Beasts start from stone

Chapter 308 Xiao Linglong’s Tips

Chapter 308 Xiao Linglong’s Tips

"Wait a minute, Kai, are you talking about the possibility that this door is open?"

"After all, no matter how you think about it, Ada must be weaker than you."

Of course Xu Qingge didn't know the specific strength comparison between Ada and Kai, but the multi-colored White Fang Spider was not a pet known for its strength.

The Huoqian Blazing Claw Cat is a killer in the dark and is famous for its quick strangulation.

The short-term explosive level can even enter the top fifty pet beasts.

In such a comparison, Kai's power has the absolute upper hand.

There have been countless scenes in TV dramas where the protagonist encounters a door. This door will not prompt, but the protagonist cannot push it open no matter how hard he pushes.

Until an NPC came over and pulled the door knocker, the door opened gently.

"This door doesn't even have a handle, how do you open it?"

Kai's question really stumped Xu Qingge, but the stone door seemed to have been polished by water, not to mention the handle, not even a bulge.

After all, it is possible to be invaded by enemies from the outside.

If you can't push the door open, just pull it.

This is definitely not something Xu Qingge could have imagined.

Seeing Kai scratching at the door, Xu Qingge simply sat down on the ground.

This spider suit of mine is not only fireproof, but also dustproof, mudproof, and moistureproof.

Plus with Kai by his side, he didn't feel cold even if he was sitting on the stone floor.

Although Xu Qingge will not sit still and wait for death, she is indeed a bit of a cheat.

This is too strange. Is it possible that I will be blocked by a cold stone door?

That's too funny.

But there really was nothing he could do.

"Kay, did you find anything?"

"Mi... Just as you thought, I even used fire to explore the gap. This is a stone door."

Kai also lay helplessly on the ground. If Merlin were here, this problem would be solved immediately.


Xu Qingge sighed and turned his attention to Xiao Linglong.

She stretched out her hand and lifted Xiao Linglong onto her crossed legs.

"Xiao Linglong, Xiao Linglong, am I so stupid?"

It was naturally impossible for Xiao Linglong, who was still sealed in the jade cocoon, to respond to her.


Xu Qingge also secretly found it funny. He came to the interrogation room to confirm to Hameln the rat curse on Xiao Linglong.

Now that I haven't even seen Hameln's face, do I still want to ask for help from the little Linglong who was harmed by me?

She asked jokingly:

"Xiao Linglong, if you come up with an idea, please tell me."

Kai looked at Xu Qingge helplessly. Although he didn't know what the story was between the girl and the stone, the look was just like the look between His Majesty Morgan and Arthur.

It is a spirit beyond knightly friendship.

But Kay knew that the folk rumors that Mordred was the child of Arthur and His Majesty Morgan were absolutely impossible.

Because Arthur wouldn't have that time.

That one has so much self-control that it's hard not to get drunk without mentioning it.

And even if he is drunk, he will be taken care of by his siblings Guinevere, Merlin, Bedivere and at least one of himself.

Sometimes there are even other knights.

In theory, during the days of "drunk sex", it was himself and Bedivere who took care of Arthur.

He would never have the chance to be alone with His Majesty Morgan.

The relationship between Arthur and Morgan is just that between brother and sister.

However, no matter how intelligent it is, it can't even speak now. How can it tell the little lady the answer?

Xu Qingge did not continue to speak. She spread her hands and leaned against the stone wall.

But all of a sudden things went bad.

"Ah!" Kai was so frightened by the scream that his hair stood on end, and he looked in the direction of Xu Qingge.

The quality of Xu Qingge's spider coat is comparable to the best silk, and it is very smooth.

But the jade cocoon on Xiao Linglong's body was equally smooth.

This was a bad thing. When Xu Qingge lay back, the spider's clothes formed a slope.


Xiao Linglong just slipped down and made a crisp sound when it collided with the stone slab.

Xu Qingge rushed forward without caring about his image.

With the help of the fluorescence of the spider silk on the ground, Xu Qingge inspected the jade cocoon on Xiao Linglong's body bit by bit.

Fortunately, the jade cocoon is extremely strong, with no scratches at all, let alone cracks.

Xu Qingge almost shed tears.

She knew that the pet beast would not be that fragile, but when she thought about Xiao Linglong being unable to move, she still couldn't help but feel sad in her heart.

Just by looking at it, Xu Qingge discovered something was not right.

The spider silk on the ground was as thick as her fingers.

This is spider silk, something thinner than hair.

I couldn't see it when I was standing before, but now I'm lying on the ground, the thickness of the spider silk is very problematic.

Xu Qingge stretched out her hand to grab the spider silk and caught it in her hand.

Sure enough, it was dry silk.

Xu Qingge gently tugged, and the end of the spider silk rope was nestled in her hand.

Judging from the end, the middle of the spider silk rope is not green.

Maybe it was because of the need to save green fluorescent materials, but Xu Qingge didn't even have to think about it. The middle of this spider silk rope was sticky silk.

She didn't dare touch it.

Even if it is a B-class pet beast, it cannot get rid of the sticky threads. Unless you are mentally prepared to cut off your fingers, you must not touch it.

In fact, there was no need to be sure. Xu Qingge poked the spider silk rope at the door, and the rope stuck firmly to the door.

In this way, the middle of the rope will be 100% sticky.

"Thanks to you, Xiao Linglong."

Xu Qingge placed Xiao Linglong properly. She didn't want to bump into Xiao Linglong when she opened the door.

(Isn’t this a coincidence?)

Kai found it difficult to understand Xu Qingge's feelings.

In his opinion, the discovery that the spider silk rope was sticky was entirely the work of Xu Qingge and had nothing to do with the stone.

"Come and help me, Kai."

"This rope is so heavy."

Xu Qingge's anger sank into his Dantian, he got into a posture, held the rope tightly with both hands and pulled.

The finger-thick spider silk rope stretched into a straight line, but the door remained motionless.

Although Ada left Xu Qingge a way out, this is the most stringent interrogation room in Miele City after all.


Kai walked behind Xu Qingge and bit the spider silk rope with his teeth.

The sharp weapons of cat-type pets are claws, and the same is true for the Fire Money Blazing Claw Cat.

Cats’ teeth are good at fixing prey.

Kai used all the muscles in his body, but his short legs were unable to exert any force.

Casey Palug's curse caused his body to regress one level.

Although the energy in his body is still at the level of A-level (noble), his strength has returned to B-level (strong).

Currently, only he and Merlin knew about this news, Ada naturally didn't know about it.

But this stone door requires the power of an A-level pet beast to open.

(End of this chapter)

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