Beasts start from stone

Chapter 230 Onion and meat slices


"What I can have is the leftover pork from yesterday."

Jennifer turned over and pretended not to care, just to see what other tricks she could make.

"Get up, how can I cook if you don't send me up?"

Hazel grabbed Jennifer's wings and dragged him outside the house.


"Let go, the feathers are going to be rubbed off."

Hearing this, Hazel let go of her hand.

In fact, Jennifer was also joking. The golden floor was polished so smooth by him, so how could it hurt the feathers?

Jennifer flapped her wings lazily and walked out of the door.

This was the first time he slept with other monsters. With the alert on all night, he inevitably didn't sleep well.


After a loud cry, Jennifer began to comb her feathers.

But in this dim cave, the crowing of the cock seemed a little out of place with the environment.

Hazel held the materials needed today in her hand, curiously waiting for the busy Jennifer, and said:
"Why do you, a cock, care about this?"

Jennifer's feathers were actually not too messy, but the part in contact with the floor was a little collapsed.

If Hazel hadn't had good eyesight, she might not have noticed this at all.

"Whoa whoa?"

"What's wrong with the rooster? Can't a rooster keep his appearance in order?"

"I comb my feathers just to make myself comfortable, not just to look good."

Jennifer rolled her eyes at her. Isn't it common sense that feathers need to be straightened out?

How can such a featherless guy understand the suffering of birds?


Hazel smiled sheepishly.

Jennifer grabbed the passenger with her claws and complained as she flew:


"When we were building the tower, we didn't consider making stairs for such a high place. After all, I can fly up to the third floor by flapping my wings twice, and Bolton can go up by just jumping on the spot."

"Ordinary guests don't come to the third floor. I never thought I would make new friends."

"A friend?"

Hazel felt relieved. She was no longer afraid of Jennifer, although he did look scary and even wanted to eat her.

The flight lasted only two or three seconds. After Hazel stepped on the roof, she put down the materials in her hands and looked at the stone jar nervously.

Although she didn't remind her, Xiao Ruoruo had already moved all the meat in the tank in advance.

The meat was not damaged by the water, but just enough to remove the fishy smell and blood.

What's even more considerate is that even the water in the tank has been changed.

"By the way, Jennifer, you made the stone jars and basins out of sand, right? How about making a stone table and a stone chopping board."

“I can’t exert my strength while squatting on the ground cutting vegetables, and my legs will become numb from squatting.”

Since they were all friends, Hazel naturally wanted to make more "unbridled" requests.

Although stone tables may cause hygiene problems, they are much better than the ground that you step on.


"Sands gather together to form a tower."

Jennifer didn't even bother to reply to such a simple request.

A table rises from the ground, with four legs connected to the floor, making it look quite stable.

This table is not just a table. It already has the stone chopping board that Hazel wanted, and it also comes with four protrusions, which are a firewood area that can hold pots.

Although it is a bit crude, it is still a decent kitchen.

"Thank you~"

Hazel touched around on the stone table excitedly, because the stone table would be very rough, and this smooth feeling was really great.


"Nannan." "Good morning."

Alger glanced at the stone table and immediately moved yesterday's bonfire to the stone table.

The quality of a kitchen does not depend on the configuration, but on the cleanliness and the chef.Without further ado, let’s start cooking now.

Hazel peeled off the skin of the onion, took out the wolf fang from the bag, picked up an onion in one hand and cut it in half.

"Oh wow."

Although the wolf fang is sharp, its thickness is wider than that of a normal kitchen knife.

Under the squeeze of the wolf's fangs, a drop of onion juice splashed into Jennifer's eyes across the table.

Although the cockatrice is not afraid of poison, onions are not poisonous.

The stimulated Jennifer suddenly fluttered her wings and began to rush around in the crypt.

Hazel was a little panicked, put down her wolf fang, picked up the stone basin, took a scoop of water from the jar, and shouted to the sky:

"Come down quickly and rinse it with running water."


After listening to Hazel's words, Jennifer calmed down a little, slowly flapped her wings and landed on the top of the tower.

"Don't move. It's not a big deal. Keep your head down."


Hazel opened Jennifer's half-closed eyelids with one hand, and held up the stone basin with the other hand to carefully rinse the onion juice.

"If your eyes don't hurt anymore, just wave your paws."

Under the wash of running water, Jennifer felt the irritation in her eyes disappear little by little.


"I didn't expect this to be so exciting."

Hazel patted Jennifer's head and comforted him:
"Okay, okay, it's just onions, just rinse them off."

"By the way, don't rub it with your paws."

Xu Qingge glanced at Jennifer's gleaming dragon claw. It would be terrible if the claw touched his eyes.


"I'm not a child anymore."

After cleaning Jennifer's eyes, Hazel returned to the stone table and continued cooking.

Continue to fill the stone basin that you just filled with water, and soak the two halves of the onions for three to four minutes. This can reduce the irritation of the onions.

After soaking in water, cut the onion into four horizontal and vertical cuts into small pieces, and pull apart the stuck parts.

Although all the processed beef pork looked similar, Hazel picked out the tenderest piece of tenderloin.

This piece was specially saved yesterday, but unfortunately there is only ginger here.

Hazel cut the tenderloin into small pieces and continued to wash it with water.

He cut another piece of fat meat and put it in a pot to extract lard.

Add the meat to the pan and stir-fry continuously. After the color of the meat changes, add diluted ginger juice to completely remove the fishy smell.

Stir-fry briefly twice, then add the onion cubes, stir-fry for 1 minute, and then remove from the pan.

Due to hygiene issues, Hazel did not apply for a stone plate. After all, she ate in a pot yesterday.

Jennifer picked up a piece of meat with her paws and put it into her mouth. The taste was completely different from yesterday.

But in terms of taste, the tenderloin is much more tender than yesterday's meat.


"You guys, don't you want to try it this time?"

Hazel shook her head first, she still couldn't accept eating monsters.

"Nan Nan~"

"I have already eaten."


"I ate lotus roots and I'm not hungry now."


"Tsk, tsk, it's your loss if you can't taste the little lady's cooking skills."

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