Beasts start from stone

Chapter 128 You sit at the children’s table

By the time Xu Qingge and the others put away the lamp stand, the sun was already high in the sky.

This was not because the pet beasts that had not dispersed were causing trouble. The pet beasts scattered and fled as soon as Ba Shihua revealed a little bit of power.

The problem is that it takes more effort to pull out an iron rod that's stuck deep in the ground than it is to poke it in.

By the time the group packed up their things and returned to the Zangluo settlement, the elderly and children who stayed in the village had already bent down and were ready to welcome them.

They were not idle when the sacrificial team went out.I walked around Zangluo City and bought a lot of fruits and vegetables to reward people who had been hungry for a long time.

This time, three tables were set up for the banquet with great fanfare, and the dishes were exactly the same.

The dough with chopped mushrooms is baked steaming hot.

Cut the dough into wide pieces and put it into the oil pan. Fry until fragrant and then wrap it in brown sugar to lock in the aroma.

There is also a big bucket of ancient yogurt and a big bucket of rice.

Except for the rice, they were all unique ethnic foods of the Tibetan people that Xu Qingge had never seen before.

After seeing Lin Hexi sit down, Xu Qingge also sat down next to Lin Hexi.

Tibetan people don't pay attention to trivial matters such as sitting for the host and the guest, and the position of the seats, but what happened next made her a little unpredictable.

"Here comes the Li Zhu wine."

An old Tibetan woman stood behind Xu Qingge with a pot of clear wine and asked:
"Little girl, how old are you?"

Xu Qingge had just sat down and when someone asked him something, he turned around and answered.

"Huh? I'm fifteen?"

After hearing Xu Qingge's reply, the old woman pointed to another table, where there were Tibetan children.

"It seems that only Longhua people can drink. Do you want to sit at that table?"

Xu Qingge sniffed his nose. The liquid in the old woman's hand gave off a clear and intoxicating smell. It looked like it must be wine.

National diets are actually part of the investigation of zoologists. Some pet animals only appear in certain ethnic groups, so naturally they cannot be ignored.

If Xu Qingge came of age, she would definitely give it a try, but it was a pity that this bottle of wine could not wait for her for three years.

Seeing Xu Qingge move his position, Lin Hexi tapped Gongsun Yu with his toes:

"You also go to the children's table."

As Gongsun Yu was Lin Hexi's closed student, it was impossible for Lin Hexi not to know that Gongsun Yu was an adult. After hearing what the teacher said, she was naturally a little surprised:

"Teacher, I am over eighteen."

"Huh? But you are the only child at this table now."

This is of course an impeccable reason
Gongsun Yu looked around. The people at this table were all old people in their sixties. Lin Hexi even looked the youngest. He felt a little out of place sitting among this group of people.

After understanding Lin Hexi's kindness, Gongsun Yu shook the cup, took a small glass of Li Zhu wine, tasted it carefully for two sips, and then drank it all.

It has a refreshing bamboo flavor and a refreshing aftertaste. It tastes like a gentle sweetness. It doesn't look like wine at all.

"It's similar to a certain cocktail that's labeled as tipsy. If they taste like bamboo, that's how it should feel, too?"

After finishing the Li Zhu wine, Gongsun Yu made some comments, then took his own tableware and chair and moved to the table where Xu Qingge was sitting.

Seeing Gongsun Yu moving over, Xu Qingge impatiently poked the yogurt mixed rice in his bowl, and after swallowing the last bite, he said:
"Sister Yu, try this."

Hot rice and frozen cold thick yogurt were served in two large buckets. Xu Qingge initially thought that yogurt was a dessert.

But she watched the children on the table eating like this and started eating too.

Seeing that Xu Qingge ate delicious food, Gongsun Yu also followed suit, but after one bite, she couldn't stop.

"Huh?" The taste was a little strange at first. The sweet and sour taste shouldn't appear on rice, but it was indeed delicious.

After finishing the two buckets, Xu Qingge and Gongsun Yu's bowls only had thin yogurt marks scratched by the spoons. As ladies, they would never lick the bowls, never!

Isn’t this pasta?

Xu Qingge was so full that she couldn't eat anything else. She put down her chopsticks and looked at the table of pet animals.

The four little birds were already standing on the stool to eat. The scale snake ate itself into a red stick, and the night horned lizard half-squinted its eyes and fell into a half-dream.

The six pet beasts probably couldn't eat as much as one person.

Only Xiao Ruoruo and Ba Shihua were still fighting for the remaining food on the table. Judging from the eating speed, they had no impact at all.

This made Xu Qingge shed tears of envy. Sometimes eating too much is not necessarily a bad thing.

Xu Qingge touched her belly. In fact, she only ate a bowl of rice and a little pasta.

Seeing that Xiao Ruoruo was rarely able to open his belly, Xu Qingge couldn't bear to call it to train at this time.

But does Xiao Ruoruo really need to supervise herself?Xu Qingge looked at the two blisters beside Xiao Ruoruo and fell into deep thought.

It actually doesn't forget to exercise even while eating.

Obviously, Xiao Ruoruo's eyes were always staring at the dinner plate, and she was holding a spoon.What is it using to control the blisters?Caudal fin?Dorsal fin?

It's good for your pet to be able to exercise independently, but this kind of self-control is obviously not what a C-level pet should have.

Xu Qingge stared at the blisters formed by Xiao Ruoruo, not daring to blink for a moment. He slowly fumbled for his phone, intending to record this precious scene.

Xiao Ruoruo's eating speed had not reached the limit. Ba Shihua slowed down her eating speed, but Xiao Ruoruo's fins did not stop at all.

As the eating speed increased, the shape of the blisters began to become more and more unstable.

Xu Qingge's hands were sweating, and the energy of the blisters was increasing. Fortunately, Xiao Ruoruo was surrounded by higher-level beasts. The blisters were not an attack move, so it didn't matter even if they were opened.

However, the rest of the matter was far beyond Xu Qingge's expectations.

The blisters changed, but didn't burst.

Her eyes widened and she was poking on the stool like a wooden stake, but her phone faithfully recorded the scene.

One side of the bubble sunk and overlapped with the other side, like a gourd. Then he scooped up the mushroom soup and poured it into his mouth.

The movements were silky and smooth, and the mushroom soup didn't even splatter a drop of oil.

Xu Qingge was happy and worried.

Xiao Ruoruo had just finished two blisters into a stable spherical shape last night. Because of the night exploration, she didn't even think about the next training process.

In the end, it was just a matter of grabbing food. Could Xiao Ruoruo be able to perfectly transform the blisters?What he did just now, if he hadn't scooped up the mushroom soup, wouldn't have been perfect.

"Xiao Ruoruo, you are really a genius."

Xu Qingge's voice startled Xiao Ruoruo, and the blisters burst, but they were all caught by Ba Shihua.

She quickly ran to Xiao Ruoruo's side and watched the video again for him.


It was when she drank the mushroom soup just now that Xiao Ruoruo discovered that she could control the deformation of the blisters.

And that wasn't even a momentary potential. Xiao Ruoruo stretched out his fins and condensed a water bubble. The water bubble repeatedly transformed between the scoop and the ball, like using his arm fingers.


Everyone is having a great time during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Remember to make sure the children don’t drink. There is another chapter in the evening.

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