She is charming

Chapter 269 Guanyin saves his father

The strip of cloth was hung on a tree branch, fluttering in the gentle wind in the mountains. Grandma Yueya gave Ren Qiaoan another ripe loquat.

"This is a loquat from the tree. Eat it and it will keep you safe." Grandma was illiterate and her eyes narrowed when she smiled, but Ren Qiaoan could feel her piety.

"Thank you."

After accepting the loquat, Ren Qiaoan thanked her. Grandma said something in dialect, but Ren Qiaoan could hear her saying: Bodhisattva bless you.

The purpose of life for people here is very pure. The man is the head of the family and earns money to support the family. When the woman reaches age, she must get married and have children. Taking care of the family allows the man to have no worries.

Ren Qiaoan looked at a long queue extending down the mountain. He didn't know much about the simple rules of life, but he could easily be satisfied.

In the afternoon, Ren Qiaoan took a nap on the rocking chair in the yard. In her dream, she always felt that Zhou Chu was around her. She vividly remembered that her front teeth were knocked out by her father and the scene where Zhou Chu took care of her changed to the crescent moon. Grandma asked her to seek marriage, but Ren Qiaoan gave up the marriage to Yao Ruojun and Xixi.

An unknown bird call in the forest woke Ren Qiaoan from his sleep.

Thinking of Yao Ruojun and Xi Xi, she remembered that she hadn't turned on her mobile phone to contact the outside world for a long time. Ren Qiaoan took out her mobile phone and turned it on. Crazy messages exploded on WeChat. Everyone who knew her from top to bottom was asking where she was.

Ren Qiaoan clicked on the chat box to read the messages, but there was no response to any of them. When she saw Wang Siyue checking in every morning and asking her: How are you feeling today, Ren Qiaoan laughed out loud.

She seemed to be afraid that something would happen to her, but she never bothered her.

Below is Yao Ruojun who she is thinking about. Yao Ruojun sent her a video. In the video, Xixi and Yao Ruojun are leaning together. Her rosy face does not look like she is seriously ill at all. This is what Ren Qiaoan expected. , because she had known for a long time that Xi Xi's illness was not serious, but when she told Yao Ruojun, she deliberately said it was serious.

In the video, Yao Ruojun's eyes were bright and he told Ren Qiaoan that when he found Xixi, he had told Xixi everything truthfully. When Xixi found out about them, she had chosen to forgive him.

Ren Qiaoan pointed her finger when she saw this. She wanted to call Xixi and ask her why she forgave Yao Ruojun for being engaged to her. Didn't she mind?
But Ren Qiaoan couldn't ask, and he didn't have the position to ask why she would forgive her. His decision could not affect other people. He looked up at the loquat tree covered with red cloth on the hillside in the distance, and attributed all this to Guanyin in his heart. The empress appears.

It’s really effective.

Ren Qiaoan smiled to herself and scrolled down her phone. After everyone had read it once, the red dots on the list in the chat box were all extinguished, and the remaining people were all people who had not sent her a message during this period.

There are only two people here, Zhou Chu and Zhuge Qing.

My father, who had the most hypocritical relationship, knew how to send him a WeChat message saying he would come back when he had enough fun, but the two of them came up empty-handed.

Zhou Chu is in line. In the preview, you can see their previous voice call, but nothing else after that.

As for Zhuge Qing, in the message Wang Siyue sent her, she mentioned that Zhuge Qing knew she was here.

Zhuge Qing knew it, and her father knew it, so it made sense that they didn't "bother her."

In other words, during the period of time when she was missing, the only person who had not greeted her was Zhou Chu.

Ren Qiaoan looked at the chat box and didn't move for a long time. She slid her finger upwards and most of the chat records she saw were Zhou Chu talking. Whether it was before she was getting engaged or after he was getting engaged, Ren Qiaoan's attitude on WeChat seemed like Nothing has changed.

She still couldn't adapt to Zhou Chu's silence. Ren Qiaoan pulled away from her memories and looked at the chat history in WeChat. She thought that if someone treated her like this, she might not be able to hold on for a day.

However, separation means separation. Ren Qiaoan's hand clicked on Zhou Chu's WeChat.


Keep each other clean.


"Sister! There is a movie tonight, let's go watch it together!"

Outside the closed door, the sound of crescent moon came cheerfully. When Qiao An looked up, she realized that the sky had darkened.

"Okay, I'll be right back." Putting down the phone, Ren Qiaoan stood up, picked up a small mazaar, and followed Yue Ya towards the end of the village.Although the small village is far away from the secular world, it also has its own entertainment activities. For example, tonight there is a movie on the flat square, Ren Qiaoan is sitting with Crescent Moon holding a small Mazaar.

The weather was hot, so Ren Qiaoan generously bought several ice creams to share with them, which also caused all the children to rush towards her and eventually sit around her.

Looking at the entire small square, she was the only adult sitting at the children's table.

The movie was playing an older movie. It told the story of an inheritor of a craft who spent a lot of money to buy his grandson in order to let him inherit his legacy. However, he didn't want to be deceived. What he bought was a girl, his grandson's "teapot spout". Doesn't exist at all.

So the grandson became a worker, and the grandfather became a boss. The golden grandson who used to be doted on even if he lost all his money, now looks displeased both horizontally and vertically.

The two went through many hardships, mainly because the girl always followed her grandfather and never left him. In the end, she even sacrificed her life to save his life. The grandfather finally accepted the traditional concepts that had been abandoned for decades and accepted the girl as his granddaughter. , the movie ends with the girl’s voice, a happy ending.

It is definitely an excellent movie, it has profound meaning, and it means even more profoundly to Joanne Ren.

She may feel the same way, or she may not have been born in that feudal era. In her opinion, the sorrow of favoring sons over daughters has continued to this day and has not disappeared at all.

For example, these left-behind girls around her, such as her.

In her father's eyes, when she was not as good as his son, she lost her family and grew up like an orphan. She simply lived a good life and did not let herself become a father and daughter lost on the street for money.

Now, when he wanted to raise her as a son, she lost her future and the faith she had held on to throughout her life.

She has nothing now.

While walking back with the small mazaar, Ren Qiaoan's head kept thinking about the drama in it.

When Guanyin was still a mortal, she was a princess. The princess wanted to become a monk. The king killed many people and did many evil things. In the end, the king was judged by hell. The princess jumped into hell to save her father, and finally became an immortal.

Ren Qiaoan thought that she would never forgive her father and she could not be a good person.

In the village at night, the street lights were not so bright. Wang Siyue's house was on the edge of the village, and Ren Qiaoan was the only one left at the end.

"Hey, beauty, how about I introduce you to someone?"

She had just arrived at the door and was about to push it open when she heard a few malicious voices coming from the corner of the wall: "We think we are very close to you, how about making friends?"

Ren Qiaoan didn't even look at the person's appearance, and immediately went in and locked the door before they even came out of the corner.

A normal man would hide in front of a girl’s house at night and gang up on her?

You have to be stupid to make friends with them.

"Fuck! She ran away. I told you to just stop her on the road. You have to block her at the door." A voice sounded outside the door, regretting that his brothers did not listen to him.

Ren Qiaoan's heart was raised that these people hadn't left yet.

"What are you afraid of? She is here. After a few hours, we can climb over the wall and go in." A voice in his arms said: "I have observed that she lives here alone, and everything in the house is very valuable... "

Ren Qiaoan was shocked. Not only did they want to "make friends", but they also wanted to break into a house and rob? !
Seeing that the courtyard wall might not be able to stop these scum, he immediately ran back to the small building.

Fortunately, Wang Siyue has a high awareness of anti-theft, and high-performance anti-theft doors and anti-theft nets are installed in the small building. As long as she locks the doors and windows, these people will not be able to enter the courtyard tonight, but they will not be able to enter the door of the small building.

But Ren Qiaoan knew that there were several potential criminals outside, and she would definitely not be able to sleep tonight. She turned off the lights in the middle of the night, and sat by the window with an iron bar at her feet, leaving a gap in the window, listening to what was going on outside. .

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, there were several strange sounds coming from outside the courtyard wall. Ren Qiaoan turned on the video recording device on his mobile phone, preparing to record the faces of these people, and hand them over to the police as evidence when they call the police tomorrow.

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