Beasts start from stone

Chapter 222 Wind Shield Technique


"If you don't mind, little miss, I can use magic to help cut it."

Jennifer patted Hazel on the shoulder. She could tell that the other person was a little tired.

With such short little wolf fangs, Jennifer would probably really starve to death if she wanted to dismember this ferocious pig.

In order to eat meat faster, it doesn't matter if you help yourself a little.

The meat that was so delicious just now was actually finished in just two bites. You just can't help but eat good things.

Pigs are easy to catch, but if you just let this little lady go, you will definitely regret it.

But Jennifer knew that mood would affect the performance of her cooking skills, so she left the option of imprisoning the young lady until the end.

After all, Bolton also admires Hazel. He would be unhappy if he knew that he had this idea.

After all, she was so ominous that it was hard to find a friend, and Jennifer didn't want to lose the person she ate with because of this reason.

Of course Hazel didn't mind Jennifer's proposal, her hands were going numb.

"The relationship is great, but why do you ask? I definitely don't mind."

Jennifer lowered her head and asked curiously:

"Because I heard that some monsters don't allow others to interfere when cooking. Won't an ominous monster like me affect the taste of the food?"

Hazel was stunned. She didn't expect Jennifer to have such low self-esteem, and she didn't know how to comfort her for a while.

"Actually, everyone has to cook together to make the meal delicious. Although I'm not a great chef, I seem to have cooked with many people?"

"Also, although others think you have a strange origin, neither Bolton nor the great magician you mentioned care about this."

"Although I don't know what a dream species is, it sounds very powerful. Monsters that can kill three in one strike must be rare."

Hazel racked her brains to come up with a few words to comfort him, and touched his tail.

For Jennifer, who seldom had heart-to-heart conversations, these few words were enough.But he had a new question:


"You don't know what the Dream Seed is? Do you know why I initially suspected that you were sent by the Alchemist Association? It's because your magic power and magic power are enhanced by the Dream Seed."

"This is not something that ordinary alchemy potions can do, so I became suspicious of you."

"I, can't remember."

Hazel rubbed her temples. Her memory loss was quite serious. Even the vague scenes were just a few blocks of color, and nothing could be distinguished.

Seeing Hazel's headache, Jennifer knew that she was not lying.

Monsters will perform a series of actions when they lie. There is even a particularly famous liar whose nose will grow longer because of his lies.

After realizing that they have these reactions, some monsters are indeed able to avoid these reactions of their own.

Even thermostatic monsters will have their body temperature rise because of lying. Even if some fire monsters can suppress this change, they still need to use magic power.

These little actions could not be hidden from her discerning eyes. The fear, hatred, disgust, jealousy, and hatred of the townspeople towards her all made her feel bored.

It is precisely because of this that Bolton and the great magician are so valuable.

Although Bolton just treated everyone equally, the great magician probably just wanted to find someone to chat with.

But she really only has these two friends.

This little lady made her possessive for the first time.

Such a precious existence, it would be terrible if her two partners were not protected.

Not only that, but the discriminating eye also saw something else...

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about these sad things." "Actually, the three of us have eaten at Bolton's house, and we really can't eat these things. Just follow your own appetite."

Jennifer's thoughts were interrupted by Hazel. Normally, he would have been angry, but he showed extraordinary patience towards this little lady.

Even watching Hazel reach out to her again, Jennifer even lowered her head so that her hand could touch her cockscomb.


"Snake, it's poisonous, don't touch it."

Xiao Ruoruo and Alger looked at Hazel and Jennifer mingling with disbelief.

Hazel was still the weak little lady, but Jennifer was a terrifying monster that instantly killed both of them.

They stared at this scene blankly, fearing that Jennifer would eat Hazel in one bite in the next second.

The small arm looked like a stick under Jennifer's size.

Xie Ming: "Oh."

"Then I'll start cutting. Little miss, you'd better retreat out of the door."

"Because my magic is always used to destroy opponents, I have never tried to restrain it."

After hearing this, Hazel took a dozen steps back, but Jennifer was still not satisfied and directly carried Hazel back to the center of the tulip field outside the tower.

"Thank you."

Hazel was a little uncomfortable with Jennifer's sudden concern. She was just cutting meat, so there was no need to be three to five kilometers away from the kitchen.

Jennifer is a strong-level monster after all. The magic range is only a few hundred meters at most. Isn't this a bit overkill?


"Shield of wind."

Unexpectedly, Jennifer still felt uneasy after moving to this distance.

He flapped his wings and released the wind magic and wind shield technique to build a structure between Hazel and the tower.

After Jennifer finished setting up the shield, Xiao Ruoruo and Alger also rushed over.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ruoruo added a water shield technique after the wind shield technique.

Hazel won't be able to deal with it this time. She won't have any misunderstandings about the strong level.

However, this is all the concern of her partners and Jennifer, there is nothing much to say.


"You protect the little lady, I will cut the meat."

Jennifer flapped her wings and headed straight for the tower.

Watching Jennifer walk away, Xiao Ruoruo tugged Hazel's arm and asked nervously:


"What conditions have you negotiated? This personality change is too big."

"If you want to sacrifice yourself to protect us, I don't agree."

In Xiao Ruoruo's view, Jennifer was a greedy and hopeless businessman, which made her immediately guess Hazel's bargaining chip.

"How is it possible? If he really wants to take action, the three of us won't be able to feed him alone."

"Maybe it's because he was too wary of us at first. After all, he was attacked by an alchemist."

"You see, his change is because he met Bolton. Maybe he was always like this."

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