at the scene slowly subsided, the four instructors began to comment.

The first one is King Wu Peng: "Ji Zeyu, your progress is obvious, not bad. It can be seen that you have worked very hard to improve your singing skills after returning!"

This is true. When Ji Zeyu was studying at Star Academy, he worked very hard. Even when he was practicing singing, Ji Zeyu worked very hard and was very serious. He didn't look like he was careless at all.

Just like Wu Peng, the king of heaven, said, although Xu Ruofeng helped, Ji Zeyu worked very hard himself, so he achieved tonight's effect.

The first instructor's comments were a public recognition of Ji Zeyu's strength and won enthusiastic applause from the audience.

Next is the queen Zhang Ying. She has always been known for her sharp tongue and has very strict requirements for newcomers.

"Ji Zeyu, I think that although you have made progress, you are still far from Xu Ruofeng's level. You must continue to work hard and not be proud. Ask Xu Ruofeng for advice when you have time. He is the best teacher!"

Zhang Ying's comments are more about making suggestions and pointing out the problems to Ji Zeyu in a targeted manner. In this way, Ji Zeyu can avoid many detours.

Ji Zeyu sincerely thanked Zhang Ying. This humble attitude won everyone's favor. No matter what the final result of the game was, at least Ji Zeyu had left a good impression on everyone.

Next is the comment from the music genius Xu Wei: "I like this song very much. Xu Ruofeng's original talent is no worse than mine, or even better than mine. I would like to give Xu Ruofeng a big thumbs up here!"

Xu Wei understands young people's music preferences very well, and he himself is famous for his online music.

Then he became popular until he was officially signed to a record company.

Xu Wei not only liked the original part of the song, but was also very satisfied with Ji Zeyu's singing. However, in the end, Xu Wei also made some suggestions, including issues regarding breath, pitch, and rhythm.

The last one is Li Jian’s comment.

If we want to say who has the highest cultural level among the four instructors, it is of course Li Jian.

He was a graduate of the top university in the country at that time, and his singing voice was gentle and long, like a poem.

When he was in college, Teacher Li Jian had already formed a band with his classmates and sang everywhere on campus. It was very popular.

Music poet Li Jian began his review.

Li Jian's notebook was filled with dense words written in black pen, listing Ji Zeyu's strengths and weaknesses respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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