Beasts start from stone

Chapter 300 Sweet and Sour Maomao Mei

"As much as I want to say it, I actually don't know the efficacy of these magic herbs."

The evil fox opened his mouth and finally told the truth.

"My shop collects magic herbs from everywhere and sells them. Basically, I don't know the efficacy."

"So only some guys who meet knowledgeable people will come to my shop."

"Lord Owad, you can take whatever you want, though."

"But don't eat these things randomly. If you are intolerant to the attributes, you will die."

The evil fox tried to persuade me sincerely, but it actually hid something.

Its store actually selects magic grass with a relatively low energy coefficient for those who think they have the courage to risk their lives.

Concealing something is not lying.

"So this is ah."

Xu Qingge nodded, looking at the half-awake Kai in his arms, looking at the hair on his body, and took it into consideration.

"Wake up, Kai, try this."

Xu Qingge patted Kai's face and put the white-haired fruit to his mouth.

The evil fox felt his heart go cold. The white-looking fruit was probably not a fire-type magic grass, and the fire-money cat seemed to be only at the civilian level.

The main difference between the Huoqian Blazing Claw Cat and the Huoqian Cat is the flame on its paws, but this flame can be extinguished on its own.

Civilians, once they eat exotic plants with different attributes, are likely to die with a high probability.

The evil fox swallowed. It could not stop the respected Owad, but the fruit flowed out of his shop.

"For the murder of Owad's pet, jail time, the worst-case scenario came to mind."

The evil fox is already ready to go to prison. Although there is no death penalty in Boi, the cell of Lord Ada here is said to be quite terrifying.

It held back its fear and looked at the white-haired fruit, which was swallowed by Kai.

Kai, who was woken up by Xu Qingge, was shocked that he actually fell asleep.

He didn't bother to open his eyes, opened his mouth, stretched out his short tongue and rolled the white fruit into his mouth.

Since Xu Qingge is Owad, he must have received a promise from that person, and he will definitely not harm him.


Kai opened his eyes suddenly, and a sweet and sour taste came from his mouth.

Although the evil fox does not know the effect of the magic grass in the store, he still has his own understanding of the quality.

The white-haired fruit that Xu Qingge just fed was the best-looking one among them.

The sweet and sour taste is the best original taste of Bai Mao fruit.

Kai had the etiquette of a knight, licking his lips to savor the taste just now.

The meat is soft and tender, the juice is thick, and the taste is 70% sweet and 30% sour.

It couldn't help but swallow even the small core. Anyway, it had plenty of fire energy in its body, so it would definitely be able to digest it.

This wonderful taste made it refreshed and opened its eyes, wanting to see what it was eating.

But the moment he opened his eyes, he was dumbfounded.

The stone table was filled with piles of magic grass.

The pet beasts of Boi have common sense that things like magic grass (exotic plants) cannot be eaten casually.

Although Kai couldn't recognize the type of magic grass, he could feel the energy in them.

Generally speaking, although magic grass is dangerous, it is easy to detect and not easy to eat by mistake.

Unless they are very close, the energy in the magic grass will be diluted by the energy emitted by itself, so that they can deceive their senses.

Xu Qingge had just put the White Hair Fruit close to Kai's mouth, hiding it from his senses.

"What did you feed me?"

Kai felt bursts of energy begin to emanate from his stomach, which was definitely the effect of the White Hair Fruit he had just eaten. Fire pets digest very quickly because heat increases the ability of stomach acid to some extent.

The effect of that fruit has begun to spread in the body.


Kai stretched out his claws, trying to dig the fruit out of his stomach, but the abnormality caused by his body made it impossible for him to control his body's actions.

How can this be? !

That feeling actually made him struggle out of Xu Qingge's arms.

Generally speaking, cat-shaped pets have good balance, but Kai turned his back and hit the grass.

His strong physical fitness and the cushioning of the grass prevented him from getting injured.

But soon, the feeling made him roll on the ground.

The evil fox watched the "Fire Money Cat" in "Lord Owad's" hands twisting violently on the grass, and his heart was so frightened that his heart froze.

(In Poi, crimes are sent to the city lord's prison nearby. Should I go north?)

(After all, I heard that the city lord in the north has a very good temper. I am just an accomplice and should at most be reformed through labor, right?)

"Lord Owad, what is going on?"

The evil fox looked at Xu Qingge timidly, and she gave such an obscure thing to her pet to eat.

Seeing the pet in pain, he was still able to laugh.

"Hahahaha, take it easy, are you so exaggerated?"

Xu Qingge was indeed smiling. She didn't expect the effect to be so obvious.

She even picked up another white-haired fruit and handed it to the evil fox.

"Do you want to try it?"

Seeing Xu Qingge with a smile on his face and Huoqian Cat in agony on the ground, the evil fox felt that it was not appropriate for him to go out today.

"Lord Owad, I have seniors and juniors, all of whom depend on me for hunting and support. If I die, my wife, children, and parents will be taken care of by you!"

With that said, the evil fox snatched the white-haired fruit from Xu Qing's singer and swallowed it.

"No, hahahaha, this thing is not poisonous."

Xu Qingge also fell to the ground. This was so funny.

She wiped away her tears from laughter and looked at the evil fox.


The evil fox stared at Xu Qingge hesitantly.

Before it could give up its courage, it suddenly felt an itch coming from its body.

"It's so itchy!"

This feeling is not very severe, but every hair follicle on the body feels itchy.

It quickly rubbed against the oak tree next to it, which relieved the maddening feeling a lot.

At this time, Xu Qingge began to scratch Kai's belly to relieve his pain.

She explained:

"In this world, in addition to the alien plants that can supply energy, there are also alien plants that are common to all pet beasts."

"Including the one you just ate, its name is Mao Mao Mei, and it is the fruit of the Mao Mao Plum tree."

"Its effect is to promote the growth of hair follicles and even improve the quality of hair, making it smooth."

"Because Kai, wasn't your hair shortened by burning yourself before? That's why I want to make it up to you."

Xu Qingge said sincerely.

Although the fire-type pet's hair is fire-resistant, it can still be burned if the energy is deliberately concentrated.

It's just that generally no pet beast would do this intentionally.

And Mao Maomei is Xu Qingge's return gift for the burn gloves Kai gave him.

It's Christmas

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