Beasts start from stone

Chapter 123 Round Bamboo Frog

This is the case with the ancient Tibetan people. If you have done something for them, they will also want to do something for you.

Although Xu Qingge suffered a lot in the Zangluo Mountains, there were no scars on his body.This is all thanks to the medicine given by Laba.


Solang's stone house is wide but low.

The poor tyrant flower was too big to squeeze into the house, so he had to stand as a sentinel outside the door.

In order to prevent it from being lonely, other pet animals also stayed with it outside the house.

As the only A-level in the team, its acuity is also the highest in the team.It soon discovered a group of black and white beasts approaching here.

Although the opponent is only C-level, there are fifteen or six of them, and they move in groups. This kind of pet beast group is even more threatening.


In the group of pet beasts, some pet beasts naturally discovered the existence of Ba Shihua.

Although they were wary, they still came closer.



The two sides were at war with each other, and the war was about to begin.

The people in the back room heard the trivial sounds outside and came out of the house.Solan knew what was going on at a glance:
"Oh, don't start fighting."

He looked at Prime Minister Lin Hexi and said:
"I advise your children, these little monkeys are here to help me loosen the soil."

That group of pet beasts were snow-tailed monkeys that Xu Qingge had seen, but they should be different from the ones he had seen before, because there were no pure white individuals in this group of monkeys.

"Your child" naturally refers to Ba Shihua.

"Loose soil?"

Xu Qingge was a little curious. In her eyes, shouldn't loosening the soil be something only pet animals like earthworms can do?
"You will soon know how capable these children are. If it weren't for them, the soil above would freeze to death in the winter, and there would be no way to plant anything in time next spring.

You should stay away, there will be quite a lot of movement when loosening the soil. "


After receiving the monkey king's promise, the snow-tailed monkeys swarmed up and rushed onto the roof of the stone house. They used their tails as shovels to dig up the soil on the house.

Tubers, flowers, roots, bugs, and anything else that could fit into their mouths were eaten clean by them.

And broken pieces of soil were constantly being thrown around the house.

"Haha, why don't we go to the bamboo forest first? They seem to be quite busy."

Facing Solang's proposal, the three of them naturally had no objections, and they were also quite interested in the pet beast they wanted to see.

Under the leadership of Suo Lang, everyone came to a bamboo forest.

"In our days, when we were cutting down bamboo to make furniture, a frog would pop out of the bamboo when we struck it with an axe. We didn't know what happened until Xiao Lin came, otherwise we would have thought that the frog was born from the bamboo."

As Solan spoke, he pointed to a bamboo joint with a hole:
"Look here, the water is coming out."

Seeing the wound on the bamboo, Xu Qingge understood:
"It must have been bitten by an insect-type pet.

Those relatively large wounds tend to accumulate rainwater, the Bailong River is too fast to lay eggs, and the distance to Zangluo Tears is too far for the frog-shaped pet beast.

So they choose to lay their eggs here? "

After hearing Xu Qingge's answer, Lin Hexi nodded. It was not difficult to think of this, so she asked:
"If that's the case, what do they eat?"

"There must be some organic matter in the bamboo joints."

Gongsun Yu rushed to answer, asking Xu Qingge to answer all the time doesn’t mean she didn’t learn well.Xu Qingge knew that the questions Lin Hexi asked every time were not so simple, but she really couldn't guess what they were:
"Besides organic matter, what else can there be? Insects that chew up bamboo joints?"

"Xiao Ling, you cut the bamboo joints along this line."

Lin Hexi took out a small knife and cut thin marks on the bamboo joints.

Seeing this, the Yan-scaled snake used its tail to draw along the thin mark, and a gap was cut out of the bamboo.

You can just see the raindrop tadpoles inside, the unhatched eggs, and another frog that is different from the raindrop frog - the round bamboo frog.

This frog is exactly round when viewed from top to bottom, and because it lives in bamboo, it was named the round bamboo frog by the zoologist who first discovered it.

The abdomen of the raindrop tadpole is transparent, so Xu Qingge and Gongsun Yu can naturally see what the raindrop tadpole eats.

The color of the raindrop tadpole's belly is exactly the same as the color of the unhatched egg next to it.

"Ugh." Thinking of this, Xu Qingge felt lucky that he didn't have breakfast.

"Teacher, you wouldn't say that they eat the eggs of the same race." Gongsun Yu had seen slightly more things than Xu Qingge and held back his uncomfortable feeling.

"What's all the fuss about? This is specially prepared by the Round Bamboo Frog for the Dripping Rain Tadpole.

Round bamboo frogs can catch bugs at night and then pass on their energy in this way. Don’t you think this is a very touching thing? "

Lin Hexi grabbed a round bamboo frog and put it on the back of his hand, and started teaching the two of them.

"Originally, we all thought that after the Dripping Rain Tadpole evolved into the Round Bamboo Frog, the only way to get out was to use moves to break the bamboo.

But in fact, there is no damage to this bamboo forest except for the bamboo whose scales have just broken. "

Xu Qingge was good at comparing the thickness of the round bamboo frog, and then casually compared the width of the wormholes on several bamboos.She found that the shape of the round bamboo frog was smaller than the gaps in the bamboo, so she said:
"The round bamboo frog should be able to pass through most wormholes in bamboo."

“Actually, the difference between the Round Bamboo Frog and the Raindrop Frog is that it also has a grass type.

The instinct of the round bamboo frog is to let the bamboo grow again. They will control the size of their nests and leave a smell that only the round bamboo frog can judge.

Determine whether there are other dwellings in the cave based on its age. "

After Lin Hexi added, he put the round bamboo frog back into the nest and also put back the broken piece of bamboo.

Under the gaze of the four people, the bamboo cut by the Yan Scale Snake grew together with the original bamboo joints. Except for some burnt black marks on the outer skin, it could not be seen that it had been cut at all.

Seeing Professor Lin Hexi finish the course, Suo Lang said:
"Now go back and see what those children made of their stone houses."

The four of them returned to the stone hut where they started, only to see that the surroundings were in a mess, not only the soil, but also the monkey hair left by the snow-tailed monkeys fighting.

Seeing Suolang coming back, the snow-tailed monkey king called out "chirp", and the snow-tailed monkeys began to pick up soil and throw it on the stone house.

It was inevitable that things like moss would be mixed in, but Suolan was not impatient and stopped the three of them. After the snow-tailed monkeys had finished throwing away the soil, he began to explain to the three of them.

“Snow-tailed monkeys are very territorial.

The mountain gods of Wufeng will drive away individuals that may threaten it, but the monkeys that follow this individual will also go with it, so there are groups of snow-tailed monkeys all over the mountains and plains.

These kids had nowhere to go, so I built this house when I was young, and these snow-tailed monkeys come twice a year.

Eat those plants in the fall, leave some to store in the winter, and then sow new ones in the spring. This is how you can continue your activities. "

Xu Qingge asked boldly:
"Grandpa Suolang, won't this make you feel noisy?"

"Noisy? These kids are helping us keep an eye on the Stylish Bear and the Golden Feathered Eagle. So what if we get noisier?"

Suolang replied with a smile, the snow-tailed monkeys have formed a symbiotic relationship with the ancient Tibetan people, and no one can live comfortably without them.

This chapter is a bit heavy-duty. If there are many readers who don't like it, I will reduce the description of this part in the future.

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