Beasts start from stone

Chapter 146 Luoyi’s new pet beast?

Red cactus is a plant in desert areas. It likes wind and fears humidity. It generally needs to be placed in a well-ventilated environment. It only needs to be watered and fertilized once half a month to a month.

This is the reason why Xu Yanqing placed the red cactus on the high platform. First, it is flush with the window to facilitate ventilation. Second, the water will not be accidentally sprinkled on it, and the water can be sprinkled quantitatively together at the end.

Seeing that the water in the red cactus basin had exceeded the appropriate amount, Xu Yanqing burst into anxious tears.

These five pots were his own collection. Although he would not sell them, it would be a bit painful to destroy them.

Xu Qingge pulled Xiao Ruoruo's fin and asked quietly:

"Xiao Ruoruo, can you draw the water out of the soil?"

"Ruo Ruo~"

How could this stump it.

Under Xu Yanqing's gaze, Xiao Ruoruo drew out the water from the five red cactus pots and placed them in the bubbles.

After experiencing such ups and downs, Xu Yanqing felt that she still didn't like the pet beast.

"Xiao Ge, you and Xiao Yu'er go out to play. Grandpa needs to take a nap."

After saying that, Xu Yanqing pushed Xiao Ruoruo and Xu Qingge out of the door.

Xu Qingge's heart has not calmed down for a long time. She did not do this well enough.

"If Ruo..."

Xu Qingge touched Xiao Ruoruo's head.

"Xiao Ruoruo, this is not your fault."

The house was empty, Xu Yi should have gone out.

Xu Qingge returned to a small room between the first and second floors, where she originally lived.

But for her now, the room was a bit low. When she stretched out her hand, she could touch the ceiling even without straightening her arms.

However, the space is still quite large. After putting down the bed, you can even place a desk and a stool with a backrest.

Xu Qingge lay on the bed and clicked on the news section of Guangbo. When she was in Zangluo City, she had no intention of reading the news in Guangbo.

Apart from deleting a few ads, only Luoyi sent two messages to himself.

[Qing Ge, studying abroad is so painful. How are you doing lately? 】

[I’m here, I’m here, I’m here].

The time shows the first day of Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day.

Xu Qingge remembered that at that time, he was obsessed with archery competitions, and later in the car, he just talked about his grandfather to Xiao Ruoruo, without looking at his phone at all.

She quickly replied:

[I just came back from Zangluo City and am now in my hometown. How are you doing lately? 】

After waiting for about 5 minutes, Luo Yi responded to the message.

【Zangluo City?Zangluo Mountains?Are you crazy? Aren’t the Zangluo Mountains a Class B dangerous area?After going to that kind of place, Xiao Linglong evolved? 】

Xu Qingge's heart skipped a beat. She could already feel Luo Yi going crazy for her on the other side of the screen.

It is really unreasonable for me, a beastmaster who is not even C-level, to venture into a B-level dangerous place.

The danger level of dangerous places is similar to that of ruins. Both require the beast master level +1 to be safe.

Xu Qingge quickly found a reliable excuse to excuse himself.

[No, no, how dare I go to the Zangluo Mountains? Isn’t Yu Jin’s hometown Zangluo City? 】

[I checked online and found that Zangluo held a bow and arrow competition during the National Day, so I went to check it out. Look, I saw the fire-horned goat, which is unique to foreign countries, at the bow and arrow competition. 】

Xu Qingge flipped through the photo album. Fortunately, she took a photo while waiting in line.

[Look, there’s also a star-rising snake. 】

[However, Xiao Ruoruo evolved inexplicably while I was sleeping. 】Xu Qingge's excuse was not lame. You Jin did talk about the situation in her hometown, and Luo Yi didn't doubt it.

As for Xiao Ruoruo's evolution, Luo Yi was a little surprised.

Although Xu Qingge was in a similar situation to himself, both had a pet beast that couldn't fight, but this inexplicable situation was a bit intriguing.

Luoyi: [You used the prize money from the competition to buy the spiked coral?How is the breeding of the small pointed fish going? 】

Xu Qingge was shocked. Xiao Ruoruo's new evolved form was indeed a bit difficult to explain.

Xu Qingge: [This, Yiyi, just wait. 】

"Xiao Ruoruo, come here, pose and let Yiyi see you now."

"Ruo Ruo~"

This was the first time for Xiao Ruoruo to take such a formal photo, and it felt a little uncomfortable. It thought for a while and used its two fins to hold up the two blisters.

Although I wanted to pose for a photo, it was really difficult to pose like this, so it looked silly.

Because Xu Qingge's room is dark, the photos are also a bit dark.

When she saw Xiao Ruoruo for the first time, Luo Yi couldn't see clearly and could only roughly see the outline. She laughed out loud, alarming Hong Bao'er next to her.

Luo Yi: [Qingge, what on earth did you feed to make the little pointed fish so fat? 】

【and many more? 】

After taking another careful look, Luo Yi saw clearly what Xiao Ruoruo looked like now.

Luo Yi: [This is not a small pointed fish at all, I remember that there is a signature black line on the side of the small pointed fish. 】

[Qing Ge, have you cultivated a new form? ? ? 】

Xiaoxiaoyu is one of the two miscellaneous fishes in Longhua. Anyone who is a beast master of Longhua Kingdom will probably know its name and its evolved form.

Xiao Ruoruo's flower color and body shape indicate that it is a new evolutionary type.

Xu Qingge couldn't think of any reason, so he could only change the topic.

[Yes, by the way, has your Hongbao'er found an evolution goal? 】

Although Hongbaoer is an expensive pet with practical instincts, no one has researched its B-level evolutionary form.

Experimental samples are not easy to find because they are expensive.

Speaking of this, Luo Yi also frowned. There was nothing she could do about Hong Baoer's evolved form.

[There is currently little research on psychic beasts in the world.I asked Senior Tianle, but even she didn’t have any good ideas. 】

[However, I also have a second pet beast now. After Xiao Linglong solves the evolution problem, how about we play a 2 vs. 2 game? 】

It's not surprising that Luoyi has a second pet beast. The red rabbit is not good at fighting. It is really inconvenient for Luoyi to have no main pet.

Xu Qingge was curious about what Luo Yi's second pet beast was.

[Yiyi, what is your second pet beast? 】

Luo Yi: [guess what?If you can’t guess it, just keep it as a surprise for the next time we meet. 】

After Luo Yi said this, Xu Qingge could only guess. Judging from Luo Yi and the pet beasts he mentioned, there are many kinds:

[Xiang Tianque?Ren water snake?Sharp dace carp? 】

Xu Qingge's only response was a series of ellipses from Luo Yi.

Luo Yi's head was full of black lines. His best friend must have overestimated himself.

She looked at the pet egg in her arms and replied helplessly:
[Please, how long have we been apart? Where did I get this C-level pet ╮(ω)╭. 】

She had only gotten this pet egg not long ago, and she had just been able to detect her heartbeat.

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