Chapter 286 Duel

"I... have an opinion."

In the horrified eyes of the beasts, Cook, who was pinned to the wall by the spider web, screamed tremblingly.

His body was arched like a shrimp due to the severe pain, and blood dripped from his back, staining the stone wall red.

He shouted hoarsely, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.

"If you outbid me from the beginning, I would still be convinced."

"But you have played tricks on me over and over again, and even looked down on my master. How can any of you endure this anger?"

The scene fell silent for a while.

In the Kingdom of Boi, the honor of the Eight Virtues of Knights refers not only to the honor of the country, the honor of the king, but most importantly, the honor of the master.

If it were any one of them, they should pay for it with their lives.

But now and then, looking at Cook's miserable situation, who can say a fair word for him at this time?

The back wall of the auction house is quite spacious, and it won't be too crowded if you add a few more nails.

Moreover, this is an auction house, and being able to get gold coins is the rule here.

Although both are spokespersons, neither knows the other's background.

But there is no dispute that Cook's gold coins are more than theirs, and the aristocratic power behind Cook is definitely not small.

Although Ada's repeated attempts to make things difficult are indeed the reason for her anger, but so what? Getting angry won't increase the gold coins.

"Okay, okay, that's right."

Servants, come on stage. "

Ada clapped her two forelimbs, seemingly moved by Cook's words.


Xu Qingge didn't expect that she would still have her own place in this scene. She stood up from her seat, but she was a little at a loss.

"Why are you standing there, come up here and see how good this piece of blue jade is? You've always wanted a piece of jade, right? If you like it, then we'll buy it."

Ada's tone was uncharacteristically gentle, and everyone in the audience had goosebumps.

You know, one of her legs is still hanging on the spider silk, and Cook on the other part of the spider silk seems to have lost half of his life.

Now, some insect-type viewers couldn't help but admit that Ada's smile was like the spring breeze in March and was worth a thousand dollars.

Such a huge contrast has even made many customers think about changing jobs.

Although the eldest lady of this family is fierce, she is quite kind to her own people.

What's more, with the sound of Xu Qingge's footsteps, the gold coins in her bag collided and made a sweet sound.

Gold coins are not an important thing in the country of Boi, but if you have time to collect gold coins, the strength of that noble must be even more extraordinary.

Xu Qingge panted and ran to the booth. As the distance got closer, she became more and more certain that the piece of blue jade was Xiao Linglong.

Tears flowed from his eyes unconsciously. His clear eyes were full of lovesickness.

In Xu Qingge's sight, there was no front desk, no desk, and even the monsters around him no longer existed.

Only jade is like blue waves, yet gentle and gentle.

Although there was no energy fluctuation, Xu Qingge could feel that Xiao Linglong was in pretty good condition.

Her hand touched the blue jade, and Xiao Linglong was still warm in the cold basement.

The light refracted in the jade cocoon, reflecting Xu Qingge's face.

This brilliance shines only for her.

Xu Qingge's breathing accelerated slightly.

Unfortunately for her, she still hasn't found out why she came to this island.

As soon as he arrived, he was attacked by ferocious beasts, and he and his companions were left in three separate places.

But now that one has been found, it's a blessing.

Although now, she is still in the undercurrent and can't help herself.

Even though time was tight, they finally met.

"Come on, wait for me." Xu Qingge closed his eyes and opened them again. Everything around him returned to normal.

The sky is stone, the earth is stone, and the walls are stone.

It's just that the character on the stage has become her.

The audience in the audience looked at her silently. Although her strength was so weak, it was like a beam of fire that attracted everyone's attention.

Xu Qingge turned around and met Cook's eyes filled with resentment.

She replied in a firm tone:

"Miss, I like it very much."

"it is good!"

Ada retracted the spider silk in her hand, and Cook hit the stage from the back wall like a comet in the sky.

Blood dripped all the way, but no one in the audience dared to avoid it, for fear that they would be next.

The cat's fur was caked with blood, making it look dirty and miserable.

Cook's breathing seemed quite heavy. He could only use this method to divert his attention and cover up his pain.

As Ada retracted the thread, he stood up slowly and firmly.

The wounds on the body are all real, this kind of thing cannot be faked.

His body was covered in blood, and even his eyes were dyed red with blood.

His whole body was in a state of utter disarray, and he could only barely tell from his tail and claws that he was a fire money cat.

The finale, the opening.

A smile appeared on Ada's lips, and this smile gave Hammer a chill.

What exactly is in the head of this evil-minded young lady.

"Yeah yeah~"

"You also heard it, little kitten, my servant is determined to get that piece of blue jade."

"As you know, our family attaches great importance to the health of our servants. Only when your mentality is good can you have the strength to work."

"But seeing you, a dirty hairball, looking so pitiful, I actually felt a little bit of compassion."

"Since you want to duel with me so much, how about I give you a chance to defeat my servant and give you this piece of blue jade?"

"But if you lose, you must give me your 203 gold coins without any loss. I swear on the name of Boyi Island."

"You have no objection, auctioneer?"

Only then did Hammer understand how brilliant Miss Ada's plan was.

Cook's daughter needs this piece of sapphire, so he will definitely agree to the duel.

As long as he loses, Miss Ada will earn a piece of blue jade for free, and she will also get a pound of gold.

However, this strategy is good, but the maid lady's strength, I'm afraid...

Hammer glanced at Xu Qingge calmly. The aura of the Owad badge on her body was too obvious.

This is obviously not because she can completely control her magic power, but because the magic power in her body cannot even cover up the bit on the Owad badge.

To put it bluntly, among all the intelligent monsters Hamer has ever seen, he has never seen such a good guy.

Hammer met Cook's eyes and took a step back unconsciously.

What kind of faith is that? Although Cook has been beaten to half a disability, the sick tiger can still swallow the wolf.

What's more, this sick tiger's determination may be enough to fight for his life. Miss maid, she is in danger.

"What are you afraid of? Even if my servant loses, I will still give you 203 gold coins. You will not be short of one."

What Ada means is that even her 203 gold coins are still divided in half?


Hammer nodded tremblingly. Since the amount of gold it can give to the White King is the same whether the game is won or lost, there is nothing to hesitate about.

(End of this chapter)

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