Beasts start from stone

Chapter 295 The Royal Knights of the Round Table?

Chapter 295 Royal Knight ≠ Knight of the Round Table?

"I didn't expect that the auction house is actually underground in the market."

At the exit left by the excavation team, Xu Qingge climbed up with difficulty.

Although it was a mud tunnel, the spider clothes on his body were not stained with any mud.

Xu Qingge untied the hairpin on his head and put it in his bag, then dusted off his head.

Looking at the sun, I guess it was just after noon, which is a good time for shopping.

The cold winter wind gently blew over Xu Qingge's face, and she hugged Kai next to her.

She has long black hair that hangs down to her waist, hanging straight down to her waist without any obstruction.

She is wearing a custom-made luxurious spider suit with simple and clear black and white lines.

Coupled with the red cat held in his hands, a calm and elegant atmosphere lingers around him.

Although paired with a Shanghai blue waist bag, this color scheme is extremely ugly, but it still has the temperament of an out-of-this-world young lady.

Coupled with that face that looks extremely cute but lacks intelligence.

It looks like a fine lamb ready for the slaughter.

"Hey, your hands and feet are shaking, little lady."

Kai hated the way his body looked now. It was strong but round, and its limbs were strong but short.

Although his ability to climb and jump did not seem to be affected, he always felt that one day his limbs would be unable to support the weight of his body.

Its short legs are only three centimeters long, making it difficult to hunt with its claws.

And the face looks very silly (cute). I don’t know why, everyone who looks at it wants to hug themselves.

Kai deliberately wanted to pat Xu Qingge on the head to calm her down.

But for short legs of three centimeters, this task is too difficult.

(Are you scared in your heart? After all, if you didn’t have that spider suit, you would have been...)

(Or is it the flames that scare you?)

(Obviously he is not that big in physique, and his magic strength and mana reserves are even pitifully small, but he is still so resolute in taking the stage.)

(What is the value of that stone?)

Xu Qingge took a deep breath of cold air. Shopping was of course part of the purpose.

The more reason is that Kai is the first Knight of the Round Table she has ever met. This is a rare opportunity.

If they go back after capturing Hameln, Ada as the city lord and Kai as the round table will definitely interrogate Hameln at the same time.

Now that it was clear that Mordred might be an obstacle on her way, obtaining information was particularly important, so she asked in a curious tone:

"That's right, Kai."

"Since you are a Knight of the Round Table, why don't you stay near the palace?"

"Her Majesty the Queen probably needs your strength very much, so why are you still separated?"

What Xu Qingge wanted to figure out most was this.

Even though they knew that the queen needed strength, none of the Knights of the Round Table were actually in the royal capital?

Even if there is still a gap between the partners, even if they are severed from Mordredn, their relationship should be on their own terms.

"Well, that's indeed what it should be."

"But Mordred didn't receive enough punishment after killing Arthur."

"His Majesty Morgan's will is for him to stay in Camelot to guard the sword tomb and remains of the Sword in the Stone."

"It's just that this level is not enough to convince the public."

"But the main reason is still because."

"Although Mordred is more...but his strength is equal to that of the king, and he ranked fifth in strength in the old round table."

Xu Qingge probably knows who the top four are.

"King Arthur with the Sword in the Stone, Lancelot, Percival, Tristan?"

Compared to these four famous people, Mordred is indeed...

"But I heard that Queen Morgan has a team called the Royal Knights. Who are they?"

Kai scratched his belly at the question. To be honest, he doesn’t know either.

"Those four knights, I don't know their origins either."

"It just seems that their strength is not much worse than Mordred. One of them can even fight to a draw with Mordred."

"But because it belongs directly to His Majesty Morgan, you don't have to worry about them targeting you."

"If you can meet them in advance, you might be able to meet His Majesty without any loss of life."

Kai was just not good at thinking of ideas. He immediately discovered that Xu Qingge's purpose was to obtain information to deal with Mordred.

He revealed this not because he had any grudge against Mordred.

Taking revenge on Mordred with the help of an underage girl.

He couldn't do such a cowardly act.

This is just my guilt towards Xu Qingge,

These are not secrets. Even the four city lords know it. Even if they don't tell them, Ada won't tell them either.

I'm afraid the next city lord will also tell her.

After all, like Merlin, he had been waiting for a thousand years.

But the main reason is still.

Kai is determined to win against Mordred.

Although the other party is indeed the murderer of Arthur, as a member of the Knights of the Round Table, Mordred, who is stronger than himself in complete strength, has a crushing advantage.

This advantage cannot be solved by Xu Qingge's cleverness.

No matter how much information I provide, it can only give this young lady more chances of survival.

After all, that Mordred couldn't reason with him.

"There is also a shortcut like this. Even if they don't help me, they will at least escort me to the Amyrlin, so that I can see the Queen directly."

Xu Qingge's expression became cheerful. Although it was not good news, at least there was a feasible plan.

"But that won't work. I have a feeling that Mordred will block the door of Camelot."

"Escape, I'm afraid, won't work."

Although he said this, Xu Qingge didn't look sad at all.

A battle with Mordred was inevitable.

There is no need to worry about things that you can solve by yourself, but there is no point in worrying about things that you cannot solve.

Rather than that kind of thing, it's better to look forward to when Ada's soldiers can find Xiao Ruoruo.

Time is running out. After finding Xiao Ruoruo, we must rush to the royal capital with all our strength.

Although the Knights of the Round Table have dispersed, I am afraid that I cannot rely on any of their power.

Being on guard against Vortigern is an inefficient and emotionally draining task.

The road to find the Knights of the Round Table has been blocked, and in the end, the only ones who can rely on are Xiao Linglong and Xiao Ruoruo.

But Merlin, who can solve the stagnation of evolution, hides in the secret realm of Avalon.

"Welcome, little girl, what do you need to buy?"

The beasts in the market were not afraid of Xu Qingge. Ada should have told them the truth in advance.

Now, all I need to do is to look for the "goods" I need from these products with the intention of sightseeing.

Although Xu Qingge couldn't help but feel frightened at the thought of doing such a cruel act to his pet beast.

(End of this chapter)

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