After Senior Yi said this, Sheng Hongyi broke into a cold sweat.

This may seem like an ordinary statement, but it is terrifying if you think about it carefully.

What does this mean? Sheng Hongyi completely understood.

It means that Shenmu "ate" Qingsuo.

It is the kind that is completely "eaten" and not even the soul is left.

Still silent and undetected.

So terrible!

Thinking of this, Sheng Hongyi looked at Xunmu outside and felt that it was tainted with a terrifying and ferocious aura, as if man-eating monsters could jump out of those branches anytime and anywhere.

Think about what she did as soon as she entered Qinglong Tomb?

Sheng Hongyi couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. She was really fearless and unsuspecting.

However, she did it, and after thinking about the process, something strange suddenly flowed through her heart.

She always felt that the Xunmu she faced was not as powerful as the senior said.

Why did such a powerful sacred tree look a little "pretentious" in her hands?

Although she couldn't talk about using Xunmu to hit wherever she wanted, she thought that she had done a good job of using Xunmu's "waste".

Could this be her imagination?

Or is it that the green dragon called Qingsuo is too weak?

As soon as this idea came up, Sheng Hongyi rejected it.

A true divine beast, no matter how weak it is, has a minimum threshold.

This is the lowest threshold that ordinary beings may not be able to cross in their lifetime.

Furthermore, the Qinglong Tomb is so important to the Qinglong clan, how could the sacred beast sent to protect the Qinglong Tomb be weak?

Therefore, a lot of things must have happened after this.

Let the strength of Qinglongzhong and Shenmu weaken each other?

Sheng Hongyi analyzed each one calmly, her ears perked up, and she listened quietly to Senior Yi's continued words.

"When the sacred tree did this, the Qinglong clan was furious, so they went to the tomb to drive it away."

"It was only then that they discovered that something had changed."

"The original wood spirit of the sacred tree was named Xun Zhen Zhen. Since its transformation, it has always liked to wear white clothes. It has a simple and harmless personality and does not like the world."

"However, Xun Zhen Zhen in Qinglong Tomb likes to wear black clothes, and his temperament is completely different from the past."

If it weren't for the fact that Xun Zhen's aura had not changed, and that as a wood spirit, he had a strong affinity with the divine tree, Senior Yi would be the first to suspect that Xun Zhen had been murdered!

Sheng Hongyi frowned, Xun Zhenzhen?

She couldn't help but touch her heart. For some reason, when she heard the name, something strange suddenly flashed across her heart.

They were thin, but seemed to have countless strands, tugging at her heart bit by bit.

She took a long breath and forced herself to calm down. She silently recited the three words "Xunzhenzhenzhen", trying her best to feel the different feeling that was slowly passing by.

In fact, this strange feeling was so slight that it suddenly reminded her of the time when she saw Bai Lian.

When she saw Jingke, she naturally felt different from what she felt now. At that time, a strong sense of familiarity mixed with complex emotions came over her face, and it even made her feel tearful.

At this point, it was so subtle that if she didn't observe it carefully, she might just ignore it.

But she suddenly had such an association.

This was the first time, and it also attracted Sheng Hongyi's attention.

Maybe this was a hint from her intuition?

Sheng Hongyi had to consider whether this Xunzhenzhen had an old relationship with Heilian.

After the reincarnation of Black Lotus, the current Sheng Hongyi can still feel something, no matter how subtle it is, that cannot be underestimated.

It shows that there are always traces of seeking truth deep in her soul.

She suddenly thought that it was so easy to build a tree house before. Why?

Is it one thing for Qingxuan to help?

But now it seems that Qingxuan is no longer able to protect himself, and even wants to use her to escape. So even if it helps her, how much can it help?

She recalled the commanding feeling she had felt when building her treehouse.

Even when she tested the divine tree at first, the divine tree did not attack her.

Seeking truth?

Could it be true as she thought? It even recognized her!

"Senior, just because Xunmu's Wood Spirit has changed drastically and the color of the clothes he likes to wear has changed, do you think it has mutated? Isn't this too hasty?"

Sheng Hongyi thought this sounded harsh.

A sacred tree finally mutated, which means it turned into an evil spirit. What result is waiting for it?

Evil spirits can be found and killed by everyone without any responsibility for cause and effect.

As for the word "evil spirit", Sheng Hongyi had already heard it from Senior Yi and Qingxuan.

Xun Zhen Zhen, how could it end like this?

Sheng Hongyi felt strong unwillingness in her heart.

Senior Yi paused, as if he did not expect that Sheng Hongyi would take the initiative to speak. Qingxuan couldn't help but raise his eyes and take a look at Sheng Hongyi. This girl is very scheming and always hides all bad things in her heart. Rarely revealed.

She suddenly spoke, and although the words sounded fine, they felt a bit strange.

But Qingxuan looked at Sheng Hongyi carefully, and there was no special expression on the other person's face. He even smiled and nodded at it, but it felt that he was thinking too much.

No way, if a little golden elixir monk can have anything to do with the sacred tree, it must be crazy.

Senior Yi did not pause for too long. Like Qingxuan, he probably had a doubt in his heart. Like Qingxuan, he felt that he was overthinking.

No matter how powerful Sheng Hongyi is, her cultivation and age are at stake here.

She will not be related to the sacred tree in any way, and there is no way for her to be connected to the sacred tree.

"Of course it's impossible for us to believe that Shenmu's temperament has changed drastically just because of the Qinglong clan's one-sided words."

"Actually, it's going crazy now. Not only has it copied all the souls it found, it doesn't even recognize people anymore!"

"Both I and the God of Death have known each other before."

"Especially the God of Death. We even have some friendship with it. But when we went to look for it with the relics of the God of Death, we couldn't recognize it anymore."

"It no longer recognizes me, as if it has become a soul-sucking monster without emotions. If there is one person in the world it still listens to, it is A!"

Although I felt that Sheng Hongyi's sudden question was a bit strange, Senior Yi had originally planned to inform him about the Qinglong Tomb in detail, so it was a good thing that Sheng Hongyi was interested.

The impatience in Sheng Hongyi's heart did not disappear.

Ever since she heard the name Xun Zhen Zhen, and then listened to Senior Yi and Qing Xuan's description of it, she unconsciously felt a little disgusted.

Since there was something old before, shouldn’t we wait for an opportunity to save it?

Should I just leave it here to fend for itself?

Most likely, he is an evil spirit after all.

"Senior Yi, what are you going to do? Do you want my help?"

Sheng Hongyi took the initiative to bring up this matter, with a hint of tension in her voice.

If she were to help kill Xun Zhenzhen...

Sheng Hongyi had a rare regret. She regretted summoning the white tiger to deal with Xun Mu when she came in.

If she behaved more mediocre, wouldn't she have to face this situation?

This time, Senior Yi paused for a longer time. Qingxuan suddenly raised his eyes and shot at Sheng Hongyi with sharp eyes.

Its gaze was like a torch, as if it was going to burn all of Sheng Hongyi's limbs and bones to see what was hidden in her heart. "Why do you care so much about the sacred tree?"

What Qingxuan could see was wrong, Senior Yi could see it even more clearly. After all, Sheng Hongyi was not someone else, and Senior Yi had a certain foundation of trust with her.

Therefore, Senior Yi did not use any probing tricks and simply asked straight away.

Sheng Hongyi could withstand Qing Xuan's gaze, and her friendship was extensive, so she would not tell the truth to Qing Xuan.

But this question was asked by a senior. She thought about it and finally answered:

"Maybe it's because the senior mentioned that the sacred tree has an old relationship with the God of Death, and Fen Xie, the God of Killer, is now here with me, so I can't help but feel some pity."

"The God of Death has disappeared from this world, and there are fewer and fewer traces of him. I can't help but pay more attention to the people who are related to him. I believe that Fen Xie also misses his old master in this way!"

She originally wanted to find an excuse to make things right, but when she talked about this matter, Sheng Hongyi felt vague emotions that did not belong to her flowing through her heart.

She "caught" it with sharp eyesight and quick hands, with a hint of gratitude and recognition.

She raised her eyebrows slightly and touched the Heaven and Earth Baht. They had actually transformed into the Burning Evil Divine Sword, but shrunk to the size of a thumb.

When Sheng Hongyi touched it, a scorching warmth mixed with joy and gratitude became more and more obvious.

Sheng Hongyi understood that this was Fen Xie's mood.

It heard what she said and recognized it.

Sheng Hongyi narrowed her eyes slightly, and when she opened them again, she was even more determined.

From the beginning, she knew the origin of Fen Xie. From the moment she accepted it, she also accepted its past.

Sheng Hongyi may not be easy to get along with outsiders, but her "magnanimity" in the matter of burning evil surprised even Ji Mu.

You must know that the Heaven and Earth Baht is the natal magic weapon, and Fen Xie uses the Heaven and Earth Baht as his body. In a certain sense, it has also become Sheng Hongyi's natal magic weapon.

How could this be possible for an old thing that still misses its old owner in its heart?

But Sheng Hongyi didn't think so.

She had never seen the God of Death, but she was moved by the master-servant relationship between the God of Death and Fen Xie.

Being chosen by the Killing God, there was a "force" to accept the burning evil.

However, it was precisely because Fen Xie felt nostalgic that Sheng Hongyi gradually became willing to let the Baht of Heaven and Earth become its body.

A loving and righteous baby, it will not betray the God of Death, nor will it betray her in the future.

Even though Sheng Hongyi had never stopped Fen Xie from feeling nostalgic, the God of Death still left too few traces in this world.

In other words, in Fen Xie's heart, those people, things, and things that have a relationship with the God of Death are also divided into three, six or nine levels, some are likeable and some are disliked.

For example, when facing Senior Yi and Guangchang, Fen Xie had no reaction and was relatively indifferent.

Of course, there is no harm without comparison. Today, when Xun Zhenzhen's name was suddenly mentioned, Fen Xie actually took the initiative to express his closeness.

What does this mean? It means that Xun Zhenzhen left a much better impression on Fen Xie than Senior Yi and Guangchang.

Fenxie is the treasure of the God of Killing. It has its own spirituality and cannot be defined by simple hierarchy.

The God of Death has entered the divine realm, so Fenxie is comparable to a divine object.

It’s normal for such a divine creature to have its own preferences.

Fen Xie's move was undoubtedly his support for Xun Zhen.

With this said, Sheng Hongyi became more and more disbelieving that Xun Zhenzhen had turned into an evil spirit.

If it were an evil spirit, would Fen Xie still like it so much?

In this way, an idea suddenly took root in Sheng Hongyi's heart, sprouted, and eventually grew wildly.

She wants to save Shenmu, to kill the god and for herself.

She was willing to save it, she wanted to save it.

When Sheng Hongyi said this, Senior Yi didn't respond for a long time.

Sheng Hongyi could feel Senior Yi looking at him among the red beads.

Using the God of Death question, Senior Yi felt his heart skip a beat when Sheng Hongyi first mentioned this.

No matter what Sheng Hongyi said, whether it was true or false, Senior Yi would listen.

For the God of Death, in addition to the deep friendship like enemies for many years, in a corner that no one knows, deep in the heart that Senior One dares not admit, Senior One actually knows clearly that he has deep guilt for the God of Death. .

This guilt is so deep that it will be difficult to get rid of it in the future.

Because the God of Death is no longer here.

Under such circumstances, Senior Yi rarely lost interest in talking.

Qingxuan's face turned dark again at this time. He felt keenly that things were changing and might be about to change in a direction that he didn't like.

Its eyes were wide-eyed, and it got up from the ground with a bang.

It certainly didn't dare to make any mistakes against a senior.

It stared at Sheng Hongyi fiercely, and every word almost jumped out from between its teeth:

"Sheng Hongyi, do you know where this place is? You actually said good things about the sacred tree here?"

Where is this place?

This is Qinglong Tomb.

That sacred tree and its Qinglong clan are no longer at odds with each other.

Say good things about the sacred tree in front of it?

Where to put it?

This is tantamount to betrayal of it!

At first I thought she was a smart person, but I didn't expect that she was the one who did it.

When it is dead?

Even if the dragon's face approached and sprayed her face, Sheng Hongyi was not afraid.

She looked at Senior Yi and stubbornly asked for an explanation.

Just when Sheng Hongyi looked at Hong Zhuzi again, Senior One sighed softly:

"Originally, our intention was to work together to drive out the evil spirits, and then discuss how to let Qingxuan use your hand to get out. But now, since you are unwilling, the plan has to be changed again."

After finishing his words, Qingxuan looked at Hong Zhuzi angrily and roared angrily:

"I don't agree. The evil spirit must be removed. Otherwise, how will the Qinglong clan's revenge be calculated?!"

Senior Yi sneered "haha", not at all in a good tone when facing Sheng Hongyi:

"Stop yelling here! Why, you sound like you can get rid of the evil spirit alone."

"If you really have such ability, you don't need to ask for help from me."

"Since you can't handle it yourself, then let the guests do as they please! You don't have to say anything about this matter."

Qingxuan's aggressiveness aroused Senior Yi's resentment at this moment.

Qing Xuan was so angry that he fell over, really fell over. Sheng Hongyi saw the green dragon suddenly straightened up and fell down, very neatly.

She was startled. If she didn't have something more important in her heart, she would definitely want to watch the excitement. Now after listening to Senior Yi's words, Sheng Hongyi still had a lot of confusion:

"Senior Yi chose me from the beginning because I can summon the power of divine beasts?"

At this point, Senior Yi had no intention of hiding anything:


(End of this chapter)

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