Beasts start from stone

Chapter 184 Hobbies

Naturally, the shopkeeper would not treat the guests in vain, so he immediately stated his request.

"Can I let Xiao Yu'er stay with my daughter?"

Looking at the arrogant shopkeeper, Xu Qingge couldn't help but have black lines in his head.

"Hey, Auntie, don't you think pet beasts are dangerous?"

Although it is great that the shop owner trusts Xiao Ruoruo so much, it is too...

"Although I'm not a beast master, I can still tell that your little Yu'er is a good boy."

"Ruo Ruo~"

Xiao Ruoruo felt a little embarrassed when she heard someone praising herself.

"Then, Xiao Ruoruo, you have to be careful."

"Ruo Ruo~"


Seeing his daughter extending her chubby hand again, the shop owner couldn't help but smile back.

Xu Qingge casually found a seat and sat down, while the shop owner on the side raised a new question:

"Is that blue fire pumpkin also your pet?"

The shop owner pointed to the blue fire pumpkin following Xiao Ruoruo's tail.

"Eh? Auntie, how do you know Blue Fire Pumpkin?"

"Because it's famous? I know some common pet beasts."

Indeed, Blue Fire Pumpkin is one of those popular pet beasts that breaks through the circle, and it is normal for non-beast masters to recognize it.

Xu Qingge, who was sitting in her seat, felt reserved for the first time, and her eyes glanced towards the bookshelf.

"The Way of the Winner", "Mortal Suffering"...

Just by looking at the name, it wasn't a book that she would be interested in, and more than that, there wasn't even a book that seemed to be related to beast control.

Is it really because I favor the home team...

The sun shone into the coffee shop, and the aroma of coffee entered Xu Qingge's nose.

Although it was still early, there were already two or three customers in the store, all of whom seemed to be students.

The books placed next to them remained untouched. After all, they just borrowed a place to order the cheapest cup of coffee and enjoy the tranquility of the book café.

As for books, what better reading material is there than textbooks?
The shopkeeper casually took his hand from the counter, and the menu gently fell in front of Xu Qingge.

【Apple Cinnamon】

【Bamboo fragrant orange】


It doesn't even look like the name of coffee. Although I have never drunk coffee, Xu Qingge's impression of coffee should be latte, mocha or something like that.

"what do you want to drink?"

The shopkeeper stretched out her slender fingers and made preparations. Although it was a treat, she didn't want to be perfunctory.

"Auntie, I haven't had any coffee. Can you just prepare some?"

Xu Qingge was quite polite. He should have known what he said.

"I've never had coffee before, so how about trying this one?"

The shop owner turned to the second side of the menu, and Xu Qingge discovered that there was another article behind it.

It's just that the price is twice as high as the price on the table.

"Auntie, this is not good. And what is written behind it, foam divination?"

With Xu Qingge's consumption level, it is difficult to accept a cup of coffee worth seventy gold, because she has a bad impression of divination because of a certain person.

"Little girl, don't you believe this kind of thing?"

The owner's tone didn't change.

Xu Qingge never believed these arguments, and he never even forwarded them like koi.

But in other people's stores, Xu Qingge couldn't say anything.

Seeing that the customer didn't respond for a long time, the shop owner started the coffee machine and began to explain his opinion: "Actually, I don't believe this either. After all, from birth to now, nothing has been obtained through divination."

"Divination is just something to talk about after dinner. In the high-stress life of modern times, people need a way to vent their emotions."

"Everyone has different ways of relieving stress. Mine is divination."

"When you encounter difficulties in relationships, career difficulties, or low points in life, you need a source of strength."

“Because I am confused about the future, I use this to give myself inspiration.”

"In my opinion, divination is just a form of entertainment. It's like how people travel and watch movies now."

The shopkeeper put his slender fingers on Xu Qingge's shoulders, squeezed her muscles, and said:

"I guess you should often lie in bed and look at your phone."

"This...but the price?"

Xu Qingge hesitated for a moment. What the other party said was indeed reasonable, but the price was a bit too expensive.

"I told you I'm treating you. This is your coffee, macchiato."

Looking at the cup of bland coffee, Xu Qingge took a slow sip. The delicate and sweet milk foam diluted the bitterness of the espresso. It was indeed top quality.

71 cups. Xu Qingge’s hand holding the coffee cup trembled slightly. Her food expenses for a day may not be [-].

In the aroma of coffee, the shopkeeper read out the results of the divination:

"You are a kind-hearted and smart child, but sometimes you are misunderstood by others."

"No matter how hard you try to refute, it's hard for anyone to believe what you say, so you just need to keep it as it is."

"What needs special attention is that because you yearn for the sky, you will always have a blind pursuit."

"But as long as you stick to your consistent beliefs, when the bird breaks out of its shell, it will take you ninety thousand miles."

"Sounds like it's about beast control?"

Xu Qingge sipped his coffee and began to think about the meaning of this paragraph.

The shopkeeper shook his head and responded:

"This passage is meaningless. In other words, it just tells you to stick to yourself and not think too much."

"I think everyone will be misunderstood to some extent. Instead of explaining yourself, why not make some achievements?"

Xu Qingge also understood what the store owner meant. This paragraph could apply to everyone, so it was meaningless to analyze it.

However, after hearing the shop owner's explanation, his worries about his title of "Devil King" eased a lot.

"Is this a stress release? Thank you, Auntie."

Xu Qingge drank the coffee in his hand and felt a hundred times more energetic.

"That's not true. You feel energetic only because you drank coffee."

The shop owner looked at Xu Qingge with a smile. This little girl is a bit cute.

Not only is she cute, but her personality is also very cute. No one should say bad things to her. Her divination skills still need to be improved.

"Mom~Mom~Xiaoyu'er~is thirsty~"

Although the baby's voice is subtle, it cannot escape the store manager's ears.

She simply removed the seat opposite Xu Qingge and replaced it with a stroller.


"Ruo Ruo~"

"My precious daughter~ Do you want Xiao Yu'er to experience divination?"


The little baby waved his chubby little hand, seeming to agree with his mother.

"This is too expensive."

"Anyway, I opened this cafe just to find something to do, and I don't need this little money."

After saying that, the shopkeeper got busy at the counter.

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